Dsiclaimer: I love playing my mesmer and it is my main. I think my few posts in the forum show that. With that in mind, we’ve all seen posts about nerfing mesmers. Eventually, these posters throw out the phrase, “If we could somehow charge it without nerfing” but never give a solution. After playing some of my alts, I’ve come up with an idea for blurred frenzy that I would like to share/have critiqued.
So the skills that I’ve taken inspiration from:
All of these are ripostes but with variations/utility built in.When I use mesmer sword 4, it blocks the next attack but only does riposte damage if I’m within 600 range of the target. 9-tailed strike is a riposte attack that is basically a melee frenzy attack. Counter attack is the most interesting. With the ranger gs4, if you don’t have a target, it acts more like 3 seconds of blocking everything. The counter attack is a knockdown. Finally if you double tap it, it roots you and basically performs blade trail (warrior gs 4).
So, keeping with the active defense of a mesmer but also potentially adding more counter play, what if sword 2 for the mesmer became more like counter attack. Pressing sword 2 would go into a parry stance. If we don’t have a target, it would “blurr” us for 2 seconds and then end. The stance would not root the mesmer. If we have a target and the target hits us during the blur, blurred frenzy (Identical to what we currently have!) would happen. Double tap activation would be a flourish that does a spinning overhand chop spike to 1 enemy. It would maybe root you in place.
My reasons for proposing the idea: As a light armored class in melee, we need the active defense. A-net has been talking about nerfing AOE damage. This makes me a bit worried about Mind Wrack getting nerfed. I’m under the impression that A-net wants mesmer AOE to be relatively low so if the AOE nerf happens, I suspect that MW will get nerfed despite the fact that it is one of our few AOEs. However, this also means that single target damage needs to somehow go up to make it more viable in their idea of balance/choosing which skill to use at the right time. Finally, this would adress the complaints about not enough counter play.
Reason for these specific changes: The new skill gives us a full defensive mode, an offensive defense mode and a big single target spike mode. This would keep the defensive side of the skill just as good as before. (The cooldown would not happen until the skill is completely done. So 2 seconds of immune to damage every 10 seconds traited or up to 2 seconds blurr then 2 seconds blurred frenzy for 4 seconds every 12 seconds traited.) The full 4 seconds would be tricky to pull off since you need both to target the enemy in time and they need to attack you. The longer you wait, the more likely your enemy is to wise up. However, our spike potentially just got worst. An F3, followed by F1 would ensure that the enemy isn’t attacking us so it wouldn’t proc blurred frenzy. Therefore we need an active spike. Since this spike means that we are no longer immune to damage, someone could interrupt our big spike. However, with F3, that someone would probably have to be a team mate or the enemy would have to stun break then interrupt since they would still be held down by swap.