{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


First of all, the reason why this build has the word Change-Up in it is because it can do 2 things very well and you can Change-Up between the two modes with ease. this build was designed to be a hybrid build. It still needs further testing and improvements, but this is basically the blueprint of what the Final Build would be like. When commenting, plz try to forget all my past thread mistakes and post comments that relate to what is happening right now in this thread, not what happened a month ago. Much would be appreciated.


Above is the WvW build


This is the PVP build

This build’s traits are the following:

You might all be wondering why I dont have the Illusionary Persona trait. This is because this build was designed to switch from pure Damage to Condition Damage with ease and perfection. In order to do that, you must not have a trait that disrupts the transition from Damage to Condition Damage or Condtion Damage to Damage.

For example, if I was in Condition mode, and I suddenly wanted to become a Damage Spec during combat, I would do that by starting off with a general shatter. But with the IP trait, that means I get an extra shatter off of me. Now keeping in mind that I was just in Condition Mode and I was trying to keep my distance from my enemies, this would mean that I would have just wasted a perfectly good extra shatter damage. (Since I was far away from my enemies, therefore that extra shatter would have hit no opponents.) for me, Condition mode= More Distance from your foes and Damage= More close range

Now if it were that I went from Damage mode to Condtition mode, I would first start by moving away from my enemies and to clone spam on them. Achieving this requires no shatter at all, therefore the reasons of me having to have IP is less than the reasons for using it during the transition. Plus if I were to have the IP, I would be compelled to spam all my shatters after my iLeap and Blurred Frenzy combo, making me very vunerable and in poor state to achieve a very good transition into the next mode that I prefer. That is why I only went into the 25 in the Illusions trait line for the Illusionist’s Celerity and spent my remaining five points in the Confusing Combatants minor trait. The Confusing Combatants minor trait is much more reliable than Illusionary Persona and is much more needed to constantly be able to wear your enemies out.

This build is very good at damage Spikes and therefore is very useful in 1 vs X situations. If you have a companion with you and you face 3+ enemies, you can definitely go into Condition mode and drag the battle out. Keeping an eye on your enemies and burst spiking a low health foe.

The downside that I dont have the Torch CD trait is made up for the fact that I have the Illusionist’s Celerity for my Decoy Skill. Second reason I even invested my traits in the Illusions line is because then I am able to use Mindwrack and Cry of Confusion more often, allowing me to try to stay in either Damage or Condtion mode as long as possible, without me having to disrupt either of the modes’ usefulness during combat situations. The third reason for having the Illusionists Celerity minor trait is because then I can use iLeap combo every 7 seconds(with the Sword Cd trait) this allows for me to close the gap really quickly against opponents as often as possible, throwing their movements into hysteria.

(edited by themenaceofseventhdimension.2075)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


All right, Let me clear up the purpose of this build in one sentence:
This build is able to become a shatter spec as well as it can become a condition spec

This means it can switch from shatter mesmer to condition mesmer during combat. The best part of this switch mechanism is that the transition is very smooth, so you are able to throw your opponents off very well. You can be as calm as leaf in one second, and the next you are a demon bursting your way through an enemy group. This build allows for you to stay in one weapon set longer than most other builds out there because of the up and down styles of combat which you can enter, making your enemies unclear of your position. If you manage to use both modes of this build to perfection and threw your opponents off on your position, you can easily stay in one weapon set long enough to actually spam two of the same phantasms that are corresponding to that weapon set, so if you did that with the sword/pistol set, you can sure as heck become an iDuelist Phantasm Mesmer as well for a short period of time until your enemy destroys the phantasms.

So this build’s capabilities are the following:

1. Stealth/Condition
2. Shatter Damage
3. Phantasm

Plz keep in mind that all of these three modes can be achieved During Combat. I have rarely been able to use the Phantasm mode of this build because there are very good players out there and they can spot me pretty dang quick. So i usually go for the Shatter Damage and Condition/Stealth mode during combat. The transition between them is so fluid that it is able to Spike damage very frequently and to end the battle really quick in your favor if you choose to.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


hey guyz, plz comment on this build. This is the best build I have made so far in my thread posting experience and I hope you guyz can give light onto anything that should be looked into more.

This is a question i have to ask you for the build:

Should I replace the Crippling Dissipation for the Mental Torment trait??
I feel that i need the Mindwrack damage buff more than I need the cripple to balance the Condition/Stealth mode and Shatter Damage mode to perfection. Plus the condition damage that I need doesnt come from the Crippling Dissipation trait, so I am thinking of replacing that one with the Mindwrack Damage boost. Plz answer this question.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Inoence.6907


Why use a ‘Change-Up’ (=/= hybrid btw) build when retraiting costs 3s50c and is available at major locations?

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


What?? this comment is really confusing me. What you jsut said applies to all other builds out there man. you are basically saying that i should switch traits every time for different situations that I face. Lol. What the heck you talking about???? It dont make no sense at all. This build has the qualities of 2 modes in one trait set man. What do i need to switch traits for and waste a bunch of money? this is probably most funny comment ever. no offense man.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Inoence.6907


Umm okay…. lol
Apparently you can’t take some critique “man”.
“a bunch of money” i lol’d
“all other builds” not really
Btw: how does something you don’t understand applies to other builds?!
Dammit your comment really confuses me and it makes no sense!!!11
“qualities” mkay. Show me.

Whatever. This build’s kinda useless. Just retrait when you want to play power or condition based build, no need to have both in one and making it less effective. I won’teven start to talk about the build itself. 10/25/10/0/25 for a cond build lol.

P.S.: No offense man!

(edited by Inoence.6907)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kryptic.7920


Just out of curiosity – do you know that Crippling Dissipation, Confusing Combatants, and Debilitating Dissipation do not work if you shatter your clones/illusions, only if they are killed by enemies or by you “killing” them by overwriting them.

This is why those traits are almost never taken

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


This build is keenlams clone spammer build. It is a build that should never shatter because all damage comes from clone death.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Umm yeah. It is not his build. I made it myself and turned it into a Shatter Damage
Condition/stealth Hybrid build. I know the crippling disspiation and the idea of Shattering your illusions sounds absurd, but if you actually use it in combat, you are gonna fricking love it. I gurantee you taht much. Thinking about the build all they long is way diffrent than actually trying it. If you guyz so much want to try this build out, I will post my PVP build of it. It is good too.

BTW show me keenlams clone spammer build. I don’t know what the heck that build is. PLz bring me his original build and not some tweeked version of it. So i can see how you guyz think this build is just like that build. I thought of it myself and I swear to God that I dont even know who Keelam is. PLz post the build right away.

Edit: I saw his build, so you dont need to post it up here. HIs build and my build has totally different trait sets, weapon sets, gear, stats, and purpose. I dont know why you thought his build was same as this build. I have stated above, you dont have to have the Crippling Dissipation trait. I am testing the build with Mindwrack to make its Shatter Damage mode more viable. So that is an option that I will later explain after further testing.

(edited by themenaceofseventhdimension.2075)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Inoence.6907


Please, please stop trying so hard making builds!
Just go with the meta and make everyone happy!

I gurantee taht much.

I swear to God that I dont even know who Keelam is.

You must be a great advertiser.

(edited by Inoence.6907)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Umm yeah. It is not his build. I made it myself and turned it into a Shatter Damage
Condition/stealth Hybrid build. I know the crippling disspiation and the idea of Shattering your illusions sounds absurd, but if you actually use it in combat, you are gonna fricking love it. I gurantee you taht much. Thinking about the build all they long is way diffrent than actually trying it. If you guyz so much want to try this build out, I will post my PVP build of it. It is good too.

BTW show me keenlams clone spammer build. I don’t know what the heck that build is. PLz bring me his original build and not some tweeked version of it. So i can see how you guyz think this build is just like that build. I thought of it myself and I swear to God that I dont even know who Keelam is. PLz post the build right away.

All traits are the same. His is an sPvP build its been out for a couple months. And looking at your traits and the gear it seems you are taking some condition damage and some power crit damage. But not really going to be good at either.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kryptic.7920


Sending clones in to shatter and wasting 3 talents in the process does indeed sound absurd. Aside from that, waiting for clones to apply those effects by being killed or over writing them is, in a word, non-functional

e: Or maybe it can work but I don’t think it would be very good

(edited by Kryptic.7920)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


I know you guyz are not a believer. I get that. But just try it out plz. It is worth it. You might think it sucks crap and taht it can’t do Shatter Damage or Condition Damage but you are just not actually trying and are just saying how bad it is only by staring at my traits. I will post the PvP build of it soon. It is viable for tpvp and spvp. PLus you say that my traits and his traits are the same. Umm no sir. the purpose of our builds are totally different so I chose the traits taht fits best with my build. Not only are the purpose and the traits are different from my build than Keelam’s build, our weapon sets, utilities, and gears, and stats are totally different. Plz try to refrain from going around sayin that I copied his build. It doesn’t make any sense. I never even knew him or his build until you guyz mentioned it.

Let me tell you this. there are a bunch of people out there who claim that another person copied their build. But if the purpose and the chosen traits of the build are different, then each of those people are the sole creators of that build that they made. Which is exactly what is happening in this situation. I promise to God that I ddint even know who Keelam was much less his clone spammer build. I thought of using these traits and morphing it into the first ever viable Hybrid Mesmer build. All other builds out there that may have the same trait line as me only choose to go with either power/crit. or Condition. I am the first person to ever go into both modes and to utilize my traits and everything else around it.

Edit: also you are saying that shattering is a bad choice for this build and that it messes up everything. This would be true if I couldnt make anymore clones after my shatter. But since I can, that makes this build double the value. think about it. I think the reason you guyz are worried is that one of the 2 modes will go to more favor than the other, but lets think about this situation.
Lets say I shattered against my opponent, and i created more clones. Now the process in his mind will be that he is finally safe and can kill me as easily as possible. Even with only one clone, that equals 3 sec cripple and 3 stacks of bleed. This build is designed to be fool proof and to balance out both of the modes perfectly. I will put up the PVP build of it soon, and you guyz will see taht this build deserves more credit than it is getting now.

(edited by themenaceofseventhdimension.2075)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


This is my last comment for today. Next time, try a build out before saying it is not viable. Who knows? you might actually enjoy that build. this goes when looking at other builds on other threads as well. I will definitely post the PVP build tomorrow. Just wait patiently and try to give some helpful feedbacks on this build. I bid you good day to you all. Keep on commenting plz!

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


I am the first person to ever go into both modes and to utilize my traits and everything else around it.

You are the first because it is a bad idea. You worry more about build ownership than about having a good build. Fine. I acknowledge that this is your own personal build and that you are the maker/owner of it. Enjoy it cause no one else will use it.

PS : No one cares about the PvP version so just stop self bumping your threads like you have ALWAYS done.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


This is my last comment for today. Next time, try a build out before saying it is not viable. Who knows? you might actually enjoy that build. this goes when looking at other builds on other threads as well. I will definitely post the PVP build tomorrow. Just wait patiently and try to give some helpful feedbacks on this build. I bid you good day to you all. Keep on commenting plz!

I may try the build (wait already done!) And I never shatter shatters are weaksauce in any build that focuses Condi damage except maybe confusion builds. When people refer to “hybrid” mesmer builds they are speaking of a hybrid between phantasm damage and shatter damage mesmer hybrids have nothing to do with combining condition damage and direct damage. You wanna do condis that’s fine have a blast mesmers can do it quite capably. You want direct we can do that to. However and this rings true for most if not all classes trying to hybridize between direct and condition damage doesn’t work because direct damage requires extensive investments in power/prec/crit to be effective. Condition builds require heavy investment in Condi damage and precision mostly to benifit from on crit bonuses (sharper images). Trying to pull yourself between the 2 means that you are losing power n crit when you grab a Condi piece of gear or Condi trait or you are losing out on conditions when you give into power/crit damage.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


1. I have already said a bunch of times about how sorry I am for not handling my past threads from both community very well.
2. I have already tried out all of the builds in both of the community by now.
3. I am not trolling with you and I swear to God that I am not making this build just because of the ownership that I want over it. Reason i made this build is because It Actually works.
4. I will post the PVP build of it soon. I am pretty sure you guyz didnt use the same build that I used for testing.
5. I have already stated above 3 times that you can replace the Crippling Dissipation
with Mental Torment for Mindwrack damage boost(which I prefer)
6. I have been playing the Mesmer and the Necromancer since last year. So I plz hope that you don’t take it as me knowing nothing of the either class.
7. Reason I reply back at some of your comments with harshness is because I only wanted feedback. But what you are giving me now and in my past threads are the same.(Sarcasm) So I dont know why the heck you expect me to be nice to you. You could have just like told me calmly without starting a Sarcasm riot
8. Like I said. If you can PM me in game, I will definitely be glad to fight you in a 1 vs 1 match with this build. Even if I lose, i will be putting an impression in your mind about how you gave less credit to this build than it deserves.

P.S. to Pyroatheist. I am sorry I couldnt fight you yesterday. Had to go somewhere that was very important. Where do you live?? Like the Time zone.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


@menace: I’m glad you’re willing to duel me. However, note that I’ll judge whether or not your build is good when you duel me. Also, I don’t want any of the BS you gave me last night. Either your build and play style is good or it isn’t, there’s no ‘oh my build is good but don’t use these particular builds because my build is really bad against them’. That doesn’t work.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


I think we have necro conspiracy here, to undermine our build creativity potential, funded by notorious thief Zommoros.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


@Pyroatheist: I understand man. I will be happy to duel you regardless
of whether you win or I win.

@Winds: I dont know what you are talking about. explain it more plz if you wish.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Here are my two cents. Try to not take offense because this is not ment in an offensive way.

1. I have already said a bunch of times about how sorry I am for not handling my past threads from both community very well.

The question I have to ask you: Are you handling them better now?
People are not reacting to your old post, they are reacting to how you are handling the situation right now.
You may not realise it, but you come accross as very defensive.
Explain why you have chosen to spec the way you have, when people question the reasoning. Give your reasons without whacking people down when they give you exactly what you asked for.
Some people might agree with your choises and others will not, but that is how it should be. Not all feedback will be postive, not on this forum and not in real life.

Lol. What the heck you talking about???? It dont make no sense at all. This build has the qualities of 2 modes in one trait set man. What do i need to switch traits for and waste a bunch of money? this is probably most funny comment ever.

This is not handling it well.

7. Reason I reply back at some of your comments with harshness is because I only wanted feedback. But what you are giving me now and in my past threads are the same.(Sarcasm) So I dont know why the heck you expect me to be nice to you. You could have just like told me calmly without starting a Sarcasm riot.

Read above again. Exactly who started with the harsh comments?
You could have chosen to explain why. Instead you instantly went for an attack.

See what I am getting at?
When a lot of people react towards you in a way you don’t desire, then maybe it is time to examine your own approach.
Someone once said, that you are not saying what you think you are saying. You are saying what other people hear you are saying. (Or in this case read^^).

If you think you are being positive, but people hear it is as negative, then you can have all the right intentions in the world, it’s just not coming across

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Joonks.7501


@menace: I just think if you took a few more minutes to proofread your posts (BEFORE you post them) and do some quality-control it’d go a long way in helping people get your message. I love the passion, though – can tell you’re excited about this build and the mesmer profession.

As for the build itself, typically with hybrids you end up crippling yourself by trying to combine two different playstyles into a single build and I think there are a lot of those self-imposed limitations in this build particularly. I’m not arguing whether or not you enjoy it, I just think there are more efficient and proven builds out there.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


I’ve once had the idea to go hybrid with my Mesmer as well, and I (very) quickly noticed that it was a bad idea. While you’re in “condition mode” (meaning you use staff), you don’t do enough condition damage to be dangerous for anyone who’s not afk. And while you’re in power mode (using sword/x) you won’t do enough direct damage to be dangerous.

The reason why hybrid works for Necromancers (as demonstrated by Nemesis) is, that they can apply conditions much better and quicker than Mesmers can. Thus, they will still have them ticking while bursting with power. Or like Nemesis said it (iirc)… around 60% of a condition build and 60% of a power build… alone they aren’t worth much (and for a Mesmer, you would just switch between them and always be at 60%), but if you manage to combine them, you’ll maybe not get 120% but at least 100-110%. If you can stick to your rotations, that is. And yeah, it won’t work for Mesmers, but it can work for Necros.

Though there’s one possiblity to go hybrid-ish with a Mesmer, and that’s with stacking Might. Osicat has already demonstrated this (with his Heavy Shattercat 2.0 and also 3.0 if I’m right). He focuses on power, but due to stacking lots of Might, the conditions he applies also tick for some nice additional damage.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Though there’s one possiblity to go hybrid-ish with a Mesmer, and that’s with stacking Might. Osicat has already demonstrated this (with his Heavy Shattercat 2.0 and also 3.0 if I’m right). He focuses on power, but due to stacking lots of Might, the conditions he applies also tick for some nice additional damage.

Yep, I think it’s safe to say he wasn’t trying to make “hybrid” power/condition builds. They were “hybrid” in the sense of combining power with toughness.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Ok guyz. First of all. I would wish that you would all drop my past mistakes. You’ve only got yourselves to blame for the fact taht I am being very defensive right now. You just won’t drop my past mistakes and bring them up as your only source of reason to use against me. It is very lame. It only makes me think that you guyz are acting like hypocrites. It doesn’t help me to understand you point of view at all.

Second of all, this build definitely can do Damage and Condition mode as well. In PVP with the Mental torment trait, I can do around 99 bleed ticks with the corruption sigil and do 1000-1400 mindwrack damage. If that is not good, I dont know what you guyz think is necessary for an awesoem hybrid. If i use the same traits for wvw, I can easily do around 1200- 1500 mindwrack to foes.

third of all. Since i can’t make any videos right now I have asked you to hit me up in game. So plz stop posting comments that says that i have been totally ignorant. IN a sense you guyz are the ones who keep ignoring all of my comments. I beg you to plz cut it out.

Also, Osicat’s build is not hybrid at alll. He doesn’t have weapons for hybrid, not to mention the traits, also his 100 bleed ticks stack up to like 3 and taht’s it. What you are basically saying is any build for any profession can be a hybrid if it can stack lots of mights. I dont know why you even mention his builds in this thread. I respect him but stop comparing him to me plz.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zera.8907


God kitten , he’s here now too? The necro builds he made were terrible and he’s back doing the same thing with the mesmer.

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Trigr.6481


hey guyz, plz comment on this build. This is the best build I have made so far in my thread posting experience and I hope you guyz can give light onto anything that should be looked into more.

This is a question i have to ask you for the build:

Should I replace the Crippling Dissipation for the Mental Torment trait??
I feel that i need the Mindwrack damage buff more than I need the cripple to balance the Condition/Stealth mode and Shatter Damage mode to perfection. Plus the condition damage that I need doesnt come from the Crippling Dissipation trait, so I am thinking of replacing that one with the Mindwrack Damage boost. Plz answer this question.

To be completely honest this is the same number trait wise as my Suicide build, except instead you threw together worse traits in a attempt to make it the jack of all trades as
a shatter and clone death hybrid, which sadly you cannot do. The choice of the celestrial ammy is completely out of place, and. Even muttering the word shatter in this build other with the rare exceptions of diversion and distortion is literally contradicting what your entire build is meant to do when it comes to constant sustain. Just please……..stop.

Furthermore, I’m pretty sure I was one of the first to come up with the idea behind the clone on death build. If you wish to call me out on it I will simply link you the youtube video of mine in which I shared it with the community. So unless you figured out clone on death by December of last year then I rest my case.

On that note, please stop trying to further infect the community further with your false teachings. Thank you


(edited by Trigr.6481)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Plz stop spamming at me. I have had with it. You act like this build is complete fail when it has potential to be great. you also act like I always cause the problem in all my threads. You guyz just won’t stop reminding me about my past mistakes. And you keep telling me that I am posting terrible builds. PLz pray explain to me why all of my builds suck. plz explain. Most of my builds are hybrid. Thats why they seem to look funny, but you have to go over taht wall to see why the heck I even chose the build. Plz Plz stop spamming verbal abuse at me.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Plz stop spamming at me. I have had with it. You act like this build is complete fail when it has potential to be great. you also act like I always cause the problem in all my threads. You guyz just won’t stop reminding me about my past mistakes. And you keep telling me that I am posting terrible builds. PLz pray explain to me why all of my builds suck. plz explain. Most of my builds are hybrid. Thats why they seem to look funny, but you have to go over taht wall to see why the heck I even chose the build. Plz Plz stop spamming verbal abuse at me.

I’ve once had the idea to go hybrid with my Mesmer as well, and I (very) quickly noticed that it was a bad idea. While you’re in “condition mode” (meaning you use staff), you don’t do enough condition damage to be dangerous for anyone who’s not afk. And while you’re in power mode (using sword/x) you won’t do enough direct damage to be dangerous.

Other people already explained it as well. And nobody is verbally abusing you in any way. We’re just telling you our opinions on your build, which you don’t want to accept. We even tell you that we know from experience that it doesn’t work out. We all do. Yet, you keep claiming otherwise. So, how about you back this up? Proof us that we’re wrong and your build actually is that great.

(edited by Saturn.6591)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: djtool.8372


I haven’t been on since I responded in menace’s other thread and its like the forums haven’t changed. All the same topics just rearranged….including this one, in a way.

@all: I’m sure we all appreciate menace’s enthusiasm

@menace 1: thank you for trying to help people and give them something new to try.

@menace 2: there are more constructive and rewarding ways to attract attention to yourself. Maybe just chill on the gw2 science a bit.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Inoence.6907


It is a complete fail. You just don’t get it, hybrid builds might work for necros but this doesn’t apply to mesmers.
You seriously start to annoy me. This isn’t about your past mistakes but about now. Apparently nothing has changed since then either.
Yes the builds are terrible. Stick to the meta or come up with a good idea. Which this isn’t.
They suck because hybrid does not work.
You seem to repeat yourself. We got it, your build is the ‘top 1337 build ever’.
If it is that good, why didn’t anyone else come up with it?!? Other theorycrafters (You can’t even call this theorycrafting) like Pyroatheist, Osicat, Countless, Chaos Archangel, and many more have done a great job coming up with effective new builds. Why didn’t they ‘discover’ this ‘great’ build yet?
We’re spamming verbal abuse at you???

(edited by Moderator)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


3g that he eventually gives up on Mesmer like he eventually did with Necro and switches to Ele since he said earlier somewhere that he used Ele in PvP to get gear faster.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Reesha.7901


I guess Chaos Archangel in his below post is right in some of his points.
I have no idea what mistakes Menace have made in the past and in all honesty I don’t really care. I do however hope he in the future will give his own approach some extra thought.

(edited by Reesha.7901)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Wow guyz. I can’t believe that you are saying that people aren’t blaming me for my past mistakes. Then why the heck do they keep bringing it up?? Look at the early comments and you will see that you guyz seem to keep bringing my awful mistakes up over and over and over again. Now you guyz are saying that you never said such things and are denouncing me all over again. what the heck do you expect me to do. i think the problem is that you guyz feel that I am making awful builds and am ignoring all of you.

I never tried to ignore you people in the first place. It’s just that a lot of the comments here has a TON of resentment against me in them and makes me get all defensive. I try to explain to you why I’m being defensive and somewhat ignorant but you guyz just ignore that one too. Plus haven’t you noticed that most of my builds are a HYBRID. It is supposed to look weird and untrustworthy. Hybrid builds aren’t very well trusted these dayz. thats why I tried my best to make them more viable. All you guyz are doing now is spamming me saying its the worst build ever when the only reason you guyz are spamming me is because it looks very very very decieving. I understand that this build looks funny and weird, but a lot of you just verbally abuse me and your only reason to back it up is the fact that the build sucks(which you guyz havent even tried) and You’re notorius around these parts for your past mistakes

Guess you guyz dont even try to get into my shoes and know what made me this defensive in the first place. My first ever thread was denied by a player who claimed

This build is the worst build
How do you think I felt? That was my first thread and the first comment I get is about people saying that build sucked. Now you guyz are still spamming me over and over again. I dont want any more resentment towards me and no more bad language from this point on in the thread. I only want CALM feedbacks. You guyz are getting more emotional than me now. You can keep going on saying that this build sucks. everyone is entitled to there own opinion. But Do Not bring up my past mistakes and do not say that I am being ignorant. If you do I will personally report you from this point onwards.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Plz Plz stop spamming verbal abuse at me.

Yes, please.. Can this all just stop?

This is one of the lamest threads I’ve seen in our forums, and not because of the OP. You guys have made it plenty clear that you doubt/disapprove of the build, but how many of you can honestly say you’ve given it -as in his exact setup and playstyle- a try?

“I don’t have to, I can just look at it and tell it’s bad.”

It does look questionable, sure, and what has Menace been asking this entire time?

Since i can’t make any videos right now I have asked you to hit me up in game. So plz stop posting comments that says that i have been totally ignorant. IN a sense you guyz are the ones who keep ignoring all of my comments. I beg you to plz cut it out..

And he’s absolutely right.

Honestly Menace, you do have a terrible way with words. Your responses to criticism, from what I’ve seen in the Mes forums, are pretty eccentric. Joonks is right in that you should proof-read your posts and try to picture the person’s response before you start talking out of your neck like how you initially did to Inoence

@Inoence and many others…

But seriously… How dare you? If you don’t like a thread, there’s absolutely no need it bump it with:

“Please, please stop trying so hard making builds! Just go with the meta and make everyone happy!” and then, “Oh gosh, the stupidity is strong in this one /facepalm”

His stupidity is strong for what? Saying that he had no idea about Countless’s build and to give it a shot at least before shooting the build down? And who are you to tell ANYONE to stop making builds, to stop trying to be creative and just be another mindless Mesmer? (Not pointing fingers at you specifically, Inoence, I’m talking in general .. and uh, no offence Meta-Mesmer out there! )

And then Necros jump in to throw more fire to this unnecessary flame-fest, and all the while Menace has just been saying the same kitten thing: To give it a shot, and for someone to meet him in-game.

Not once did he insult anyone, so kitten sure he doesn’t deserve to be bashed like that. No one does.

(@Menace: PM me and we’ll meet in-game to take a look at the build)

Edit: Ninja’d while I was writing that. x.x

(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: keenlam.4753


Umm yeah. It is not his build. I made it myself and turned it into a Shatter Damage
Condition/stealth Hybrid build. I know the crippling disspiation and the idea of Shattering your illusions sounds absurd, but if you actually use it in combat, you are gonna fricking love it. I gurantee you taht much. Thinking about the build all they long is way diffrent than actually trying it. If you guyz so much want to try this build out, I will post my PVP build of it. It is good too.

BTW show me keenlams clone spammer build. I don’t know what the heck that build is. PLz bring me his original build and not some tweeked version of it. So i can see how you guyz think this build is just like that build. I thought of it myself and I swear to God that I dont even know who Keelam is. PLz post the build right away.

Edit: I saw his build, so you dont need to post it up here. HIs build and my build has totally different trait sets, weapon sets, gear, stats, and purpose. I dont know why you thought his build was same as this build. I have stated above, you dont have to have the Crippling Dissipation trait. I am testing the build with Mindwrack to make its Shatter Damage mode more viable. So that is an option that I will later explain after further testing.

Hi there,

Hmm, ok first thing first, his -> her, he -> she, etc.

Glad that you checked out my build.
While your build has similar trait setup to mine, i agree it’s radically different.
I go full condition, while you hybridize with 2 main sources of dmg from both conditions and powercrit shatters.

The issue I have with your build and I’m trying to be constructive here is that you’re trying to marry 2 extremely different, opposite even playstyles into the build which you might/ might not utilize both fully in a fight: 1) shatter your clones & 2) let them die to inflict condition.

Other than that, your build is definitely interesting and i’ll be keen to see if you can make it work.

Peace out.

PS: OP, word of advice, instead of going defensive and get all annoyed by blunt responses from others who doubt your build, while don’t you respond to ‘nice’ response and thus make the thread a bit more positive.

(edited by keenlam.4753)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: djtool.8372


[real talk]

+1 for acting like a grown-up on the net

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Thank you Chaos and Keenlam for trying to reason with me so very well. You guyz are the type of people I look up to. I am glad that you told me your opinion of the whole situation and not join in in all the chaos that is happening around me. I will definitely try to be more calm also and to not get so mad easily by all the verbal spamming. I hope that people will stop abusing me and start to actually hear me out more. But that might just be my wish. I dont know. Anywho, I am gonna bring out the polished version of the WvW build and post my PVP build tomorrow. So sorry that I can’t post it today, but I dont think it is the right time yet.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I dueled menace a good number of times today. I’m uploading the video now, it should be up in a couple hours (hopefully good quality, I’m doing a bit of an experiment with my export settings.)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Terrible thread up to this point. So lets look at the build.

I actually see what you’re trying to accomplish, but I don’t think it’s the best way to do it. I myself run a “hybrid” or balanced build which retains crit damage with high condition duration, and some but not extreme condition damage. I do shatter, but only for a burst at the right time. I have no points in Illusions.

Looking at your build I sympathies with everyone elses concern. You’ve got conditions, yes, but they’re not as good as they could be because of your shatter counterpart. You’ve got shatters, yes, but they’re not as good as they could be because of the trait lines and condition traits you’ve taken. Not taking IP for example means you’re chopping your shatter burst in half. Not taking 30 in Dueling and Duelists Discipline means you’re giving up great DPS and additional bleeds. Those are just a couple examples.

That said, looking at your numbers, and knowing what you’re up to with this build, I’m actually not so skeptical to say it’s a trash build. Here’s a vid of me of controlling two thieves with conditions, then looking for the opportunity to open with a still strong burst.

Here’s some slight changes I might try (though not extensive) to your build.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Thank you for your build Ross. I have looked at it but think that it has too low of a condition for my taste. I love the crit chance but I dont really think it is necessary. Thank you for your hard work though. Thank you.

I have battled Pyro today. I lost all of em. I would love to see a video of me losing so I can improve on what I did wrong. Of course there is the fact that Pyro somehow managed to get the best of me according to build choice every time, But he is a good mesmer. He should get the respect he deserves and more. I thank Pyro for making and posting this vid.

Hey Pyros. I am sorry I sorta lashed out at you today after battle. I was trying to explain to you about something but I got the message that you would totally ignore me so I just got a bit ticked off. I am so sorry and I hope you forgive me.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I have battled Pyro today. I lost all of em. I would love to see a video of me losing so I can improve on what I did wrong. Of course there is the fact that Pyro somehow managed to get the best of me according to build choice every time, But he is a good mesmer. He should get the respect he deserves and more. I thank Pyro for making and posting this vid.

So, generally I don’t like to nitpick, but I’m going to do so here because it highlights one of the main problems that I and others have with your attitude. Even in your attempt to be gracious, you fall flat because of that little detail there that I’ve bolded.

You still believe that I was beating you out of build choice and not out of playing skill and/or experience, and that is given away plainly by your choice of words. You need to learn to take your punches, and sometimes understand that people will be better than you, in addition to builds being better. You even switched to using my own ‘Overpowered Phantasm Build’ a couple times, and I still beat you for a couple reasons, even though you claimed that build was monstrously overpowered (which it sorta is, but that’s besides the point).

People give you criticism, and you are unable to take it. At the beginning of this thread, the first few responses were very civil and constructive. Your responses were not. You responded in highly inflammatory tones and manners, insulting and berating. From that point on, the quality of the posts in this thread, predictably, went on somewhat of a decline. However, there were posts (notably from jportell) that were still constructive, and yet you still replied to them in the same inflammatory manner.

People aren’t judging you based on your past threads, and they weren’t even judging you based on this one. They were giving you valid criticisms of a build that has some rather glaring deficiencies, and you refused to listen and respond in a reasonable manner, and THAT is why this thread has ended up the way it has.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cares Less.9631

Cares Less.9631

Please post the videos Pyro, would be interesting to watch, @ OP, I think you set yourself up for failure from the start in your post, you came across very defensive, that sets you up for criticism from the start, having never read your Necro posts I can only comment on what I read here, I tried a mixed build myself at one stage, I felt weaker than either shatter or condition spec. Appreciate you sharing your build, if you believe in it, enjoy playing it, otherwise back to the drawing board.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281



I guess il try the build out in pvp. Cant do it with the whole gear set though because i dont have any money >_<. Ill edit the post in a bit.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


What Pyro said.

Oh, and also… I totally love (hint: I don’t) how you keep saying that nobody tells you why we think your build won’t work, when it’s obviously not true. I myself did so two times already (and I’m not the only one); go read my posts (especially the first one) again if you’ve missed it.

I’ve already tried to make it work myself, but I quickly noticed that it doesn’t work out in practice (for the reasons I’ve explained in my first post in this topic). And yes, trying it did cost me a nice amount of gold back then, only to notice shortly after that it was a failure.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: dwest.7145


I have never posted a single thing on the forums but I HAD to say how much this all made me laugh, tears streaming down my face laughter. The patience and kindness all of you have shown when faced with such…adversity… is incredibly impressive. Cheers!

PS Thank you Countless and Pyro I steal your builds all the time and enjoy them very much.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


I just tested the build, but i really changed so much it just wasnt the same concept anymore :/.

I changed the mantra for nullfield, but thats jsut personal preference.

I tried rampager, celestial and rabid, but i had the msot succes with rabid.
With rabid the sword really does “no” damage though >_<.

I would say this trait setup is better for going full condi instead of half condi half direct, but i haveonly tested it in pvp so im not sure how it will fare in wvw.

That said, this build is fine, but far from optimal.

I would recommend taking the 5 out of dueling and putting it somewhere else. 3 seconds confusion just isnt enough to be worth it :/.

llusionary persona is good for more than jsut damage, you know. Diversion and Distortion are great defensive moves, and also helps for reviving allies and getting a save stomp if you dont have clones.
It will also apply confusion with the minor trait if you shatter while youre close to people.

I cant comment on the gear tough, as i dont ahve the money to buy yet another set >_<.

http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?fgAQNAsdWlwzyqHTzoGb9IiJF9mvh6B4ldfXJF82FC-jkDBYLCikIBiIAM5BI9RjNBKRVQFRjVVDQbDT7CVDDRFLymxp2UeIayAwsAA-w Just wanted to link this again. This build has full direct damage and retains shatter bursts, but still has 12 perma might and often 25 to get 70+ bleeding ticks. It’s both direct and condition damage, maybe youl’ll like it :o. its only good for wvw though.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

(edited by Alissah.9281)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: leng jai.2961

leng jai.2961

Have to say this is my favourite thread so far.

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Inoence.6907



A few things of this might be true, but

So, generally I don’t like to nitpick, but I’m going to do so here because it highlights one of the main problems that I and others have with your attitude. Even in your attempt to be gracious, you fall flat because of that little detail there that I’ve bolded.

You still believe that I was beating you out of build choice and not out of playing skill and/or experience, and that is given away plainly by your choice of words. You need to learn to take your punches, and sometimes understand that people will be better than you, in addition to builds being better. You even switched to using my own ‘Overpowered Phantasm Build’ a couple times, and I still beat you for a couple reasons, even though you claimed that build was monstrously overpowered (which it sorta is, but that’s besides the point).

People give you criticism, and you are unable to take it. At the beginning of this thread, the first few responses were very civil and constructive. Your responses were not. You responded in highly inflammatory tones and manners, insulting and berating. From that point on, the quality of the posts in this thread, predictably, went on somewhat of a decline. However, there were posts (notably from jportell) that were still constructive, and yet you still replied to them in the same inflammatory manner.

People aren’t judging you based on your past threads, and they weren’t even judging you based on this one. They were giving you valid criticisms of a build that has some rather glaring deficiencies, and you refused to listen and respond in a reasonable manner, and THAT is why this thread has ended up the way it has.


(Apparently I’m not able to properly quote Pyroatheist for some reason.)

{([Build])}: Menacing Change-Up Demon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

@Pyro: Yeah, but the worst he said (in this thread, atleast) was..

What?? this comment is really confusing me. What you jsut said applies to all other builds out there man. you are basically saying that i should switch traits every time for different situations that I face. Lol. What the heck you talking about???? It dont make no sense at all. This build has the qualities of 2 modes in one trait set man. What do i need to switch traits for and waste a bunch of money? this is probably most funny comment ever. no offense man.

Eccentric, like I said, but really not all that bad.

And then after that, he just kept defending himself and saying to try the build out if you haven’t yet before saying how bad it looks. All I’m saying is that if someone doesn’t like his responses then just bounce and let the thread die. No need to return to the thread for no better reason than to spit inflammatory nonsense.