(edited by jportell.2197)
[Build] Protection Master.... Thoughts?
Firstly, you should toss out the runes of the grove for 2x runes of the monk. No reason to have 15% protection duration when you could have 15% boon duration. With that change, you’d come to 60% boon duration (without signet of midnight) and 80% protection duration.
Here are the problems I see.
- Chaos armor = 9s prot on 28s cd.
- Illusionary membrane = 5.4s prot on 15s cd
Those are the only 2 reliable methods you have of applying protection. Prismatic understanding applies 1 random boon per second, a 33% chance of getting protection. Normally this would be fine. However, in the situation where you’re trying to bunker a point, this is not ok. You have to spend extended periods of time stealthed (not holding the point) to gain more protection.
That being said, between illusionary membrane and chaos armor you have roughly 20 seconds of protection out of every 30 seconds. That’s not half bad at all. Unfortunately, you have very limited methods of application. If a shatter mesmer comes by and hits you, you’re out of potentially very long duration protection, which would be very painful.
You also, as you mentioned, lack condition removal. The only condition removal you have in this build is… is… is…
You have 0 condition removal in this build. That’s a problem. If you were able to survive 2 trap rangers and a conditionmancer, they sucked really really badly. You will absolutely wither in the face of any sort of condition burst with your absolutely 0 removal. This build is built around protection, but protection doesn’t help at all. If a necromancer or thief or engie hits you with a long duration poison, suddenly your high healing power is not gonna be doing all that much, and high stacks of bleeding will melt you.
For this build to actually be viable, you need to get a massive amount of condition removal from somewhere simply because so much of its defense is reliant upon protection and healing, both of which are absolutely useless in the face of any half-decent condition burst.
RUnes of monk for runes of water? got it…. And in another match it was a total of 4 condition builds before I went down… I realize that it doesn’t make all that much sense with the PU but the protection uptime was something I was more of what I was seeing I could do… Plus with PU I have a higher chance of getting protection again because of illusionary membrane… However unless I get corrupted or something it is easily a full uptime.
Just checked… pvp rune of monk is same boon duration as water
Edit: Nvm again… saw you said grove not water lol.
Yeah, the protection uptime as a base value isn’t your problem. Prismatic understanding simply boosts it from high to potentially really high. The issue is that your skills applying the protection are applying it for relatively long durations on relatively long cooldowns, especially with illusionary membrane, which just procs continually (PU doesn’t matter, phantasm regen will proc it well enough).
The issue is when you fight someone that removes boons…generally a shatter mesmer or a mesmer with iDisenchanter….or the odd necro, but that’s less of an issue for multiple reasons. They will strip your protection, and you’ll be without your main form of defense for potentially a considerable time. You could pop back into stealth and wait a few seconds hoping to get it back, but then your point is neutralized already.
Again, if you’re managing to actually handle condition classes with this build, you’re just running into the shoddiest lineup of players possible. Most builds have at least a token source of condition removal. This build literally has nothing. You have nothing to reduce durations, nothing to remove, no procs, no combo finishers, NOTHING. If a condition is put on you, it STAYS. All it takes is an engie tossing poison grenades or something and your healing is shot, loading you up with chill will destroy your mobility and cooldowns, and you have no way to reduce the damage from damaging conditions.
Tested it… And even when its stripped… it is easily reapplied… honestly out of an entire match… It was gone for maybe 2-3 min of the match and it got compliments on being the most survivable member of the team
however thinking of taking 10 out of chaos and 5/5 into illusions and insp… to get Confusing cry…. But this is just testing stage… However the high protection uptime is godlike
Yeah, the protection uptime as a base value isn’t your problem. Prismatic understanding simply boosts it from high to potentially really high. The issue is that your skills applying the protection are applying it for relatively long durations on relatively long cooldowns, especially with illusionary membrane, which just procs continually (PU doesn’t matter, phantasm regen will proc it well enough).
The issue is when you fight someone that removes boons…generally a shatter mesmer or a mesmer with iDisenchanter….or the odd necro, but that’s less of an issue for multiple reasons. They will strip your protection, and you’ll be without your main form of defense for potentially a considerable time. You could pop back into stealth and wait a few seconds hoping to get it back, but then your point is neutralized already.
Again, if you’re managing to actually handle condition classes with this build, you’re just running into the shoddiest lineup of players possible. Most builds have at least a token source of condition removal. This build literally has nothing. You have nothing to reduce durations, nothing to remove, no procs, no combo finishers, NOTHING. If a condition is put on you, it STAYS. All it takes is an engie tossing poison grenades or something and your healing is shot, loading you up with chill will destroy your mobility and cooldowns, and you have no way to reduce the damage from damaging conditions.
Faced an engi… Between the regen uptime and the burst ether feast heal… I healed through the poison… which trust me was surprising…. And even if the point gets contested by the other team… 3 of them won’t kill me and anything less than a bunker guard still goes down (esp thieves/glass eles/mesmers.) I do understand the lack of condition removal and am considering how to address it but even with say menders purity I don’t take because its one condition… Not worth the glamour mastery trait… However I may swap out one of the utilities with null field….
Edit: in Pvp rune of the monk is only 10% increase… So in this case rune of the grove is better for higher protection duration.
(edited by jportell.2197)
How about swapping one of your sigils with a sigil of purity or generosity? Can’t tell exactly what your stats are but you obviously have some precision due to the 20 in dueling and although these sigils don’t provide on demand condi removal, they at least provide something.
Also, may wanna consider Mantra of Resolve for condition removal over Signet of Midnight. I know Mantras get a bad rep because they’re hard to charge, but with all those Stealths you shouldn’t have much issue.
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Other than the condition removal build looks good? I can easily swap out SOM for MOR depending on the comp of the other team.
Build looks decent. I would personally get rid of veil and take mender’s purity. Between decoy and the prestige, veil is just a wasted spot on your bar…a VERY long cooldown wasted spot that also happens to eat a major trait.
Build looks decent. I would personally get rid of veil and take mender’s purity. Between decoy and the prestige, veil is just a wasted spot on your bar…a VERY long cooldown wasted spot that also happens to eat a major trait.
What about getting rid of it and taking null field? Still a long Cd but I hate menders purity because it only removes one stinking condition and it usually isn’t the one you need to cleanse ASAP… its usually like vulnerability or weakness, not poision/bleeding/burning -_-
Build looks decent. I would personally get rid of veil and take mender’s purity. Between decoy and the prestige, veil is just a wasted spot on your bar…a VERY long cooldown wasted spot that also happens to eat a major trait.
What about getting rid of it and taking null field? Still a long Cd but I hate menders purity because it only removes one stinking condition and it usually isn’t the one you need to cleanse ASAP… its usually like vulnerability or weakness, not poision/bleeding/burning -_-
You could do that. You could also go for phantasmal disenchanter, which is one of my personal favorites.
Build looks decent. I would personally get rid of veil and take mender’s purity. Between decoy and the prestige, veil is just a wasted spot on your bar…a VERY long cooldown wasted spot that also happens to eat a major trait.
What about getting rid of it and taking null field? Still a long Cd but I hate menders purity because it only removes one stinking condition and it usually isn’t the one you need to cleanse ASAP… its usually like vulnerability or weakness, not poision/bleeding/burning -_-
You could do that. You could also go for phantasmal disenchanter, which is one of my personal favorites.
How does that work with the messed up bounce logic? Haven’t tested this skill sine the bounce mechanic came out but if its anything like WOC, my clones are sure gonna have no conditions on em!
Build looks decent. I would personally get rid of veil and take mender’s purity. Between decoy and the prestige, veil is just a wasted spot on your bar…a VERY long cooldown wasted spot that also happens to eat a major trait.
What about getting rid of it and taking null field? Still a long Cd but I hate menders purity because it only removes one stinking condition and it usually isn’t the one you need to cleanse ASAP… its usually like vulnerability or weakness, not poision/bleeding/burning -_-
You could do that. You could also go for phantasmal disenchanter, which is one of my personal favorites.
How does that work with the messed up bounce logic? Haven’t tested this skill sine the bounce mechanic came out but if its anything like WOC, my clones are sure gonna have no conditions on em!
It appears to bounce a ton of times. It almost always will hit me and itself and maybe another clone. I haven’t done extensive testing with it however.
wiki says it bounces twice (hitting three targets), with preference to allies. I assume it should bounce three times with IE traited but have never tested it.
I understand the wiki… But since ANET bjorked bouncing skills in this last patch to hit what ever is closest to the target no matter what… Im concerned that like mirror blade, the disenchanter or the closest clone is gonna get it.
Changed it up… Used nullfield… Still gets good protection duration because of the combo field. Thanks for the advice hopefully some more people run it!
hm I thought you couldn’t get protection from chaos armor originating from a combo finisher …
hm I thought you couldn’t get protection from chaos armor originating from a combo finisher …
You can if you get the regen from illusionary membrane! Still not as high an uptime as if I ran veil
but the condition removal is really nice.
hm I thought you couldn’t get protection from chaos armor originating from a combo finisher …
You can if you get the regen from illusionary membrane! Still not as high an uptime as if I ran veil
but the condition removal is really nice.
I can’t really see you needing chaos armor to proc illusionary membrane. You have 15 points in inspiration and plenty of phantasms.
hm I thought you couldn’t get protection from chaos armor originating from a combo finisher …
You can if you get the regen from illusionary membrane! Still not as high an uptime as if I ran veil
but the condition removal is really nice.
I can’t really see you needing chaos armor to proc illusionary membrane. You have 15 points in inspiration and plenty of phantasms.
Well a combo field is a combo field right?
Updated the build for pve: In dungeons you are a better supporter than a guardian. Your role is to give ur entire party 40+seconds of protection/aegis/regen. I have been able to solo a few dungeon bosses after my party unfortunately wiped…. sometimes no matter how hard you try getting em up. It just don’t work… Having said that with this you will be the toughest person in your party and the boon support that out shines every class. Signet of inspiration is key here.
(edited by jportell.2197)
^Nice, that’s a crazy amount of protection.
I’m running something pretty similar in stats, and it struck me as interesting how with a few small changes (traited blink instead of SoI, different gear/runes/sigils, 25 duelling and 10 inspiration – I, IV or VI) you can end up with a very different style of play.
I will try this build seems fun, i hope you can update it in the first post and put a link to it.
I will try this build seems fun, i hope you can update it in the first post and put a link to it.
Updated first post with links to pvp/pve mode builds.
You can swap grove for monk runes. monk 2-set is 15% boon duration.
You can swap grove for monk runes. monk 2-set is 15% boon duration.
Of this I am aware. But I do not feel like running AC to get them
Well i used this in spvp and it was very good at first when people dont expect a bunker mesmer, i was tanking like 3 people and they dont even knowing what was going on in there, sadly the build weakness its condition damage, low damage output and its too dependant on stealth and chaos armor, if you find yourself with any of those you are as well dead.
But it is pretty fun i have to say, you dont expect to survive a lot with a mesmer and this build does that well, you can stand in a point and hold it tanking a bit, then if someones joins (someone good) then the enemy its not going to take the point unless they are very good players.
I came back to the usual phantasm build with a few personal tweaks and i like it more than bunkering, it is fun but reling in someone else to kill its too painful to me, not saying the build its bad, just its not my style, there are other bunkers that do a lot more damage and have better sustain like the engineers, even if you put berserker amulet the damage is istill bad, and using torch for the stealth gimps you a lot from usefull skills, and staff its not a very good source of damage.
When I use the torch I couple the tail end of prestige with a shatter/blurred and it procs a nice amount of burning on them. Then if I keep staff clones up its hard for anything short of a bunker ele to out heal the damage (this is with zerker ammy+superior sigil of bloodlust.)
Yeah the usual phantasm build does out shine most others Mesmer builds as far as damage. But not necessarily survivability. This build has found a good niche on my team. I am always paired with our mid point holder and since the fight for mid on most maps is pretty big. The shining point here is that if the main bunker goes down I can get em back up pretty quick. If I can’t due to massive AOE or haste stomps or MI just being off cooldown. This build shifts to a bunker in the sense that people will still try to kill me on that mid point while my team out numbers them else where.
In general people equate Mesmer with GC. So when they try bringing me down they get hard core tunnel vision and sure they may have that point. But they lost all others.
A lot of people don’t like the idea of that kind of bunker because it doesn’t actually hold the point… And that’s fine by me I never stick around to fight someone 1v1 I only do out manned/team fights and in that sense it works amazingly well… And some of the best matches have been where I did not score a single point but instead had 3 people trying to kill me at one point the whole match and not figure out why they were losing.
With the new update to prismatic understanding (OH MY GOD IF ITS TRUE!?!) This build is going to be more resembling of Palu’s wvw condition build. The main difference is still going to be inside the rune set and food. Also for pve I am switching all my gear to apothecary for the extra healing power. So here is an update for what I may be doing if this patch comes through as it has been leaked.
What we are looking at for builds like this are things like mass invis: Six seconds of constantly proccing regen/aegis/protection. Couple that with a very high boon uptime and an even higher protection uptime (pve 110%) This will now take the cake for Mesmer bunker builds. Also now that it should proc for every second you are in stealth this is going to equal to less time in stealth. So here is what I am looking at for adjusting the build in the new patch.
If possible I want to try and get my hands on settlers armor/etc. But we will see how this goes when the patch goes live. Because of the new bonuses to PU I may drop veil all together. But the build is still very solid.
Hey man,
I just wanna say thanks for sharing. Definitely learned something after reading this.. I always wondered if we could extend our protection time, and never imagined it could get this good. I really underestimated Prismatic Understanding.
I’ve been really scared to get my hopes up about this patch, but if its true then lots of greatness is coming to both of our builds.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Hey thanks. I have to say your attitude about your build (being the ultimate support provider) coupled with pyro’s immortal build is what brought the idea for this about. I was more so frustrated that in PvP it seemed like other classes just out did us when it came to acquiring and maintaining meaningful boons. (Protection is (one of) the strongest defensive boons in the game. Having this new PU change is going to be epic. If it is true…. I hope they don’t revert it back.
Take this in wvw… slap on some lemon grass poultry food buff.
Would it actually be possible to die?
Take this in wvw… slap on some lemon grass poultry food buff.
Would it actually be possible to die?
It’d be pretty tough. There have been some zerg battles (Db/jq/bg) you know the ones where ur not sure who is who and spend 5 min wondering if the skill lag will ever stop that the build actually made it out alright. The only spec that is troublesome is a S/d thief. But in larger battles ur only gonna be able to help a few people around you out. It is funny however to run around inside stonemist with 10+ people chasing you and getting nowhere
I’ve tried something similar to this (mostly by accident and being naturally fond of the Chaos line) and I’ve found it works even better in WvW because you’re not artificially hampering your stealth for point-capping. I had Lyssa runes on, which weren’t ideal for jportell’s setup (they’re my ‘default’ rune set because of the condi wipe on MI) but it was interesting to get ~10 seconds of Prot from MI, another ~7 – 10 seconds from Chaos Armor/Storm and then more from Decoy and Mirror, by which time MI would be coming off CD again.
I think if you wanted to give yourself teeth condi damage would be the way to go (25 point minor in Chaos plus Staff CDR), I had a shatter spec on and it was a little rough around the edges since I had to give up either DE or IP to get that deep into Chaos.
With the new buff to PU coming in (i hope) I am taking the 15 out of insp. and putting it into illusions. With that trait wise it is going to be very close to Palu’s WvW confusionless condi damage build however the new PU buff is going to allow EVEN MOOOOAAAAARRR protection proccing. So i forsee a very bright future in this very hard to kill build.
Edit: And once you learn to live with out IP. You actually do pretty well… Currently I am of the belief that while IP is an amazing trait. Some mesmers that see a shatter build are going to use it as a crutch claiming that they can’t live with out it. We will be AOK if we don’t use it. And even more amazing if we use our defensive line.
So we are all bummed about the illusionist celerity nerf right? Righttttt…. Mesmers are sooo screwed now we have noo viable builds.
Blurred frenzy that was a stupid shot too. We are sooo done now… ohhh nooo… Well do I have some news for you guys!!!! The protection master build has been updated! And it is even better thanks to the Prismatic understanding buff!
New build:
Traits: 0/20/30/20/0
Dueling: Desperate Decoy/Deceptive Evasion
Chaos: Debilitating dissipation (or Illusion of defense), Chaotic dampening, and PRISMATIC UNDERSTANDING!
Inspiration: Glamour Mastery and. Restorative Mantras!
Shamans or Cleric Ammy depending on which way you wanna go.
Staff and Scepter/Torch
Staff cuz DUH!
Scepter because torment is actually nice
Torch cuz BOONS!!!!!
Skills Mantra Of Recovery, Decoy, Veil, Mantra of Resolve
With the new buff to PU. This build is a million times more tanky with much longer protection duration than before deleting the need for any signet which gives better condi removal.
runes are still all the same and it is an ungodly uptime now. 45+ seconds.
The only real weakness here is an s/d thief. Even with Tons of evasion… You normally can’t out dodge their stupid LS… But that is a glaring design flaw and hopefully will be adjusted
(edited by jportell.2197)
Nice, there’s at least one build that got a nice buff with the new patch. I see you went more heavy with condition damage – assuming due to torment?
Nice, there’s at least one build that got a nice buff with the new patch. I see you went more heavy with condition damage – assuming due to torment?
yeah it does pretty good… Right now the only thing that gives me a real problem are s/d thieves… Hgh engis are still OP no matter what. In reality no matter how much condi removal I pack the might from them is just a little too much… But hopefully our community gets some might stacking builds running here soon.
PU is really the dogs kittens (lol) now. Shame we have 8s longer to wait on Decoy, but I can live with that.
I shifted the 5 points from illusions into duelling for a more offensive/attack focused build, so 0/30/30/10/0, seeing as the only phantasms are iMage and iWarlock, with the former on a horribly long cooldown, so not to keen on phantasmal healing. But I can see the merit of restorative mantras.
PU is really the dogs kittens (lol) now. Shame we have 8s longer to wait on Decoy, but I can live with that.
I shifted the 5 points from illusions into duelling for a more offensive/attack focused build, so 0/30/30/10/0, seeing as the only phantasms are iMage and iWarlock, with the former on a horribly long cooldown, so not to keen on phantasmal healing. But I can see the merit of restorative mantras.
Well before the update it was 0/20/30/15/5 for the CD on decoy etc. But with the buff I don’t need iCelerity anymore. One Decoy can give you about 20-25s stealth depending on what pulses. Now with restorative mantras (or malicious sorcery if you want to go for more condi damage) and the new torment yes torment is good its funny because of what it punishes lol….
One Decoy can give you about 20-25s stealth depending on what pulses.
I’m assuming this is a typo, and you meant protection?
I am experimenting with 0/25/30/15/0 illusion death condition spammer.
You can dodge-pop clones while in stealth and it doesn’t break it.
EDIT: So the build performed well enough. But I feel like 0/20/30/20/0 for the +200 on scepter is better than the confusion on clone death.
(edited by Korusef.3714)
@Korusef: would you like to check out and comment on my build since it works on illusion death condition as well. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/condition-build-The-Clone-Spammer/first#post2306009
One Decoy can give you about 20-25s stealth depending on what pulses.
I’m assuming this is a typo, and you meant protection?
yes sorry lol it is a typo. My bad… Anyways with the new condi spam necro… IDK… Not even AH guardians can keep up with this new necro. I think anet over did it.
So we are all bummed about the illusionist celerity nerf right? Righttttt…. Mesmers are sooo screwed now we have noo viable builds.
Blurred frenzy that was a stupid shot too. We are sooo done now… ohhh nooo… Well do I have some news for you guys!!!! The protection master build has been updated! And it is even better thanks to the Prismatic understanding buff!
New build:
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fgAQNAW7fl4zKqHWTkGb9IipHBHyBcnUwcOXJFz2FC-TsAg2CrI2RBkDIzOyusdNaY1w+DATraits: 0/20/30/20/0
Dueling: Desperate Decoy/Deceptive Evasion
Chaos: Debilitating dissipation (or Illusion of defense), Chaotic dampening, and PRISMATIC UNDERSTANDING!
Inspiration: Glamour Mastery and. Restorative Mantras!Shamans or Cleric Ammy depending on which way you wanna go.
Staff and Scepter/Torch
Staff cuz DUH!
Scepter because torment is actually nice![]()
Torch cuz BOONS!!!!!
Skills Mantra Of Recovery, Decoy, Veil, Mantra of ResolveWith the new buff to PU. This build is a million times more tanky with much longer protection duration than before deleting the need for any signet which gives better condi removal.
runes are still all the same and it is an ungodly uptime now. 45+ seconds.
The only real weakness here is an s/d thief. Even with Tons of evasion… You normally can’t out dodge their stupid LS… But that is a glaring design flaw and hopefully will be adjusted
Would this be the equivalent updated post 6/25 patch non-Ascended PVE build? (if Grove were swapped for Monk)
I finally got around to giving PU a test run today but for only less than an hour. I’m curious if you’re pre-loading your buffs (spamming your invis’s before engagements). I gave it a shot but couldn’t play long enough before leaving for the weekend to evaluate.
I finally got around to giving PU a test run today but for only less than an hour. I’m curious if you’re pre-loading your buffs (spamming your invis’s before engagements). I gave it a shot but couldn’t play long enough before leaving for the weekend to evaluate.
I do sometimes in pve you can just spam it to keep em up permanently in wvw/pvp you wanna save em some what because you never know when you will actually need them. So if you are fighting a guard on a point you can out condition damage him with the staff and disenchanter. If you are fighting a necro engi combo you need the invis’s to peel because not only will you lose the point you will also die giving them extra points.
So we are all bummed about the illusionist celerity nerf right? Righttttt…. Mesmers are sooo screwed now we have noo viable builds.
Blurred frenzy that was a stupid shot too. We are sooo done now… ohhh nooo… Well do I have some news for you guys!!!! The protection master build has been updated! And it is even better thanks to the Prismatic understanding buff!
New build:
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fgAQNAW7fl4zKqHWTkGb9IipHBHyBcnUwcOXJFz2FC-TsAg2CrI2RBkDIzOyusdNaY1w+DATraits: 0/20/30/20/0
Dueling: Desperate Decoy/Deceptive Evasion
Chaos: Debilitating dissipation (or Illusion of defense), Chaotic dampening, and PRISMATIC UNDERSTANDING!
Inspiration: Glamour Mastery and. Restorative Mantras!Shamans or Cleric Ammy depending on which way you wanna go.
Staff and Scepter/Torch
Staff cuz DUH!
Scepter because torment is actually nice![]()
Torch cuz BOONS!!!!!
Skills Mantra Of Recovery, Decoy, Veil, Mantra of ResolveWith the new buff to PU. This build is a million times more tanky with much longer protection duration than before deleting the need for any signet which gives better condi removal.
runes are still all the same and it is an ungodly uptime now. 45+ seconds.
The only real weakness here is an s/d thief. Even with Tons of evasion… You normally can’t out dodge their stupid LS… But that is a glaring design flaw and hopefully will be adjusted
Would this be the equivalent updated post 6/25 patch non-Ascended PVE build? (if Grove were swapped for Monk)
Yeah that would be perfect for things like dungeons. Restorative mantras is amazing in dungeons. You do almost no damage but no one complains about it because you will be the first person they have ran with that out boon supports a guard.
Build updated to include the more recent mesmer changes such as the icelerity nerf and the torment buff to scepter. There are also a few other posters putting up perma protection builds that focus more on condi damage. If you want nothing but strait support and unkillable-ness. This is your gig.
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