(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
So this was the answer I gave to the question, how do you make a viable interrupt condition roamer. I’d had some trouble in the past of making something I felt was truly strong. When I saw Jenzie’s query something clicked and I came out with this.
The build is surprisingly strong across all the right areas. Mesmer Interrupt game-play synergizes best with power builds but this does as good a job. Unlike other Mesmer Condition builds it’s incredibly mobile. The amount of interrupts is key to controlling a fight. The damage is strong. I did feel the pressure of a 2v1 with the standard setup, but a swap off the signit to Decoy would alleviate this greatly without impacting the damage negatively (the interrupt might stacking would cover any gap).
I played around between manipulation traits and phantasmal fury. I never bothered with debilitating dissipation. I preferred the high mobility over the condi stacks and cc, and it worked well. However much could be gained depending on what way you went.
For healing Ether Fest was great vs power builds, but MoD was superior vs condition enemies. It’s a hard choice and probably just worth swapping on the fly as your needs arise. I haven’t played the build extensively. It takes some use getting used to a single mainhand weapon between swaps and it shows in the vid. With a bit more practice I could become far more deadly than I already was. The build was a lot of fun regardless. Well worth a try, and probably not outside most peoples gear to put together.
Finally, being an interrupt build you’re going to have to watch out for stability. There’s no boon stripping ability in this build (which a solid interrupt build can easily trait for), so just keep in mind that you’re mobile. Kite and outrun/last the enemies stability if you need to. That way you regain the control of so many interrupts.
(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
I’m not sure where your might stacks are going to come from reliably in this build, vs AI that’s highly predictable i can understand but against other players I don’t see where you’re going to get high pressure.
Looks like a mostly WvW build but apparently it works well enough.
Only thing i would alter right off the bat is your sigil for swiftness, maybe a Sigil of battle or Strength would fair better as you’ve already got a focus and blink for getting around.
I’m not sure where your might stacks are going to come from reliably in this build, vs AI that’s highly predictable i can understand but against other players I don’t see where you’re going to get high pressure.
Pistol 5, Curtain, MoD x2, S.Domination, Diversion
If you’re a good interrupt Mesmer, you should have at LEAST 10 stacks of might during the entire fight. I usually keep a consistent 10 if it’s 1v1. During crowded team fights where I get random AOE interrupts from pets, even more.
(edited by MailMail.6534)
I’m not sure where your might stacks are going to come from reliably in this build, vs AI that’s highly predictable i can understand but against other players I don’t see where you’re going to get high pressure.
Pistol 5, Curtain, MoD x2, S.Domination, Diversion
If you’re a good interrupt Mesmer, you should have at LEAST 10 stacks of might during the entire fight. I usually keep a consistent 10 if it’s 1v1. During crowded team fights where I get random AOE interrupts from pets, even more.
Also vids up.
This is interesting – I’ve been trying to make a condition build using focus but wanting another offhand and ranged mainhand – never thought of using scepter twice and traiting it!
Will watch video when I’m at my machine.
I played the similar concept with a fairly similar build in sPvP quite a bit lately, both with CI and PU, but I didn’t really like it all that much TBH. Although certainly in sPvP you’re far more limited as compared to your build, the main weakness remains, which as you mentioned is Stability and not being able to get rip it off.
Furthermore, I have to ask why you think going that extra tier into Inspiration is worth it over Harmonious Mantras for 3x AoE Daze, and then using MoR for 6x Condie removal.
Also, why not go Sw/Fo & Scp/P? I just can not imagine how having the same MH is ever really viable in any build, and especially in this case MH Sword would get you boon-ripping Clones (better then no ripping at all), BF for defense, and iLeap isn’t half bad either. All better then waiting on CDs or spamming still rather crappy Scepter Clones. I realize you’re wanting to maximize on Scepter #2, but I still don’t think it’s worth it IMO.
Just my 2 cents.
I played the similar concept with a fairly similar build in sPvP quite a bit lately, both with CI and PU, but I didn’t really like it all that much TBH. Although certainly in sPvP you’re far more limited as compared to your build, the main weakness remains, which as you mentioned is Stability and not being able to get rip it off.
Furthermore, I have to ask why you think going that extra tier into Inspiration is worth it over Harmonious Mantras for 3x AoE Daze, and then using MoR for 6x Condie removal.
Also, why not go Sw/Fo & Scp/P? I just can not imagine how having the same MH is ever really viable in any build, and especially in this case MH Sword would get you boon-ripping Clones (better then no ripping at all), BF for defense, and iLeap isn’t half bad either. All better then waiting on CDs or spamming still rather crappy Scepter Clones. I realize you’re wanting to maximize on Scepter #2, but I still don’t think it’s worth it IMO.
Just my 2 cents.
The ideal part of taking sword with the focus is to hold the target in the iWarden’s whirl for longer, which is legit. You already touched on what you’re giving up, but it’s not insignificant. You maintain your condition damage by keeping scepter on hand, keep those scepter 2 torment blocks coming thick and fast, and have 100% scepter clone uptime (aswell as your own AA’s). Maintaining that torment and procing that confusion interrupt from perplexity stresses any condition removal the target might have to the point that stacking cover conditions is unnecessary. It’s actually quite liberating.
But it’s really user preference. Personally I love sword 2 imobing in an iWarden. I do it all the time. But I can’t deny the power associated with duel scepter. It’s solid here.
Would rather use staff instead of sc/f cause it offers more defense and mobility,and have access to alot of conds and Iwarlok would hit alot with your condi spam,also,you have one manipulation skill,and yet you think it is better reduce it cd by 6s instead of having DD for extra condi pressure,I would like to know why.
Would rather use staff instead of sc/f cause it offers more defense and mobility,and have access to alot of conds and Iwarlok would hit alot with your condi spam,also,you have one manipulation skill,and yet you think it is better reduce it cd by 6s instead of having DD for extra condi pressure,I would like to know why.
Simple. Mobility is king, and by mobility I don’t mean staff 2 evasiveness. I mean the other aspect of mobility which I coined as the term Landspeed. The ability of any class to cover a great distance in a straight line (more or less), for the purpose of gap opening, and gap closing. Warrior landspeed is unmatched and the cause of intense Ire within the WvW meta. Why? Because the ability to enter and leave fights at will is the ultimate control. If you have the most mobility/aka-landspeed you decide when and where every engagement takes place. You set the pace. You determine when it starts and when it stops.
So it raises the question, is two adapt traits worth buffing a single utilty skill? Adding an extra 300 units to range, and reducing six seconds off its use? When its for the sake of mobility/landspeed, I say yes. That’s not to discredit the power of alternate choices, but those alternate choices in no way diminish the sheer strength of the mobility option.
Just as a side, a 1200 range blink will allow a mesmer feats of portaling to locations that just aren’t possible with a 900 range blink. Having your blink available every 24 seconds as opposed to 30 seconds is also the difference between life and death.
Mobility is King
This seems pretty neat. I never considered going scepter only, but it looks cool. I’ve been trying some things out based on this. I realized that by going full scepter you could alleviate some weaknesses of the old PU condi and the nerfs while still doing most of what you have in the vid, minus the might stacks.
Here is what I’m experimenting with: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQRArf7dl0npMttpxRNcrNitxY6L6oiTWTOlMghB-T1BNABAofY09HeR5nnnEA3U/5znAgOKBJFAMzBA-w
You could run signet of Dom instead of AT, or put whatever you want there really. The only question is the price of the runes. If it works I’d say it’s worth it though to have a strong condi PU build again.
Obviously you give up duelist, so I need to test it more to see if it really has enough pressure, but in theory focusing on the scepter and torment should even out the nerf to DD. Let me know what you think.
Cool build
One possibility is that you put in Arcane Thievery in place of the signet. This gives you more benefit from the manipulation traits, gives you a boon strip, and maybe lets you use ether feast all the time as your heal since it gives you another condi removal.
Thx for sharing!
Doh – I should have read MSFone’s post first. Looks like I’m not the only one to think of using AT…
This seems pretty neat. I never considered going scepter only, but it looks cool. I’ve been trying some things out based on this. I realized that by going full scepter you could alleviate some weaknesses of the old PU condi and the nerfs while still doing most of what you have in the vid, minus the might stacks.
Here is what I’m experimenting with: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQRArf7dl0npMttpxRNcrNitxY6L6oiTWTOlMghB-T1BNABAofY09HeR5nnnEA3U/5znAgOKBJFAMzBA-w
You could run signet of Dom instead of AT, or put whatever you want there really. The only question is the price of the runes. If it works I’d say it’s worth it though to have a strong condi PU build again.
Obviously you give up duelist, so I need to test it more to see if it really has enough pressure, but in theory focusing on the scepter and torment should even out the nerf to DD. Let me know what you think.
It’s a nice varient. I’m a big AT fan. I was running it for a year or more solid. It’s probably in almost all of my vids. I’ve moved away from it as of late just because there are other things I’ve wanted to use. However I do recognise that it’d provide both a condi cleanse and a boon strip, which is helpful given the stability weakness of the build.
That said, I had to wonder if rubes of torment are stronger than perplexity. 2 additional stacks of torment every 20s on heal vs the 25% chance for 3 and the 5 on interrupt every 15s, what’s going to proc the most damage? Confusion can be an unreliable condition, but a burst of it catching a target by surprise can down them quickly. Thieves, eles, guardians, even mesmers or anyone with a low HP are susceptible to perplexity runes. It also synergises better with the interrupt aspect of the build.
I’d miss the might on interrupt, but you can get by without it. Really though I’m not thrilled with the change in sigils. It is a straight up option, but there are sigils you can get more out of than straight up damage and duration. Tormenting sigil for higher overall torment stacks, doom to counter a heal signit warrior, or to flat out catch out a heal. Sigil of corruption for stacks.
The only other thing I’m unsure of, like you, was the torch. You get the stealth, the burn, and a bit more confusion stacking from iMage. But untraited you don’t get the condi cleanse or the reduced CD which, when reduced, the cd synergises really well with weapon swaps and rotations. I love torch. My legendary is torch. But untraited I’m not sure it’s worth it. Pistol isnt just the additional bleeds pressure, it’s also an interrupt (2s stun no less). Without signit of dom you’re two sources down. In fact I just realized you’d dropped MoD off the bar which has removed the entire interrupt part of the condi build off the build :p
Here’s my question to you. You were going for an alternative to the traditional PU build focusing on dropping the staff (and the weaknesses) and running the sole scepter approach. But why even take PU? Do you need it? What for? Can you create a build that’ll allow you to live without it? I left PU a long time ago now and not because it’s not a good trait. When I did I was trying to come up with builds that I could live without it. So think about it this way, why would I need PU’s survival if instead I could simply interrupt any burst my opponent might throw at me? Interrupts become protection and immunity in themselves, while also becoming damage. PU can’t become damage. So which makes me stronger?
A stun, a daze, an interrupted skill, an imob from CI, all these things equate to seconds of lockdown for the enemy. Those seconds are actually transferable to seconds spent in stealth. That’s another thing to think about. In effect we’re buying seconds between our skills spent and their becoming available again. This is felt most in our heal skills.
Think about it.
I’ve just been using this for a good year now: http://tinyurl.com/o7by6av
Nothing special and not particularly original, but probably the most viable condition interrupt build I’ve used for small group roaming.
This seems pretty neat. I never considered going scepter only, but it looks cool. I’ve been trying some things out based on this. I realized that by going full scepter you could alleviate some weaknesses of the old PU condi and the nerfs while still doing most of what you have in the vid, minus the might stacks.
Here is what I’m experimenting with: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQRArf7dl0npMttpxRNcrNitxY6L6oiTWTOlMghB-T1BNABAofY09HeR5nnnEA3U/5znAgOKBJFAMzBA-w
You could run signet of Dom instead of AT, or put whatever you want there really. The only question is the price of the runes. If it works I’d say it’s worth it though to have a strong condi PU build again.
Obviously you give up duelist, so I need to test it more to see if it really has enough pressure, but in theory focusing on the scepter and torment should even out the nerf to DD. Let me know what you think.
It’s a nice varient. I’m a big AT fan. I was running it for a year or more solid. It’s probably in almost all of my vids. I’ve moved away from it as of late just because there are other things I’ve wanted to use. However I do recognise that it’d provide both a condi cleanse and a boon strip, which is helpful given the stability weakness of the build.
That said, I had to wonder if rubes of torment are stronger than perplexity. 2 additional stacks of torment every 20s on heal vs the 25% chance for 3 and the 5 on interrupt every 15s, what’s going to proc the most damage? Confusion can be an unreliable condition, but a burst of it catching a target by surprise can down them quickly. Thieves, eles, guardians, even mesmers or anyone with a low HP are susceptible to perplexity runes. It also synergises better with the interrupt aspect of the build.
I’d miss the might on interrupt, but you can get by without it. Really though I’m not thrilled with the change in sigils. It is a straight up option, but there are sigils you can get more out of than straight up damage and duration. Tormenting sigil for higher overall torment stacks, doom to counter a heal signit warrior, or to flat out catch out a heal. Sigil of corruption for stacks.
The only other thing I’m unsure of, like you, was the torch. You get the stealth, the burn, and a bit more confusion stacking from iMage. But untraited you don’t get the condi cleanse or the reduced CD which, when reduced, the cd synergises really well with weapon swaps and rotations. I love torch. My legendary is torch. But untraited I’m not sure it’s worth it. Pistol isnt just the additional bleeds pressure, it’s also an interrupt (2s stun no less). Without signit of dom you’re two sources down. In fact I just realized you’d dropped MoD off the bar which has removed the entire interrupt part of the condi build off the build :p
Here’s my question to you. You were going for an alternative to the traditional PU build focusing on dropping the staff (and the weaknesses) and running the sole scepter approach. But why even take PU? Do you need it? What for? Can you create a build that’ll allow you to live without it? I left PU a long time ago now and not because it’s not a good trait. When I did I was trying to come up with builds that I could live without it. So think about it this way, why would I need PU’s survival if instead I could simply interrupt any burst my opponent might throw at me? Interrupts become protection and immunity in themselves, while also becoming damage. PU can’t become damage. So which makes me stronger?
A stun, a daze, an interrupted skill, an imob from CI, all these things equate to seconds of lockdown for the enemy. Those seconds are actually transferable to seconds spent in stealth. That’s another thing to think about. In effect we’re buying seconds between our skills spent and their becoming available again. This is felt most in our heal skills.
Think about it.
I run CI all the time, but the nice thing about PU is the ability for 1vX. Playing interrupt I think outnumbered fights your best bet is to burst someone down, which as you say lends itself to a power based build. I know you can condi “burst” and we all call it “burst,” but it’s not quite the same. So when I play CI it’s in a power build. I just see condition as attrition, not burst, so I think it lends itself to PU type play.
So to answer your question about what does PU get you that interrupts don’t: PU gets you kitten d by your target’s buddy less often than CI does in a build without power burst imo.
What intrigued me about your build was making something trying to really exploit the new scepter to it’s maximum. So maybe the same idea can work in a PU build. The torment runes are just a huge buff to scepter dmg, so it makes sense.
Well in that case I can envisage the power behind this. Three scepter clones, kite, hide in stealth then burst scepter 2 + heal for a large torment stack (id still take a torment sigil). I’d even take mantra heal so that I can auto cast the heal the moment the scepter 2 riposte goes through. At this point we’re talking the most effective torment build.
Well in that case I can envisage the power behind this. Three scepter clones, kite, hide in stealth then burst scepter 2 + heal for a large torment stack (id still take a torment sigil). I’d even take mantra heal so that I can auto cast the heal the moment the scepter 2 riposte goes through. At this point we’re talking the most effective torment build.
You are right about torment sigils, torment and doom is probably best like you said. This build wouldn’t work pre patch obvs, and we all know now that MtD is not…good. So really we still don’t have a successor to blackwater post nerf.
You could go staff with IE, but then you’re lacking condi clear and mobility. The whole reason I hated running PU condi in wvw was the lack of mobility, you just slow run around, it’s stupid. I ran hybrid some, and that worked/works fine, but I really like condi builds.
I think what you did here with scepter+focus/pistol (or torch for PU version) could be the best bet at a new condi roamer that has the survivability and potency of the old condi PU builds, but also with mobility and major condi clear. The only question is whether or not it has the power to put someone down relying on scepter and DD alone.
It’s hard to test without the runes, because the duration buff is pretty huge, but for now I’m going with just undead runes. Really though I just need to plop down the gold for the torment runes now :-/
I’ve just been using this for a good year now: http://tinyurl.com/o7by6av
Nothing special and not particularly original, but probably the most viable condition interrupt build I’ve used for small group roaming.
That build is exactly what I told him,which he said mobility is a king,which I dont really sure how 6s lower cd gonna help it.I would rather take far reach manipulation instead of the fury on phantasms.Cause blink von awesome.
I’ve just been using this for a good year now: http://tinyurl.com/o7by6av
Nothing special and not particularly original, but probably the most viable condition interrupt build I’ve used for small group roaming.
That build is exactly what I told him,which he said mobility is a king,which I dont really sure how 6s lower cd gonna help it.I would rather take far reach manipulation instead of the fury on phantasms.Cause blink von awesome.
Mobility certainly is king, but people just go about achieving it in different ways depending on what other skills they are using. For me, I personally find that Phase Retreat + Blink is usually enough to put enough distance between myself and a target (or for chasing). I find Phantasmal Fury is very helpful for getting a full 8 bleeds from a Duellist’s unload, and Debiliating Dissipation is still strong additional dps.
However, if I wasn’t using Staff in my condition interrupt build, I would consider using a fully traited Blink as I can certainly see how that would help in the absence of a staff.
I’ve just been using this for a good year now: http://tinyurl.com/o7by6av
Nothing special and not particularly original, but probably the most viable condition interrupt build I’ve used for small group roaming.
That build is exactly what I told him,which he said mobility is a king,which I dont really sure how 6s lower cd gonna help it.I would rather take far reach manipulation instead of the fury on phantasms.Cause blink von awesome.
Mobility certainly is king, but people just go about achieving it in different ways depending on what other skills they are using. For me, I personally find that Phase Retreat + Blink is usually enough to put enough distance between myself and a target (or for chasing). I find Phantasmal Fury is very helpful for getting a full 8 bleeds from a Duellist’s unload, and Debiliating Dissipation is still strong additional dps.
However, if I wasn’t using Staff in my condition interrupt build, I would consider using a fully traited Blink as I can certainly see how that would help in the absence of a staff.
There’s nothing wrong with a short range blink, taking phant fury instead, and just keeping the manip cd reduction instead. You lose that extra distance on your blink and lose terrain advantage on any of those special blink locations. Extra distance can mean the difference between life and death too. So an extra stealth source can help bridge that gap. Drop the signit for decoy for example.
Alternatively you could drop CI, put 2 more in dueling, and take both. Though you’re giving up 200 condition damage with the signit still in play.
I didn’t intend on watching the full video, but once I started I was too interested to stop. Good stuff, man.
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel you’re actually better off dropping Focus for staff. You take a hit to mobility and lose a very nice interrupt and phantasm, but I think the defensive benefit and damage increase may outweigh it.
But then he’d have literally zero mobility except a 10 sec phase retreat (which doesn’t really count as mobility anyways). It would make this build absolute torture to play in wvw.
But then he’d have literally zero mobility except a 10 sec phase retreat (which doesn’t really count as mobility anyways). It would make this build absolute torture to play in wvw.
I know. >_< But that pistol is clutch in this build. I think he woulda won that 2v1 at 7 mins into the video if he had Staff
But then he’d have literally zero mobility except a 10 sec phase retreat (which doesn’t really count as mobility anyways). It would make this build absolute torture to play in wvw.
I know. >_< But that pistol is clutch in this build. I think he woulda won that 2v1 at 7 mins into the video if he had Staff
Ya but that is the tradeoff you have to make in wvw: If you build just to win fights you will spend most of your time running back from spawn to wherever you were or just watching people run away from you and actually win less fights because you get into winnable fights less often. You have to prioritize mobility.
There is a good chance he would have “lost” that fight if he had staff equipped because he wouldn’t have survived the zerg and then the 4 man gank squad he ran into before he ever got into that 2v1. At least with focus he lived long enough to get into a 2v1 that he had a chance of winning (hypothetical and speculative, but you get the point).
Look at it this way: To win a fight you first have to find it. The more time you spend running back from spawn the less chances you have to do that. Also, mobility allows you to force fights you want to get into and those make up a good number of your successful fights. If you have no mobility then people can just run away from you, thus reducing your chances for good fights further. Prioritizing mobility is how you stay alive and on the field and maintain the ability to force fights you want, thus maximizing the opportunity for good fights.
(edited by MSFone.3026)
But then he’d have literally zero mobility except a 10 sec phase retreat (which doesn’t really count as mobility anyways). It would make this build absolute torture to play in wvw.
I know. >_< But that pistol is clutch in this build. I think he woulda won that 2v1 at 7 mins into the video if he had Staff
Ya but that is the tradeoff you have to make in wvw: If you build just to win fights you will spend most of your time running back from spawn to wherever you were or just watching people run away from you and actually win less fights because you get into winnable fights less often. You have to prioritize mobility.
There is a good chance he would have “lost” that fight if he had staff equipped because he wouldn’t have survived the zerg and then the 4 man gank squad he ran into before he ever got into that 2v1. At least with focus he lived long enough to get into a 2v1 that he had a chance of winning (hypothetical and speculative, but you get the point).
Look at it this way: To win a fight you first have to find it. The more time you spend running back from spawn the less chances you have to do that. Also, mobility allows you to force fights you want to get into and those make up a good number of your successful fights. If you have no mobility then people can just run away from you, thus reducing your chances for good fights further. Prioritizing mobility is how you stay alive and on the field and maintain the ability to force fights you want, thus maximizing the opportunity for good fights.
I sit on capture points and rek. =[ What is this “find the fight” thing you speak of?
Good points and very true. I need more WvW time.
But then he’d have literally zero mobility except a 10 sec phase retreat (which doesn’t really count as mobility anyways). It would make this build absolute torture to play in wvw.
I know. >_< But that pistol is clutch in this build. I think he woulda won that 2v1 at 7 mins into the video if he had Staff
Ya but that is the tradeoff you have to make in wvw: If you build just to win fights you will spend most of your time running back from spawn to wherever you were or just watching people run away from you and actually win less fights because you get into winnable fights less often. You have to prioritize mobility.
There is a good chance he would have “lost” that fight if he had staff equipped because he wouldn’t have survived the zerg and then the 4 man gank squad he ran into before he ever got into that 2v1. At least with focus he lived long enough to get into a 2v1 that he had a chance of winning (hypothetical and speculative, but you get the point).
Look at it this way: To win a fight you first have to find it. The more time you spend running back from spawn the less chances you have to do that. Also, mobility allows you to force fights you want to get into and those make up a good number of your successful fights. If you have no mobility then people can just run away from you, thus reducing your chances for good fights further. Prioritizing mobility is how you stay alive and on the field and maintain the ability to force fights you want, thus maximizing the opportunity for good fights.
I sit on capture points and rek. =[ What is this “find the fight” thing you speak of?Good points and very true. I need more WvW time.
I fight a staff using PU mes in the vid, and what lost it for him was that I controlled the fight with superior landspeed/mobility. I determined when and where we engaged in every instance until he was defeated.
I did lose the 2v1 though and there’s a couple comments I can make about that. For one I took the first handful of fights I made worthy of a video and made that video out of them. So there’s a measure of inexperience with the build, which is in part due to not being fluent with the approach having been playing other styles lately.
The other thing was the simple change of signit for decoy. In the fight with the Ranger/guardian, the extra stealth would have veiled the stomp, avoiding the interrupt. In the Thief/Warrior fight, the warrior hit me from stealth himself and I never saw it coming. At the time though I was also out of everything, making the decoy a much needed refuge for me.
In follow up play through trialing decoy has proven fruitful in this regard. It’s just nice to try running something different and seeing how much traction you can get with it. The 3s stun/interrupt is amazing, probably strongest in duo/group play, but decoy is wholly more practical for the more rounded sake of survival.
Thanks for the comments though Chaos
I didn’t intend on watching the full video, but once I started I was too interested to stop. Good stuff, man.
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel you’re actually better off dropping Focus for staff. You take a hit to mobility and lose a very nice interrupt and phantasm, but I think the defensive benefit and damage increase may outweigh it.
Oh, one other comment. Staff’s defenses are well rounded and strong, moving you out of a burst or up from a knockdown/back/pull. However staff doesn’t provide much defense against a 1500 range ranger, when what you need is to get closer to them, behind them, reflect them, or destroy those projectiles. The iWarden from focus using the pre-cast and a long range blink will at least allow you to drop a defensive sanctuary on them, which is hot in this post patch Ranger Apocalypse we live in.
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