Build comments please
Hey dude, I’d actually recommend you stick to the standard shatter build for now.
What you’re experiencing is just part of the bumps along the road to learning shatter Mesmer, dealing with conditions, especially control conditions, is going to be a pain but you’re going to have to tough it out until your positioning and awareness improve to the point where you really won’t be running condition removal much at all beyond, maybe Lyssa runes (speaking of which, pleeaasse drop those travelers runes. You’re stunting your damage for unnecessary movement speed runes that are far better suited for WvW) .
While the build you posted definitely can work, it is essentially a weaker version of the standard shatter, and loses out on the main things that make a shatter build work: Damage and boonstripping.
Those 20 points in Domination are crucial. Boonstripping ( Domination VII, Shattered Concentration) is one of the things shatter Mesmer outclass just about every other build at, and shatter Mesmer live and die off the killer bursts they drop. Taking that away makes you a .. sort-of-shatterish-but-not-quite build that ends up essentially acting as training wheels.
Conditions will be your weakness, do not doubt, but skill will compensate with time. Sticking with the standard shatter over the one you posted will make you a better player faster.
(Also, props for Sw/Sw, it’s the one of the rarest sets but my favorite)
Edit: Also, check out Supcutie’s awesome Comprehensive PvP Shatter Guide that is guaranteed to step your game up!
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
If you want to play standard shatter just take cleanse mantra. It’s a lot less expensive than Null Field and you can get rid of small conditions you’d otherwise tough out.