Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I’m honestly wondering if you even know what the glamour build was and if you did why, out of all the different mesmer builds across the different modes over the years that people have whined about it, was it this build that is casuing so much anguish, hatred of Mesmers and night terrors?

I abused it and posted the video that resulted in its nerfing in a thread a Lil while back. There were people saying the nerfing of said build was unjustified and wrong. These same people are very present in this thread….

You lost the argument, so now you’re changing the topic to something that happened in the first year of the game. And using it as a general ad hominem attack against “those people posting in this very thread”

Well played XD

ad hominem

Appealing to personal considerations rather than to logic or reason: Debaters should avoid ad hominem arguments that question their opponents’ motives.

I also love how you retell history with you at the epicenter XD lol

Well done on washing away all the nuance of mesmer, the meta, and those times all that time ago.

I didn’t make the video just posted the,one that got it nerfed because it showcased how broken it was. Did it in a thread awhile back where Fay and the gang were saying it didn’t need nerfing.

I think your having some issues and you’re welcome to PM if ya want

“you’re” as in “you are”, not “your”. No, I’m good. I mean, sure, the things you come out with illicit all kinds of response, but I wouldn’t call them problematic. Laughter is universally a good thing isn’kitten Very humorous either way. Like, I know you’re (<- prime example – you are) dead serious, but sometimes I have to ask myself if you’re not an supremely good troll.

Nicht , dass Grammatik ist falsch!

Godkitten it! I knew there’d be something in there ;D

I have cell phone auto correct working for me….what’s your excuse?

p.s. I’m far from an english grammar expert, but I believe you’ve misused some commas in there as well.

I’m an awful speller and even worse with grammar. Duh.

See, I’m honest.

So you’re basically admitting to correcting people on stuff you don’t really know about.

Good to know

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I’m honestly wondering if you even know what the glamour build was and if you did why, out of all the different mesmer builds across the different modes over the years that people have whined about it, was it this build that is casuing so much anguish, hatred of Mesmers and night terrors?

I abused it and posted the video that resulted in its nerfing in a thread a Lil while back. There were people saying the nerfing of said build was unjustified and wrong. These same people are very present in this thread….

You lost the argument, so now you’re changing the topic to something that happened in the first year of the game. And using it as a general ad hominem attack against “those people posting in this very thread”

Well played XD

ad hominem

Appealing to personal considerations rather than to logic or reason: Debaters should avoid ad hominem arguments that question their opponents’ motives.

I also love how you retell history with you at the epicenter XD lol

Well done on washing away all the nuance of mesmer, the meta, and those times all that time ago.

I didn’t make the video just posted the,one that got it nerfed because it showcased how broken it was. Did it in a thread awhile back where Fay and the gang were saying it didn’t need nerfing.

I think your having some issues and you’re welcome to PM if ya want

“you’re” as in “you are”, not “your”. No, I’m good. I mean, sure, the things you come out with illicit all kinds of response, but I wouldn’t call them problematic. Laughter is universally a good thing isn’kitten Very humorous either way. Like, I know you’re (<- prime example – you are) dead serious, but sometimes I have to ask myself if you’re not an supremely good troll.

Nicht , dass Grammatik ist falsch!

Godkitten it! I knew there’d be something in there ;D

I have cell phone auto correct working for me….what’s your excuse?

p.s. I’m far from an english grammar expert, but I believe you’ve misused some commas in there as well.

I’m an awful speller and even worse with grammar. Duh.

See, I’m honest.

So you’re basically admitting to correcting people on stuff you don’t really know about.

Good to know

Well played. But no. You were still very much misusing ‘your’ in place of ’you’re’. Much like all the rest of your posts in this thread ;D

Facts are still facts. Reality is still reality.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


basically this thread going to be close if you continue to write off topic

i want some proff why mesmer are still op and even greater then op after the last patch

i hardly see mesmer in any team beside me (and i play support)

and when i see one its so easy to counter it by sending DH or warrior

so pls focus…..


Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


basically this thread going to be close if you continue to write off topic

i want some proff why mesmer are still op and even greater then op after the last patch

i hardly see mesmer in any team beside me (and i play support)

and when i see one its so easy to counter it by sending DH or warrior

so pls focus…..


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

I’m confused as to how you are having a problem. Do I think the effectiveness of Mesmer is what it has been the past few seasons in PvP? Still up in the air due to the meta still settling, but I do believe they are top 3 in terms of class strength.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


basically this thread going to be close if you continue to write off topic

i want some proff why mesmer are still op and even greater then op after the last patch

i hardly see mesmer in any team beside me (and i play support)

and when i see one its so easy to counter it by sending DH or warrior

so pls focus…..


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

I’m confused as to how you are having a problem. Do I think the effectiveness of Mesmer is what it has been the past few seasons in PvP? Still up in the air due to the meta still settling, but I do believe they are top 3 in terms of class strength.

But he asked you how they are OP.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


basically this thread going to be close if you continue to write off topic

i want some proff why mesmer are still op and even greater then op after the last patch

i hardly see mesmer in any team beside me (and i play support)

and when i see one its so easy to counter it by sending DH or warrior

so pls focus…..


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

I’m confused as to how you are having a problem. Do I think the effectiveness of Mesmer is what it has been the past few seasons in PvP? Still up in the air due to the meta still settling, but I do believe they are top 3 in terms of class strength.

op and not meta

pvp in esl is just cause you cant stack classes so just portal and moa is the basic why mesmer are chosen and not because they got buffed

i think the DH entrance basically counter the condi mesmer and the warrior also in some way

i dont know much about pve and in wvw they used as viel and boon share mainly (i think and not condi or power dmg)

in pvp imo i think mesmer push back the the middle without class stacking

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


basically this thread going to be close if you continue to write off topic

i want some proff why mesmer are still op and even greater then op after the last patch

i hardly see mesmer in any team beside me (and i play support)

and when i see one its so easy to counter it by sending DH or warrior

so pls focus…..


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

I’m confused as to how you are having a problem. Do I think the effectiveness of Mesmer is what it has been the past few seasons in PvP? Still up in the air due to the meta still settling, but I do believe they are top 3 in terms of class strength.

op and not meta

pvp in esl is just cause you cant stack classes so just portal and moa is the basic why mesmer are chosen and not because they got buffed

i think the DH entrance basically counter the condi mesmer and the warrior also in some way

i dont know much about pve and in wvw they used as viel and boon share mainly (i think and not condi or power dmg)

in pvp imo i think mesmer push back the the middle without class stacking

Yet at the qualifiers in EU we saw 1 DH to 4 Mesmers. At this point in time it is as I say. Now could we see some shake up in the future? Yes maybe.

As for arguing about only being taken for portal etc, I’m not doing that. We won’t agree on anything for pages of me saying, “Great 1v1 build, mobility, etc” to your “it’s only because of portal moa”

We’ll just settle on mesmers are top 3 classes being picked for pvp at this time mmkay

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I’m honestly wondering if you even know what the glamour build was and if you did why, out of all the different mesmer builds across the different modes over the years that people have whined about it, was it this build that is casuing so much anguish, hatred of Mesmers and night terrors?

I abused it and posted the video that resulted in its nerfing in a thread a Lil while back. There were people saying the nerfing of said build was unjustified and wrong. These same people are very present in this thread….

You lost the argument, so now you’re changing the topic to something that happened in the first year of the game. And using it as a general ad hominem attack against “those people posting in this very thread”

Well played XD

ad hominem

Appealing to personal considerations rather than to logic or reason: Debaters should avoid ad hominem arguments that question their opponents’ motives.

I also love how you retell history with you at the epicenter XD lol

Well done on washing away all the nuance of mesmer, the meta, and those times all that time ago.

I didn’t make the video just posted the,one that got it nerfed because it showcased how broken it was. Did it in a thread awhile back where Fay and the gang were saying it didn’t need nerfing.

I think your having some issues and you’re welcome to PM if ya want

“you’re” as in “you are”, not “your”. No, I’m good. I mean, sure, the things you come out with illicit all kinds of response, but I wouldn’t call them problematic. Laughter is universally a good thing isn’kitten Very humorous either way. Like, I know you’re (<- prime example – you are) dead serious, but sometimes I have to ask myself if you’re not an supremely good troll.

Nicht , dass Grammatik ist falsch!

Godkitten it! I knew there’d be something in there ;D

I have cell phone auto correct working for me….what’s your excuse?

p.s. I’m far from an english grammar expert, but I believe you’ve misused some commas in there as well.

I’m an awful speller and even worse with grammar. Duh.

See, I’m honest.

So you’re basically admitting to correcting people on stuff you don’t really know about.

Good to know

Well played. But no. You were still very much misusing ‘your’ in place of ’you’re’. Much like all the rest of your posts in this thread ;D

Facts are still facts. Reality is still reality.

You missed that phone auto correct….

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I’m honestly wondering if you even know what the glamour build was and if you did why, out of all the different mesmer builds across the different modes over the years that people have whined about it, was it this build that is casuing so much anguish, hatred of Mesmers and night terrors?

I abused it and posted the video that resulted in its nerfing in a thread a Lil while back. There were people saying the nerfing of said build was unjustified and wrong. These same people are very present in this thread….

You lost the argument, so now you’re changing the topic to something that happened in the first year of the game. And using it as a general ad hominem attack against “those people posting in this very thread”

Well played XD

ad hominem

Appealing to personal considerations rather than to logic or reason: Debaters should avoid ad hominem arguments that question their opponents’ motives.

I also love how you retell history with you at the epicenter XD lol

Well done on washing away all the nuance of mesmer, the meta, and those times all that time ago.

I didn’t make the video just posted the,one that got it nerfed because it showcased how broken it was. Did it in a thread awhile back where Fay and the gang were saying it didn’t need nerfing.

I think your having some issues and you’re welcome to PM if ya want

“you’re” as in “you are”, not “your”. No, I’m good. I mean, sure, the things you come out with illicit all kinds of response, but I wouldn’t call them problematic. Laughter is universally a good thing isn’kitten Very humorous either way. Like, I know you’re (<- prime example – you are) dead serious, but sometimes I have to ask myself if you’re not an supremely good troll.

Nicht , dass Grammatik ist falsch!

Godkitten it! I knew there’d be something in there ;D

I have cell phone auto correct working for me….what’s your excuse?

p.s. I’m far from an english grammar expert, but I believe you’ve misused some commas in there as well.

I’m an awful speller and even worse with grammar. Duh.

See, I’m honest.

So you’re basically admitting to correcting people on stuff you don’t really know about.

Good to know

Well played. But no. You were still very much misusing ‘your’ in place of ’you’re’. Much like all the rest of your posts in this thread ;D

Facts are still facts. Reality is still reality.

You missed that phone auto correct….

Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize it was your phone auto correct that had claimed s3 meta condi chrono was buffed by the latest balance patch and not you. My bad.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I’m honestly wondering if you even know what the glamour build was and if you did why, out of all the different mesmer builds across the different modes over the years that people have whined about it, was it this build that is casuing so much anguish, hatred of Mesmers and night terrors?

I abused it and posted the video that resulted in its nerfing in a thread a Lil while back. There were people saying the nerfing of said build was unjustified and wrong. These same people are very present in this thread….

You lost the argument, so now you’re changing the topic to something that happened in the first year of the game. And using it as a general ad hominem attack against “those people posting in this very thread”

Well played XD

ad hominem

Appealing to personal considerations rather than to logic or reason: Debaters should avoid ad hominem arguments that question their opponents’ motives.

I also love how you retell history with you at the epicenter XD lol

Well done on washing away all the nuance of mesmer, the meta, and those times all that time ago.

I didn’t make the video just posted the,one that got it nerfed because it showcased how broken it was. Did it in a thread awhile back where Fay and the gang were saying it didn’t need nerfing.

I think your having some issues and you’re welcome to PM if ya want

“you’re” as in “you are”, not “your”. No, I’m good. I mean, sure, the things you come out with illicit all kinds of response, but I wouldn’t call them problematic. Laughter is universally a good thing isn’kitten Very humorous either way. Like, I know you’re (<- prime example – you are) dead serious, but sometimes I have to ask myself if you’re not an supremely good troll.

Nicht , dass Grammatik ist falsch!

Godkitten it! I knew there’d be something in there ;D

I have cell phone auto correct working for me….what’s your excuse?

p.s. I’m far from an english grammar expert, but I believe you’ve misused some commas in there as well.

I’m an awful speller and even worse with grammar. Duh.

See, I’m honest.

So you’re basically admitting to correcting people on stuff you don’t really know about.

Good to know

Well played. But no. You were still very much misusing ‘your’ in place of ’you’re’. Much like all the rest of your posts in this thread ;D

Facts are still facts. Reality is still reality.

You missed that phone auto correct….

Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize it was your phone auto correct that had claimed s3 meta condi chrono was indirectly buffed by the latest balance patch and not you. My bad.

Fixed that for you mate. I’m here in your times of need

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


basically this thread going to be close if you continue to write off topic

i want some proff why mesmer are still op and even greater then op after the last patch

i hardly see mesmer in any team beside me (and i play support)

and when i see one its so easy to counter it by sending DH or warrior

so pls focus…..


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

I’m confused as to how you are having a problem. Do I think the effectiveness of Mesmer is what it has been the past few seasons in PvP? Still up in the air due to the meta still settling, but I do believe they are top 3 in terms of class strength.

op and not meta

pvp in esl is just cause you cant stack classes so just portal and moa is the basic why mesmer are chosen and not because they got buffed

i think the DH entrance basically counter the condi mesmer and the warrior also in some way

i dont know much about pve and in wvw they used as viel and boon share mainly (i think and not condi or power dmg)

in pvp imo i think mesmer push back the the middle without class stacking

Yet at the qualifiers in EU we saw 1 DH to 4 Mesmers. At this point in time it is as I say. Now could we see some shake up in the future? Yes maybe.

As for arguing about only being taken for portal etc, I’m not doing that. We won’t agree on anything for pages of me saying, “Great 1v1 build, mobility, etc” to your “it’s only because of portal moa”

We’ll just settle on mesmers are top 3 classes being picked for pvp at this time mmkay

check US comp

3 dh and 1 chrono. which prove what? shake up is here
dh great in 1v1 great aoe pressure on point low mobility though great sustain than mesmer…
i rarely try to argue but man common…. condi mesmer isnt op any more when the warrior and DH enter the meta and the last patch didnt give anything beside lower 50% dmg reduction to 33% which is more power base and not condi base…

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


basically this thread going to be close if you continue to write off topic

i want some proff why mesmer are still op and even greater then op after the last patch

i hardly see mesmer in any team beside me (and i play support)

and when i see one its so easy to counter it by sending DH or warrior

so pls focus…..


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

I’m confused as to how you are having a problem. Do I think the effectiveness of Mesmer is what it has been the past few seasons in PvP? Still up in the air due to the meta still settling, but I do believe they are top 3 in terms of class strength.

op and not meta

pvp in esl is just cause you cant stack classes so just portal and moa is the basic why mesmer are chosen and not because they got buffed

i think the DH entrance basically counter the condi mesmer and the warrior also in some way

i dont know much about pve and in wvw they used as viel and boon share mainly (i think and not condi or power dmg)

in pvp imo i think mesmer push back the the middle without class stacking

Yet at the qualifiers in EU we saw 1 DH to 4 Mesmers. At this point in time it is as I say. Now could we see some shake up in the future? Yes maybe.

As for arguing about only being taken for portal etc, I’m not doing that. We won’t agree on anything for pages of me saying, “Great 1v1 build, mobility, etc” to your “it’s only because of portal moa”

We’ll just settle on mesmers are top 3 classes being picked for pvp at this time mmkay

check US comp

3 dh and 1 chrono. which prove what? shake up is here
dh great in 1v1 great aoe pressure on point low mobility though great sustain than mesmer…
i rarely try to argue but man common…. condi mesmer isnt op any more when the warrior and DH enter the meta and the last patch didnt give anything beside lower 50% dmg reduction to 33% which is more power base and not condi base…

I’m sorry but EU >>>>>>>>> NA in PvP

I said we could see some things shake up but at this point in time it is as I say.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


basically this thread going to be close if you continue to write off topic

i want some proff why mesmer are still op and even greater then op after the last patch

i hardly see mesmer in any team beside me (and i play support)

and when i see one its so easy to counter it by sending DH or warrior

so pls focus…..


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

I’m confused as to how you are having a problem. Do I think the effectiveness of Mesmer is what it has been the past few seasons in PvP? Still up in the air due to the meta still settling, but I do believe they are top 3 in terms of class strength.

op and not meta

pvp in esl is just cause you cant stack classes so just portal and moa is the basic why mesmer are chosen and not because they got buffed

i think the DH entrance basically counter the condi mesmer and the warrior also in some way

i dont know much about pve and in wvw they used as viel and boon share mainly (i think and not condi or power dmg)

in pvp imo i think mesmer push back the the middle without class stacking

Yet at the qualifiers in EU we saw 1 DH to 4 Mesmers. At this point in time it is as I say. Now could we see some shake up in the future? Yes maybe.

As for arguing about only being taken for portal etc, I’m not doing that. We won’t agree on anything for pages of me saying, “Great 1v1 build, mobility, etc” to your “it’s only because of portal moa”

We’ll just settle on mesmers are top 3 classes being picked for pvp at this time mmkay

check US comp

3 dh and 1 chrono. which prove what? shake up is here
dh great in 1v1 great aoe pressure on point low mobility though great sustain than mesmer…
i rarely try to argue but man common…. condi mesmer isnt op any more when the warrior and DH enter the meta and the last patch didnt give anything beside lower 50% dmg reduction to 33% which is more power base and not condi base…

I’m sorry but EU >>>>>>>>> NA in PvP

I said we could see some things shake up but at this point in time it is as I say.

so now your comparison is 3 group who determine the meta and not only the esl team
next you will say helseth determinate the meta for mesmer …

you can check as long as you like
DH > condi mesmer
warrior> condi mesmer
ranger>condi mesmer unless moa at the right time
ele>condi mesmer unless moa at the right time

the entrance of warrior and now DH pushed mesmer further away

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Exciton.8942


LOL at Messiah.
Why bothering arguing with some one who clearly has very little understanding of the class?

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


basically this thread going to be close if you continue to write off topic

i want some proff why mesmer are still op and even greater then op after the last patch

i hardly see mesmer in any team beside me (and i play support)

and when i see one its so easy to counter it by sending DH or warrior

so pls focus…..


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

I’m confused as to how you are having a problem. Do I think the effectiveness of Mesmer is what it has been the past few seasons in PvP? Still up in the air due to the meta still settling, but I do believe they are top 3 in terms of class strength.

op and not meta

pvp in esl is just cause you cant stack classes so just portal and moa is the basic why mesmer are chosen and not because they got buffed

i think the DH entrance basically counter the condi mesmer and the warrior also in some way

i dont know much about pve and in wvw they used as viel and boon share mainly (i think and not condi or power dmg)

in pvp imo i think mesmer push back the the middle without class stacking

Yet at the qualifiers in EU we saw 1 DH to 4 Mesmers. At this point in time it is as I say. Now could we see some shake up in the future? Yes maybe.

As for arguing about only being taken for portal etc, I’m not doing that. We won’t agree on anything for pages of me saying, “Great 1v1 build, mobility, etc” to your “it’s only because of portal moa”

We’ll just settle on mesmers are top 3 classes being picked for pvp at this time mmkay

check US comp

3 dh and 1 chrono. which prove what? shake up is here
dh great in 1v1 great aoe pressure on point low mobility though great sustain than mesmer…
i rarely try to argue but man common…. condi mesmer isnt op any more when the warrior and DH enter the meta and the last patch didnt give anything beside lower 50% dmg reduction to 33% which is more power base and not condi base…

I’m sorry but EU >>>>>>>>> NA in PvP

I said we could see some things shake up but at this point in time it is as I say.

so now your comparison is 3 group who determine the meta and not only the esl team
next you will say helseth determinate the meta for mesmer …

you can check as long as you like
DH > condi mesmer
warrior> condi mesmer
ranger>condi mesmer unless moa at the right time
ele>condi mesmer unless moa at the right time

the entrance of warrior and now DH pushed mesmer further away

NA hasn’t won anything major since WTS last year. At this point in time they’ve been determining the meta.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bigpapasmurf.5623


I just picked up on condi chrono a few days ago and can drop almost anyone I a 1v1 (aside from druid…its a long drawn out fight). The build I made is easy to play (Dire stats ftw) and doesn’t take long to grasp most concepts (still not used to shattering and not used to the new shatter that reverts HP/position/CD’s…etc).

Once I learn to remember, I think that the build will drop even druids.

Low risk/high reward indeed. Think I found my new WvW main (had a daredevil and druid before).

fyi…I don’t use shield or pistol

I recently dropped staff (only really used phase retreat) and picked up shield so now i’m scepter torch/shield. Druid are a little less drawn out (1 was due to their ability to stealth every 3 sec and cleanse condis) but now I am having constant issues fighting daredevils (was 50/50 with staff). Any tips? (Using sig heal / arcane thievery / blink / decoy and Mass Invis

- Twitch:
- I am currently a main thief roamer for SF in WvW. LOVE ME!
- {SOAP} Solo/Havoc roamer, lover of good fights

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I just picked up on condi chrono a few days ago and can drop almost anyone I a 1v1 (aside from druid…its a long drawn out fight). The build I made is easy to play (Dire stats ftw) and doesn’t take long to grasp most concepts (still not used to shattering and not used to the new shatter that reverts HP/position/CD’s…etc).

Once I learn to remember, I think that the build will drop even druids.

Low risk/high reward indeed. Think I found my new WvW main (had a daredevil and druid before).

fyi…I don’t use shield or pistol

I recently dropped staff (only really used phase retreat) and picked up shield so now i’m scepter torch/shield. Druid are a little less drawn out (1 was due to their ability to stealth every 3 sec and cleanse condis) but now I am having constant issues fighting daredevils (was 50/50 with staff). Any tips? (Using sig heal / arcane thievery / blink / decoy and Mass Invis

You have to get them to blow shadow step then pile on the condi.

With torch you can easily out stealth them. Just properly read the dodge frames and hit them.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


So apprently in the GW2esports tier lists Mesmer is A tier (S is top) for competitive, pretty much due to portal, and only b tier for solo que.

I fully expect him to ignore this and to keep claiming Mesmer is God mode in all modes of the game.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


So apprently in the GW2esports tier lists Mesmer is A tier (S is top) for competitive, pretty much due to portal, and only b tier for solo que.

I fully expect him to ignore this and to keep claiming Mesmer is God mode in all modes of the game.

Link plz cause i hope you aren’t using this

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nerifes.4931


So apprently in the GW2esports tier lists Mesmer is A tier (S is top) for competitive, pretty much due to portal, and only b tier for solo que.

I fully expect him to ignore this and to keep claiming Mesmer is God mode in all modes of the game.

Oh man, someone get this man a chair, he’s gonna need it once he realizes what happened last “balance” trash ANet added.

[TV] Jade Quarry

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


So apprently in the GW2esports tier lists Mesmer is A tier (S is top) for competitive, pretty much due to portal, and only b tier for solo que.

I fully expect him to ignore this and to keep claiming Mesmer is God mode in all modes of the game.

Oh man, someone get this man a chair, he’s gonna need it once he realizes what happened last “balance” trash ANet added.

Yeah, buffs to all the underpowered builds that nobody played. Pretty solid patch is the general consensus.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Exciton.8942


Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: apharma.3741


Some nice quotes from that.

Competitive Class Tier List:

Mesmer – Mesmer is a tricky one to place. Unless Thief is meta, Mesmer is going to be an option because of the pure utility supplied by Portal. It’s more difficult to play in the current meta because of the nerfs to defensive cooldowns, but when played well it can bring a lot to the team.

A Tier are classes that are usually used to fill in the gaps in the five-man roster after the S Tier classes. In this case, most teams will end up with 3 S Tier and 2 A Tier classes. B Tier are picks that are slightly less common picks. All classes are usable, so I haven’t put anything in C Tier or below.

Solo Queue Class Tier List:

B Tier
Mesmer – Mesmer has taken a lot of defensive hits, resulting in it losing a lot more 1v1s. Thieves are more prevalent in solo queue, so Portal isn’t as useful. In team fights, other classes are always stronger. I considered putting Mesmer in C Tier, but I don’t think it deserves it quite yet. Regardless, Mesmer is probably the weakest class from a solo queue perspective.

But then again it doesn’t support what Azukas is saying so he’ll just say it’s NA who are trash, can’t play and have no right to say how laughably supper bosted god tier mesmer is even if it is by an experienced ESL player.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


No I read it and do respect that fellas opinion. I’m from NA and I root for em in leagues, but I have to admit that right now EU >>> NA. EU firmly supports mesmers at this time so that’s that.

Now his statements on a few things do not sit well at all. 1st thieves can’t carry better than a we can in solo q. I’ve played against and with MANY thieves this season and they are far from a carry. Even those special players on thief are at a huge disadvantage.

Other than that we’ll see how it pans out.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Standen.3479


Mesmer is and always will be held back by a few gimmicky skills such as portal being deemed so utterly god-like that having a strong profession as well as these skills is just unfair.

Meanwhile in soloq, where portal isn’t as useful, you are countered hard by DH, condi zerker, druids.. all of which are very popular this season. Yet people will just point to Moa as if it wins games single-handedly and say mesmer is op.

So lets balance the entire profession around 1-2 skills because that makes perfect sense… Gimmick skills will always drag us down.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

To reiterate what the person you quoted said: This is lacking proof that Mesmer is OP.

Think about it:

  1. You say “Meta”, but let me guess, the alternative is “not meta”? In other words it’s a binary thing, either you’re in or out?
  2. It follows that if you’re “out”, your class/spec is too weak and needs help, yes?
  3. It follows that if you’re “in” (“meta”, that is, stupid as a term that is because a meta “has” something, you’re aren’t meta outside of single player games), then you aren’t underpowered, yes.
  4. False Dilemma then gives us that this doesn’t imply that you’re overpowered if you are part of the meta.

You can actually construct the argument the other way around (“No one should be meta, if you’re part of the meta you are automatically OP!”), but then you eliminate the desire for something to be the preferred approach to a given situation.
I hope it is immediately obvious why that won’t work. :P

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

To reiterate what the person you quoted said: This is lacking proof that Mesmer is OP.

Think about it:

  1. You say “Meta”, but let me guess, the alternative is “not meta”? In other words it’s a binary thing, either you’re in or out?
  2. It follows that if you’re “out”, your class/spec is too weak and needs help, yes?
  3. It follows that if you’re “in” (“meta”, that is, stupid as a term that is because a meta “has” something, you’re aren’t meta outside of single player games), then you aren’t underpowered, yes.
  4. False Dilemma then gives us that this doesn’t imply that you’re overpowered if you are part of the meta.

You can actually construct the argument the other way around (“No one should be meta, if you’re part of the meta you are automatically OP!”), but then you eliminate the desire for something to be the preferred approach to a given situation.
I hope it is immediately obvious why that won’t work. :P

The EU rejects all forms of reasoned and/or logic based argument. Therefor it’s not obvious and you’re wrong.

/Not biased because I’m actually American – proof – or something.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

To reiterate what the person you quoted said: This is lacking proof that Mesmer is OP.

Think about it:

  1. You say “Meta”, but let me guess, the alternative is “not meta”? In other words it’s a binary thing, either you’re in or out?
  2. It follows that if you’re “out”, your class/spec is too weak and needs help, yes?
  3. It follows that if you’re “in” (“meta”, that is, stupid as a term that is because a meta “has” something, you’re aren’t meta outside of single player games), then you aren’t underpowered, yes.
  4. False Dilemma then gives us that this doesn’t imply that you’re overpowered if you are part of the meta.

You can actually construct the argument the other way around (“No one should be meta, if you’re part of the meta you are automatically OP!”), but then you eliminate the desire for something to be the preferred approach to a given situation.
I hope it is immediately obvious why that won’t work. :P

The EU rejects all forms of reasoned and/or logic based argument. Therefor it’s not obvious and you’re wrong.

/Not biased because I’m actually American – proof – or something.

Welcome back from your bank I did enjoy the video. Though next time plz use portal lol

As for that no im NA. I do have a f2p on EU that I’ll jump on to kill some euros every now and then

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

What proof did you choose to ignore?

Meta in PvE
Meta in WvW
Meta in PvP

To reiterate what the person you quoted said: This is lacking proof that Mesmer is OP.

Think about it:

  1. You say “Meta”, but let me guess, the alternative is “not meta”? In other words it’s a binary thing, either you’re in or out?
  2. It follows that if you’re “out”, your class/spec is too weak and needs help, yes?
  3. It follows that if you’re “in” (“meta”, that is, stupid as a term that is because a meta “has” something, you’re aren’t meta outside of single player games), then you aren’t underpowered, yes.
  4. False Dilemma then gives us that this doesn’t imply that you’re overpowered if you are part of the meta.

You can actually construct the argument the other way around (“No one should be meta, if you’re part of the meta you are automatically OP!”), but then you eliminate the desire for something to be the preferred approach to a given situation.
I hope it is immediately obvious why that won’t work. :P

The EU rejects all forms of reasoned and/or logic based argument. Therefor it’s not obvious and you’re wrong.

/Not biased because I’m actually American – proof – or something.

Welcome back from your bank I did enjoy the video. Though next time plz use portal lol

As for that no im NA. I do have a f2p on EU that I’ll jump on to kill some euros every now and then

The thing is Charigan, the only obvious thing in this thread (and many others like it) is the obvious lack of intelligence that’s been displayed. Which is why no genuine response to you fair and very valid point has appeared :)

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


both of these lists are incorrect

I think i’ll stick with Frostball’s assessment for obvious reasons

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: OriOri.8724


both of these lists are incorrect

I think i’ll stick with Frostball’s assessment for obvious reasons

If by “obvious” you mean that its because neither of you have any real arguments hence why you are leaving them out then yes, the reason is very obvious

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


both of these lists are incorrect

I think i’ll stick with Frostball’s assessment for obvious reasons

If by “obvious” you mean that its because neither of you have any real arguments hence why you are leaving them out then yes, the reason is very obvious

Frostballs team barring certain circumstances should have been playing 55 in the last pro leagues finals. The person who made that list is of a NA team who can’t even sniff the finals.

Like I said stick with frosts assessment.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: OriOri.8724


You haven’t provided any evidence. Please for the love of god stop saying that because its a flat out lie. All you have provided is your own opinions, and your “evidence” consists of you saying stuff without any sources or reasonings behind it. Repeatedly saying over and over that mesmers are overpowered doesn’t magically make it true. Likewise repeatedly saying over and over that all ESL players agree with you, despite this not even being the case, and again without statements from every player, not even a handful for that matter, doesn’t make it true. And even if all of them did agree with you, none of them think that mesmer is taken for their damage, none.

You have provided literally no evidence whatsoever to support your claims. All you have done is use ad hominem attacks, repeat yourself, and refuse to even listen to detailed and backed up arguments that go against your opinion all the while passing said opinion off as fact. Stop. This is getting ridiculous at this point and is borderline spam.

If you can provide real evidence (and no, saying that you don’t agree with us, or saying that nerfing other classes is an “indirect buff” to mesmer is not evidence) all of us are willing to look it over and take it into consideration. But so far you have failed to provide any evidence, period. Stop spamming this thread unless you are ready to actually back up your claims with real evidence.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

You haven’t provided any evidence. Please for the love of god stop saying that because its a flat out lie. All you have provided is your own opinions, and your “evidence” consists of you saying stuff without any sources or reasonings behind it. Repeatedly saying over and over that mesmers are overpowered doesn’t magically make it true. Likewise repeatedly saying over and over that all ESL players agree with you, despite this not even being the case, and again without statements from every player, not even a handful for that matter, doesn’t make it true. And even if all of them did agree with you, none of them think that mesmer is taken for their damage, none.

You have provided literally no evidence whatsoever to support your claims. All you have done is use ad hominem attacks, repeat yourself, and refuse to even listen to detailed and backed up arguments that go against your opinion all the while passing said opinion off as fact. Stop. This is getting ridiculous at this point and is borderline spam.

If you can provide real evidence (and no, saying that you don’t agree with us, or saying that nerfing other classes is an “indirect buff” to mesmer is not evidence) all of us are willing to look it over and take it into consideration. But so far you have failed to provide any evidence, period. Stop spamming this thread unless you are ready to actually back up your claims with real evidence.

Lol, XD


Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: myren.5490


Mesmer still needs WAYYYY more buffs. Torch is still weak compared to the other off hands, sword aa is weak, staff is a weird weapon that needs a rework, gs aa is terrible, some traits are PvP centric making them horrible pve traits, time warp CD is too high, I can keep going but this post would be too long!

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


You haven’t provided any evidence. Please for the love of god stop saying that because its a flat out lie. All you have provided is your own opinions, and your “evidence” consists of you saying stuff without any sources or reasonings behind it. Repeatedly saying over and over that mesmers are overpowered doesn’t magically make it true. Likewise repeatedly saying over and over that all ESL players agree with you, despite this not even being the case, and again without statements from every player, not even a handful for that matter, doesn’t make it true. And even if all of them did agree with you, none of them think that mesmer is taken for their damage, none.

You have provided literally no evidence whatsoever to support your claims. All you have done is use ad hominem attacks, repeat yourself, and refuse to even listen to detailed and backed up arguments that go against your opinion all the while passing said opinion off as fact. Stop. This is getting ridiculous at this point and is borderline spam.

If you can provide real evidence (and no, saying that you don’t agree with us, or saying that nerfing other classes is an “indirect buff” to mesmer is not evidence) all of us are willing to look it over and take it into consideration. But so far you have failed to provide any evidence, period. Stop spamming this thread unless you are ready to actually back up your claims with real evidence.

We mesmers got buffed everywhere EVEN condi. The rest of the patch does indeed help the condi build unfortunately

That was my original post in this thread. I then said our main build was indirectly buffed through all the nerfs to other classes.

What part of that isn’t factual? What part is ad hominem?

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


You have provided literally no evidence whatsoever to support your claims. All you have done is use ad hominem attacks, repeat yourself, and refuse to even listen to detailed and backed up arguments that go against your opinion all the while passing said opinion off as fact. Stop. This is getting ridiculous at this point and is borderline spam.

Pretty much this. Also, I think at this point it’s safe to report his repeated replies as flamebaiting, because frankly that’s what it is.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


So if we are saying that Condi Chrono got buffed by nerfs to other classes then surely Condi Chrono got nerfed due to the very good Gaurdian build that can handle condies very easily?

What am I saying, this still probably counts as a buff to Chrono in Azukas’ eyes.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


So if we are saying that Condi Chrono got buffed by nerfs to other classes then surely Condi Chrono got nerfed due to the very good Gaurdian build that can handle condies very easily?

What am I saying, this still probably counts as a buff to Chrono in Azukas’ eyes.

Problem is we haven’t seen it become meta. At this point in time we saw EU run mesmers and NA run guardians. You also have to remember there’s like one good NA mesmer in the pro league to EU’s many.

So at this point in time since EU > NA i’ll have to side with Mesmer as being Meta since 4 were ran to 1 guardian. I also said we need to wait and see if the meta shakes out more.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


I don’t know why I’m still bothering to use basic logic to refute your points but you have just admitted in your lasts posts that Guardian beats Mesmer and the better PvP teams don’t see the need in bringing a class along to counter the Mesmer both of which prove it isn’t the OP God mode class you think it is.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I don’t know why I’m still bothering to use basic logic to refute your points but you have just admitted in your lasts posts that Guardian beats Mesmer and the better PvP teams don’t see the need in bringing a class along to counter the Mesmer both of which prove it isn’t the OP God mode class you think it is.

There’s more to PvP than being able to counter a single class. If that were the case then there’s lots of builds that would be played in high level pvp. Take for example Ross and his power rifle warrior. Completely unviable at any level competitive play.

So it doesn’t matter if our class is countered b/c you have to have that counter be viable in a competitive atmosphere.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


I don’t know why I’m still bothering to use basic logic to refute your points but you have just admitted in your lasts posts that Guardian beats Mesmer and the better PvP teams don’t see the need in bringing a class along to counter the Mesmer both of which prove it isn’t the OP God mode class you think it is.

There’s more to PvP than being able to counter a single class. If that were the case then there’s lots of builds that would be played in high level pvp. Take for example Ross and his power rifle warrior. Completely unviable at any level competitive play.

So it doesn’t matter if our class is countered b/c you have to have that counter be viable in a competitive atmosphere.

I don’t know why I’m still bothering to use basic logic to refute your points but you have just admitted in your lasts posts that Guardian beats Mesmer and the better PvP teams don’t see the need in bringing a class along to counter the Mesmer both of which prove it isn’t the OP God mode class you think it is.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I don’t know why I’m still bothering to use basic logic to refute your points but you have just admitted in your lasts posts that Guardian beats Mesmer and the better PvP teams don’t see the need in bringing a class along to counter the Mesmer both of which prove it isn’t the OP God mode class you think it is.

There’s more to PvP than being able to counter a single class. If that were the case then there’s lots of builds that would be played in high level pvp. Take for example Ross and his power rifle warrior. Completely unviable at any level competitive play.

So it doesn’t matter if our class is countered b/c you have to have that counter be viable in a competitive atmosphere.

I don’t know why I’m still bothering to use basic logic to refute your points but you have just admitted in your lasts posts that Guardian beats Mesmer and the better PvP teams don’t see the need in bringing a class along to counter the Mesmer both of which prove it isn’t the OP God mode class you think it is.

You must not PvP I guess, and in this thread where did I say Mesmer was God Mode?

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


I’m pretty sure that the only person who doesn’t play this game is you, hence why the only argument you ever have for anything is ‘bu…but PRO LEAGUE SAIDIT’.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: tobascodagama.2961


He’s S-tier forum warrior, don’t mess with him bro.

Amberley Avalen – Charr Mesmer
Tanya Larina – Human Thief
Finchy Whyte – Sylvari Ranger

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


I think in most games, Levetty, the argument “the pro players say XYZ” has quite a lot of merit, given a narrow application scope.

For example, tier-lists used by pro players are generally not useful for the average player. They assume very high personal skill and a fully cohesive, trained and cooperative team in their estimations of relative worth, and those are all things we don’t have. Especially the first (compared to pro-players, we’re all utter scrubs at best playing to 10% of our potential, and that’s not even looking at the APM).

But some other things like specific issues with maps or overall game elements are usually if anything more pronounced at the highest level of play where relative ineptitude can no longer mask any real imbalance.

Hence, listening to pro players makes sense. In League of Legends. Or DotA. Or HotS.

Guild Wars 2 PvP however has two problems those games don’t have which prevent the “pro players” from being a useful input of information:

  • The playerbase for sPvP is, as far as we can tell, tiny. This naturally scales the pro scene accordingly, making it a grain of sand on the entire ocean floor. Their situation is so special that any random variance in the forming of their scene will have a serious impact for them (this for example explains the different meta-game).
  • Playing a minority game mode in a very complex and very design-confused game of a lot of diametrically opposed components, any input you do get from pro-players has to go through a lot of rather big filters to be sanded off for application in the other areas of the game, and/or through management to get internal funding for forking the parts affected. Given how tiny the affected playerbase is, this makes reasoning about the state of the entire class effectively impossible.
The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I’m pretty sure that the only person who doesn’t play this game is you, hence why the only argument you ever have for anything is ‘bu…but PRO LEAGUE SAIDIT’.

Classic losing an argument reply here.

Its ok to admit you are wrong.

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


I’m pretty sure that the only person who doesn’t play this game is you, hence why the only argument you ever have for anything is ‘bu…but PRO LEAGUE SAIDIT’.

Classic losing an argument reply here.

Its ok to admit you are wrong.

No, for you see the Pro League said I am right. Why are you calling the Pro League liars?

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azukas.1426


I’m pretty sure that the only person who doesn’t play this game is you, hence why the only argument you ever have for anything is ‘bu…but PRO LEAGUE SAIDIT’.

Classic losing an argument reply here.

Its ok to admit you are wrong.

No, for you see the Pro League said I am right. Why are you calling the Pro League liars?

Its over bow out gracefully.

The topic of the thread has been confirmed and proven many times over. I thank everyone for their contributions

Chronomancer Buffs Across Board?

in Mesmer

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I’m pretty sure that the only person who doesn’t play this game is you, hence why the only argument you ever have for anything is ‘bu…but PRO LEAGUE SAIDIT’.

Classic losing an argument reply here.

Its ok to admit you are wrong.

No, for you see the Pro League said I am right. Why are you calling the Pro League liars?

Its over bow out gracefully.

The topic of the thread has been confirmed and proven many times over. I thank everyone for their contributions

You’re right, it has been confirmed and proven many times over. What was confirmed and proven was that Chronomancer and base mesmer are woefully underpowered right now, in both PvE and PvP (though especially PvE) and need damage buffs.