Describe the Chronomancer in 3 Words
Caution: Contents Fragile.
Pay for beta?
Want this fast.
I can do it in 2.
Nerf bait.
Ohh… i like this
More Bandwaggoners inbound
Pay to Win
Nexon’s favourite Goldmine
Awesome Time Mage
nerfed Mesmer traits just so Chronomancer would be balanced in Anet’s eyes, pay to win pretty much.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
nerfed Mesmer traits just so Chronomancer would be balanced in Anet’s eyes, pay to win pretty much.
Not Three Words
Continuum Split OP.
Nerfed Before Release.
or …
Tyrian Time Lord
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)
De Ja Vu?
Shield’s only Chronomancer
(meh basically that new weapons are tied to the elite specs and the elite specs only.)
Right now?
I want more.
What I’m worried about?
Dead on arrival.
Loved and Feared.
Awesome Time Mage
^ something my DM kept shouting at me lololol.
But mine is:
Chaos F-ing Control!
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
So much QQ
(Seriously, with the changes they are not even close to OP)
Waste of Time (pun intended)
Time kitten Warp
So many shatters
Violently Urging For, or VUF for short.
Graduated top of class esports academy
#1 on fractal leaderboards
Disapointed yet again.
So Much Fun.
New Build Possibilities.
F5 Is Hard.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Fun but nerf (pls)
super awesome purple.
Wells Suck Hard
More Sharing Alacrity
Already Getting Nerfed
Go Play Warrior
Useless as usual
Bwha! Ha! Ha! (reaction of every other classes when facing a chrono)
Chronomancer feels fun.
Wells need buff?
nerfed Mesmer traits just so Chronomancer would be balanced in Anet’s eyes, pay to win pretty much.
That’s like Saying Every MMO on the market is P2W for having expansions, its a New expansion it has to be balanced FOR the new expansion… if they made normal Mesmer balanced it’d just make chronomancer insanely overpowered Causing the EXACT same effect on that balance.
Chronomancer has to be Aknowledged during the process of balancing,
MMOs are built on the Expectation of u Paying into each Expansion, if ur unwilling to pay for that then ur in the wrong genre of games, it isn’t P2W it follows the EXACT rules of every other game.
Either way on topic
Worrying, Awesome, Fun..
Very enjoyable specialization.
Wait before nerfing.
People will adapt.
Wait And See
Disappointed So Far
Seems Quite Useless
- from a WvW/organized group perspective
Make WvW Eventful! – WvW, 4 years in
Yes, I have 5 lv 80 mesmers – Funny Puns
Better than Mesmers
(Other elites completely change there special abilities or simply how they will act. This isn’t the case with Chrono as they are straight up vertical upgrade not an alternative like others they add F5 without changing or even swapping out any of the F1-F4 skills. It would make perfect sense to swap F4 with F5 but that’s not the case. The argument of whether or not to switch to chrono doesn’t exist for Mesmers as this is an upgrade and not even remotely balanced compared to the other elites. They need to nerf Chrono by doing what they did for the other classes and balance out the special abilities F1-F5)
Recharges Too Long.
Better than Mesmers
(Other elites completely change there special abilities or simply how they will act. This isn’t the case with Chrono as they are straight up vertical upgrade not an alternative like others they add F5 without changing or even swapping out any of the F1-F4 skills. It would make perfect sense to swap F4 with F5 but that’s not the case. The argument of whether or not to switch to chrono doesn’t exist for Mesmers as this is an upgrade and not even remotely balanced compared to the other elites. They need to nerf Chrono by doing what they did for the other classes and balance out the special abilities F1-F5)
Tempest adds overload. If you don’t use overload, you’re just another elementalist with some different traits.
Chronomancer adds f5. If you don’t use f5, you’re just another mesmer with some different traits.
As 2/5 (40%) of the specializations we have enough info about, specs that add without changing seem common enough so far.
do contractions count as more than one word?
Very Fast Disillionist
Vigorously Fracturing Duelist
Vehemently Finishing Durations (cooldowns on skills)
Very Fancy Deathmachine
Right now?
I want more.
What I’m worried about?
Dead on arrival.
This. I have a feeling we will be quite disappointed when it finally arrives.
Better than Mesmers
(Other elites completely change there special abilities or simply how they will act. This isn’t the case with Chrono as they are straight up vertical upgrade not an alternative like others they add F5 without changing or even swapping out any of the F1-F4 skills. It would make perfect sense to swap F4 with F5 but that’s not the case. The argument of whether or not to switch to chrono doesn’t exist for Mesmers as this is an upgrade and not even remotely balanced compared to the other elites. They need to nerf Chrono by doing what they did for the other classes and balance out the special abilities F1-F5)
Tempest adds overload. If you don’t use overload, you’re just another elementalist with some different traits.
Chronomancer adds f5. If you don’t use f5, you’re just another mesmer with some different traits.As 2/5 (40%) of the specializations we have enough info about, specs that add without changing seem common enough so far.
Make that 3/6 (50%), since Thieves get extra endurance (and dodges) with no change to their Initiative/Steal mechanics.
(Harder), better, faster, stronger.
see you yesterday
Guild Wars: Utopia
Seafarer’s Rest
It’s Freaking Nothing