Did phantasmal zerker get fixed this patch?
The 4 hits do not always happen if the IZerker is far away from the target it might only get 1 strike in because the animation generates 4 attacks. Saying it only hit a static target 3 times doesn’t really tell the whole story. Hundred blades or whirrlwind on great sword are similar. Each attack has a size and facing and timing and those things determine if a hit occurs.
I think the problem compared to for example a warriors 100b or ww is, that the person controlling the warrior has a brain (well, most of the time at least), while the phantasm is controlled by the AI. If a warrior uses ww on the edge of its range, and thus losing out on some of the ww hits, he does this for a reason (probably to close a gap). Now of what use would it be, if the iZerker would use its only attack to close up to a mob? I think this would serve no purpose.
It might be possible to fix this by forcing the iZerker to move to a certain minimum range before he does his whirl attack, as long as this bug is only caused beeing out of range.
I hope this isn’t going to be a “lets just hope they give up and forget about it” issue.
Been 2 months and we haven’t forgot. We wont til its fixed
I hope we don’t have to wait till the end of may for it to be fixed…
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
(edited by Henrik.7560)
my bad… lol ^
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
If I am not mistaken, they don’t have puplic test realms which are great, yet expensive, sources of information. Which is probably the reason there are so many bugs (granted which mmo doesnt). As far as the berzerker bug goes, please relize there are (most likely at least) more bugs than devs, and it is impossible to set a single bug on highest priority over every single other one like some of you seem to desire… As far as the length of time this bug has been out I am sure we could compare it to some of the bugs in other major mmorpgs like wow that were known and didn’t get fixed for almost a year (possibly longer). As for the “focus on fixing bugs and balancing classes instead of releasing new content” some people are saying, not all developers specialize in debugging. I highly doubt you would hire a wooden furniture maker to build your house just because he is a good carpenter or a financial analyst to do you taxes because he is an expert when dealing with financial statements. Now you are probably thinking, “well why not hire more people to fix the bugs.” Lets not even get into the financing that woul be needed, instead think about the time needed to interview more developers in order to find the people best for the job. Assuming there are enough programmers availabe, you would still need to get them to want to work for you, and would need to process any applications, contact the potential employees that applied and further reduce the pool of potentiel employees via interviews or some other method, untill you get only the people that would be worth employing. Then based on their financial position hire as many as possible. To do all that work with only a marginal chance to regain money (Unless a large some of people buy gems frequently or are recomending their games and gaining them sales). Which would almost be completely unreasonable in the world of business. I am sure some of you would be more than happy to work overtime and lose any vacation time you may have in order to better contribute to society? After all we all know business are they to provide for society without any gain.
•.• wow thats probably an uneeded wall of text.
long story short:
•If they could handle it a puplic test realm, it would be very beneficial but may not be with in there means.
•Rather than just say, “OMG BUG!!!” gather evidence and post it in the appropriate place( I am not going to hold your hand and find out where/how). There are people who have done this in this thread and I applaud you
•If you are going to complain about them releasing new content instead of fixing bugs, find out there side
•If you don’t like them releasing new content instead of fixing bugs, don’t participate in the new content ( by participating repeatedly you are telling them you enjoy it). Unless you like eating a horrible tasting stake you didn’t pay for just because its free :P
•I tried to keep my troll side confined, but I am sure it may have shown itself a couple of times.
•you probably aren’t reading anymore so… (©¿©¬)
•great another wall of text
Edit: I may be a little tired and grumpy (or alot). I would rather you view this as a request to be patient with the people representing arena net (this is the forums and your free to post as you please… for the most part). I just ask the community as a whole to keep complainging to a minimum in order to keep the repetitiveness of the post down. Also (since, sadly, I am to lazy to see if it is already made puplicly known and I am sure a dev will be payining attention to this thread) I am curious about what form of test does it run patches on before they are released. I think I am done now…
(edited by Althdan.4967)
See the issue we have with reasoning like “there are more bugs than there are devs.” In this same patch the prestige turned into a double blast finisher and could be cancelled by weapon swapping allowing Mesmers to perma stealth…. These were both fixed within 2 days of the patch… The Phantasmal Berserker bug which occurred the same patch was barely addressed aside from Jason King essentially saying " We are looking at it but leave us alone about it." Then closing the thread. So why is it that when a bug occurs that gives us an advantage they suddenly have time to immediately address it… But when a bug happens that keeps us from performing at our best (as intended) it is barely acknowledged…..
Evidence like that is why it is hard for us to buy into the whole “they are too busy” thing.
valid point jportell. After reading your post and thinking about how the izerker is bugged after being affected by line of site, I am curious if by implementing the Line of sight on the izerker if it inderectly reduced the actual range of the individual swirl attacks from the izerker decreasing their size just marginal enough that it would cause the second and third rotation to hit practically everytime on a stationary target while the first and fourth miss by a decent size margen. Assuming they didn’t intentionally change the coded range of each spin and los is somehow reducing the range of the spin, it is something that would probably be almost impossible to notice by going back through the code or even simple testing. Although I imagine testing for such a coralation would take sometime it is most certainly possible. If it is that los is effecting the range it is probably affecting other skillsas well and they are trying to fix the coralation rather than mess with the range of each indiviuall skill that is affected.
As such it may be that the izerker itself isn’t bugged and that range on skills affected by los are, which may cause some misunderstanding in the channels of communication between the coders of the game and the devs replying in the forums, thus we can get answers that sound vague or contradictory, also some devs are much better at communicating than others. Would be great if they could post status updates on things like this (although that would probably eat into the time editing the code as they would basically have to take time to tell the devs on the forums of their findings and such instead of working on it), also there main objective here in the forums is more gather information about suggestions and bugs than disperse it. If arena net intends to continue its work in future mmo project I could for see them implementing a better feedback system where we more readilly available information on the bugs, but currently it would be too much work.
On that note, I need some coffee… not sure how many times I mispelled something or worded something so poorly even I didn’t know what I meant ten seconds after typing it (the internet has made a lack of sleep much more common in my life). If I am unclear or sound vague anywhere please let me know and I will do my best to reword anything later.
On a side note I bet the double blast finisher was probably just due to duplicate coding coding, I dont use the torch so I could be misunderstanding the timing of the blastfinishers.
(edited by Althdan.4967)
Not all bugs are created the same. Some bugs are harder to fix than others. That being said there does seem to be a priority towards bugs that strengthen classes vs. bugs that hinder them (not just for mes, but for all classes).
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
so its ok if something makes us underpowered as a bug.. but not ok if something makes us over powered as a bug.
even though a bug that makes us underpowered makes everyone else more powerful in comparison.
guess thats logic.
It makes perfect sense.
Bugs that make a specific build stronger – particularly if it is to a high degree – ruin the game for everyone not running that build.
Bugs that make a specific build weaker ruin the game only for the people running that build.
Numbers alone mean you have to weight yourself more towards fixing the bug that makes something stronger than the bug that makes something weaker, assuming each are to an equivalent degree.
The 4 hits do not always happen if the IZerker is far away from the target it might only get 1 strike in because the animation generates 4 attacks. Saying it only hit a static target 3 times doesn’t really tell the whole story. Hundred blades or whirrlwind on great sword are similar. Each attack has a size and facing and timing and those things determine if a hit occurs.
Thanks for the update Jon, but I would urge you to check up on the iZerker again as multiple people have confirmed that something went wrong with it after the 26th of february patch.
So I would really appreciate it if you could check it out again because there’s definitely something not working as intended. And even if this behaviour was intentional (like with the Ranger SB ‘animation fix’) we would also appreciate it if you just come out and tell us instead of making stuff up as your customers are going to find out anyway (like with the Ranger SB ‘animation fix’).
(Or, give Mesmers a Mainhand Pistol and I’ll be too happy to complain about anything)
As far as we know something did go wrong. We can’t reliably get it to display all of he damage floaters, but we have tried to test if the damage is lower or it just doesn’t hit and we have never seen that error I our debug setup which shows attack areas. I may try and make a bad pic tomorrow to show what I mean.
What happened to the “bad pic” that we were supposed to get? Find out that it was more than just “floaters”?
ehh., i agree socialism works out well on paper. the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few.
the fact that they can put men on the job to get a bug fixxed in one situation and ignore it in another situation is crap though. are bugs that make you more powerful easier to fix?
what you are telling me is they have the ability to fix any bug quick but they choose not to beause it does not hurt enough people. seems like garbage to me. ive played mmo for 15 years and no other game has had to make such power swings by nerfing and buffing without fixing the basics.
how do you know what balance should be unless you have a functioning product to balance.
Well zaxon first off, something that I believe people learn at an early age, is that not all problems can be fixed easily. If anyone is telling you to the contrary in any sisuation they are either misinformed or you misunderstood what they said.
Secondly, you imply that you believe no idealogy coming form fo socialism is aplicable in the real world. Do you also believe the idea of puplic education is only good on paper and should never be implemented in the real world?
As far as, “how do you know what balance should be unless you have a functioning product to balance?” you are basicly saying if one speaker in my car goes out I shouldn’t adjust the volume because my radio isn’t functioning. The game is functioning albeit not at 100% as intended, but just because part of it isn’t working doesn’t mean it isn’t functioning. So tell me what mmo have you played that had no bugs? Saying, “well they didn’t have near as many problems as gw2” is not a correct answer, because there are too many other variables, such as size of company, financing, expectations, and many others that don’t even relate to the specific game, and thinking they are all cabable of releasing the same quality could be like thinking a six year old kid could do anything a 30 year old could do.
The 4 hits do not always happen if the IZerker is far away from the target it might only get 1 strike in because the animation generates 4 attacks. Saying it only hit a static target 3 times doesn’t really tell the whole story. Hundred blades or whirrlwind on great sword are similar. Each attack has a size and facing and timing and those things determine if a hit occurs.
Thanks for the update Jon, but I would urge you to check up on the iZerker again as multiple people have confirmed that something went wrong with it after the 26th of february patch.
So I would really appreciate it if you could check it out again because there’s definitely something not working as intended. And even if this behaviour was intentional (like with the Ranger SB ‘animation fix’) we would also appreciate it if you just come out and tell us instead of making stuff up as your customers are going to find out anyway (like with the Ranger SB ‘animation fix’).
(Or, give Mesmers a Mainhand Pistol and I’ll be too happy to complain about anything)
As far as we know something did go wrong. We can’t reliably get it to display all of he damage floaters, but we have tried to test if the damage is lower or it just doesn’t hit and we have never seen that error I our debug setup which shows attack areas. I may try and make a bad pic tomorrow to show what I mean.
What happened to the “bad pic” that we were supposed to get? Find out that it was more than just “floaters”?
Same as usual. After weeks and months of no communication, they show up for 2 minutes and then they stop communicating for another few weeks until they can drop another carrot of hope in front of us.
Gwens Avengers
What happened to the “bad pic” that we were supposed to get? Find out that it was more than just “floaters”?
Same as usual. After weeks and months of no communication, they show up for 2 minutes and then they stop communicating for another few weeks until they can drop another carrot of hope in front of us.
Come on guys, cut him some slack. He said he ‘may try and make a bad pic tomorrow’. He didn’t promise anything.
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
It’s a nerf, so give it up. At this juncture it’s been in place for so long that it’s now “accepted performance” and it is never getting fixed. Best forget it because there are plenty more downward revisions coming. In one acronym, BOHICA.
It’s a nerf, so give it up. At this juncture it’s been in place for so long that it’s now “accepted performance” and it is never getting fixed. Best forget it because there are plenty more downward revisions coming. In one acronym, BOHICA.
We don’t need players saying that an official unintended bug (Devs stating so) is just an unofficial nerf…. Please don’t bring comments like that to something that we are trying to fix… Is it annoying that it takes them so long to fix it/address it yes… But have they acknowledged that it was not supposed to happen yes…. And since someone besides Jason King (bug forum moderator) has stated that it is being worked on I will take that at least someone is working on it and it is not them trying to appease us. They have prolly figured out that we will only be appeased when this is fixed.
Any updates on this, Jon?
Any updates on this, Jon?
its sunday :P
Change it so that izerker hits once but does full damage.
I’d like to see it changed to something like guardian hammer 2, a leap aoe. That way you can be sure it will hit properly, it retains its aoe, and the numbers can be easily balanced.
I’d like to see it changed to something like guardian hammer 2, a leap aoe. That way you can be sure it will hit properly, it retains its aoe, and the numbers can be easily balanced.
We kinda already have a phantasm that leaps though.
…and then there was nothing and another fine thread faded away into obscurity.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
id like a better access to fury, what about zerker giving it with hits?
we just want it to work like it was pre feb 26th…. I don’t care what bogus bs they add to it if it is still hitting for 1k damage IF that. No thanks.
/creativity off
let me disappear with decoy.
/creativity off
let me disappear with decoy.
Sorry but yeah I’d rather have it working as intended before they add things to it. If your cars battery is dead or the fuel injectors are clogged would you spend money on fixing that or go by new rims for a car you can’t drive…. That’s my logic behind that argument
will this be fixed?
Is there any news on this? I feel this thread will be locked soon because “the discussion has run it’s course” or something along those lines. The skill is in fact broken and Jon Peters is incorrect when he claims otherwise. So I hope that somebody at Arenanet can revisit this thread and give as an official response even if it only amounts to “this is something we are looking at”.
will this be fixed?
Yes, in two years. Let them find what makes it miss, 24 months should be enough.
I can wait….. only for so long though.
Well since the thread isn’t closed yet that’s a good sign right?
•.• wow thats probably an uneeded wall of text.
long story short:
•If they could handle it a puplic test realm, it would be very beneficial but may not be with in there means.
•Rather than just say, “OMG BUG!!!” gather evidence and post it in the appropriate place( I am not going to hold your hand and find out where/how). There are people who have done this in this thread and I applaud you
•If you are going to complain about them releasing new content instead of fixing bugs, find out there side
•If you don’t like them releasing new content instead of fixing bugs, don’t participate in the new content ( by participating repeatedly you are telling them you enjoy it). Unless you like eating a horrible tasting stake you didn’t pay for just because its free :P
•I tried to keep my troll side confined, but I am sure it may have shown itself a couple of times.
•you probably aren’t reading anymore so… (©¿©¬)
•great another wall of text
OMG I would love a test server! It would have prevented sooo many bugs that affect our gameplay for weeks if released with a new patch. confusion probably wouldn’t have been over nerfed either, thw whole arrowcart problem in wvw wouldn’t be ther, berserker would be reported as broken it also would help anet to test out new ideas and they could check if people like it or not.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
As you can see in the screen I have 3,600+ power (a lot) 46% Crit chance with Phantasmal Fury it makes it 66%. My sigils of bloodlust are maxed out… And this target was stationary upon spawning of the zerker… So you are going to tell me that phantasmal berserker is going to hit for less than one bounce from mirror blade (2,900 damage in this build).
Cue the Mirror Blade nerf…..
Well zerker is still bugged. I vote as a band-aid fix we get our december buffs back :p
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
I just don’t understand how my zerker can miss 3 out of 4 hits on something that’s standing stationary… Because that happens, A LOT.
Everyone in this thread =’s
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Still haven’t heard anything yet?
so same as before, the bug is here but it doesnt get fixed.
when it would be whirlwind or backstab it would been hotfixed in a day.
it is pretty annoying that such a major bug doesnt get fixed after almost 4 month now.
My iZerker hits for 1500-3000 dmg, depending on the targets armor and luck. Just in singular cases he hits for only arround 500 dmg. I have 2121 power, a crit chance of 66% (2218 presision) and a crit bonus of 44%.
Do you guys say, that i Zerker should be stronger than that? That would be awesome, once its fixed.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
My iZerker hits for 1500-3000 dmg, depending on the targets armor and luck. Just in singular cases he hits for only arround 500 dmg. I have 2121 power, a crit chance of 66% (2218 presision) and a crit bonus of 44%.
Do you guys say, that i Zerker should be stronger than that? That would be awesome, once its fixed.
iZerker used to hit for upwards of 5-7k at least in our most damaging builds… Now when I run him with the power that I get… I can get maybe 2k and I have way more than 2121 power
Gonna guess he’s not coming back
they should just rename it to snarebot
I vote for the snarebot name change. More suitable than berserker lol
Rename it to “tickle me butterfly” because that’s all this kittening phantasm does currently is tickle…
I miss hitting people for 11k in wvw on a zerker build so much Was so fun carpet bombing people on keeps before los nerf… those were the times wvw was so fun on mez that atrocious fps didn’t bothered me.
11k? That sounds insane. However, I don’t know if it’s bugged or not, but I have no problems with my iZerker. I am one a high crit chance build, with rampager armor to bleed my enemies to death through sharper images
There is some luck involved, granted. As you can see in the first screenshot, the Zerker gets somehow stuck on the wall and deals very little dmg. However, in the 2nd screenshot it does okay dmg, for I am not on Bersekrer armor…
If it would deal more dmg, it would be slightly overpowered imho.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
11k? That sounds insane. However, I don’t know if it’s bugged or not, but I have no problems with my iZerker. I am one a high crit chance build, with rampager armor to bleed my enemies to death through sharper images
There is some luck involved, granted. As you can see in the first screenshot, the Zerker gets somehow stuck on the wall and deals very little dmg. However, in the 2nd screenshot it does okay dmg, for I am not on Bersekrer armor…
If it would deal more dmg, it would be slightly overpowered imho.
you have remember that wvw has up leveled people so of course it will hit harder and im running a build with +98% crit damage/60% crit chance.