Disclaimer: I maybe the only one to support this and you can rally behind any talking head but Scepter and Sword are comparable in utility and control.
Another patron of the Mesmer kindly pointed out the faults of Scepter compared to Sword:
“Parallels between scepter and MH sword you say? Let us count the ways.
Autoattack: Scepter is slow and does nothing but spawn a clone. Sword is fast, provides vuln, and strips boon. They both do damage.
Blurred frenzy provides 2.5s of evade, and high damage.
Illusionary counter provides a block. They both are a form of defense and offense.
Illusionary leap/swap is a double leap combo, a stun break, a cripple, and an immobilize.
Confusing images is a slow, obvious, channeled attack that doesn’t hit very hard and provides 5 stacks of confusion."
Fine observations but please allow me to retort:
Scepter is a “Set-Up” weapon. The fixation with speed is not only over emphasized but it is not needed to win every battle since as you pointed out; Sword exists for that purpose… Out of all the weapons we have that requires us to spam the #1 skill, Scepter gives us the opportunity to diversify our strategy. One Clone maybe what we get out of it but you must know the many utilities our clones provide, so I will not attempt to insult your intelligence on that front.
Blurred frenzy provides 2.5s of evade, and high damage.
Comparatively with the addition of torment you block a direct attack and you apply an immediate counter offensive. Your description of “High dmg” is build specific toward power along with my description of an immediate counter offensive with the right build catered to condition dmg.
Again, I will not insult your intelligence over the strategic application of torment.
Illusionary leap/swap is a double leap combo, a stun break, a cripple, and an immobilize.
Sword #3 is this case has many powerful abilities rolled up into one skill activation. Where Scepter 3 is comparable, is in it’s versatile strategic application you complement this skill with another. Again the fixation with how things are applied directly vs. and indirect summation of abilities and how that is ridiculed as being ineffective boggles my mind.
Confusing images is a slow, obvious, channeled attack that doesn’t hit very hard and provides 5 stacks of confusion.
Again the fixation on the speed of this attack. Confusing images is an amazing ability especially with the addition of pierce if and only if you will to apply patience timing and the willingness to think out side the box when using it.
Post after post I read people write Scepter off… If I sound condescending to anyone… Let me ask you: how do you think it feels to be spoken that way to just because I use Scepter in any game mode? How many times have I been asked to “re-roll”,insulted or kicked because just because I use a misunderstood weapon set.
I’m cryptic because ignorance has impacted our profession Negatively. The people who take the time and experiment with Mesmer know what I was talking about. The people who don’t they will be left to figure it out on their own to complain ignorantly.
As smarmy and condescending as this post “PSA…A Scepter’s Message to Mesmer’s” was perceived. My message to the Mesmer community will always be for me to challenge and provoke fellow Mesmer’s to a paradigm of their own experimentation and implementation.