[Disruptor's Susta-] How to make it appealing
I think we’d all be better off finding out who came up with the trait, hunting them down and eliminating them from the gene pool, thus securing humanity’s future.
But seriously, I think something simple like changing increased healing power to increased healing effectiveness would be tolerable. Maybe something like +33% healing effectiveness.
I think we’d all be better off finding out who came up with the trait, hunting them down and eliminating them from the gene pool, thus securing humanity’s future.
But seriously, I think something simple like changing increased healing power to increased healing effectiveness would be tolerable. Maybe something like +33% healing effectiveness.
Why not make it just heal for 2k when you interrupt.
I like Sticker’s suggestion. Making it heal AOE on interrupt for a decent amount would be nice and pair nicely with the mantra heal. It would make healing bunker builds more viable. I’m envisioning a 0/4/4/6/0 build that would be really fun to play.
Or better yet, 0/2/6/6/0 for both CI and DS. Oh how nice that would be with sword/focus+staff!!
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
(edited by MailMail.6534)
I think we’d all be better off finding out who came up with the trait, hunting them down and eliminating them from the gene pool, thus securing humanity’s future.
But seriously, I think something simple like changing increased healing power to increased healing effectiveness would be tolerable. Maybe something like +33% healing effectiveness.
Why not make it just heal for 2k when you interrupt.
Since I’m pro interrupt, I like this idea.
I think we’d all be better off finding out who came up with the trait, hunting them down and eliminating them from the gene pool, thus securing humanity’s future.
But seriously, I think something simple like changing increased healing power to increased healing effectiveness would be tolerable. Maybe something like +33% healing effectiveness.
Why not make it just heal for 2k when you interrupt.
Since I’m pro interrupt, I like this idea.
Make it aoe too, since its still an interrupt, it wouldn’t stray away from the original idea. 5 sec icd to prevent the chaos storm procs. Make it scale with healing power too, even if it scales really good, you still have to interrupt to make it work, so we have the balancing issues covered
When are you playing? I miss you already!
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
It’s in inspiration, have it be phantasm related.
Landing an interrupt resets your phantasms attack timers. This would pair so awesomely with CI, mmmm.
I like Pyro’s idea from a while back: Landing an interrupt reduces the cd on all skills currently on cd by X seconds, so if you have a skill with Y sec left on cd, landing an interrupt makes it only have Y-X sec left, or brings it off cd is X>=Y, and it does this for every skill on cd.
This would apply to all skills, elite, heal, utility and weapon skills. This would also make for an awesome pair with CI.
I think any heal on interrupt less than 5k is not going to be worth 6 into inspiration, even them I’m not sure. It would have to be a boss heal with an icd. But then you have the icd issue, as I don’t think any trait related to landing interrupts should have an icd. The heal on interrupt was a dumb idea imo. Pyros idea above would be amazing.
My idea as always is: reset your heal skill cd when interrupt. 30s icd.
It’s in inspiration, have it be phantasm related.
Landing an interrupt resets your phantasms attack timers. This would pair so awesomely with CI, mmmm.
I like Pyro’s idea from a while back: Landing an interrupt reduces the cd on all skills currently on cd by X seconds, so if you have a skill with Y sec left on cd, landing an interrupt makes it only have Y-X sec left, or brings it off cd is X>=Y, and it does this for every skill on cd.
This would apply to all skills, elite, heal, utility and weapon skills. This would also make for an awesome pair with CI.
I think any heal on interrupt less than 5k is not going to be worth 6 into inspiration, even them I’m not sure. It would have to be a boss heal with an icd. But then you have the icd issue, as I don’t think any trait related to landing interrupts should have an icd. The heal on interrupt was a dumb idea imo. Pyros idea above would be amazing.
Resetting the phant timers would be better if you put it into Furious Interruption (Reset their attack to attack again if they did) No offense, but 2k AOE base Heal is a lot already, scales with healing power, and dnt forget you could take it Restorative Mantras on top of that!
Not that difficult. Make it able to stack with itself, and make each trigger also apply X seconds of regeneration so there is a forced benefit.
It’s in inspiration, have it be phantasm related.
Landing an interrupt resets your phantasms attack timers. This would pair so awesomely with CI, mmmm.
I like Pyro’s idea from a while back: Landing an interrupt reduces the cd on all skills currently on cd by X seconds, so if you have a skill with Y sec left on cd, landing an interrupt makes it only have Y-X sec left, or brings it off cd is X>=Y, and it does this for every skill on cd.
This would apply to all skills, elite, heal, utility and weapon skills. This would also make for an awesome pair with CI.
I think any heal on interrupt less than 5k is not going to be worth 6 into inspiration, even them I’m not sure. It would have to be a boss heal with an icd. But then you have the icd issue, as I don’t think any trait related to landing interrupts should have an icd. The heal on interrupt was a dumb idea imo. Pyros idea above would be amazing.
Why should it be related to phantasm? Nearly the only ’’traits’’ that are affecting phantasm in inspiration are the minor trats.. A good +/- 90% of the adapt, master and grandmaster traits are based on anything but phantasm.
Sticker <3 <3 Miss you too. I’ve been extremely busy lately. I’ll message you on fb.
I’ll be back to play the living story tomorrow though. I’m sure some pvp will be involved as well!
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Couldn’t it be for example be something like “200 healing power per illusion up”? not sure about the number, that would be something you could adjust still but I’m sure you get the point.
Couldn’t it be for example be something like “200 healing power per illusion up”? not sure about the number, that would be something you could adjust still but I’m sure you get the point.
Per illusion up would only serve for phantasm builds, IMO
Clone death kills your illusions for dmg so i would benefit them for seconds maybe?
Shatter would be the same.
AND as long as your phantasms and clones stay up for so long for this trait to be beneficial.
It’s in inspiration, have it be phantasm related.
Landing an interrupt resets your phantasms attack timers. This would pair so awesomely with CI, mmmm.
I like Pyro’s idea from a while back: Landing an interrupt reduces the cd on all skills currently on cd by X seconds, so if you have a skill with Y sec left on cd, landing an interrupt makes it only have Y-X sec left, or brings it off cd is X>=Y, and it does this for every skill on cd.
This would apply to all skills, elite, heal, utility and weapon skills. This would also make for an awesome pair with CI.
I think any heal on interrupt less than 5k is not going to be worth 6 into inspiration, even them I’m not sure. It would have to be a boss heal with an icd. But then you have the icd issue, as I don’t think any trait related to landing interrupts should have an icd. The heal on interrupt was a dumb idea imo. Pyros idea above would be amazing.
Why should it be related to phantasm? Nearly the only ’’traits’’ that are affecting phantasm in inspiration are the minor trats.. A good +/- 90% of the adapt, master and grandmaster traits are based on anything but phantasm.
Why shouldn’t it be? How many “traits” in the line are heal related? Hey look, it’s the same amount as the phantasm ones!
It’s the healing power line yes, but ofc healing power is useless. Don’t tell me people go into inspiration for the healing power. Almost everyone goes into inspiration for menders or because they are running a phantasm build.
The only reason people are talking about this GM being all about heals is that some idiot at Anet thought it would be a good idea. Not a good base to start thinking from imo…
Guys, let’s try to keep the discussion focused on how to make “Disrupter’s Sustainment” better. Keeping the name in mind, I think it’s best to have it remain an interrupt skill. Let’s face it, Anet isn’t going to look at this thread and scrap the name to give us something more phantasm related, so we have to be realistic in our discussion if we’re trying to have updates given to us.
After some more thought, how I would change it:
Disrupter’s Sustainment
Remove 1 condition from yourself and nearby allies when you interrupt a foe. Conditions removed grants healing.
- Healing: 1000
- Number of Targets: 5
- Radius: 400
I’m not sure how these numbers look, but hopefully you guys get the idea? It would give rise to a legitimate support melee mesmer using mantras to heal and remove conditions from your team in the thick of battle.
Criticisms of this design are welcomed.
ETA – I changed the healing from 1500 to 1000 to make it somewhat comparable to the other gm traits in this line.
It’s essentially the other two gm traits combined except for interrupt builds. However, the differences would be interesting if implemented this way. I like that with my DS, you only get healing with conditions removed, which isn’t exactly hard to time, but Restorative Illusions is guaranteed healing. There is a chaotic nature to interrupts even for those best interrupters out there. For this reason, I don’t think it’d be over powered, but when it works it can be AMAZING for your team (like all interrupt builds).
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
(edited by MailMail.6534)
Also, this would work just like BI, so AOE interrupts would be devastatingly strong. Maybe my healing number is too high in that case. Maybe it’d be a bit overpowered with the amount of interrupts we have at our disposal.
Eta – Now this is how you would sustain someone that is aggressively disrupting the enemy!
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
What you suggest MailMail will finally make a new mesmer GM trait out-competes two other old GM traits lol. But I like it, part of the reasons why people don’t invest 6 into inspiration is due to inadequacy of shattered conditions and restorative illusions.
I’m actually thinking about 1000 healing per interrupt (1s ICD to avoid area interrupt). It should have lower base healing so the modifier can go as high as *0.8-1. This allows healing bunker mesmer to actually invest into healing power without wasting stats. The additional condition removal make this GM trait much more in place than guardian’s minor master trait selfless daring. And the requirement for interrupt means it won’t be as accessible as dodging.
You’re right. It does sort of out compete the other skills, but that isn’t hard to do.
I’m ok with the idea of having the ICD to prevent aoe interrupts from proccing, but the healing should be higher if this is the case. I would even accept a healing of 500 if it meant that AOE interrupts would proc the trait. lol Mesmer would be your go-to fro team condi removal!!
Shattered Conditions should remove conditions per illusion shattered and have an internal cool down to prevent from being really OP with DE. Restorative Illusions should heal more than what it does and be AOE. Those simple changes make them worth going 0/4/0/6/4 imho.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Shattered condition is per condition per illusion though. The problem with it is more like the long CD from shatter and illusions requirement. The long CD prevents you from truly rely on it when you have single heavy damage condition like burning from ele (occasionally guard). Nor can you rely on it when you and your illusions are getting AoE condition bombed by engi or necro. Maybe its good against P/D condi thief? But if you get ganked then that 5 stacks of confusion is going to kill you while you set up illusions.
Personally I say scrap it and come up with something else. My ideas:
Symbiotic Relations: Any boon an illusion receives is also given to the mesmer.
Glamorous Recovery: Entering glamour fields turns conditions on allies into boons.
Strength in Numbers: Every 10 seconds gain 1 stack of might for every active illusion.
Safety in Numbers: Every 10 seconds gain 1 second of protection for every active illusion.
Out with a Bang: Phantasms shatter using Mind Wrack when defeated.
Shock and Awe: Clones defeated with a single hit with daze their attacker for 2 seconds. (cooldown 10 seconds)
Glamorous Recovery sounds GLORIOUS! (glamour enthusiast here) I’d rather have it give you and allies healing per second you’re inside of it. And scrapping DS it isn’t a reality, so suggesting such is counter-productive imho. If that were the case, many gms would have been scrapped by this point. Those are some interesting gm traits for Inspiration though.
Well I’m more ignorant than I thought then. haha I guess I’ve never really used SC enough to remember that. I actually don’t think that’s too horrible. It’s not optimal and cuts back a tremendous amount of power in exchange for some team condi removal. However, the goal would still be similar to that of the classic shatter Mesmer.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Glamorous Recovery could turn one condition into regeneration per second. I see no problem with that. In fact, it might even be better that way since players will know for sure which boon they will receive. I’m certainly not against lowering the absurd amount of rng in the game.
I stand behind my opinion to scrap Disruptor’s Sustainment. While I have seen some good ideas about what to replace it with, (heals on disruption sound very enticing) I also feel that staying with its theme is very limiting. I never would have come up with Glamorous Recovery if I stuck to the theme.
I do like the idea of changing DS into an area heal on interrupt trait. However, I do feel the the same about Restorative Illusions. When looking at the traitline as a whole, I see Restorative Illusions being the more promising option for an area heal. I can see different defensive or support shatter builds. DS as a heal on interrupt would be nice but lacks synergy within the traitline.
Unfortunately, I can’t think of any attractive alternative function. I also don’t think that an interrupt trait is a reasonable addition to a support focussed traitline. Ideas of changing it into affecting cooldowns are awesome but probably are hard to balance properly. I guess I’m more on the “just replace it already”-team.
Glamorous Recovery: Entering glamour fields turns conditions on allies into boons.
I’m a glamour fan-boy but I hate hate hate the “on entering”-mechanic. I feel that it is questionable for offensive effects. And I feel that it is even worse for defensive ones. Traited Feedback could replace Nullfield. And we would face the same issue we already have with Temporal Curtain – which resulted in it being changed into a pitiful state when it comes to Swiftness application.
Considering that Inspiration is about defensive support and phantasms, how about if the trait expands that to a different type of context?
Rapid Illusions
Each clone shattered or destroyed reduces the cooldown of all your Phantasm skills.
Cooldown reduction: 20% of remaining cooldown.
Bumping, because there are some fantastic ideas here.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Bumping, because there are some fantastic ideas here.
If only we had a forum rep to take those ideas and represent them to the people who are paid to make good ideas happen!
Bumping, because there are some fantastic ideas here.
If only we had a forum rep to take those ideas and represent them to the people who are paid to make good ideas happen!
Hopefully people are turning their applications in.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Im surprised I didn’t notice this thread a while ago. There are some good ideas here that really impressed me. I would actually take of those gm traits lol.
To the people saying it could interfere with restorative illusions and shattered condis-I really think these traits need to be combined and made aoe. That could actually be a solid gm trait for support mesmers.
Yeah, I really loved my rework of the Disrupter’s Sustainment as it is kind of a mix of SC & RI, which are both severely underpowered. This would be the interrupt version of the new combined RI/SC.
Then guess what? That would leave room for a Glamour grand master trait!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I’m such a glamour enthusiast; that would be a dream come true.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Yeah, I really loved my rework of the Disrupter’s Sustainment as it is kind of a mix of SC & RI, which are both severely underpowered. This would be the interrupt version of the new combined RI/SC.
Then guess what? That would leave room for a Glamour grand master trait!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I’m such a glamour enthusiast; that would be a dream come true.
Why not have one for shattering and one for interrupting? You can have build diversity then :O
Yeah, I really loved my rework of the Disrupter’s Sustainment as it is kind of a mix of SC & RI, which are both severely underpowered. This would be the interrupt version of the new combined RI/SC.
Then guess what? That would leave room for a Glamour grand master trait!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I’m such a glamour enthusiast; that would be a dream come true.
Why not have one for shattering and one for interrupting? You can have build diversity then :O
Yep, that’s what I mean. One gm would be my Disrupter’s Sustainment. The other would be the combined shatter version that heals and clears condis. And the last would be a glamour! <3 Now that would give build diversity to support Mesmers, and actually make going 6 into Inspiration enticing!
edit: I could see the builds now!!
Restorative Illusions 0/4/0/6/4 Zerker with some supportive capabilities
Glamorous Recovery 4/0/0/6/4 Condition Support
Disupter’s Sustainment 0/2/6/6/0 Interrupt Tank
My mouth is watering.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
(edited by MailMail.6534)
Yeah, I really loved my rework of the Disrupter’s Sustainment as it is kind of a mix of SC & RI, which are both severely underpowered. This would be the interrupt version of the new combined RI/SC.
Then guess what? That would leave room for a Glamour grand master trait!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I’m such a glamour enthusiast; that would be a dream come true.
Why not have one for shattering and one for interrupting? You can have build diversity then :O
Yep, that’s what I mean. One gm would be my Disrupter’s Sustainment. The other would be the combined shatter version that heals and clears condis. And the last would be a glamour! <3 Now that would give build diversity to support Mesmers, and actually make going 6 into Inspiration enticing!
I would probably try the new inspiration tree with those changes. I think the third gm trait should involve phantasms honestly and we would have a complete traitline.
Yeah, I really loved my rework of the Disrupter’s Sustainment as it is kind of a mix of SC & RI, which are both severely underpowered. This would be the interrupt version of the new combined RI/SC.
Then guess what? That would leave room for a Glamour grand master trait!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I’m such a glamour enthusiast; that would be a dream come true.
Why not have one for shattering and one for interrupting? You can have build diversity then :O
Yep, that’s what I mean. One gm would be my Disrupter’s Sustainment. The other would be the combined shatter version that heals and clears condis. And the last would be a glamour! <3 Now that would give build diversity to support Mesmers, and actually make going 6 into Inspiration enticing!
I would probably try the new inspiration tree with those changes
. I think the third gm trait should involve phantasms honestly and we would have a complete traitline.
Same!! Come on Anet. If Zerker Mesmer is going to be pushed out of the meta, at least give some life to support Mesmers.
Now let’s stay on topic. Any other cool changes for this lacking grandmaster trait? Disrupter’s Sustainment has a lot of potential. It was just executed poorly.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
I’ll just add, one of the most productive threads in recent history (the whole series was golden), snaps to the OP, you’re a legend.
bumpity bump bump!
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
Illusion of Life used on the thread, gonna drop dead again soon :P
Nope ^ rallied.
Learn as much mending and medical info as possible so that it can be added to the Dream.
Become the first Chief of Mending and guide the newly awaken as well as those who want to learn.
Here are my ideas for the cursed trait line I try my kitten to make use of.
Illusion Of Care: If phantasm attacks pass through allies or the mesmer, they lose on condition. (Would work good with torch phantasm and such.)
Restorative Bouncing: Skills having capability to bounce have a 30% chance to heal based on power or remove a condition. (Heh, attempting to support my build ideas. And base is 800 healing and is based on pure power… Not might increased. 0.2% of power.)
Conjoined Powers: Boons given to mesmer are shared with phantasms.(So you don’t need the signet to give boons to just phantasms. Time interval is every 3 seconds.)
-Going to add more if I get ideas… More of them.-
Simplest change to implement, though probably quite boring:
Just make it actually heal you when you interrupt (flat numbers or granting regen boon) instead of doing the “Have some Healing Power for these next few seconds, which you should really be using to capitalize on your interrupt with a burst of your own!” design it has now.
^ interruption meta would love this… However, it’ll never happen sadly…
There’s just something off when you have shatter or shatter-related traits in a line that’s supposed to benefit phantasms.
I think we should start with new minor traits for inspiration before we go after Disruptor’s Sustainment…
There’s just something off when you have shatter or shatter-related traits in a line that’s supposed to benefit phantasms.
I think we should start with new minor traits for inspiration before we go after Disruptor’s Sustainment…
Minor traits are actually “good”. Medic’s Feedback, Glamour Mastery, Mender’s Purity, Vigorous Revelation and Persisting Images all have niche uses that make them integral to certain builds. This is especially the case in a variety of tank and/or support builds. Mender’s purity being the exception as it’s really good in most builds. Due to needing to be in combat, I find Compounding Celerity to be the only trait awful in all situations.
Disrupter’s Sustainment is absolutely awful. I wonder what the data is of people using it… I like the idea of an AOE burst of healing on interrupt. Concept is there, but follow through is absolutely atrocious. I’m embarrassed for the person who OK’ed this trait.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
I think we’d all be better off finding out who came up with the trait, hunting them down and eliminating them from the gene pool, thus securing humanity’s future.
A lot more will need to die before that happens.
Making it work only as an interrupt would only render it useful in pvp. I think just using a CC skill should trigger the heal.
I wonder, what if it turend attacks blocked/distorted turn into healing for the mesmer? Warriors have that mechanic in the form of a heal that absorbs damage and converts it to healing.
And in GW1 we had plenty of spells that converted something nasty into something beneficial.
It’s a grandmaster trait so it should be powerful enough to compete with the others, and damage conversion to healing from blocks/distortion would be enough to make people consider dropping the 6 points in other lines.
I disagree Zenith. Interrupting in PvE is insanely easy. I do it all the time without even trying when I’m playing the Living Story. Their attacks are really slow.
I think the skill has to remain interrupt-based, because of its name. As much as I’d like to believe Anet would scrap a trait, that’s wishful thinking on my part. I think the suggestions made here are good for making it an interrupt trait worthy of taking.
Those skills do sound interesting. I think healing through distortion isn’t gm worthy considering we only have 2 different ways to do it, one requiring a 4 point trait in Dueling, not taking DE AND the use of signets, and the other being a shatter on a 46s cd at best.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
TY Sticker happy for that idea with healing on interrupts !!! it is a great idea and would make interrupt mesmer legitimately viable in spvp… the tanking power of a zerker/ knights build with that would be insanely good for a team, its heals would be higher than an ele and it would have great CC. Obviously because the mesmers defensive abiltity are removed by the mantras and this build would be hilarious if dueling another version of itself. Lol perma immobilized foes and never gettign your heal skil loff
Might as well make it a Lifesteal on interrupt
Aoe Heal on interrupt is the best one i can think of 2.5k AOE heal per interrupt, 3 sec ICD. Scales with healing power.
Now we have support builds running rampant then.
Now if anyone says this is OP, look at this first:
2k heal, no circumstance of proccing except use a meditation. no ICD.
I disagree Zenith. Interrupting in PvE is insanely easy. I do it all the time without even trying when I’m playing the Living Story. Their attacks are really slow.
I think the skill has to remain interrupt-based, because of its name. As much as I’d like to believe Anet would scrap a trait, that’s wishful thinking on my part. I think the suggestions made here are good for making it an interrupt trait worthy of taking.
Those skills do sound interesting. I think healing through distortion isn’t gm worthy considering we only have 2 different ways to do it, one requiring a 4 point trait in Dueling, not taking DE AND the use of signets, and the other being a shatter on a 46s cd at best.
LOL, you use living story as an example? Seriously? Please show me a video of your marvelous interrupts in fractal 50 or Arah where most of the damage comes from AUTOATTACKS.