Funniest whispers.
I honestly dislike these threads every time they pop-up.
Someone said something stupid/silly/etc. to me … let’s discuss that stupid/silly/etc. thing.
It then progresses to:
- He called me a noob
- So I told him how it is
- He still didn’t listen
- So I told him nuh uh, girlfriend, don’t sass me
- He didn’t like that so cussed at me
- So I ignored him, but then made a snarky remark back
The only time I’m going to ever not hate one of these is when someone has a video that shows some kid being a smartmouth to someone else, that someone else then getting up, walking to that kid’s house, and whooping the smartmouth … then the smartmouth learning a lesson about how you can still get whooped for what you say online … and the person that beat them getting jailed because that’s not actually cool either.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
No worries … you should see the Thief equivalent.
Ultimately, you do what you want with these threads. I just wanted to let you all know how these threads often come across to some of us.
Also, I am chill. I’m a Norn. We’re already chill/cool/awesome :-p
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
I only really have two I remember..
I’m playing, doing my thang on 4/4/6 sword+focus/staff lockdown with my usual utilities (blink, portal, daze mantra). Now I’m the only Mesmer there, but someone rages in map chat.
“Noskill PU cheese”
I’m like “… But. I don’t.. Even.. Use any stealth…”
This weekend I was getting some practice in vs 2v1s in hotjoin. I got into a duel with a warrior and he legitimately killshotted me when I had no defenses.
I type “I’m officially terrible at this game. =[”
This guy, citadel of flame armor and all with his rifle/gs goes
“It’s OK man, we all have to start somewhere.” All politely to my corpse.
….I taco-wrapped myself in a blanket and cried myself to sleep that night.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Don’t worry I’ll find that kill shot warrior and make a video montage of me killing him to make you feel better !!! ( unless I know who he is already and he I www and Quran gs rifle build…. I can’t tell when asuran use hammer 2 on guard or when they use killshot QQ)
My favorite rage ever was when this engi rage at me because I used an unlockable skill while he was using his toolkit block, I was playing a necromancer at the time (which I’m awful at )
Or maybe when this fallen goes cele thief… who really was in full cele on p/d couldn’t kill me and called me a hacker, then called my guild a hacker guild, then said I was embarrassing him, all while I was busy trying to prevent a thief I later learn was him from ganking me and calls me a hacker again when I kill him in front of his zerg by blowing him up and stab / invulnerable a moping then using rampage to run away ( my favorite trick on warrior).
I never get hate mail when on mesmer.
(edited by Sadrien.3470)
Got infracted for posting names of players here. I apologize for that. Blurred other players names out now.
Heres my post:
I had a 4v5 game because of Leeto being a BigD(get it? [Just a joke!]) and afking. I notice enemy team overcomits to fights. I keep a 3v1 going vs DPS ele, necro, and mes. I kill necro, and get the ele low but I mess up a distort so my heal gets interrupted by vamp runes. I get 5s burn I die because I couldnt heal (kitten you vamp runes!!). I kept 3v1ing them and we ended up loosing 490 to 500. I got called a hacker after the game.
Then a few weeks ago we’re wrecking this team in soloq because I happened to get a good team. 3 cap the entire game, after 350 I setup lord portal. I decide to just sit at range and AA, not do anything, I just tank a few wells from necro and go down because I’m basically not touching the keyboard. Necro calls me noob and proceedes to tell me how he was rank 1 on leaderboards, I tell him it doesnt mean anything because its just a farm. He asks me ‘did you play in ESL?’ I say ‘yes’ and he proceeds to tell me ‘its not a big deal’ in a desperate attempt of getting back at me.
A month or so ago I keep killing this thief by +1ing and in 1v1s. He whispers me in capital letters ‘you lucky c*** getting your lame a** lucky shatters off on me when I dont see you, get good’. Asks for 1v1s. Gets killed every 1v1 we do, proceeds to make excuses about how hes lagging, just came back, messed just this one thing up ect.
Helseth question was when I killed this thief in a 1v1, just proud to show that, he was decent from what I remember.
The ‘lord why you spamming skills’ was obviously a hater. Score was around 450 to 150 for us so I went playing like a kitten (my tradition as you can see).
The first guy is self explanatory.
Got infracted for posting names of players here. I apologize for that. Blurred other players names out now.
Heres my post:I had a 4v5 game because of Leeto being a BigD(get it? [Just a joke!]) and afking. I notice enemy team overcomits to fights. I keep a 3v1 going vs DPS ele, necro, and mes. I kill necro, and get the ele low but I mess up a distort so my heal gets interrupted by vamp runes. I get 5s burn I die because I couldnt heal (kitten you vamp runes!!). I kept 3v1ing them and we ended up loosing 490 to 500. I got called a hacker after the game.
Then a few weeks ago we’re wrecking this team in soloq because I happened to get a good team. 3 cap the entire game, after 350 I setup lord portal. I decide to just sit at range and AA, not do anything, I just tank a few wells from necro and go down because I’m basically not touching the keyboard. Necro calls me noob and proceedes to tell me how he was rank 1 on leaderboards, I tell him it doesnt mean anything because its just a farm. He asks me ‘did you play in ESL?’ I say ‘yes’ and he proceeds to tell me ‘its not a big deal’ in a desperate attempt of getting back at me.
A month or so ago I keep killing this thief by +1ing and in 1v1s. He whispers me in capital letters ‘you lucky c*** getting your lame a** lucky shatters off on me when I dont see you, get good’. Asks for 1v1s. Gets killed every 1v1 we do, proceeds to make excuses about how hes lagging, just came back, messed just this one thing up ect.
Helseth question was when I killed this thief in a 1v1, just proud to show that, he was decent from what I remember.
The ‘lord why you spamming skills’ was obviously a hater. Score was around 450 to 150 for us so I went playing like a kitten (my tradition as you can see).
The first guy is self explanatory.
How do you get infracted for that lol. But i guess i got infracted for asking eles not to QQ so yeah the mods sometimes should be more lenient, I can only guess who reported you for publicly showing whispers….
I too forgot that you’re not allowed to post screens with names in it. Sorry about that. Here’s the post.
One GS warrior failed to run from me, and after I downed him he whispered “when i run let me run”
I dueled this engineer few times and he couldn’t beat me. After the duels he said:
“i didnt hitted you once”
“nice hacking”
“idiot black”
WvW Roaming with Mesmer
It’s always funny who thieves rage about how unfair mesmer is in thief mesmer match up. It happens a lot when I beat bad s/d thieves.