[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Neko, At lvl 1-20 my personal recomendation is use Staff as main wep with sword/focus or sword/pistol as 2nd set.

Get a group of enemys together, get a chaos storm on em and stay in it, get a clone and a phantasm up, let phantasm hit 1 time then shatter it with mind wrack. This is the low lvl trick that stick al the way to 80 wvwvw, generaly after phantasm hit 1 time you shatter it unless you on a loooooong boss fight.

When you get traits, put 1st 5 and tbh even 10 in illusions, you get faster regeneration of illusions and 3% dmg / illusion. This make you survive better and do better dmg.

Hope this help


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neko.1860


Thanks, also my illusions die before they even attack once >.<

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


Thanks, also my illusions die before they even attack once >.<

Try this, hit mob 1 time with staff 1st, then hit nr 2 when mob comming closer, then summon iwarlock and when it hit 1 time you shatter both. this kite the mob and do good dmg + he go after you instead of your phantasm most often. Work supprcingly well on bad warriors aswell


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neko.1860


Uhhh another small question, what stats should i be getting? >.<

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Nero, at that lvl it dont realy matter mate, but later on in general for pve lvling condition tend to be slower. I would go for crit dmg, crit power and vitality, mabye 1 or 2 gearpart with some toughtnes if you feel its hard to dodge dmg. Later on you can switch this for vitality and dmg thu unless you wvwvw alot.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


** ** Uppdate ** **

New movie, its a little less serious guidish and instead show some of the things I do when I after several hours of roaming in group do simply for the fun of it.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neko.1860


Think you can do a guide explaining each skill and synergies?


Edit: Please :P

(edited by Neko.1860)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: quercus.9261


This build is probably the most effective one we have. I mainly run with a conditions/shatter build because I am better with it (little tankier more forgiving). I wish we had an inspiration/shatter build that worked half as well as this.
Honestly these types of builds are the only thing that keeps the thieves away or at least makes them think twice before engaging.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Neko, as this mainly is a lvl 80 spec I havent bothered go in to every weps skills etc, but the full guide for traits and utilitys inc sigils and runes is on 1st page.

@Quercus Idd, hope you seen the latest thief vid, on 1st page.


  • Uppdate****

1st page got some refreching, moved some vids form “new” to arcive and added latest vid up. Also remade some of te text. If anything missing in guide etc come with suggestions.

/cheers Osicat

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wreknar.5076


Cheers Osicat, been a blast watching your vids so far.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokk.5620


Hey Osicat, which guild back piece you currently using with what gem?

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@wrecknar, cheers mate, having a blast doing them

@Dokk, precision and crit dmg power + ruby gem


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


My how the thieves die.

I got jumped by a pair the other night, before I started dodging I popped mirror images, blurred frenzy, MW, and CoF, and 1 second later two downed thieves appear out of stealth at my feet O.o

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: mginn.4502


Question, how are you guys dealing with conditions with this build? I’ve been using it for about a week and the only thing that’s been causing me issues is invisible enemies that load in after I’m downed and heavy conditions. I’m having trouble finding a utility that’s expendable for some condition removal, but I’m stumped because I use all the utilities heavily.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Raideen.5973


I love my mesmer, but I also like 1 shotting mesmers on my rifle warrior.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@SoggyFrog, yeah its extremly effective vs glass cannon thiefs, especialy with rune of air and fire aoe sigil.

@Mginn, to help me better can you provide alittle more information avout the situation you have condition problems, in the build there is some meassures to handle conditions, for example why I have a minimum reccomended hp. Is it in big group fights? Solo fights, wvwvw or sPvP? Roaming or siege etc.

Conditions is the most dangerous dmg to us kitten the acctive defenses dont cover applyed conditions, if you see my vids I cause of this often try cc, dazze and use immunitys early vs condition enemys. If you realy have to get a necro down you want to burst him early. Also when he rehit I get immunity 4 sec up, and keep a preassure. a portal out (long range juking) to reset mw and avoid condition help aswell.

Give a little info what situations that is worst and I see if I can help better. Best way to be strong is to now your weakness aswell as your strength and use that to have a overhand in a fight.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


Yay! Finally got enough gold for my runes of the air. Can’t wait to get off work and try them out. This build has still been extremely effective without them but the extra damage is going to be nice. I tried playing with the sigil of illusions and it didn’t work out, mabey if the activation was instant it would be better, but by the time you activate it and shatter would only save you a couple seconds. For me it doesn’t out weigh the benefits of any of the utility skills that we are currently using.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fomento.4271


hey Osicat, which valkyrie and knight piecies do you suggest? i’m thinkink to use knight head and valk leggings but i fear to lose to much damage..i cant find a balance with the armor set!

Fomenta [XxX] Mesmer – Once Were Noobs

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Finally learning how everything works out, killing enemy after enemy, dancin around with 300-1k hp left, just killing anything, well notices the HP after the battle is over, sometimes I actually see I have 100-200(in battle), and I can’t escape so I have to give all I have to come with. Seems I play bad some days and very good others, but mostly killing any one when having low hitpoints, probably they think I would die and fail. But it’s vice versa

And when I finally learned to use portal correctly, so much confusion you can do. I mean by that teleport between them and attack once, then teleport so opponent misses

What I do is not think at all, just knowing how to face the enemy, like see how they move, place chaos storm, at correct place, they run in to field, dealing damage, when it’s almost over, they understand they walked the wrong way

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Sinergy, superb, wish you all luck and Im sure you will love the effect (;

@Fomento, I by tradition been carefull to give out to many exact gear recomendations as I like to see ppl experement and develop yhe build. Atm I thu found a balace that work extremly well for me, on page 5 in this build I listed my current exact gear. Still remember I experement al time with different options, the things I list in this guide usualy have 100-200 hours tested in wvwvw.

@Unknown, lovely, Best feeling ever is when you feel you not only controll the fight but your enemy aswell. Cheers, get a vid sometime mate if you can.

@ All, working on a movment guide, it sound weard I know but It will show some catchup and escape tactics. With rune of air, staff, blink and pistol its possible to catch ppl on extreme distances. Also with mirror immage, staff 2 blink and rune of air you can do some fantastic escapes. Will spend some time to get a good guide on video to show how.

Also, seems arena net working on some nice stuff for wvwvw, cant wait.

Ps If somone sometime /w me ingame and I dont answer I appologice, I get tons of wispers and sometimes when im in group events with guild I turn the box of, its not cause Im arrrogant or dont want to help, I take time with everyone when im free. Best way thu to ask a question if I dont answer ingame is to do a PM in this forum or a post in the guide. I will help you if I can and recomend a good tPvP player that can answer if i feel its out of my expertice.

/love osicat.

(edited by Osicat.4139)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Boom.6148


Just wanted to say thanks for sharing all of these tips and please keep making more videos I enjoy the music almost as much as the videos. Off topic but I’d never heard of Jem or that song “They”. Nice!

Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fomento.4271


Ty Osi, i found usefull to try the knight spineguard as a back to have some extra toughness and i found a more or less balanced equip that grants me 46% crit and 91 crit dmage unbuffed…with oil and food i reach 56%crit and 101 crit damage with 16692 hp and 1125…i feel a little squishy but i think that is the new way to play cause in guild www i run a confusion AOE build…

Fomenta [XxX] Mesmer – Once Were Noobs

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Moogster.6207


Hi Osi. I have some questions, do you believe that your build is viable for sPvP/tPvP? I can’t seem to get around what I am doing wrong sometimes. I can’t seem to burst down people as fast as I see in your vids.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Boom, cheers mate, its a fun challange to find music that fits with the osicat profile, work in pvp vids and is new and refreshing.

@Fomento, you get a hang of it, its get more and more smoth and suddenly like UnknownFreak you suddenly find you controlling the fight and dancing with you enemy.

@Moogster First as you know this build is designed to be a wvwvw build in terms of runes, sigills utilitys etc. Still the 10-30-0-0-30 build for shatter cat is based on a build for tPvP used by Winterfell and Nero use a 20-20-0-0-30 build for high lvl tPvP. You must thu remember its not a stay and defend spec, its for a mobility gameplay roaming. For more detalis contact a tPvP player to know difference between the set roles in a tPvP game.

For simple spvp I can talk from experience its wery fun to play the spec thu, not
the same burst but still wery good. Its not a spec who like in wvwvw easy juke burst down a tank but its not impossible. You will run nto some hard countera thu, tank condition necros is a avoid note on. Unicorn thiefs will cause you problems but you can kill them unless they wery skilled.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Best feeling ever is when you feel you not only controll the fight but your enemy aswell. Cheers, get a vid sometime mate if you can

Yep, know how it feels, so sweet, well I will see if I can get a vid up someday.

For simple spvp I can talk from experience its wery fun to play the spec thu, not
the same burst but still wery good. Its not a spec who like in wvwvw easy juke burst down a tank but its not impossible. You will run nto some hard countera thu, tank condition necros is a avoid note on. Unicorn thiefs will cause you problems but you can kill them unless they wery skilled.

This is where you need to control the battle, lie one step ahead, so they make the mistakes, and one mistake from you will lead to death. If you are lucky you will survive with 10-0* hp, and then you are LUCKY

[*] kind of overkill

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: mginn.4502


@Mginn, to help me better can you provide alittle more information avout the situation you have condition problems, in the build there is some meassures to handle conditions, for example why I have a minimum reccomended hp. Is it in big group fights? Solo fights, wvwvw or sPvP? Roaming or siege etc.

Conditions is the most dangerous dmg to us kitten the acctive defenses dont cover applyed conditions, if you see my vids I cause of this often try cc, dazze and use immunitys early vs condition enemys. If you realy have to get a necro down you want to burst him early. Also when he rehit I get immunity 4 sec up, and keep a preassure. a portal out (long range juking) to reset mw and avoid condition help aswell.

Give a little info what situations that is worst and I see if I can help better. Best way to be strong is to now your weakness aswell as your strength and use that to have a overhand in a fight.


WvW. I’m on HoD, so we’re, more times than not, outmanned. Now that I think about it, it’s toughness/vit that I’m low on. I need to just bite the bullet and invest in a second set of armor for wvw instead of using my usual PvE gear. Or just replace my PvE gear. I’m too frugal in games I guess.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Belegorm.8975


Thanks so much for the guide! I’m still in the dull, lower levels of my mesmer but I’ll be definitely trying it out!

Just wondering, you’ve posted keybindings a couple times, which is really helpful for new players like myself; some of the stuff you see people do in pvp seems impossible with default keybindings. Could you perhaps edit those keybindings into the opening post?

Also, what key do you use to swap weapons?

Lisotte [SOS] Mesmer | Riselotte [SOS] Thief
Anvil Rock
Member of Syndicate of Shadows

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Belegorm,ty for feedback mate, I swap with § whos next to nr 1 on keyboard.


  • * * Uppdate * * **

Keybindings added to the guide, its not mandatory to be able to play but its well tested keybindings for ppl want help how to setup a working shortbutton system.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


** Uppdate **

As I said before tPvP is not my expertice and I feel I often cant give good answers in this field of the mesmer profession. I now thu been in contact with a shatter tPvP mesmer who have hes own thread and stream high ranked tPvP. He is as nice and helpfull as he is skilled and Im ofc talking about Nero. He is ok to answer questions when he have the time and are avable and I will direct some of the more tPvP focused shatter mesmer questions to him.

Link to hes thread : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Streaming-high-level-Mes-tPvP/first#post984507

Il add this in the guide aswell.

Ty Nero, this community need more mesmers like you


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: brogarn.8723


So I swapped to this build, was running out to join my guild for WvW raid night, ran into another mesmer that had a similar build to this and got owned in about 6 seconds. facepalm

Trying to get the runes, but they’re friggin expensive so I’m still in my full Centaur’s. Also, all Berserker’s exotics. I’m working on changing that because I’m tired of being squishy with 15k health.

Anyways… hopefully with some practice I’ll live up to the potential of the build. I only had it for 2 minutes before becoming someone’s doormat, so that’s my excuse. Sigh.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Brogarn, giggle a little cause i find it interesting how many shatter cats I run into myself latley, still not alot realy utilityce the portal in groups etc. Thats usualy the most dangerous ones. Its fun as when you do a 1 vs 1 in open or when capping a camp it al turn into a “Rock, paper sissor” game. Had one fight last night vs what had to been a 100% miller shatter cat. We did paper bag paper bag sissor etc at same time and kept immune our dmg. Id you little annoying azura from miller read this ty for a gg ’) I ended with a bow after, best fight vs a non guardian or thief I had in a loong rime.

Brogan just hang in, get that gear and some practice and you will love it. im at 18k hp now with wvwvw buff and feel al but squishy with al acctive defense, 2100 armour and a burst that burn the pants of ppl.

Noticed It also a large part of gs shatter hybrids out there these days, if they unlucly they die faster than a npc cayote. Spent last morning gank a few, feel ppl who run gs shatter realy need to stop build glasscannon as they dont have the survival of a staff sword/pistol build.

Well happy patch day and gl.

ps the movment vid will be done in a few days and I think it be grat help for ppl who find the movment as wvwvw mesmer slacking. It show how to sprint several 1000 yards up to somone in. effective way.


(edited by Osicat.4139)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: brogarn.8723


Thanks for the feedback, but honestly, I’m torn between sticking with it or just continuing to level my Necro alt. I’ve got somewhere between 350 – 400 hours on my Mesmer I think but other than a couple of really good fights, I’m just not that good with it. I need something a little less finesse and more durable I think. /shrug

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kepow.1038


Hey Osicat, do you listen to music while playing? I love the music on your videos and would like very much to take a look at your playlist or last.fm, if you don’t mind

[Tarnished Coast]
El Kepón – Sylvari Elementarist
Herr Kepow – Norn Engineer

(edited by Kepow.1038)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Brogarn, up to you mate, gl what ever you chose

@Kepow, I use premer version of Spotiy. I alos buy the songs for the vids there. If you have spotify I can share my lates pvp list to your username if you PM it (dont public the username in this forum or you get weard songs linked by random ppl )


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kepow.1038


Sadly, Spotify hasn’t yet launched in my country
But thanks anyway and keep up the great work!

[Tarnished Coast]
El Kepón – Sylvari Elementarist
Herr Kepow – Norn Engineer

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dunkelbunt.1064


Hello there Osicat

Those were some good duels today. Well played Sir.
I will have a look at your guide aswell.

Hope to see you again sometime on the battlefield.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Kepow, cheers mate.

@Dunkelbunt, superb played you aswell, hope to find you again.

@All, Dunkel is a elementalist found on the battlefield, great respect to him, one of the best elementalist I played vs in wvwvw. The two fights we had took over 4 mins each and in the first I got downed 1st. He also respected the /bow I seen more and more roamers use. Again I want to encurage this, if you find a random player in the wild, before attack if you both see eachother, do a /bow, treat your enemy with respect.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Keep in mind that Anet has already commented that there is/are swiftness buff(s) coming to the Mesmer.

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


@osicat, been playing around a little with your build in pvp, I tried different builds, where I focused a more “tanky” and a more high burst damage, turned out that the tanky was way to weak in damage, so I decided to take the high burst, killing every class in training with more than 50%hp, also changed the sigils to a bit more offensive when playing vs 2 or 3 people

sigil – - – - -Weapon
superior fire – Sword – this makes me deal a bit more AoE when using sword
superior blood – Pistol – can steal health, so can turn the tide if you screwed it up
superior air – Staff – cause a lightning strike, powerful in 1v2 or 1v3, where you can increase damage on the targeted foe.

will play around a bit to see if there’s any other fun combines

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Xavi, yes and im wery thankfull to read this. Our nongrange speed is weak atm even if its a bit better if you trait/gear/rune for it.

Still what I been focusing latley is get a “sprint move”. A bit like some of the other combos I use and experement with (Xee burst, ninja dodge attack etc). I use combo to catch and dps a enemy in seconds 2k+ yards away and Im sure alot of ppl will love it. Now I only need to find some cheesy name for it

@Unknown, keep me posted and if you can get some vids Tryed hydro on staff? it is kinda strong in sPvP when I tryed.

/love Osicat

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


@Osicat, yes, but I changed the blood steal to another superior of air, also seem to work, and gl finding a good name for that new combo, well I have a youtube acc, but never made any vids :P

Edit: also have tried a more high crit chance and Im up at 65%, may be too high but the crit is adding up for the lack of damage (power), also giving a higher chance to cast those lightning and flame AoE

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Unknown, just remember sigil of air and fire share same 9 sec cd, so make sure you done have 2 sigils that block eachothers cd,s.

Crit chanse is wonderfull for defense aswell. This as you get vigour on crits.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


@Osicat, to correct,cooldown is 5 sec
they share same CD…?

What I mean is, if you get a flame AoE, can you get lightning one sec after or you still have 5 sec of CD for lightning?

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


Sigil of Fire and Sigil of Air both share a 5 sec cd. You would have a 5 sec CD on lightning right after the flame AOE.


  • Sigils that trigger on critical hits can trigger on any critical hits; the critical does not need to be scored with the associated weapon’s skills. For example, a character with an off hand weapon imbued with a Sigil of Rage can still gain quickness with a critical hit with their first three skills.
  • Sigils that have a chance to trigger on critical hits stack their chance percentages multiplicatively, not additively. For example, two major Sigils of Fire, which each have a 20% chance to trigger on critical hit, will have a 36% chance to trigger, not 40%. Stacked chance = 1 – (1 – % chance) * (1 – % chance) Example, with 20 as the % chance: 1 – .8 * .8 = .36, or 36% Example 2, with 60 as the % chance: 1 – .4 * .4 = .84, or 84%
  • Sigils that trigger on critical hits will not trigger on critical hits caused by mesmer illusions. It is unknown if this is true with other summons.
  • A single cooldown is shared by all sigils. Active effects cannot occur for the duration (i.e. a Sigil of Rage will prevent the activated effect of another Sigil of Battle/Strength/Air/Geomancy for 45 seconds but will not affect the passive effect of a Sigil of Smoldering/Force for the cooldown).
  • The weapon in the mainhand triggers active effects before the offhand.
Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

(edited by Xavi.6591)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


@Xavi, oh, then I will change to another sigil

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Belegorm.8975


BTW Osicat is should mention that not only are you vids quite helpful, but they’re also so darn fun to watch too! The good music helps as well

Lisotte [SOS] Mesmer | Riselotte [SOS] Thief
Anvil Rock
Member of Syndicate of Shadows

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@ * * UPPDATE * * @

Latest movie up, name for the move is “Cat leap” ;D In al its a guide but as I folow my own style its also 50% good music and pure entertainment. Im wery happy with this movie and its big for me at im at tada..

199 subscribers now! and 34k wievs on my guides a happy Osicat Ty all for al the support and I will keep post and be here

Latest Movie guide:


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Looks like this build just got a little stronger with the 14/12 patch:

-Shattered Strength: Increased to three stacks of might and ten second duration.
-Critical Infusion: Vigor duration increased to five seconds. This can only trigger once every five seconds.
-Phantasmal Duelist: Damage now matches the tooltip. Increased damage to match the lost damage from a previous bug fix.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dinara.9637


tsk tsk Osi, what happened to bowing to your opponent first before fighting (referring to the person you ambushed at 1:14 in the Cat Leap video) ? hahaha

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darminiam.9348


@Osicat, yes, but I changed the blood steal to another superior of air, also seem to work, and gl finding a good name for that new combo, well I have a youtube acc, but never made any vids :P

Edit: also have tried a more high crit chance and Im up at 65%, may be too high but the crit is adding up for the lack of damage (power), also giving a higher chance to cast those lightning and flame AoE

How did you get such a high crit chance? Is it just being in all exotics? I’m currently in exotic gear, but not accessories (blues and greens still).