Help Regarding SPvP Experienced Advice Needed
I recommend Thief.
Take a look at the Solo Queue guide in my signature. The overall meta really won’t change at all after the patch, so it should still be relevant, and I’ll update it if the torment shatter really somehow is game-changing.
Am I the only one around here who swears he read that crit won’t be changed in sPvP?
crit for pvp wont be changed, only for wvw and pve
You could try a lock down play style. In most 1v1 or sometimes 1v2, it has been good to me. It give you option of front loaded or defensive game play if you do get into some trouble.
It might require a different mind set to you shatter build.
I play 20/20/20/10/0 or 20/30/20/0/0 but prefer the later. There are loads of build variant but the end goal is pretty much the same.
You can get more information from the link. A discussion on what the new GM could add or not add to the play style.
Have fun.
Shatter will still be fine, you don’t need to change anything. Lockdown might get a bit more appealing after this patch though, and there are quite a few threads about it in these forums if you’re interested.