Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Mesmer Zarfin

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aberolf.8254


I’m afraid “Illusionary Kitten” is already taken. But “Illusionary xxxx” is always good for a laugh, if a little worn, and can even be good for confusing opponents in PvP.

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: int randInt return.3280

int randInt return.3280

The Real Zarfin
The Fake Zarfin
Illusionary Farmer
Illusionary Dungeon Runner (May not fit)
We Are Zarfin
I Outnumber You
Looks Good In Purple
One Of Four
Mr Mc Lasersword
Dr Mc Lasersword

Oh, and my mesmer is Mistoffelees.

Crafters [CRFT]
We do open missions every Sunday night.
Contact Mistoffelees in game if you’re interested.

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Guessing We Are Legion is taken, that wouldnt be to bad.
Mines called Luna Illusionirya

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: pixfan.2407


Make a male norn mesmer and name him “Faaaabulooooous”

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Entropy.4732


Pretty in Pink.
Head Games

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Raever.9483


How about George Cloney?

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: boredinbc.2786


Make a male norn mesmer and name him “Faaaabulooooous”

What I would pay for a name change this very instant!!!

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Requiem.8769


Mind Kitten is already taken

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Something related to butterflies?

OMG i’m always standing around chatting i should change name to Social Butterfly XD

My mesmer is Reina Takayama

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aquilus.9423


I personally enjoy using names that are lore-relevant (Sylvari having no last name, only first name and maybe a title, Asurans having 1-2 syllable names with double-consonants, etc) I love seeing people with joke names (I saw a Norn named Mr. I Pity The Fool once), but I personally go with lore-specific names.

My 3 Mesmer names are Daheri(Human) Shoshana Mistfang(Charr) Neurologist Fizz(Asuran).

Depending on race, I would suggest, if you’re going for lore-specific names, something that hints at Mesmer (I used Mistfang for my Charr and Neurologist for my Asuran as Mesmer Phantasms look like the Mist weapons and neurology is the science of the brain/nervous system), or something that is just a name (I went with just regular old Daheri on my Human).

One funny thing I saw, was a Mesmer named “Illusionary Akayuna” whose clones shared her name and made me do a double-take cause I was like “What kind of Phantasm is THAT?” before I realized it was just a clone of her.

I also once had a Sylvari Mesmer named “Acetarius Rubescus”, which means “Pink Salad” in Latin cause he was all pink XD I ended up deleting him and making my Asuran though. (Feel free to steal this if you want to. My guildies got a kick out of it. You can also change the ius/us at the ends to a’s if you want to make it female)

Hope this helped, and good luck with your Mesmer name

The Xaldin Edge [XE] ~ Sorrow’s Furnace

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: MacLeod.4208


Sanity’s Bane
Certainty of Lunacy
Phobia’s Madness
Disordered Reason
Disordered Intellect
Unsound Mind
Delusional Hysteria
Deceptive Delusion

IDK, I just play around with synonyms of insanity and illusion. =)

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


Make a male norn mesmer and name him “Faaaabulooooous”


I also suggest “Pink Jedi”

mesmer of Blackgate

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: MacLeod.4208


Make a male norn mesmer and name him “Faaaabulooooous”


I also suggest “Pink Jedi”

LOL, this made me think “These aren’t the clones you’re looking for.”

Hey guys I need a name for a mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


How about George Cloney?

Quoted for awesomeness.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.