How does Mesmer Support Work?

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Silver.4798


I love my zerker warrior and my anchor guardian in dungeon runs, both serve a different role and I’m quite happy with how they turned out (granted everyone wants the zerker warr in their runs for speed and dps purposes, but that’s another story). The vision I have of my mesmer is similar to my zerker warrior, i.e. high burst with good team support.

Right now I’m working on a mesmer, and I keep hearing that the mesmer can run with a guard or ele in terms of supporting a team. Somehow they are said to be able to stack up to 25 might easily and toss these boons to everyone (I get the last part with signet of inspiration but I’m not seeing where the might stacks are coming from)…

Can someone explain the support capabilities of a mesmer a bit? The only things I am familiar with is signet of inspiration and how that and superior rune of Lyssa can be one sexy combo (although the recharge on the elite is quite long). Specifically how they can stack so much might (#2 skill from GS?) Thank you!

EDIT: If someone can point me to a high support high burst mesmer build that would be nice too

(edited by Silver.4798)

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedarkdot.2793


GS #2, the might on shatter trait(Illusions 15pt minor).

Bountiful interruption(chaos trait 8 ) can actually give you a full stack for 10s if you interrupt 5 things at once, though I guess this isn’t very common in PVE.

Superior sigil of battle can give 3 stacks for 20s on weapon swap.
Sigil of Strength stacks might on crits, though I dunno how useful it is really, never used it.

Winds of chaos if you run with staff , though more likely directly to your allies rather than you, unless you sit in melee range.

Thetinydot [OATH], mesmer
Ring of Fire

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


The big might stacks come from a Chaos master trait called bountiful interruption. There are numerous other sources. Check out the build in my signature for good boon suppport while dealing decent damage. There are other builds which deck out in full support gear (high healing power, boon duration) as well. Support builds are compiled here:

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Silver.4798


I’m not following… mirror blade hits for 3 stacks of might and one clone, even with the 15 pt minor trait thats 4 stacks of might upon shatter that I can pass onto teammates. Where is 25 stacks coming from?

Also how is bountiful interruptions utilized, what weapon/slot skills/trait is used to interrupt (off the top of my head, GS5 comes to mind but can’t think of anything else that interrupts)? It sounds pretty situational I haven’t really interrupted too many people and I have 4 level 80s. Can a mesmer interrupt consistantly?

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Yes, Mesmer can and does interrupt regularly. I don’t use GS in the build – it’s Sw/F and Staff. Staff Chaos Storm can inflict AoE daze, which interrupts if a foe is using a skill. Focus #4 Into the Void pull can AoE interrupt a slew of opponents. There’s Diversion – F3 skill (which causes daze), GS #5, Sword #4 counter blade, Pistol #5. Every interrupt procs 5 stacks of might.

Other might sources – Staff auto-attack can give might, sigils of battle gives 3 stacks might on weapon swap, Runes of Altruism gives 3 stacks might on heal, and signet of inspiration (which you would be running for a support build) can give might. It’s not too difficult to get 20-25 stacks quickly, but more typically, you can maintain around 15 consistently, which you will share often.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Hey, either this is some crazy coincidence or you saw the thread I happened to put up in the Ele/Guard forums

Someone put up a thread on the 25 might thing:

Knowing Anet, the more attention we bring to it the more likely it’ll get nerfed. =[

Otherwise, Mesmer have quite a few different support options:

  • Boon Support - Our Staff alone can apply 6 of the 9 boons in the game. With the right runes and Signet of Inspiration, we have access to every boon in the game, and can transfer all of them to allies. (Even stability, but it’s usually not worth it)
  • Condition Cleanses – Shattered Conditions (Inspiration XI), Null Field, and/or Illusionary Disenchanter are examples of the many ways we can remove boons.
  • Combo Fields – The easiest way to provide powerful team support without gimping damage is through our combo fields. Ethereal Fields are practically exclusive to Mesmer, and each field provides some sort of buff to allies (Invis, Cleans, Reflects) in addition to providing Chaos Armor on Leap/Blast finishers.
  • Burst Heals – With Restorative Mantras (Inspiration X) Mesmer can match Guardians and Elementalist’s heals.
  • Unique Utilities – In addition to our field Glamours, abilities such as Portal & Illusion of Life make Mesmer invaluable to teams throughout all forms of the game.
  • Control - Nearly every attack in the Mesmer arsenal buffs or debilitates, many do both simultaneously. Most of our control abilities happen to come with some sort of team buff. (Temporal Curtain – Pull/Swiftness, Nullfield & Feedback give combo fields)

The thread skcamow linked gives a good example of all the different types of Mesmer support builds that have been thrown up on the forums. As for a specific might stacking burst build? Either the War Maestro in my sig, or Zumi’s phantasmal boons.

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598

Unfortunately, people don’t typically like stuff being pushed and pulled constantly in dungeons which corners you into only dazing and stunning with Diversion, Pistol, off-hand Sword, and Staff. Not too big of a deal I guess. The Signet of Inspiration ability is only okay with this. Yes you can stack 15-25 Might fairly quickly, but even with boon duration buffs you only get about 7.5s of might. By the time you recognize you interrupted and cast your signet you’re only transfering about 4s of those might stacks. Nice, but kinda weak for a kitten CD. Also, bosses are immune to a certain amount of interrupts.

mesmer of Blackgate

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: keenlam.4753


In case it hasn’t been mentioned already.
Projectile reflect. We have Feedback and traited Focus skills. They all work like a charm.

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tywele.7812


Does Bountiful Interruption have an internal cooldown?

The word “ranger” does not originate from the
word “range” but from “to range”.

How does Mesmer Support Work?

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Does Bountiful Interruption have an internal cooldown?


Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)