How to beat other mesmers?

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


I run double ranged in tpvp, and while im decent and can kill most threats, there are two in particular I tend to struggle with. Thieves (of course), and other mesmers.

A lot of my struggle comes from targeting, the second they go into stealth I lose the target and while I tend to know which one is the real mesmer, I can never target them fast enough. I’ll try pressing tab but it scrolls through all the clones first, and usually get bursted by then. If I try to click its just not fast enough xD. Any advice on how to combat other mesmers without getting confused?

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Run away. Wait till other Mesmer is distracted with another target. Run in and burst him while his back is turned.

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shintei.9061


Maybe play some CS or SC2 to improve targeting? Supcutie has a video guide that explains how he can play against other shatter mesmer. Additionally, there is a thread explaining the difference between mesmers and clones but I forgot the title of that thread.

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


Maybe play some CS or SC2 to improve targeting? Supcutie has a video guide that explains how he can play against other shatter mesmer. Additionally, there is a thread explaining the difference between mesmers and clones but I forgot the title of that thread.

That would be very helpful, do you have any links?

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Shintei.9061


Here are the links to Supcutie’s video guide –


to Supcutie’s guide –

I highly recommend you to check out his guide! Also, the guide is always up to date.

I really can’t remember which thread it was that explains the clones’ movements, but I do remember that it was a person from OMFG wrote that. Perhaps you can ask them about the clones.

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jenzie.4083


I hate mesmers too.. but duelling other mesmers is what you should do.

I target mesmers manually with clicking and try to stay calm. The clones only do the auto attack, they dont dodge, they dont go backwards, they dont jump, they dont strafe. Some mesmers are pretty good with mimic the clones though, I’m not one of them.

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jurica.1742


I’ve got the same issue. I can’t target fast enough. TAB isn’t as good. I’ve been getting better the more I duel.
My advice: do as many 1v1s as you can. It’s all about practice.
AUTOATTACK A LOT → This is what mesmer vs mesmer often comes down to.
You can dodge backwards before he gets his air + fire proc for your clone to perhaps eat the air + fire sigil, this will help you out a lot, but don’t dodge too much.
Use chaos armor → Will make a lot of the autoattacks miss.

Pineapples rule

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

It helps to keep in mind the mindset of your rival Mesmer… Which is likely similar to your own! Lets start with the main question; why go into stealth?

  • Offensively, to set up a burst.
  • Defensively to reposition out of a bad situation.

Now if your opponent is attacking you and goes into stealth, that means they have 3 seconds to get their burst off. How do you defend against an offensive stealth burst? Timing.

  • Keep in mind the distance between you and the opponent, will it take at least 1s to get to you?
  • Keep in mind your defenses. Blink, decoy, blurred frenzy, phase retreat, dodging and distortion. Any one of these can completely mitigate a shatter burst.

With the above two questions answered, you know why and when the opponent will stealth burst you, but where will the attack come from?

  • Behind you, most likely. Stealth breaks targeting and the best way to capitalize on this is to swing behind the opponent.
  • Directly ontop of you. Shatter bursts hit hardest in melee range. Never stand still and keep in mind where the clones are positioned, that’ll help determine where the attack will come from.

One thing to keep in mind, if a Mesmer is using Decoy to engage you, they’re trading a crucial defense for that burst. Once it fails, you are at an advantage since you likely share all the same defenses. Once decoy, blink, and distortion are down that’s the time to go for the kill. Try not to throw all your eggs in one big burst in the beginning, because odds are it will likely be defended against. Instead, observe and whittle them down until the opportunity presents.

(Sorry for typos. Cellphone)

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Titus.2085


^ He just basically stated above on why it’s difficult to pinpoint mesmers, especailly if the stealth or blink or a combination.

Notice the tags on top of the character. The actual person will differentiate from the rest of the clones and you can easily spot the character quickly from the rest. Now to defend against a stealthy mesmer that may either reposition/retreat or gamble its defenses for a burst, you have to be quick at it.

They will close in and make sure your clones are close to you so when they shatter, it will deal instant damage. To avoid that, you can either distance yourself or prepare for them and start using for example:

-stability (if they use the stun shatter)
-evade at the right time
-use protection/aegis
-AoE attacks on your spot as to destroy flimsy clones made by the invisible mesmer (to mitigate the potential shatter damage)
-invulnerability (like the guardian heal)
-stealth (like a thief, so that the enemy mesmer loses target and its own stealth to set up a burst)

Some of those examples above might be great, others may be crappy. Point is, you must be prepared for them and never panic.

If their gambit of using stealth as a offensive means (to set up a burst) fails, then if you’re still capable to fight, counterattack properly and win as the enemy mesmer lost a critical part of their defense failing to burst you.

(Think my explanation is messy so hopefully you can understand xD)

(edited by Titus.2085)

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Best thing I can say is, When you see the mesmer fighting someone else, Burst them.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


There’s one useful tip: stealth after your opponent stealth. I find it quite helpful in disrupting mesmer attack chains, particularly when many mesmer has similar set up (well those are the only stealths we have anyway). This protects you from shatter burst chain/phantasm summoning in stealth. Furthermore, the extra one or two seconds of stealth gives space for you to set up your own burst. Basically turn the table if both of you are shatter mesmers.

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


2x shatter with gs/staff vs other mesmer come down to few things:

1. Who can land the initial burst
2. Who can dodge the other’s burst
3. Who can win the stealth game (the one who enter stealth last wins, but if you save your stealth you better dodge the shatter and zerker)
4. Who is better at using los.

Mostly just don’t panic .

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrDivine.5378


It helps to keep in mind the mindset of your rival Mesmer… Which is likely similar to your own! Lets start with the main question; why go into stealth?

  • Offensively, to set up a burst.
  • Defensively to reposition out of a bad situation.

Now if your opponent is attacking you and goes into stealth, that means they have 3 seconds to get their burst off. How do you defend against an offensive stealth burst? Timing.

  • Keep in mind the distance between you and the opponent, will it take at least 1s to get to you?
  • Keep in mind your defenses. Blink, decoy, blurred frenzy, phase retreat, dodging and distortion. Any one of these can completely mitigate a shatter burst.

With the above two questions answered, you know why and when the opponent will stealth burst you, but where will the attack come from?

  • Behind you, most likely. Stealth breaks targeting and the best way to capitalize on this is to swing behind the opponent.
  • Directly ontop of you. Shatter bursts hit hardest in melee range. Never stand still and keep in mind where the clones are positioned, that’ll help determine where the attack will come from.

One thing to keep in mind, if a Mesmer is using Decoy to engage you, they’re trading a crucial defense for that burst. Once it fails, you are at an advantage since you likely share all the same defenses. Once decoy, blink, and distortion are down that’s the time to go for the kill. Try not to throw all your eggs in one big burst in the beginning, because odds are it will likely be defended against. Instead, observe and whittle them down until the opportunity presents.

(Sorry for typos. Cellphone)

So do you think I should wait to use my decoy when they use it first? I’ll admit, I often panic in mesmer 1v1s, usually opening with mirror blade and phant berserker and shatter, but I can’t seem to do damage to them lol

How to beat other mesmers?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Keep in mind its better to judge the situation than having a set combo. Personally I like to use blink right before I throw out my blade, provided that the opponent is not looking this way. That is sacrificing one of my defensive measures for an instant burst, and it won’t work so well if the opponent knows I’m coming. You can also use phase retreat (even better when retreated up the terrain) to avoid bursts.