I am kitten. Wvw video by Obsession.
I agree, TS invading is bad, it’s poor play and I don’t like it even if it’s for fun with people who were kittenbags to you.
BTW, an excellent example of PU mesmer in WvW nowadays with everything wrong there is with it…
However, the people in the video are terrible. You’re an ele, can you honestly say that ele played even half decent at all? I saw him stay in fire all the time, I think once there was a static field but in general he was bad.
I mean, where was water 5? You and I both know that would have rendered the condi user obsolete till the necro showed up. You can’t defend that kind of terrible play. A condi thief would have farmed them for days, same with engineer. Hell even the necro, yes the necro that had it’s conditions nerfed to the ground this patch was wrecking them and they have FA stab, you can CC them to death!
Mind you, if Obs wasn’t running traveler s/he would have died I dare say as mesmer is soooo slow.
(edited by apharma.3741)
Hello. I always heard about how bad I was talked about in "the other servers mapchat/teamspeak. I didn’t really care much. But I did wonder how true it was.
This video is me in the enemy teamspeak hidden. Hunting down the borderland defenders.
It’s honestly the funniest video I have ever made. I normally don’t watch my own videos after they are completed but this one I’ve watched 3 times. It never gets old.
So have at it. Call me bad, call me mean. I have my reasons for doing it. Or just have a laugh on me.
I have watched that vid and despite my immense sense of humor I didn’t laugh once. How can I laugh at something so gratuitous and low?
Honestly, if you have something to say in your defense, you said you had your reasons to be such an kitten, say it now because I’m about to report this post since you clearly violate their TS. This is clearly against ANET code of conduct and certainly mine…
BTW, an excellent example of PU mesmer in WvW nowadays with everything wrong there is with it…
What’s your last sentence?
what is your point?
My point being be mad for ts, not try using this as evidence to Mesmer being op!!!
Can you write that down in a way it can make sense?
Am I to understand that the last btw line is so offensive to you that you became blind to all that came before it and was the crux of what was said?
Some humor is offensive, your upset ts was used this way but you want to fuel the fire to nerf Mesmer by using this video. May I help you count, maybe help you read, how about help you fight a Mesmer? Sorry can’t help that keep playing staff ele taking dirt naps clicking way points because sadly like what is shown in the video you choose not to listen and do things your own jet setting nerf crying ways.
Again you respond with more strawman nonsense. The crux of my post was about the TS intrusion, yet you fixated on the “BTW line” I add at the end while trying to imply my opinion is based on me being beating silly by mesmers. Since you know how to read if I,m to beleive what you imply, you should know this is not the case since a long time now.
I did say before in this very thread, as well as elsewhere, that I never felt Mesmer was too strong before patch despite being mesmer food since the very beginning. There is a difference between having a class that is strong in duel by nature and a class that has become too strong period.
But, again, let’s make a fixation on the detail and totally forget about the main idea that, again, you see no problem there…
I agree, TS invading is bad, it’s poor play and I don’t like it even if it’s for fun with people who were kittenbags to you.
However, the people in the video are terrible. You’re an ele, can you honestly say that ele played even half decent at all? I saw him stay in fire all the time, I think once there was a static field but in general he was bad.
I mean, where was water 5? You and I both know that would have rendered the condi user obsolete till the necro showed up. You can’t defend that kind of terrible play. A condi thief would have farmed them for days, same with engineer. Hell even the necro, yes the necro that had it’s conditions nerfed to the ground this patch was wrecking them and they have FA stab, you can CC them to death!
Mind you, if Obs wasn’t running traveler s/he would have died I dare say as mesmer is soooo slow.
I totally agree that the people in the vid are very bad. In retrospect I regret having put my last line since it apparently ended-up stealing the show despite the fact it’s the TS intrusion that is shocking to me.
Ok well then lets draw a line under it there then.
So, you know all those brutal nerf-bat swings at other FOTM profession instances?
The ‘ill-playing’ players in that video might be the cause of it. Oh man…
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
Wow those people are bad as hell…
And sorry to say this, but the video does more harm to you than help. It shows you’re just an average mesmer, not a skilled one.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
Wow those people are bad as hell…
And sorry to say this, but the video does more harm to you than help. It shows you’re just an average mesmer, not a skilled one.
Why do people keep making this post?
It’s a comical video not a claim to pvp hall of fame.
Wow those people are bad as hell…
And sorry to say this, but the video does more harm to you than help. It shows you’re just an average mesmer, not a skilled one.
Why do people keep making this post?
It’s a comical video not a claim to pvp hall of fame.
Thank you pal. I’m glad you get it. What the people going right for the omg your bad line don’t understand is. This is for a laugh. By no means is this an edited clip of highlight scenes. I’ve made them before. I chose to stop because its boring. I find this type of funny stuff alot more entertaining.
Thank you for the feedback lol!
Awesome video. /subscribed. If you don’t think this is funny, you’re taking yourself way too seriously. Cracked my kitten up.
You spend all the video laughing at them, I was getting irritated at some of your decisions and even somewhat agree with some points from those people.
The problem is that the comical part is quite dull. You’re laughing to some clearly noobs and newbies, while there’s not any footage of playing with them in a smart way. All the video is just about killing some dudes who don’t know what condi cleansing is.
Is like laughing at autisms because they cry for no reason. But if you’re happy with this kind of humor…
And sorry, but when the video includes repetitively text about self skillfulness, it becomes a pvp hall of fame.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
(edited by Ansau.7326)
The problem is that the comical part is quite dull. You’re laughing to some clearly noobs and newbies, while there’s not any footage of playing with them in a smart way. All the video is just about killing some dudes who don’t know what condi cleansing is.
Is like laughing at autisms because they cry for no reason. But if you’re happy with this kind of humor…
And sorry, but when the video includes repetitively text about self skillfulness, it becomes a pvp hall of fame.
We are laughing because some people in a TS are trash talking some random mesmer without realizing said mesmer trolling them is in that TS.
These are not people with autism or any disadvantaged, marginalized demographic.
It’s comical because the guy who’s trolling them is getting a glimpse into their thought process these people have.
It’s not some hate speech toward newbies. Lighten up.
You spend all the video laughing at them, I was getting irritated at some of your decisions and even somewhat agree with some points from those people.
The problem is that the comical part is quite dull. You’re laughing to some clearly noobs and newbies, while there’s not any footage of playing with them in a smart way. All the video is just about killing some dudes who don’t know what condi cleansing is.
Is like laughing at autisms because they cry for no reason. But if you’re happy with this kind of humor…
And sorry, but when the video includes repetitively text about self skillfulness, it becomes a pvp hall of fame.
we all have different tastes , what I find funny , you may not. I respect that. I posted this video knowing full well that white knight do gooders would take shots from all angles. While the fun crowd would have a nice laugh.
Either way I respect opinions and I’m fine with whatever. Sorry you don’t get it pal.
Thanks anyways ;D
I think it’s ingenious. We get to actually hear what’s going on and see at the same time. I personally think this is a glimpse of why we have so much hate. Just takes 1 match to start a fire. Very clever entertaining and most of all comical all that’s missing is Benny hill music.
Apharma , the video is more about laughs and payback then lole-sports skills. If you just look at it for the fun of it. It’s just what I advertised it as. Funny.
Highlight videos with how overpowered Mesmer are atm is stupid. So I stopped making them after the recent balance patch.
As for why I hunted them down in teamspeak. Well that’s between me and them lol.
Thanks pal for watching.
P.s Mr Biddle. I watched a few of your videos. Just to enlighten myself. I can see what your issue is. No one watches or likes anything you’ve done. Try for fun. That’s how to make a half decent video lol. Yw pal
Geeze, I don’t even put up my vids with views and likes in mind, and yet I get plenty of views (in the hundreds, at least when I share them with more than just friends) and even PM’s from people about this and that. Are you feeling alright?
BTW, as others have said, I didn’t find your video funny at all either. I didn’t feel bad or anything, but certainly not humored. I suppose there were aspects of mild entertainment. The height of interest was to see what competitor was going to come along next, and if they were going to bring anything worth while to give you a hard time.
I was interested in seeing how to make a half decent video. I watched more then a few of yours. I honestly didn’t see anything I enjoyed. You can claim I’m bad. You wouldn’t be the first to make that ground breaking statement. But please , if your going to give tips. Please make them helpful or useful.
It’s kind of like a poor person giving stock advice. :(
O BTW I feel great! Ty for asking!
- Vieux ty for your feedback! Glad you enjoyed
Thank you for giving me permission to claim your bad. Question: what definition of ‘bad’ are you referring to?
I don’t really have any interest in making claims against you. Oh, and you’re welcome for the tip about the stealth and the chaos storms :)
I think it’s ingenious. We get to actually hear what’s going on and see at the same time. I personally think this is a glimpse of why we have so much hate. Just takes 1 match to start a fire. Very clever entertaining and most of all comical all that’s missing is Benny hill music.
Just try and put yourself into these players boots for a minute. Remember, you are obviously casual and probably don’t understand all you should.
How do you feel when you are faced with something you feel powerless to stop that goes on and on? How do you feel when even vs so many you still can’t even the odds? At some point you feel frustration and anger. This is what you can listen to on that TS. People feeling powerless and angry.
You know what makes it even worse? Someone who want people to feel that way and who obviously thrive on it. This, no matter the profession, will engender hate. Trolls, are hungry for it as it feeds their deficient ego. However, not all profession make it as ez to troll ppl. Do you think it is a coincidence the most hated professions are those who are seemingly at the same time abusing stealth and favored by trolls? I don’t.
You genuinely want the profession to be less hated? Make it less troll friendly or at least don’t be gentle when a fellow mesmer is an @hole. Many thieves and mesmer I know are true gentlemen and an example of sportsmanship. Sadly, they share their trade with many, too many, who are not and it leave some marks…
It never ceases to amaze me how different people’s view of morals on the Internet are.
Story time…sit back and grab a bag of popcorn…
Press the spoiler button at your own peril, there be walls-o-text within!
My very first MMO was Ultima Online. If you were there for the early days, you might be able to understand the story a bit better. I was but a wee little a scrub in a tight-knit little guild called The League of Pirates, which had come to some renown in the pre-alphas. Sheer luck and the fancy of being a pirate in an MMO somehow got me into this guild, despite being quite a bad player early on.
We built the very first boat in beta and sailed it through the city of Vesper, and my very first ever PvP kill in an MMO was a rather popular member of my own guild! This didn’t make me very popular with some of my mates early on, but later —as I became somewhat less scrubby-- I got along with everyone.
However, I digress. There was a guildy of mine named Abindago. You could almost say this kid, about 5 years younger than myself, taught me about “moral values” on the Internet. This guy was a master infiltrator…and no, I’m not talking about a class in the game! You worry about someone abusing TS for spying, which btw happened just as much in IRC back then…well Abindago took things “a wee bit” farther. He would infiltrate our enemies guilds under a new toon he’d power-leveled for weeks in secret ONLY for this purpose! He would befriend the most powerful guys in these guilds very quickly, blind them with his broad knowledge of the game, and of course his own personal riches which he was generously sharing! This guy was basically role-playing a con artist! A rather heartless one at that!
In case you never played UO, it wasn’t a coddled safe environment like most MMOs are today. Everything you owned could be stolen from you. Everything. If you owned a house/tower/castle, you had a key. If you didn’t want just anyone to walk in, you had to lock the doors…which meant carrying the keys, which could be stolen from your backpack by other players. Keys stolen? Weeks worth of work for you entire guild down the drain at the press of a button. Thanks for the tower! Have a nice day! (A little later the company fixed this so you at least couldn’t steal the structures from people anymore once they were placed, but everything that was inside them was still fair game!)
Abindago was the destroyer of guilds. After a guild would entrust him with full access to the guild house(s) and chests, we’d pick a late night moment, and a dozen of us would sometimes spend an hour looting the places down to the very last worthless belonging…just to really rub it in. This never failed to kill off these guilds completely. The internal strife over the lost loot, the embarrassment of being conned…it never failed to destroy these guilds. Heartless.
Abin and I got to be closest pals in game, and he never ceased to amaze me with his talent for conning. In order to infiltrate another rival guild, he faked an elaborate & drama-filled break-up with ours. He incitekittene flame war on our message boards, even most of our members didn’t know it was fake, and it all ended up with him giving our enemies the keys to our HQ to really make them believe he had crossed us.
After they looted our house, he was put on our KoS list and he was now “in like Flynn” with our enemies. Before long we looted them dry, and our little double-agent returned to us faithfully as he had always done before. (That’s the strange part…he was always really loyal, and the nicest guy you could ever meet. Provided you were in our guild! )
What’s the moral of this story? It’s the internet! Team speak, message boards, in game…none of it is subject to moral analysis. Your ideas of “moral” behavior on this virtual playground are vastly different from other people’s.
Ahh the good ole days…
Uo rocked!! By far the most fun in any mmo I had.
It never ceases to amaze me how different people’s view of morals on the Internet are.
Story time…sit back and grab a bag of popcorn…
Press the spoiler button at your own peril, there be walls-o-text within!
My very first MMO was Ultima Online. If you were there for the early days, you might be able to understand the story a bit better. I was but a wee little a scrub in a tight-knit little guild called The League of Pirates, which had come to some renown in the pre-alphas. Sheer luck and the fancy of being a pirate in an MMO somehow got me into this guild, despite being quite a bad player early on.
We built the very first boat in beta and sailed it through the city of Vesper, and my very first ever PvP kill in an MMO was a rather popular member of my own guild! This didn’t make me very popular with some of my mates early on, but later —as I became somewhat less scrubby-- I got along with everyone.
However, I digress. There was a guildy of mine named Abindago. You could almost say this kid, about 5 years younger than myself, taught me about “moral values” on the Internet. This guy was a master infiltrator…and no, I’m not talking about a class in the game! You worry about someone abusing TS for spying, which btw happened just as much in IRC back then…well Abindago took things “a wee bit” farther. He would infiltrate our enemies guilds under a new toon he’d power-leveled for weeks in secret ONLY for this purpose! He would befriend the most powerful guys in these guilds very quickly, blind them with his broad knowledge of the game, and of course his own personal riches which he was generously sharing!
This guy was basically role-playing a con artist! A rather heartless one at that!
In case you never played UO, it wasn’t a coddled safe environment like most MMOs are today. Everything you owned could be stolen from you. Everything. If you owned a house/tower/castle, you had a key. If you didn’t want just anyone to walk in, you had to lock the doors…which meant carrying the keys, which could be stolen from your backpack by other players. Keys stolen? Weeks worth of work for you entire guild down the drain at the press of a button. Thanks for the tower! Have a nice day! (A little later the company fixed this so you at least couldn’t steal the structures from people anymore once they were placed, but everything that was inside them was still fair game!)
Abindago was the destroyer of guilds. After a guild would entrust him with full access to the guild house(s) and chests, we’d pick a late night moment, and a dozen of us would sometimes spend an hour looting the places down to the very last worthless belonging…just to really rub it in. This never failed to kill off these guilds completely. The internal strife over the lost loot, the embarrassment of being conned…it never failed to destroy these guilds. Heartless.
Abin and I got to be closest pals in game, and he never ceased to amaze me with his talent for conning. In order to infiltrate another rival guild, he faked an elaborate & drama-filled break-up with ours. He incitekittene flame war on our message boards, even most of our members didn’t know it was fake, and it all ended up with him giving our enemies the keys to our HQ to really make them believe he had crossed us.
After they looted our house, he was put on our KoS list and he was now “in like Flynn” with our enemies. Before long we looted them dry, and our little double-agent returned to us faithfully as he had always done before. (That’s the strange part…he was always really loyal, and the nicest guy you could ever meet. Provided you were in our guild!
What’s the moral of this story? It’s the internet! Team speak, message boards, in game…none of it is subject to moral analysis. Your ideas of “moral” behavior on this virtual playground are vastly different from other people’s.
Ahh the good ole days…
The “it’s the Internet” and “we all have different conceptions of morality” line to defend your point? Really? #logicalfallacies
If you haven’t figure out yet why some moral concept like “don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to self” are more universal and a keystone of society I’m not going to try and waste my time explaining it to you.
As a side note, and purely on an argumentative pov., I seriously fail to see the link between an otherwise very interesting story and the conclusions you have drawn from it… but I tried…
/face palm why are you trying to force your morals on anyone else? Comedy crosses all lines it is an interesting form to take very heated issues and laugh. This was in comedy reading any more into it is /face palm.
The victims were obviously casual players and their ineptitude along with ridiculous statements like “he had 6-7 illusions going” was comical… comical and sad. Although I agree with the general group frowning on listening in on their TS, having their comments over the action is what gave the video the personal touch making it more engaging than the run of the mill action montage… engaging and entertaining.
OP, what was the 1-2-3 punch you keep mentioning? Your main burst skill rotation?
Was it the following?
1) Confusing images (scepter channeled 3)
2) Illusionary Counter (scepter block)
3) Cry of Frustration (F2)
Hello kabuki, good points there. Thank you.
Also the 1-2-3 is something made up. It wasn’t any specific combo. It’s just a line for killing someone fast.
I’ve heard it used as a kid. I’ve heard it used in games also. I guess it doesn’t come across well unless you’ve heard it used before.
Thanks again
(edited by unknownchaos.1425)
It’s adorable that the OP is trying to make insults about video quality. Once you have a video with more than 10k views, then you can have ground to stand on. Until then, you have no room to talk, especially since your video is barely scraping out 60% like/dislike ratio.
At any rate, this video is a glowing example of how absolutely horrid most WvW players are. Everyone in this video is awful.
You can hear the people on TS talking about how they don’t know which is the real one, they have no idea what he’s running, they appear to have zero condition removal between all of them combined, and they repeatedly suicide on amusingly low stacks of confusion.
The OP repeatedly wastes stealth by forcing himself revealed through chaos storm, wastes skills by casting them obstructed or out of range, dodge-cancels the scepter block all the time, and rarely manages to actually land a proper shatter burst, despite the fact that none of the enemies seem to have figured out that dodging is a thing in GW2.
I can see the humor in this video, but it’s overshadowed by me cringing at the absolutely mindboggling lack of skill exhibited by every person shown.
Lol Fay’s making friends again
Actually, the enemies in the video weren’t too bad. These are kind of the average enemies you’ll often encounter in wvw, and there are lots of them. The video is a good example why I stopped roaming.
Actually, the enemies in the video weren’t too bad. These are kind of the average enemies you’ll often encounter in wvw, and there are lots of them. The video is a good example why I stopped roaming.
They were a bit below average imo…but not that much below average. That’s not a reflection on how bad they were though, just a reflection on how awful most people in WvW were. They were still really bad.
Fay – I’m glad you find me adorable. As for your well thoughtout analysis. I’ve already said this isn’t a highlight reel more then a few times. There is times in the video I’m laughing so hard while playing I’m shocked I even lived at times. That seems to be overlooked. I’m one of them people if something is really funny I laugh alot. I’m guessing you don’t know what that’s like? It absolutely ruins any focus you may have. There isn’t anything about this video that was super tryhard srsbuisness. I’m not sure why people can’t overlook that.
As for me having a say about someone’s else’s videos. Well I watched more then a few. There was nothing enjoyable at all there. Frankly it was boring. I have the right to make an opinion same as you or anyone else does after viewing something.
I’m sorry that it’s not for you. Thanks for watching
Fay – I’m glad you find me adorable. As for your well thoughtout analysis. I’ve already said this isn’t a highlight reel more then a few times. There is times in the video I’m laughing so hard while playing I’m shocked I even lived at times. That seems to be overlooked. I’m one of them people if something is really funny I laugh alot. I’m guessing you don’t know what that’s like? It absolutely ruins any focus you may have. There isn’t anything about this video that was super tryhard srsbuisness. I’m not sure why people can’t overlook that.
It’s obvious it’s not a highlight reel, and I’m not saying it should be. Your play is bad, and there’s literally nothing in that entire video that could be cherrypicked as a ‘highlight reel’ that wouldn’t show how bad the play is, along with the play of your enemies. Yeah, a lot of people will cherrypick hours of footage to show the 5 times they instakilled some uplevels, but this is just 30 minutes of showing hilariously awful play by everyone involved.
but this is just 30 minutes of showing hilariously awful play by everyone involved.
If the video showed hilarity of any flavor, then I’d say mission accomplished.
my 2 cents :
- The players in the vid fighting against obs are well known people on the SBI TS, and most of them have more then 2000 hours of gaming. Several people on this topic have label them as ‘baddies’, ‘casuals’, etc. and rightly people have pointed out what they should have done, what utilities they should have run etc. The reality is there are plenty (my guess is the majority, I might be wrong) of players like them in T3 servers. They represent in my opinion the average WvW player.
- Several people are saying how terrible obs is at playing the game and what mistakes has he made during the video. I found interesting that obs was mentioned in this topic as one the best mesmer if his skills are so low. [url]https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions mesmer/My-mesmer-idols[/url]
- TS intrusion. That was bad. Lol. I’m sure the karma will punish obs for that.
- I personally found the video funny and watched it a few times. The 9 clones comment is kitten gold. I also found the video and Ross’s comments useful. I’ve shared them with few of the peeps obs has killed; hopefully them (and I) will get better and give more of a fight next time.
(edited by eLF.4893)
Actually, the enemies in the video weren’t too bad. These are kind of the average enemies you’ll often encounter in wvw, and there are lots of them. The video is a good example why I stopped roaming.
Is this an NA thing because I have very very rarely encountered this in EU even right at the bottom. Though I’ve never been in bandwagon gold so I dunno if it’s a gold thing…
The “it’s the Internet” and “we all have different conceptions of morality” line to defend your point? Really? #logicalfallacies
If you haven’t figure out yet why some moral concept like “don’t do to others what you wouldn’t want done to self” are more universal and a keystone of society I’m not going to try and waste my time explaining it to you.
Indeed it would be a waste of time. You present a poster-child example of what I mean. You make the fundamental mistake of correlating “society” with the Internet, as if the two are one and the same. The story was an example of the fact that your view is your own, and assuming that others share this view of the virtual world is —as you put it-- a logical fallacy.
This is the part where you relate behavior on the Internet with criminal behavior IRL, which is why you’re right, it’s a waste of time arguing about it.
As a side note, and purely on an argumentative pov., I seriously fail to see the link between an otherwise very interesting story and the conclusions you have drawn from it… but I tried…
Yeah it was a bit hard to see the point I admit. Much like the OP here, it was more a funny story that came up about the topic of TS infiltration. The point could have been made without the story! :-)
Funny how the brain works, it was an associative thing. Seeing people complain about infiltrating others TS to use the information in game, never mind that in this case it hardly had any tactical aspect beyond a little “payback”, just made me remember my good old friend Abindago.
Another good example of why the Internet simply can not be compared to real life and society, here was a guy that I spent countless hours in a game with over a period of ~2 years, and I barely knew his real first name, knew only minor bits & piece of his real life, and once we left UO we never heard from one another again aside from an occasional totally impersonal post on the guild forums once or twice a year.
Both the vid and this thread are amusing. xD Both in a good and bad way. What a whirlwind of emotion
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Hello elf, I have no idea who you are from sbi but thank you for your thoughts. Making videos always pulls the “omg their/your so baddd” people into these threads like a black hole. It’s to be expected. Although I’m abit surprised its being done on the type of video lol. Anyways I let them have their say and move on.
Also that link, interesting stuff there. I’ve never read that before. Most of the other Mesmers in that thread are very good. It’s cool to see my name there. Thanks for sharing!
As for people saying im bad. I really don’t care honestly. My self esteem isn’t so low that I need approval from people to make myself feel good.
I really just posted the video for some laughs , hoping to entertain people. Which I think it has.
Thanks again pal!
You guys who are calling Obsession a bad player and whatnot, well it says in the title of the video so chill. No need to point out something he or she already says in the title!
P.S. I thought it was a great video and I thought you did well against your enemies!
Well I thought the video was funny and accomplished its purpose(if its purpose was to show off the funny things you hear when you hunt enemies in their teamspeak). Obviously if it was a mesmer roaming guide/montage, it’d be a little out of place as most people expect to watch those and see more competitive play and at the very least against players who understand mesmer more in-depth.
Biggest friendly tip I can give to you is never use a stealth skill while Chaos Storm is still active, it will reveal almost 100% of the time and you even lost a mass invis or two off of it. This also applies to shatters. If you use a shatter and the clones are still in transit to your target, they will reveal you if you’re in stealth once they hit.
The Mesmer community might be a little hostile towards this given what’s going on now because people on the mesmer nerf-wagon will see this video and immediately latch onto it and claim it as evidence for why mesmer is OP and should be nerfed into the ground.
This video would have been better suited for a guild message board, not the mesmer forum.
There wasn’t anything overly funny about this as the players you went up against were clearly just horrible.
What you find funny about sitting in TS and listening to their conversation is akin to farting in the bathtub humor. You kept saying that you’re bad just to lessen the impact of people calling you bad on the forums. Self-deprecating without the humor makes me believe that you have no one else to share this video with and wanted to gain ‘something’ from the mesmer community.
OK, wow.
If you didn’t like the video, why go out of your way to right a paragraph just to put the man down. And then worse judge not only his game play but his personal character? Seriously.. What’s the point of posts like that other than to try and discourage a fellow Mesmer?
People very quickly forget the basic law of not being a hypocrite: Don’t say/do things you wouldn’t want done to yourself. The internet is no excuse to lack personal integrity.
… Anndd as a guilty truth, I must admit that the 6 minutes I watched of this made me want to do the same thing. I’ve seriously always wondered what my enemies thought of me while I played against them.
(Was that guy really from Texas? That cracked me up)
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Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
This has nothing to do with hypocrisy so I’m not sure why you would even mention that.
I can’t speak for everyone on this topic but the point of our responses to his video is warranted.
The simplistic breakdown is that he created a video of him being in TS in WvW against his enemies and he thought it was funny that they were saying and doing ridiculous things about his [bad] gameplay.
If we really made videos of horrible players and we thought it was funny, then this Mesmer forum would be flooded with garbage.
If you post something on a forum, expect to get all kinds of responses from positive to negative.
If people from the video, with +2000 hours, are about the average in NA, then OMG.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
Xeon thanks hehe, it was a fun time for sure.
Chaos archangel – people have the right to write a huge chapter on how bad I am if they like, its fine lol. My only request would be for the people that only watch 10 mins. This video only gets funnier as you get to the end. So please if people leave thoughts just make sure you at least watch the whole thing.
Phokus well I’ve been playing Mesmer as long as anyone on this forum. I’ve chosen to not be a part of this community , I’m not looking for you or anyone else to accept or approve me. I just felt like sharing some laughs. If you don’t like it. Perfectly fine , as I have said countless times please have at me.
But to think I have a purpose other then a few laughs is wrong. The video was already made 2 weeks ago from when I posted it on the matchup thread at wvw.net. so it was easy to drop the link here.
Thanks pals , your feedback is great.
Phokus I wasn’t directing that specifically at you, but seeing what basically read as “you posted this here because you have no friends to show it to” was all I could take before becoming obnoxiously preachy.
What I meant is that different things are for different people. What you may see as trash someone else could find genuinely humorous. The forums are filled with people all over the world living under all different kinds of circumstances so, in my opinion, its pretentious to say what does and doesn’t deserve to posted.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Actually, the enemies in the video weren’t too bad. These are kind of the average enemies you’ll often encounter in wvw, and there are lots of them. The video is a good example why I stopped roaming.
Is this an NA thing because I have very very rarely encountered this in EU even right at the bottom. Though I’ve never been in bandwagon gold so I dunno if it’s a gold thing…
I was referring to some random pugs in wvw, not the roamers by the way. Roamers are usually skilled, pugs likely aren’t, as you can see from the video; they couldn’t tell the difference between clones and a real one. Good roamers are all spread among many servers I would assume. But in higher tier, the chances are you’ll encounter pugs more often than getting to good fights with good roamers.
(edited by knkasa.2608)
People very quickly forget the basic law of not being a hypocrite: Don’t say/do things you wouldn’t want done to yourself. The internet is no excuse to lack personal integrity.
The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
Whatever law you’re trying to divert to, hypocrisy isn’kitten Furthermore (and Im not taking part for or against) but your line about personal integrity could be leveled against the OP by those in the thread that’ve taken exception with him.
People very quickly forget the basic law of not being a hypocrite: Don’t say/do things you wouldn’t want done to yourself. The internet is no excuse to lack personal integrity.
The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.Whatever law you’re trying to divert to, hypocrisy isn’kitten Furthermore (and Im not taking part for or against) but your line about personal integrity could be leveled against the OP by those in the thread that’ve taken exception with him.
He posted something comical. Not everyone has the same tastes. So instead of pushing morals agendas or right and wrong simply don’t watch. Again comedy does that it pushes boundaries don’t like that don’t watch listen.