(edited by ASP.8093)
Just another mesmer burst
This thread is funny. OP says that this burst is insane, but in the video that he provided he was doing the same thing to the other mesmer from 1200 range.
Yes i was doing insane damage to the other mesmer but as you can notice my burst took so much more time on the 1st mesmer than the 2nd mesmer burst took on me. Plus i droped her HP from like 80% to only 20%, while my HP dropped from 100% to 0%.
And yes its just another QQ topic never said its not ;p
You didn’t even drop his health fast, the golem did, did you watch the video you posted? The TC golem hit him with an attack and dropped his health extremely low. Your rapid fire barely even did much to him as he looks like he’s running some toughness/vitality gear as you capped out only at 2.4/2.6k damage with full zerk on RF.
Again, I think 2.4/2.6k is half of ONE mind wrack from a full burst mesmer rotation by the way. This is that comparison of DPS we’re referring to.
Damage is high across the board, but none of the classes have near as much survivability or readily available spike damage COUPLED with that same survivability
His rapid fire actually didn’t do much at all as it only capped at 2,400 damage (i think that’s half of ONE mind wrack right now? Yep
). Just pointing that out to the guys saying he was bursting him down before getting +1’d
Everybody saying things like killshot warrior could kill you fast forget the difference in survivability between a 1shot thief build , 1shot killshot warrior build , completely full zerker warrior with 1hundred blades vs a shatter mesmer right now.
Those analysis were perfect! Maybe i didnt made myself clear till now: The problem is not only the DAMAGE itself. Its how mesmers do insane damage with GREAT survivability/desingages.
Finally some coherent and weighted analysis, and not some “L2P noob”
I’m not worried at all.
I killed another two mesmers 1v1 today.
One was condi and the other was power.
Both jumped me while I was almost done clearing camp.
And I won.
I think it is now more a L2P issue.
Granted as a necro I couldn’t kill them if they didn’t want to be killed, but if they commit to the fight and not run, then well I have every chance to kill them.
Shhhh, people are trying to QQ here, you’ll only get in the way of that.
Those analysis were perfect! Maybe i didnt made myself clear till now: The problem is not only the DAMAGE itself. Its how mesmers do insane damage with GREAT survivability/desingages.
Finally some coherent and weighted analysis, and not some “L2P noob”
Well I’d love to recheck the video but it’s no longer there.
I’m pretty sure rangers got a lot of survivability in their RF from 1200 range build, I know I did especially with SoS, lightening reflexes, entangle, traited survival skills and GS.
Edit: Oh you even have quickening zephyr to burst people down in 1s from max range, how cute that you’re QQing.
Umm, you deleted the first version of the video, which includes you mousing over his food (which is where that Precision buff screenshot also came from).
So, /shrug.
Umm, you deleted the first version of the video, which includes you mousing over his food (which is where that Precision buff screenshot also came from).
So, /shrug.
Yeah ppl were talking so much more about “wvw l2p” than the burst itself. but yes the other mesmer were probally a zerker mesmer too
Well I’d love to recheck the video but it’s no longer there.
I’m pretty sure rangers got a lot of survivability in their RF from 1200 range build, I know I did especially with SoS, lightening reflexes, entangle, traited survival skills and GS.
Edit: Oh you even have quickening zephyr to burst people down in 1s from max range, how cute that you’re QQing.
hm thats weird i just check the video and its avaliable. Anyways Ranger DO have some great survability too! im not saying it dont. And the patch were very good to us compared to other professions!(imo).
Im just saying mesmers can do more damage and have even more survability /desingages. At price of a few less range.
(edited by WilnerGW.3275)
Those analysis were perfect! Maybe i didnt made myself clear till now: The problem is not only the DAMAGE itself. Its how mesmers do insane damage with GREAT survivability/desingages.
Finally some coherent and weighted analysis, and not some “L2P noob”
Well I’d love to recheck the video but it’s no longer there.
I’m pretty sure rangers got a lot of survivability in their RF from 1200 range build, I know I did especially with SoS, lightening reflexes, entangle, traited survival skills and GS.
Edit: Oh you even have quickening zephyr to burst people down in 1s from max range, how cute that you’re QQing.
The video is there I just watched it…
First 3 seconds (around 1 second i think it shows the atk from the golem).
To answer the question of getting a quickness burst of rapid fire from distance. How many reflects does mesmer have again? That’s the difference in countering specific burst vs countering mesmer’s burst that , keep in mind, is on very low intervals in a given fight. One reflect, nullifies all damage and even sends it back to the ranger. But you also have a long duration evade, a distortion, etc so really the reflection is probably the best option because you force evades on the ranger to dodge his own RF allowing for an easy shatter setup, of course
Also , wanted to add it’s impossible to burst anyone down with ranger in 1s with long range rapid fire as the damage coefficents on longbow itself wouldn’t allow it even slotting for complete damage modifiers in traits, sigils, control effect condition dmg modifiers. So that statement is absolutely false.
Mesmer greatsword is 1,200 range. You also have a teleport and on-demand stuns , blinds and not to mention a plethora of on-demand defensives. Plus you have stealth. 1,500 range means nothing to these abilities, sorry to burst your bubble, but this fantasy of constantly being at 1,500 range is going to save you is a joke, or else power rangers would be godlike but it’s 100% impossible to continually kite in a given fight with gap closers and stealth. Also, sic’em doesn’t work on decoy as decoy has it’s own stealth buff , so if you slot sic’em , you can still get around it as a mesmer. Sic’em is also bugged too so it’s irrelevant.
Either way, this comparison between ranger and mesmer is literally the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while on the forums and you’re just grasping for straws really. Every good shatter mesmer knows power rangers are easy food in WvW , you’re very bad if you’re dying to a power ranger in WvW so the argument and comparison is really just dumb. I play mesmer regularly since post-patch and beat top rangers running power with ease, and I just started playing my mesmer again since post-patch , but it’s such a dumbed down class now playing shatter is 300x easier than it was pre-patch.
(edited by blitzkrieg.2451)
Every good shatter mesmer knows power rangers are easy food in WvW , you’re very bad if you’re dying to a power ranger in WvW so the argument and comparison is really just dumb..
The video isn’t there, the one linked in the original post was 15s long, showed him dawdling and not looking behind him for 4s before bursting on someone then being burst himself.
The OP took the video down and then edited it, re-uploaded and replaced the link. The one linked to now was published a day after this post was made and very clearly has been edited to only show the burst happening not the run up to it.
Maybe i didnt made myself clear till now: The problem is not only the DAMAGE itself. Its how mesmers do insane damage with GREAT survivability/desingages.
This is an argument someone could make, yes. However, your video is just you getting dunked on by Mirror-Blade-in-the-back and the only defensive skill anyone uses is a Distortion to secure the stomp.
The video isn’t there, the one linked in the original post was 15s long, showed him dawdling and not looking behind him for 4s before bursting on someone then being burst himself.
The OP took the video down and then edited it, re-uploaded and replaced the link. The one linked to now was published a day after this post was made and very clearly has been edited to only show the burst happening not the run up to it.
Yes but my point is that everyone here thinks the ranger bursted that mesmer down quickly when it was actually the golem that did 70% of that damage when the ranger did almost nothing to him at all with an entire burst skill from ranger (2,6k capped damage, again, half of a mind wrack) from the only burst skill on the ranger longbow set and using that as a basis for a “SEE A RANGER CAN BURST TOO” argument when it’s clearly no where even close in comparison AT ALL, then look what happens when you accidently don’t look behind you from a shatter mesmer? That blackgate wasn’t even dodging, he was sitting there taking the damage, he didn’t need to react.. See the difference in burst between a zerker mesmer and a zerker ranger? The dmg is over the top on shatter mesmer in wvw and pvp at the moment and comes with an amazing set of viable survivability which is precisely why everyone is running fotm mesmer right now, specifically inspiration mantra shatter builds.
See the difference in burst between a zerker mesmer and a zerker ranger? The dmg is over the top on shatter mesmer in wvw and pvp at the moment and comes with an amazing set of viable survivability which is precisely why everyone is running fotm mesmer right now, specifically inspiration mantra shatter builds.
They probally know that they just want us discuting about anything else like “u should look behind” to shift the focus of discussion about it .
The video isn’t there, the one linked in the original post was 15s long, showed him dawdling and not looking behind him for 4s before bursting on someone then being burst himself.
The OP took the video down and then edited it, re-uploaded and replaced the link. The one linked to now was published a day after this post was made and very clearly has been edited to only show the burst happening not the run up to it.
Yes but my point is that everyone here thinks the ranger bursted that mesmer down quickly when it was actually the golem that did 70% of that damage when the ranger did almost nothing to him at all with an entire burst skill from ranger (2,6k capped damage, again, half of a mind wrack) from the only burst skill on the ranger longbow set and using that as a basis for a “SEE A RANGER CAN BURST TOO” argument when it’s clearly no where even close in comparison AT ALL, then look what happens when you accidently don’t look behind you from a shatter mesmer? That blackgate wasn’t even dodging, he was sitting there taking the damage, he didn’t need to react.. See the difference in burst between a zerker mesmer and a zerker ranger? The dmg is over the top on shatter mesmer in wvw and pvp at the moment and comes with an amazing set of viable survivability which is precisely why everyone is running fotm mesmer right now, specifically inspiration mantra shatter builds.
The zerk ranger, oh wait he’s got knights so not full zerk, didn’t get too offload most of his damage. I never said the ranger in that vid had done his burst only that he was intending to do it.
With no might, no buffs, nothing, my ranger easily does a good 10k from rapid fire, with quickening zephyr it all hits in 1s and I can do it from a very safe range to +1 a fight. Ranger has a great way to burst and a lot of survival too.
Besides, I don’t like having discussions with people that go back and re-edit their stuff to remove the bits where they messed up. He messed up because he wasn’t looking behind him which was shown in the original video, which is the reason he was bursted. He has gone back to edit that out to appear like the burst just came out of nowhere and is so OP.
I am the mesmer in your video. Here’s what I know -
You were pretty focused on your target – the BG mesmer. I was at your blindspot (behind you). Knowing that you didn’t notice me, I stealth and walked up to you and did my burst. And my MoD didn’t interrupt you. I run full zerker and I probably had around 2900 power judging by the buffs I had.
I agree mesmer is over the top post-patch and I am all for balance of the OP traits, namely PU, CS, and Blind on shatter. However, I don’t think these overpowerful traits have anything to do with your case.
I agree Mesmer burst hits hard but it has been like that since pre-patch. Not to mention you ate a full burst that most of the hits crit. If you knew I was coming for you, it would be a different story.
(edited by neptunechild.4831)
The video isn’t there, the one linked in the original post was 15s long, showed him dawdling and not looking behind him for 4s before bursting on someone then being burst himself.
The OP took the video down and then edited it, re-uploaded and replaced the link. The one linked to now was published a day after this post was made and very clearly has been edited to only show the burst happening not the run up to it.
Yes but my point is that everyone here thinks the ranger bursted that mesmer down quickly when it was actually the golem that did 70% of that damage when the ranger did almost nothing to him at all with an entire burst skill from ranger (2,6k capped damage, again, half of a mind wrack) from the only burst skill on the ranger longbow set and using that as a basis for a “SEE A RANGER CAN BURST TOO” argument when it’s clearly no where even close in comparison AT ALL, then look what happens when you accidently don’t look behind you from a shatter mesmer? That blackgate wasn’t even dodging, he was sitting there taking the damage, he didn’t need to react.. See the difference in burst between a zerker mesmer and a zerker ranger? The dmg is over the top on shatter mesmer in wvw and pvp at the moment and comes with an amazing set of viable survivability which is precisely why everyone is running fotm mesmer right now, specifically inspiration mantra shatter builds.
That BG mesmer runs PU condi. I had several encounters with him during that day and I’m very positive he runs full dire. Yes, you’re right he tanked all of the ranger’s attack but my burst didn’t hurt him much either.
Mesmers could burst you like this pre-patch. https://youtu.be/-ry_FW5oowE?t=8m55s
Thieves can burst you like this, pre-patch and post-patch. https://youtu.be/Jq6DxxFyNIg?t=2m24s
Mediguards can burst you like this, pre-patch and post-patch. https://youtu.be/Wrf5BcAX_JM?t=11s
This is what happens when you play zerker anything in WvW roaming: live by the burst, die by the burst.
If you want to complain that zerker ranger sucks in WvW roaming, take it to the ranger forum, perhaps? (N.B. JOY makes extensive use of zerker rangers in WvW havoc. But running solo you are very vulnerable to CC spam, thief-style burst, or condi overload.)
If you want to have a discussion about mesmers’ CC or survivability or stealth or sustain, please find a video where you don’t get caught with your pants down. Because right now this discussion looks like:
1. People telling you that you kinda sucked during those 5 seconds of video that you deleted.
2. You just throwing random complaints at the wall waiting to see what sticks.
Besides, I don’t like having discussions with people that go back and re-edit their stuff to remove the bits where they messed up.
Every opinion is welcome here. But if u dont wanna discuss anymore jus tgo away. thx
I am the mesmer in your video. Here’s what I know -
You were pretty focused on your target – the BG mesmer. I was at your blindspot (behind you). Knowing that you didn’t notice me, I walked up to you (no stealth, no blink) and did my burst. And my MoD didn’t interrupt you. I run full zerker and I probably had around 2900 power judging by the buffs I had.
I agree mesmer is over the top post-patch and I am all for balance of the OP traits, namely PU, CS, and Blind on shatter. However, I don’t think these overpowerful traits have anything to do with your case.
I agree Mesmer burst hits hard but it has been like that since pre-patch. Not to mention you ate a full burst that most of the hits crit. If you knew I was coming for you, it would be a different story.
I agree with the traits, just want to point out you are revealed so you must have stealthed at some point… I also think its redundant since we know there is the possibility of a stealth engage on mesmer, even if it didn’t really happen here.
If you want to complain that zerker ranger sucks in WvW roaming, take it to the ranger forum, perhaps? (N.B. JOY makes extensive use of zerker rangers in WvW havoc. But running solo you are very vulnerable to CC spam, thief-style burst, or condi overload.)
Never said that if u read better youll notice that i said zerker pew pew rangers are in a very good state atm ;p
(edited by WilnerGW.3275)
I am the mesmer in your video. Here’s what I know -
You were pretty focused on your target – the BG mesmer. I was at your blindspot (behind you). Knowing that you didn’t notice me, I walked up to you (no stealth, no blink) and did my burst. And my MoD didn’t interrupt you. I run full zerker and I probably had around 2900 power judging by the buffs I had.
I agree mesmer is over the top post-patch and I am all for balance of the OP traits, namely PU, CS, and Blind on shatter. However, I don’t think these overpowerful traits have anything to do with your case.
I agree Mesmer burst hits hard but it has been like that since pre-patch. Not to mention you ate a full burst that most of the hits crit. If you knew I was coming for you, it would be a different story.
I agree with the traits, just want to point out you are revealed so you must have stealthed at some point… I also think its redundant since we know there is the possibility of a stealth engage on mesmer, even if it didn’t really happen here.
You’re right. It has become a habit for me now to stealth up before initiate first burst.
The only things in this game that rival that kind of ridiculous burst are rampage, killshot with might and or vuln on target, fresh air ele and maybe a signet might thief. The difference is the thief is dedicating all of his cooldowns for that sort of instagib, and fresh air eles don’t have the luxury of mesmer defenses. They’re also harder to play.
Every opinion is welcome here. But if u dont wanna discuss anymore jus tgo away. thx
Then care to welcome our opinions by showing the original video where you drop your pants faffing around for a few seconds not checking out your surroundings?
1st Watch it
(its a fast video like 12 secs)2nd: Its clear to me thats this is a broken game right now. Enjoy.
Disclaimer 1: Im not full zerker i run some Knights(power precision toughness) armors and amulets/rings. I was running Signet of Stone(180 passive toughess) plus toughness utility food
Disclaimer 2: It were only 1 mesmer atacking me, i checked damage logs. You can notice i checked damage logs right after the stomp, i couldnt believe in what i just saw.
16k HP …… claiming to be not squishy, cuz some knights …. LOL !!!!
LOL !!!!!!!!
Just LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You so get what you deserve for runing a stupid build.
1st Watch it
(its a fast video like 12 secs)2nd: Its clear to me thats this is a broken game right now. Enjoy.
Disclaimer 1: Im not full zerker i run some Knights(power precision toughness) armors and amulets/rings. I was running Signet of Stone(180 passive toughess) plus toughness utility food
Disclaimer 2: It were only 1 mesmer atacking me, i checked damage logs. You can notice i checked damage logs right after the stomp, i couldnt believe in what i just saw.
16k HP …… claiming to be not squishy, cuz some knights …. LOL !!!!
LOL !!!!!!!!
Just LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You so get what you deserve for runing a stupid build.
ty for the love <3
Every opinion is welcome here. But if u dont wanna discuss anymore jus tgo away. thx
Then care to welcome our opinions by showing the original video where you drop your pants faffing around for a few seconds not checking out your surroundings?
I would open a “wvw tips” topic if i wanted to discuss that dont u think?
Not saying im a WvW master and dont need some improvements
Every opinion is welcome here. But if u dont wanna discuss anymore jus tgo away. thx
Then care to welcome our opinions by showing the original video where you drop your pants faffing around for a few seconds not checking out your surroundings?
I would open a “wvw tips” topic if i wanted to discuss that dont u think?
Not saying im a WvW master and dont need some improvements
I mean, your opening post didn’t really set up anything for discussion or pose any questions. You pretty much just said “I think this is OP, everyone come and agree with me”. People tried explaining why is wasn’t OP or what you could do to counter it and you kinda brushed it off.
This is why there’s no point discussing or staying on this topic, you’re just a raging ranger who acts like a child. Good luck on your nerf quest but it won’t stop you getting destroyed till you start checking your surroundings.
This is why there’s no point discussing or staying on this topic, you’re just a raging ranger who acts like a child. Good luck on your nerf quest but it won’t stop you getting destroyed till you start checking your surroundings.
Its the 1st time i got “destroyed” 1v1 this way on WvW.
I was arguing with education all the time. Its a game after all, so really no need for rage. Or even pots like Tongku.5326 did(THIS is a child).
Dude, the mesmer didn’t even use the daze mantra. Mesmers could kill ranger that fast pre-patch, I did it countless times. The only way to prevent that is to use your “look behind” key.
Plus you died instantly in a 1v2. As you should. Nothing to see here.
I must say pretty poor play editing the video. No matter what you say now looks really fishy. Destroys the golem theory of doing damage we can’t see! All it shows is a person upset at suggestions so let me edit video to make it seem like the burst was unavoidable. Poor taste sir.
I dont care for nerfing this or that class, but in general this kind of burst in my opinion (for every and any class) is just bad pvp mechanics.
You had a little set of damage coming and then like a 0.5s pause before the mind wracks, you could of used lightning reflexes in those 0.5s or your invuln. It could of been avoided, but this one would require you to expect this to happen which you sort of should since you were solo vs a zerg meaning a lot of mesmers there that can sneak up on you like that. There is now other way to counter the mesmer stealth burst, you’ve gotta be on your toes and as soon as a little bit of damage hits you you need to either insta stunbreak and dodge or invuln. I’m curious to see how the fight would of turned out if the mesmer failed his burst.
As a zerk roamer myself I sympathize with that kind of experience. Sure, running zerk in wvw mean you have to accept a lot of sad things. After more than 13k deaths on my zerk staff ele you can guess that if I didn’t accepted my frailty I would have stopped playing that since a looooong time.
The only 2 things I still have a lot of problem accepting are:
1) When I die without having made anything to deserve it beside being zerk. I mean, no matter your spec, you should always have a reasonable possibility to avoid instant death. Sure all professions have insane burst. HOWEVER, not all professions can hide the attack animation that could let you take a decision about dodging or poping a big cd to save you kitten . Hence my long standing hate for stealth.
2) Even worst IMHO, when someone can manage to formulate such a high reward gimmick as a one shot kill, you kinda expect a huge risk associate with it… Sadly that is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being the case with loads of mesmers…
Feel like a broken record here, but I’ll repeat it anyway. WvW roaming is not a good judge of if something is OP or not as the game is not balanced around small scale fights in WvW and it definitely isn’t balanced around 1v1’s.
Think mesmer is low risk high reward in WvW? Of course it is, there’s no penalty for running out of combat, there’s virtually no boundaries, and better gear can increase your damage and survivability. Its exactly the same for any class with good disengage skills. Thief, GS warrior, Ele with FGS, engi with rocket boots+EG, and Sword ranger. If you know after engaging the fight that your opponent isn’t running any strong movement skills or they don’t have movement skills as good as yours, there’s literally nothing stopping you from running until you get out of combat regen, then turning around to ping them before they get theirs. WvW roaming is inherently unfair, no matter what you do.
Wilner, try using quickness and you get it off in 1s more or less and because you’re so far away most people won’t see till the arrows land.
Stop getting mad because you forgot to check behind you when you decided to try and +1 a fight from a range where they couldn’t hit you.
As WoC said, damage is too high right across the board, even yours if you get with the programme of toughness means almost nothing. Build zerk, keep looking around and learn to dodge the bursts. Then have fun rapid firing everyone down from your safe 1500 range.
Damage is high across the board, but none of the classes have near as much survivability or readily available spike damage COUPLED with that same survivability as mesmer gets inherently from weapon sets + traits like any other class does right now, that’s a clear and definite fact. You can’t deny it. I would say shaving some survivability off of some shatter mesmer builds will solve this. Don’t do much to the dmg at all, but the survivability that comes with the damage is really insane right now. It’s not a surprise mesmer is probably one of the most used WvW roaming classes and tPvP classes right now (even top tier teams are using 2 mesmers now in teams), because it’s very broken right now. Fotm’s abuse what is most powerful, it’s always been a trend and for this reason you’re seeing a spike in mesmer use across the board.
ALSOOOO , to the people saying that he did burst damage to the mesmer as well and unless you watched the video very closely you probably didn’t see he was fighting a blackgate mesmer and the GOLEM to the right of the screen hit that very same mesmer with an attack as they have +100% damage right now due to golem week and dropped his health real low… His rapid fire actually didn’t do much at all as it only capped at 2,400 damage (i think that’s half of ONE mind wrack right now? Yep
). Just pointing that out to the guys saying he was bursting him down before getting +1’d
I mean.. Mantra shatter is pretty much due to the power creep. And to get the survivability of mantra shatter(which I don’t play just looked up the build) you trait into inspiration, then you trait into dueling for harmonious mantras. Only Domination is your damage line but there you traiting for CS( myself and multiple others have said this needed some sort of shave) and Powerblock.
So you have inspiration for heal on mantra CHARGE, not use. Heal on shatter(small heals not bad), prism got nerfed so it’s meh. The GM is mental defense. That the kicker. You summon a Pdefender to take some damage for you when you do so it has bunkerish abilities.
But to say they are too strong is a joke. I fought 2 last night as a zerk shatter Mesmer. They were free kills. A lot of mesmers right now are FoTM mesmers due to traits like PU being to strong(again myself and a lot of others have said this needed worked on). You say shave damage off shatters. I say fix PU, CS, have to devs lets us know if blinding is intended to go through dodged or not, and leave everything else alone. Shatter damage isn’t the problem. It has not change. Damage overall has.
Another thing, try increasing your FoW so it zooms farther out. It really helps with noticing what happens around you. In certain situations (finding the exact moment to blind a downstate skill, etc) you can still zoom in.