Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


I really love the idea behind the class. I love the abilities, the tools and the style. I also played mesmer in pvp to rank 35, so I know the class pretty well.

Now in PVE? This class is horrible. I have to force myself to go on, because I read with level 40 it is getting better, but honestly I don’t see it (level 33 atm). No matter what specc, no matter whitch weapons, leveling is a pain.

Please change something. Give us better traits, fix broken ones, replace useless ones.

Just do something.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


i don’t know about you, but i’m pretty much just going pure pve right now, levelling in maps 5-8 levels higher than me all the time. it’s been a total blast and i feel like with a mesmer im so OP and so capable. i solo champions and events no problem in places much higher than my level… i was levelling in straits on level 64 running 70+ events. everything im running is just so smooth and you can be near invincible if you are careful and concentrating. when i fool around and get lazy i might take some damage.

but so far PvE it is a total blast, better than any other class i’ve used. It fits my playing style and thinking well so that might give me an edge. but i dont see any problems. my targets melt and are downed so fast, as if 5-8 levels higher is normal for me. my mesmer is now 70 and going for 80 strong…. love it!

i’d go into more detail but i’m tired. but just know that not everyone shares your experience and opinion. just make sure u keep that in mind.

my questions for you would be what weapons are you using? are you upgrading your gear? and idk but check out information to help you play better, like the comprehensive guide video Prometheus had put up which helped me a ton. With staff it is just amazing + gs right now though i hope to switch back to sword combos when i hit 80 and experiment with that. the dps on staff is great things melt even without a super strong focus on conditions with so many clones up all stacking conditions and leaving u free to move and kite.

When i get aggro thats when i do best. leave my clones alone and chase me around and things will go down super fast. GS right now is also a ton of fun and complements my staff well. it’s like a non stop cycle, the cd’s recharge so fast and i can kite and go on non stop. bc when i kite i draw a lot of aggro from new mobs, so its just chain aafer chain but whats amazing is like im invincible. i can just go on forever lol .same with champs, with a mesmer u can just go on forever if u play right

(edited by takatsu.9416)

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


ah, and for the most part my mesmer does the best solo. but if its group events usually i’d have to stick with gs so i can tag enough mobs with the berserker and sword bounces before they go down from everyone else’s hits

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


I’m only a lowly lvl 25 mesmer, and its pretty bad. Single mobs are fine, the mesmer is designed for 1v1. but if you have to fight 3+ enemys at once, your in trouble.

And dont even get me started on story missions. Never have I had to restart from check points so much. My engi never had to do that. its going to be a nightmare later when my missions start having me fighting the risen thralls.

I think part of my problem personally is im going from a range/support fighter (more or less) with very useful utilitys like turrets and weapon kits to this lightly armored short ranged (dual swords) mesmer with, imo, very crappy utility powers.
I’m having to get use to pretty much an opposite play style.

I’m sure after I unlock most of my utilities and play with my traits I’ll come to understand the mesmer much like I have my other character and it will all come together. But until then its hell.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Ever since the beginning as a Mesmer once again I had no issues and I’d like to emphasize that I solo swarms and swarm events like 5 mobs at the same time with no problems. It takes getting used to. I felt awkward in the beginning bc I am so used to dealing direct damage by shooting or using swords. Then I discovered staff and got used to the play style

Sword sword is rly good for pvp and stuff like that but while ur getting use to mesmer in PvE plz I suggest pick up a gs and staff. They do wonders for aoe and mobs. Most of the time ur taking on more than one. Once u get used to the illusions and bouncing and aoe combo fields and so on u have no problem

Sometimes I tab targets and put an illusion on each and then do whatever else I need to do.

Chaos storm. Love it. Protects ur illusions and puts condition and so do your staff clones. Throw in berserker and gs bounces and u have a ton of aoe and damage. And ur free to do whatever u need to. Make use of that feedback on long range mobs that u are too tied up to deal with and so on

There’s a lot u can do. It takes getting used to. But at the same time sometimes personal preference and play styles just means u aren’t comfortable with Mesmer and that’s fine.

But I don’t think anything is wrong with the class. I have no problems and have never played a class that almost never dies like this

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


It’s not the class, it’s not the game, it’s just you. Not trying to be a jerk, but these types of topics pop up about once a week. These mesmer forums are saturated with tips and tricks, and builds for any type of playstyle with a Mesmer, and they are all “viable”, so I’m not going to try to repeat the plethora of knowlege that’s laid out in pages here. What I will say is that I suspect these “Mesmer sucks in PvE” ppl have already lvld another class, and are trying to play Mes the same way.

Mesmer can be played so many different ways, it’s ridiculous. I only PvE so far, and I’ve tried GS/Sw+Sw or GS/Sw+Pistol with buffs in Power and Precision, and that totally works. I’m currently running Staff/Scepter+Focus with buffs in Toughness and mostly Condition Damage, and that totally works too, in a different way altogether. That’s why mesmer is so pimp.

To try to be constructive here: study the mesmer if you really, really want to be good with the class. There is so much good info out there.

I know next week there will be another thread like this. Something like : “Mesmer PvE Omg :O why?” But I’m telling you true, I only PvE so far, and the only thing that makes me sad is that Mes has So many good utilities and abilities and builds, that it can be hard to settle on one.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


It’s not the class, it’s not the game, it’s just you. Not trying to be a jerk, but these types of topics pop up about once a week. These mesmer forums are saturated with tips and tricks, and builds for any type of playstyle with a Mesmer, and they are all “viable”, so I’m not going to try to repeat the plethora of knowlege that’s laid out in pages here. What I will say is that I suspect these “Mesmer sucks in PvE” ppl have already lvld another class, and are trying to play Mes the same way.

Mesmer can be played so many different ways, it’s ridiculous. I only PvE so far, and I’ve tried GS/Sw+Sw or GS/Sw+Pistol with buffs in Power and Precision, and that totally works. I’m currently running Staff/Scepter+Focus with buffs in Toughness and mostly Condition Damage, and that totally works too, in a different way altogether. That’s why mesmer is so pimp.

To try to be constructive here: study the mesmer if you really, really want to be good with the class. There is so much good info out there.

I know next week there will be another thread like this. Something like : “Mesmer PvE Omg :O why?” But I’m telling you true, I only PvE so far, and the only thing that makes me sad is that Mes has So many good utilities and abilities and builds, that it can be hard to settle on one.

:P I wish we had more slots for skills there’s so many useful skills I wanna use ><

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


It’s not the class, it’s not the game, it’s just you.

Give me a link to a thread where I can actually see proof of someone playing a mesmer 1-40 in a way that is on par with other classes. I would love to be proven wrong.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: dank.3680


You are a standout PvP class as a Mesmer, even at lower levels.. Level in WvW.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


That wouldn’t change the fact that mesmer leveling is horrible. I’m not sure about you, but I think a better solution then WvW leveling would be if they fix this. It’s not like they can’t separate PVP and PVE skills.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


If you don’t think a Mesmer can burst, then watch this. It’s not the only vid of its type, but it soundly gets the point across.

If you are having trouble with more then one mob in PvE, then watch this:

If you are totally new to the class, but really want to understand it, then watching parts 1-3 of Mr. Prometheus guides is a good starting point.

I’m sorry if I was a little crass before, but seriously…..it’s like every week, but learn it and you will love it. (Unless you are a pvp’er who got spanked by a mesmer from another server, then transfered to the winning server and made a mesmer. There is no hope for you. :/)

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


not sure why my post got deleted, but again:

I don’t want to be rude, but I can’t really believe you. I COULD see the class being less of a pain with both -20% cooldown talents, but before then you just don’t get enough clones out to fight more then one opponent at a time efficiently. Sure, I can kite 5 mobs around as well, but it takes ages to kill them and only works with melee enemies anyway.

Staff? Damage is subpar. Why does it have vulnerability? Why do I want +1% dmg? Garbage.

GS? Why do I do LESS damage the closer the enemy is? What a * mechanic for PVE. Also, 3’s area is way to small.

Sword? A good weapon, really. But going melee is a deathwish with this class.

Pistol? Good weapon, but cooldowns are way to long.

Focus? Gimmicky.

Torch? Yeah. As if confusion is working in pve.

Overall, the summon CD’s are to long, the time between attacks is to long for its damage, not enough AE and cooldown on shatter is just not optimal.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


It’s not the class, it’s not the game, it’s just you.

Give me a link to a thread where I can actually see proof of someone playing a mesmer 1-40 in a way that is on par with other classes. I would love to be proven wrong.


drops mic

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


Posted 2 vids whitch shows level 80 mesmer in PVP and PVE

No harm done, but maybe you should read my posts before replying. But I repeat it again:

Leveling a mesmer is a pain. As in, from 1-34 (my experience so far). I know mesmer is godlike in pvp, I believe you it is cool when you are 80 and have all traits. But I am talking about my leveling experience.

Also, if every week someone complains about something, don’t you think there is at least the possibility it has some merit?

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901


I’m only a lowly lvl 25 mesmer, and its pretty bad. Single mobs are fine, the mesmer is designed for 1v1. but if you have to fight 3+ enemys at once, your in trouble.

And dont even get me started on story missions. Never have I had to restart from check points so much. My engi never had to do that. its going to be a nightmare later when my missions start having me fighting the risen thralls.

I think part of my problem personally is im going from a range/support fighter (more or less) with very useful utilitys like turrets and weapon kits to this lightly armored short ranged (dual swords) mesmer with, imo, very crappy utility powers.
I’m having to get use to pretty much an opposite play style.

I’m sure after I unlock most of my utilities and play with my traits I’ll come to understand the mesmer much like I have my other character and it will all come together. But until then its hell.

I think I only died once in story. Not done yet, I think I’m at the 51 one, or whatever is after Claw Island. I died a lot more on my guardian while playing story. It just depends on how well you know the profession.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


lol sorry had forum issues, and no those guys aren’t 1-40, I know. I was making the point that the info is out there. Are Mesmers on par with other classes 1-40? Yes they are. Are they the same? No, that would be pretty lame, yes?

I promise that I didn’t have any trouble lvling my mesmer 1-40, even though I tried different weapon sets, utility skills, and traits. I don’t have any video proof of it, because I’m not good at the interwebs, and making vids and posting them and stuff. I’m just really good at video games.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


Leveling a mesmer is a pain. As in, from 1-34 (my experience so far). I know mesmer is godlike in pvp, I believe you it is cool when you are 80 and have all traits. But I am talking about my leveling experience.

Also, if every week someone complains about something, don’t you think there is at least the possibility it has some merit?”

Look at the Elementalist forums, look at the Necro forums, look at the Ranger forums.

One person a week complains that Mesmer is too hard in PvE, or too OP in Pvp, but the majority loves it. Compare to Ele, Necro, Ranger forums where everyone is so upset by bugs and such and hate it so much you wonder why anyone would play one.

No I don’t think it has merit…not because there is an overwhelming majority on the forums that disagree, but because my main is a Mesmer, I just only hit 60, and I’ve never had a hard time. I’ve just never understood these ppls hating on the PvE so much. I really, truly believe they are just not willing or able to learn even the basics of the class, and in the meantime, they spread naysayer negativity all over us.

Look: get a staff and use it. Stay close to mobs and run in circles.

Get a Greatsword: keep your distance, kite. If they get too close, knock them back.

Get a pistol: use it. It pretty much takes care of itself.

Once you feel daring, get dual swords and see how long you can be invulnerable evasion tank for fun and stuff.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459



Run in circle with a staff = I kill a mob every 30 seconds.

Keeping distance with a GS is impossible, I don’t have to tell you (untraited, since we are talking low level) CD of GS 5. Unless you wait after each kill for CDs.

Pistol is nice. Does like 5% of an enemies HP bar every 7 or so seconds, the time any other class needs to actually kill a mob (or three).

So how long are you invulnerable in melee? My guess is 2 seconds. Then you get torn to pieces.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Qelris.6901



Run in circle with a staff = I kill a mob every 30 seconds.

Keeping distance with a GS is impossible, I don’t have to tell you (untraited, since we are talking low level) CD of GS 5. Unless you wait after each kill for CDs.

Pistol is nice. Does like 5% of an enemies HP bar every 7 or so seconds, the time any other class needs to actually kill a mob (or three).

So how long are you invulnerable in melee? My guess is 2 seconds. Then you get torn to pieces.

I’m not sure if you’re serious.. Ever heard about weapon swap and dodge?

I’ve used Sword as main hand in one of my weapon set for most of my time exploring the world. I’ve never been torn into pieces.

Staff, shatter and weapon swap. Staff is a defensive weapon, not something you’re going to kill with. Either way, you can kill something in less than 30s for sure.

As for off-hands, it doesn’t matter which one you use, you will shatter the phantasm eitherway. The other skill is just a bonus.

PvE and PvP are different things. What you use in PvP might not work in PvE.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

(edited by Qelris.6901)

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aeri.1452


The early levels on my mesmer were definitely the hardest out of any of the characters I’ve tried so far. What made it the easiest for me was building my character towards shattering. At 33, you should be able to do have this build: http://bit.ly/YhTnby . Keep putting points into Illusions to reduce the cooldown on the shatters, and stick mostly with Mind Wrack and Cry of Frustration.

Mesmer definitely gets better as you get to higher levels, and it does become pretty beastly in PvE after level 50-60, but the lower levels can suck quite a bit, depending on how you’re trying to play.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


So how long are you invulnerable in melee? My guess is 2 seconds. Then you get torn to pieces.

Wow this is like a pop quiz in school or something. I don’t want to do this, because it’s a poor substitute to you taking the time to read almost Any Other Thread and learn the class, but ok….

As you approach, pop #3 clone, then swap for root.

  1. blurred frenzy for invulnerability/AoE damage→Mirrior Images utility for two more clones ASAP→shatter all three with F4 for more invulnerability

If you want to stay in melee, then dodge or block with #4 Sword.

If you want to get some distance, then step back as you channel #4 block.

Or use that “too gimicky” focus to place a temperal curtain behind the mob and double tap it to pull them back away from you .

You know, either you want to learn how to be good at mesmer or you don’t. It is just a game after all, and there ARE 7 other classes…ahem…professions. If you don’t care to study up on the class, and it’s making you miserable, then just don’t play it, y’know?

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907



Staff, shatter and weapon swap. Staff is a defensive weapon, not something you’re going to kill with. Either way, you can kill something in less than 30s for sure.

Lol, sorry….I know we are on the same side and all but this is another falacy I see popping up lately. I kill stuff all day long with my Staff, and it’s so easy too. It’s totally different then using GS/Sw, but with enough condition damage, I melt everything. The defense is just a plus.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


^^^dont forget the boons you get at close range ;D

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


@ Quelris, I’m not sure if you’re serious either. Ever heard about cooldowns? So you use Staff for clones. Gives you two. Then you shatter them. Doing about 20% of 1 mobs HP in damage. but only if you’re lucky enough the mob didn’t one shot your first clone before you get out your second.

Even if this works, and if you use a decoy for a 3rd clone for more shatter damage, you’re still looking at a mob who isn’t dead yet. And that is only in a one on one scenario, If there are more then one, your tactic isn’t going anywhere. So please, stop telling me this stuff which clearly doesn’t work @ my level.

@ MrMacAndCheese, I really don’t believe you “melt everything” with a staff on level 1-40. Unless melt means takes ages to die. A warrior melts. A guardian melts. A mesmer is whittling down.

@ Aerie: Thank you for your link. You are right, shatter is the best thing you can do at this level, but there are several problem with shatter if you face more then one enemy:

1) Phantasms die before you get out 3 of them. If you face more then one enemy, you are lucky if you get out two a the same time.

2) Shatter radius is way to small. A lot of enemies are moving a lot (which is nice per se, but kills shatter viability).

3) Cooldown on Shatter. There should be a trait that resets shatter 1 every time when you kill an enemy (like guardians have one).

4) Confusion is useless in PVE.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907



@ MrMacAndCheese, I really don’t believe you “melt everything” with a staff on level 1-40. Unless melt means takes ages to die. A warrior melts. A guardian melts. A mesmer is whittling down."

Thankfully, for all of us, I am not Santa Claus or Jesus. Your Faith is not required for Facts to be True. Just be sure to thank that Mesmer that res’s your Warrior on the next Dungeon run.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


@ Quelris, I’m not sure if you’re serious either. Ever heard about cooldowns? So you use Staff for clones. Gives you two. Then you shatter them. Doing about 20% of 1 mobs HP in damage. but only if you’re lucky enough the mob didn’t one shot your first clone before you get out your second.

Staff gives you ONE clone and ONE phantasm. Together, they are known as Illusions!
Seriously, learn the class before you cry a river up in here.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


Wow, your argument totally convinced me.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


Rashiakas, you are a Terrible Mesmer. There is No Hope for you.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


User successfully ignored!

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


I mean really….what do you want? Instead of playing a class you understand and enjoy, you just hate. When ppl try to help you, you just hate. At least two forum pages of useful tips and tricks, and you just hate.

I didn’t video capture my lvling, lol and stuff. Why would I? I tried several classes when I first got GW2, and I clicked with Mesmer. I hope to try others later, but that’s that. I thought I’d love Thief the most at first, but I felt so squishy, I died so much. But I didn’t learn the class, and maybe I will later.

If you want to learn the class, all the info is here. Warriors and Guardians dont “melt”. They smash and break and crack and stuff.

“Melting” is like that Malboro Bad Breath from FF that hits you with Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Toad all at once…..

Only Mesmers we hit with Vunerability, Cripple, Poison, Burn, Bleed….and with Staff at close range, we get buffs for all that like Protection, Regen, Valor(?) and stuff. Coupled with the Something Elasticity trait, we get double bounces, so double all that.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: EsLafiel.4517


sword/focus is very best for lvling at low lvls. you put a Warden down and then use tc to pull all into it and then 3 to immb them and then 2, and a couple of attacks,, even at low lvl a mob of 5 will be dead if ya do it right and you will not even be hit.

At lower lvl I sue gs just incase I had to run and sometimes to start out with ebcause number 4 is good for taking control of mobs.

Second even at low lvls a Mez can be a tanky class, esp by lvl 30. Just get tough/power armor.
Use feedback, to control range and decoy just incase ya have to run. Also phant defend is really helpful to help ya survive.

All things ya can do at lower lvl.

I did dgns from lvl 30-80 pretty much to lvl. I was 3 mening dgns,, a lot of the time and now I can 2 men them.

PS just because you play Pvp a lot with Mez, dont mean you know anything about playing it in PvE.

Esp since most of the well like builds in Pvp is useless in PvE and you gotta use a completely different play style.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


Staff? Damage is subpar. Why does it have vulnerability? Why do I want +1% dmg? Garbage.

GS? Why do I do LESS damage the closer the enemy is? What a * mechanic for PVE. Also, 3’s area is way to small.

Sword? A good weapon, really. But going melee is a deathwish with this class.

Pistol? Good weapon, but cooldowns are way to long.

Focus? Gimmicky.

Torch? Yeah. As if confusion is working in pve.

This is how you feel about the class? Then what weapons do you roll in PvP? What have you tried in PvE? Are you comparing mesmers to other PvE classes you’ve played? My level 25 guardian doesn’t feel as great as my level 80 mesmer but I chalk that up to the fact that it’s level 25, not the class.

I honestly don’t know how you can just dismiss the focus with one word, since the warden dishes out stacks of area damage, which seems to be what you want in PvE. It’s problematic in PvP because players move, but mobs are way easier to predict.

I also don’t understand how it is you’re getting killed in PvE just by going melee… It’s PvE. What traits are you using right now? If you’re worried about damage, once you hit 35 you could have illusion CD reduction across the board, illusions that stack bleeding, vigor on crit, clone production on dodge, and CD reduction for sword. One suggestion among what I’m sure are many.

Talleyrand, Captain and Commander of the Bloody Pirates
Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
Administrator of http://thisisgandara.com

(edited by Bertrand.3057)

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


^^This is what I’m saying. It’s becoming routine to see this QQ on the forums every week by a Thief, or Warrior, or Gaurdian who just got spanked by a Mes, and so they thought they’d make a Mes, and then cry cause it’s hard to kill Skritts.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


@ SoggyFrog:

I don’t have any level 80, my highest is a level 60 warrior, then a 53 guardian. And let me tell you, compared to my mesmer they where way better at killing stuff.

You need level 40 to unlock tier 2 traits. So no clone on dodge, or bleeding on crit.

The reason I posted btw. isn’t to whine about something. I wanted to give my feedback, which may or may not be useful to anet. But nowadays anyone who isn’t sharing your opinion is a bad player and is doing it wrong and there are as many apologist as whiners on the forums, so whatever.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: EsLafiel.4517


you did not come on here and say this is my opinion.

You came on here and acted like everything you said was 100% true, and that mez completely suck in PvE.

Which in reality, the way you play mez in PvE is not the best and so it harder for you.

The way I play Mez, is not teh best in PvP and so I am not that all good in pvp, actually I die a lot.

However I understand it just how I play.

I am a tank, mez in PvE I can take on 10 mobs fine,, champs dont bother me,, hell I tank dgns in 2 men team, with other guy just dps.

However in pvp,, their are tons of better builds for it.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rashiakas.2459


And you are doing that on level 1-40?

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: AliceJutta.3824


I thoroughly enjoyed leveling Mesmer.

Alice Suyeong – Mesmer, Ruins of Surmia

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lysico.4906


Being 100% honest.

I am level 75 and not seen it. I also have a thief at level 55 if that matters.

Zero issues with any content. I have run all the weapon combos. Did play Staff, sword/focus till about 60, then moved to GS sword/pistol since.

PvE is really fine. 3 mobs? No problem either. ’

Now in my 75 levels, I have crafted some and have my personal story to about 62 or so. That has gotten me some easy levels in there, for sure. But the mesmer levels just fine.

I am sort of happy that there are people like the op that give up early on the class. having less of an awesome class around makes it nice.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: EsLafiel.4517


And you are doing that on level 1-40?

On lvl 10 I was doing lvl 20+ area’s, just fine doing champs in them as well.

At lvl 30, I did nothing but dgns from their, at lvl 42 first time I did Cm 3men.

Never had a problem at any lvl,, taking on much higher lvl mobs and multy of them.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: funky fat thighs.1267

funky fat thighs.1267

My experience with Mesmer has been nothing but positive. I’m almost at the level cap and (wait for it) never had ANY issues leveling in PvE.

Imo sometimes this class just fails to click with some players. It’s true your build becomes more fine tuned as you level up but you can still make it work with the basic 5-10pt traits, as I did.

As for your staff taking an age to kill stuff, it’s pretty much just condition damage you’re looking at in the starting levels, and it doesn’t scale well with power or precision – at least not early on. So it’s a bit of knowing which stats your weapons require too I guess.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: crewthief.8649


Sorry OP, I didn’t have the experience you’ve had, while levelling my Mesmer. Of course, I did play during BWEs 2 and 3, so I came into launch with a decent grasp of the playstyle required. The profession is a very active one, you have to stay on the move, dodge, and swap weapons on a fairly frequent basis. If you’re going into a fight, unwilling to weapon swap and take advantage of weapon synergies…you’re purposely kittening yourself. Staff is excellent when paired with Sword/Pistol. That’s what I run. Open with Chaos Storm, Phase Retreat out as a combo finisher granting you Chaos Armor (if i’m outside the area of my Chaos Storm, i’ll dodge roll into it to Phase Retreat out), pull out your Illusionary Warlock, kite a bit then apply Chaos Armor when the CA from your combo finisher falls off, swap to Sword/Pistol…Illusionary Duelist, Illusionary Leap, swap with your clone, Blurred Frenzy to Mind Wrack during your BF channel. An example of an attack chain that will amply melt face.

It takes time to get really good with this class, in spite of what SOME people think. Always stay moving, use dodge often, and shatter as much as you can. Those are the keys to my success, and they work in both PvE AND PvP.

Zabroshan – 80 Guardian / Sorroe – 80 Mesmer
Hands Off My Octopus

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Lol it’s just the l2p issue. Ppl say staff takes too long but why did I have no issues killing mobs in level 35 territory as a level 28. The dps was mad fast even my level 80 friend who was jus watching at the time was astonished. Bc it was around the same speed (slightly slower) that he took to down a mob there and he’s a burst thief. Two clones up and warlock and chaos storm some of the time… It felt normal. Things melted so fast. The first two seconds is slow which is where the defensive stuff comes in chaos storm to protect clones, dodge, chaos armor combo but after that, they’re done. U can see their health just draining. At the time I was running main staff and sword secondary. With the gs my killing speed is even faster… With the gs I don’t even care about the distance. I use staff first then Berserker, bounces, done.

At level 70 now it’s even easier than ever before with a lot of good traits.

Now PvE issues Iknow one thing for sure. When mobs go after my illusions, it’ll take me tremendously longer. They take down illusion after illusions as fast as I can get them up, and therefore its a slow cycle. Which is why I want the aggro and pull the aggro as much as I can since I’m a player that can dodge and evade and kite while my illusions stack up and deal damage. I deal some damage myself which isn’t too bad but the dps speed comes from multiple illusions up that all help. Two staff clones stack tons of conditions and warlock eats off of the conditions on it. Then throw in your secondary weapon set, to finish things off

Now I do see Mesmers go down and stuff around me, but I notice that they aren’t moving as much as I was, some players aren’t used to gw2 being an active game style and I’ve seen players who are ranged casters and onward just standing in one spot and backpedalinf slowly but the mobs were much too close. Circles is ur best friend for a mesmer

(edited by takatsu.9416)

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: korelg.7862


i just don’t get it, my lvling experience as a mesmer was perfect, it was my 1st character and i never had the problem of feeling weak, i did take my time though, so maybe if you rush through maps this “weaknes” issue appears

now if you ask me, i started a guardian and a warrior and it feels so extremely boring to lvl them up… i mean with my mesmer i can even take on champion mobs alone, i’d probably never be able to do that with my warrior or guardian

so yeah, i think that all this people feeling weak on pve is just doing it wrong…

btw i use my own variation of the Legion build and use “knight” gear (power/presicion/toughness)

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Polaritie.4851


Staff is slow but safe. At level 40 it gets significantly stronger with Illusionary Elasticity.

Shatters are your best source of AoE most of the time – your utility skills are 100% utility, 0% damage… but go a long ways in keeping clones out. (Mirror Images, Decoy)

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: NatashaK.9418


I realize there’s people out there who’ve never died in any game – ever. And gratz you you. But ya, mesmer is brutally difficult to level with compared to say a ranger or guardian. Those classes can pretty much go 1-80 slotting all passives, wearing whatever gear drops, hitting every skill as soon as hit comes off c/d, and never swapping weapons or hitting an F key.

Mesmer is not like this. It requires high concentration to play. You need to have intelligent spent trait points and appropriate gear.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I fund mesmers to be garbage under level 25-30. At level 80 i don’t think there’s a single class better to solo stuff or do dungeons.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Ok so when i first started mesmer it was pretty rough. But I took the advice given… which Rashiakas.2459 obviously wasn’t willing to do. I watched ALL of the prometheus vids and they helped a TON. I am using staff/GS and loving it. The issue is that mesmer is MUCH different then other classes and takes some skill to play. you can’t just run in and spam you skills like ranger can. I leveled a ranger to 80 as my first toon and now that I understand the mesmer better I think i do better in big pulls as the mesmer. take the advice read the guides but mainly watch the mr prometheus vids they are a big big help.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: LemurTron.9261


I thoroughly enjoyed leveling Mesmer.

Same! And actually found it extremely easy.

A lot easier than my first character (engi) was….

For one, there’s hardly a single situation you cannot escape from.. Decoy alone should make leveling a piece of cake..

So easy in fact the achievement for “no deaths for xK exp” randomly popped up once day. Guess i had never been able to do that with an engi xD

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kinyn.8451


I am currently leveling my Mesmer and just hit 23. I have played a guardian and an elementalist. The guardian was a bit boring to level, the elementalist was just underpowered a lot of the time. Playing a mesmer is like candy to me. The leveling is smooth and I actually feel like my character is growing. The biggest difference is that I have to be more mindful of where I am and what moves I have at my disposal. I use GS/Staff and I find it works really well. Mesmer may not be everyone’s cup of tea; however I find the leveling experience to be far superior to either of the other two classes I have played.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


Mesmer isnt that hard to play tbh just keep up with ur gears at lvl 35 buy the full rare set with weapons and accessorys it cost a bit of gold but ull be using it till 46 anyway and the 46 rare set is only like 4silvers a piece so i wouldnt complain about that it gets easier once u have better equips. like now got my new set and im just killing mobs like 5 or 8 lvls above me with ease. the only thing thats hard at lvling a mesmer is the lack of swiftness and we all agree on that one. AND always remember to dodge dodge dodge kite kite kite.