“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
(edited by MailMail.6534)
2/8/2015 -
Hey guys. This is my first build post on the official forums, as it’s the first time I’ve actually done my own theory crafting and testing. That being said, it’s only been a few days since the patch so who knows how it’ll do over time… Before I go on, I’d like to credit Lyssa’s little brother, Countless, for inspiring me to make this build. If you don’t know this demi god of a Mesmer, please go check out his stream. You’re welcome biznatch!
~[Malignant Inscriptions]~
Weapon Set: Scepter/Pistol + Staff
Sigils: Corruption/Energy + Agony
Rune: Nightmare
Amulet: Rabid
Crippling Dissipation, Signet Mastery
Phantasmal Fury, Blurred Inscriptions, Deceptive Evasion
Debilitating Dissipation, Cleansing Inscriptions
Healing Signet
S. Domination
S. Midnight
S. Inspiration/Portal (Portal + Treb = Balthazar; every elite Mesmer should always run Portal, but I’m also having fun with the “pure” signet build)
When fighting on point, they will die often, and they will spam 3 AOE conditions for long periods of time thanks to nightmare runes. And if they don’t die, they will cause bleeds from critical hits. Either way, you will keep lots of conditions on opponents. If they don’t attack your clones, you can still make them explode by dodging, causing the AOE explosion of toxicity yourself. The bleeds from Debilitating Dissipation will cause 6s bleed for ~2k. Your iDuelist will cause bleeds often, leading your opponent to once again come to a difficult decision: kill the duelist and hurt my team or take the single-target dmg?
It goes without saying, you shouldn’t be shattering except Distortion for stomps, rezzing and escaping a tough situation.
Why are Mesmers not running these builds? Countless is the first high profile guy I’ve seen really sticking with this build style for the Mesmer, and until I tried it myself, I was still unconvinced of how effective it was. Well let me tell you: the distortions on these are insanely underrated. If you need to activate the heal, you most likely won’t be interrupted, especially if you chain it with another signet. The only downside is that you can’t capture points while distorting, but if you’re in a large mid-fight, your focus should be on wiping the opponent, and leaving your bunker to keep the point captured. Caught in a Warrior’s 1000 blades? Distort. Caught in a blurred Frenzy? Distort. Caught in a Fire Storm? Distort, and then get the kitten out of there. Basically, ruin your enemy’s rotations altogether with distortions.
Additionally, the passive signets synergize perfectly together with the entire build, boosting condition dmg, boosting boons. Activating them allows for nice combos as well like sharing boons from a Chaos storm or chain stunning with S. Domination + Pistol.
I can ramble on forever… You pretty much can be effective at several parts of a typical pvp team: self-sustain, condition, AOE, support and roaming.
IGN: Cho Kurai
Constructive criticism highly encouraged. Shoot me a whisper sometime. :-*
(edited by MailMail.6534)
Bumping, because I’d like some feedback from my fellow Mesmer experts! XD
bump bump nudge
I know the invulnerabilities are strong, I did my own power variant from Countless’s build while ago, but it was shooted down by Pyro, here is the link: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/The-ultimate-noob-friendly-mesmer-PvP-build
I wouldn’t use it in a spvp/tpvp setting myself. Personally I dont like signet builds, some of the other mesmer utility’s are hard to get away from. Menders purity imo is a lot stronger than 1 condi per sigil. Both dissipations are weak imo you can find better damaging condis that are reliable. I’m sure this works but maybe lean more toward power or condi not both.
I wouldn’t use it in a spvp/tpvp setting myself. Personally I dont like signet builds, some of the other mesmer utility’s are hard to get away from. Menders purity imo is a lot stronger than 1 condi per sigil. Both dissipations are weak imo you can find better damaging condis that are reliable. I’m sure this works but maybe lean more toward power or condi not both.
It’s a trade off. I get less condi removal when compared to Mender’s purity, but I’m also mitigating ALOT of dmg in a stereotypical mid-fight. Personally, I like that trade off. Additionally, I’ve been able to hold off 3v1s for a significant amount of time due to distortion+signets+scepter2+Staff2.
You say I can find better condis than the dissipations. What are they? The only heavy conditions Mesmer can put on are Torment/confusion/bleed/vuln, and this build does all of the above. Right now, the bleed on one of them is hitting for 2k if they don’t clear it.
Lastly, nothing about this build is power based. iDuelist is good in this build not for its power, but purely for its bleeds.
So if you look at it this way, your spending 4 points total for cripple and one 3bleed,vul,or weakness. Just did a little moving, again this is just what i would do. How about 4/6/0/2/2, both illusion damage %increase and mender purity. You are correct that we rock confusion and torment and when i go condi that is what i usually stack. Confusion on blind, confusion dur increase, torment on shatter has been super fun since the 15th. Idk just throwing some input your way.
Ahh ok I get you now brotha! I just like concrete examples, so that I can work with it. :P That would actually boost overall condition dmg on this spec by a lot I think.
I’m worried that leaving the chaos line would give me less sustainability though. If that’s the case, I might as well go Carrion. I’ll test this out though and let you know how it goes. Thanks a lot!
hey man its leona boomboom, just went up against you and i have to say that build was impressive! keep up the good work and props for coming up with your own spin on Mesmer builds. Keep the fights coming!
This looks very, very similar to countless’s current build but yeah after watching his streams for a long time now I can say that although it looks a bit odd at first, it can be quite effective for soloq pvp. I’m still not completely sold on the tpvp potential, but I have to say that countless uses portal excellently and it always seems to either 1) keep him alive or 2) decap points and give his team an edge.
1v1’s seem fairly trivial, in fact countless has a couple vids posted on his twitch page of him beating magic toker (one of the best thieves NA currently) twice in one match. Really good fights.
All that to say, the things I like about this build are that although it’s arguably not the best mesmer build to run in PvP, it’s full of unconventional ideas, wonderfully estranged from the meta, and has been proven it can work.
Thanks Leona!
Thanks for your POV skcamow! :-* I’ve won 90%+ of the tpvp matches I’ve been since this build. While I’m rank 60, the guildies I’ve been playing with are below 30, so I assume I haven’t really faced the appropriate competition. I think it has some potential to do really well though.
In reference to thieves, I haven’t come across one yet that can 1v1 me yet. The build is great 1v1 BUT you will eventually decap the point if you continue to use your distorts.
eta – I think Countless runs Menders Purity instead of Crippling Dissipation, so he gets 3 conditions removed from his heal. Also, he runs Carrion amulet with sword instead of Rabid & scepter. I guess my build is the tankier version of his. :P
(edited by MailMail.6534)
I’ve been using this build for a while now. Insanely fun, and I’m having a great time with it. I use Krait runes to get more damage out of the duelist, but I"ll look into your rune choices as well. I also use energy sigils on at least one weapon to get more dodges for Deceptive Evasion, but that’s a minor point.
Nice build!
Dude, Krait is like the new posh rune for Mesmers to use!! :P It’s so legit. I’ve just been having so much fun fearing people with Nightmare runes. It’s nice to have yet another consistent interrupt on Mesmers.
The two stuns (one signet, pistol 5) and the immobilize (sword 3) make me so happy. It feels almost like hambow, but with less telegraphed and more precise options. Tons of fun.
Oh you run sword on your signet build? I think that’s what Countless does too. The stun-lock chain with signet and pistol is pretty legit, especially against other casters like Eles and Necros.
I also think that at times, we forget that this is a team-oriented game. My team loves the synergy this build can add overall as well as being able to effortlessly do so much AOE condi damage.
I use sword mostly because it’s what I’m familiar with (since I mostly play PvE). It brings more damage and less condi to the table than scepter, which makes the build a bit more of a hybrid, I feel like. Blurred Frenzy fits will with the theme of “lots of invuln” though, so I kind of like it for that reason alone. I might try the scepter in some hotjoins and see how it feels.
Very true. I love seeing the “invulnerability” pop up SO often! If I were fighting me, I’d be so annoying. Also, the immob on ileap is really nice.
Do you use carrion runes instead of rabid, because that would make your build much glassier. I could see blurred frenzy doing a lot of damage.
No, just using rabid like you at the moment (along with the points in chaos raising toughness as well). I feel like I already go down quickly in team fights if I get focused and can’t get the signets off, so going glassier isn’t quite an option for me yet.
So if you look at it this way, your spending 4 points total for cripple and one 3bleed,vul,or weakness. Just did a little moving, again this is just what i would do. How about 4/6/0/2/2, both illusion damage %increase and mender purity. You are correct that we rock confusion and torment and when i go condi that is what i usually stack. Confusion on blind, confusion dur increase, torment on shatter has been super fun since the 15th. Idk just throwing some input your way.
I use the exact same build for Pvp but ther only differ is I am a power player therefore geared for power damage.
Just a bump to see if people are still enjoying this build that I created? I’ve been sticking with it for a while now on one of my Mesmers, and I have to say: it has stood the test of time since the feature pack!
This build has remained one of my all time favorites, but I’m going to start experimenting with another condition build.
It’s nice seeing condition builds that AREN’T PU.
My star build is about to be nerfed hard with the new clone death changes! :’(
Is the build link working? I get an error when i click on it
Is the build link working? I get an error when i click on it
Here it is. I’ll try to update the first post link to be correct.
eta- I’ve play tested it, and I often use krait runes as well to make the bleeds more powerful.
(edited by MailMail.6534)
Since my perceived mega-nerf to clone death traits, I thought for sure my original build would be unusable and not as fun.
To combat the changes, I focused a little bit less on clone deaths and more so on bleeds, swapping Nightmare Runes for Krait, and taking out Crippling Dissipation for Mender’s Purity.
The changes have revitalized the build by adding tons of condition removal and sustain with the added health boost from the signet. The chain stuns in between iDuelist(s) & Confusing Images with S. Domination and Pistol5 is a fantastic burst!!! I implore you guys to try it out. I’ve been dominating solo q, hot join and even yolo-ing team q.
Build here:
(edited by MailMail.6534)
Since my perceived mega-nerf to clone death traits, I thought for sure my original build would be unusable and not as fun.
To combat the changes, I focused a little bit less on clone deaths and more so on bleeds, swapping Nightmare Runes for Krait, and taking out Crippling Dissipation for Mender’s Purity.
The changes have revitalized the build by adding tons of condition removal and sustain with the added health boost from the signet. The chain stuns in between iDuelist(s) & Confusing Images with S. Domination and Pistol5 is a fantastic burst!!! I implore you guys to try it out. I’ve been dominating solo q, hot join and even yolo-ing team q.
Build here:
Uhhm cho… You didnt take out dom V
I fixed it. I’m the king of posts needing editing! lawl
Seems like a fun build, going to try it myself sometime soon! I made up my own non-Pu condi build a while ago, 0/6/5/3/0, and been doing some Maim the disillusioned condi shatter lately which was fun too but going to try this out, you still use this build?
Btw do you have somekind of youtube channel or something?
Keep up the good work!
Seems like a fun build, going to try it myself sometime soon! I made up my own non-Pu condi build a while ago, 0/6/5/3/0, and been doing some Maim the disillusioned condi shatter lately which was fun too but going to try this out, you still use this build?
Btw do you have somekind of youtube channel or something?
Keep up the good work!
I’d love to hear more about your condi build. You should make a thread!
Yes, the current iteration of my build is very strong in unranked (especially with Confusing Images being buffed). You can really lock single targets down for your team with increased stun duration on both pistol and S. Domination. If they don’t use a stun break, ~6 seconds quickly becomes a death sentence.
Using Sword instead of Scepter like Countless does also helps in the lockdown aspect of this build and also gives you some boon rip. It’s actually superior to Scepter, but I like the condi playstyle.
I don’t have a youtube or twitch, but send me some mail in-game, and we can play together or chat. Let me know how you like the build!
Here’s the updated version:
(edited by MailMail.6534)
Love the build. I too prefer scepter to sword. While I can see the boon rip and immob being useful, Torment thrown in gives me a nice set of 3 constant conditions(bleed, torment, poison from doom sigil and occasionally confusion from Scepter 3) plus whatever staff brings at the time. Plus I enjoy the ranged ability better since I really miss blink when I run with sword. Against lots of warriors/rangers, I’d probably be forced to use sword for the immob and boon rip to stop stability, but I still prefer scepter.
Ran into Countless tonight, and the dude is super slippery as kitten. My initial thoughts was that he was a better player than the build, but I might give it a try.
Ran into Countless tonight, and the dude is super slippery as kitten. My initial thoughts was that he was a better player than the build, but I might give it a try.
As the concept artist of this style, Countless has mastered this build for a LONG time, so it’s true that you’re facing a tough opponent. That being said, I still think this is a very strong build in its own right. It’s been a while since watching his stream, but I don’t think he uses krait runes does he?
Come back and let us know how it’s going for you!
I hate this build and I hate you people for beating me up with it. =[
I guess you can say I hate it in all the right ways!
I hate this build and I hate you people for beating me up with it. =[
I guess you can say I hate it in all the right ways!
Yes that was you in the arena the other night… yikes! lol I kid! This is definitely one of the best dueling builds Mesmer has in its kitten nal outside of PU.
1v1 you should win every time against most classes except maybe some Warriors and Eles. Engis are easy if you avoid the crate and stay somewhat ranged. Everything else gets rekted the longer the fight goes on.
I messed around with a few versions of this build last night. All versions included Ether, Domination, and Midnight. All with Staff, Scepter/Pistol.
26420 – the build in the OP. I thought it was decent, but was tough to get adjusted to the lack of movement. I swapped Blink in for Portal often, as in soloQ I rarely get great usage out of Portal.
26600 Rabid Staff-CD trait – I liked this one a little more, as the long CD on phase retreat was a lot to get used to (I typically run Maim with Damening for 6s retreat). Chaotic Transference really bumped up the Condi damage.
26006 Rabid Maim – Didn’t like it, as I play Maim so often I didn’t really adjust my playstyle and 4 Chaos is more defense than the distortion for me. Too squishy.
26600 Celestial UndeadRunes DazeMantra BI – This build was very interesting, and I could see some potential. Going to try more of it tonight. Often fell victim to terrible matchmaking so was tough to figure out its usefulness. Pulling 1100 condi damage with celestial was interesting. This was probably my favorite ones.
26402 Rabid CleanseMantra – picked up Masterful Reflection. Situationally hilarious, but very situational.
Tonight? Gonna try more of the Celestial Signet build, as well as 26204, picking up Illusionary Elasticity. This build relies so much on staff clones, dunno why I forgot to try it last night.
Oh, and here is my biggest complaint: You can’t use SoD unless you are facing your target.
Oh tell me about it. Line of Sight issues with S. Domination is so freaking annoying.
I am VERY interested in your celestial build. Very very interesting indeed! Please tell me more about it! You end up with 100- toughness, 10%- crit and 200- condition damage, but everything else is buffed with cele. I see your iDuelist and iWarlock receiving a major buff in dps here. The problem I see here is that signet clone death builds already see lower pressure in team fights. Are you able to make an impact here with the extra dps or not?
I don’t see the Maim one being effective. I do see the value in having Staff reductions though. I tried it, and I liked it a lot, but my issue at the time was getting condi bombed, which is why I love having the 3 condi cleanses on heal when I really need it.
PLEASE report back your findings, and thanks a lot for your contributions.
Oh tell me about it. Line of Sight issues with S. Domination is so freaking annoying.
I am VERY interested in your celestial build. Very very interesting indeed! Please tell me more about it! You end up with 100- toughness, 10%- crit and 200- condition damage, but everything else is buffed with cele. I see your iDuelist and iWarlock receiving a major buff in dps here. The problem I see here is that signet clone death builds already see lower pressure in team fights. Are you able to make an impact here with the extra dps or not?
I don’t see the Maim one being effective. I do see the value in having Staff reductions though. I tried it, and I liked it a lot, but my issue at the time was getting condi bombed, which is why I love having the 3 condi cleanses on heal when I really need it.
PLEASE report back your findings, and thanks a lot for your contributions.
Trying to find time to play more of the Celestial version. Something wacky is going on with matchmaking the last two days — I keep getting matched up with/against guys from Abjured and other recognizable names. My talent is not in that tier, though I generally feel I’m as good or better than most I’ve played with prior to this stretch so maybe I tier jumped prematurely! So I’ve ended up switching to more traditional builds in those games. I don’t like playing unranked, but will try some of it now.
My biggest concern is going to be condition clears in the Cele build with only Cleansing Inscriptions, since I’d like to run the daze mantra.
Well yeah, the daze mantra helps you to proc BI more often. It’s almost always necessary in cele builds unless you’re running CDs on focus and/or Staff for the increased AOE interrupts, but you don’t run focus in this type of build so that’s a moot point. You need MoD! lol
Take it as a compliment I guess? Matchmaking has been plagued for a long time. Maybe you’re in a transition phase. <3
I hate this build and I hate you people for beating me up with it. =[
I guess you can say I hate it in all the right ways!
Yes that was you in the arena the other night… yikes! lol I kid! This is definitely one of the best dueling builds Mesmer has in its kitten nal outside of PU.
1v1 you should win every time against most classes except maybe some Warriors and Eles. Engis are easy if you avoid the crate and stay somewhat ranged. Everything else gets rekted the longer the fight goes on.
I would like to test my luck against that dueling build.
I am VERY interested in your celestial build. Very very interesting indeed! Please tell me more about it! You end up with 100- toughness, 10%- crit and 200- condition damage, but everything else is buffed with cele. I see your iDuelist and iWarlock receiving a major buff in dps here. The problem I see here is that signet clone death builds already see lower pressure in team fights. Are you able to make an impact here with the extra dps or not?
PLEASE report back your findings, and thanks a lot for your contributions.
I was able to do a lot of testing of the 26600 celestial signet build. The best was to describe it is — versatile.
My other two primary builds are Maim (04406) and Lockdown (44600). This build doesn’t have the burst conditions of Maim, nor the burst direct damage and control of Lockdown. It doesn’t assault/1v1 points as well as Maim, and doesn’t drop targets quickly in group battles like CI.
However, it does like 80% of each of these builds. While in group fights, I don’t need to reset when focused as much as I would with CI, and in fights with 3+ enemies I can get up to 20 stacks of might rather quickly while still maintaining the important aspects of lockdown — preventing heals, rezzes, stomps. It also offers more ‘hard CC’ than my typical CI build, which doesn’t use Pistol5 or Domination signet.
Off-point and 1v1, it was pretty strong though I didn’t come up against much of my primary classes that I speculate could be difficult, particularly a condi ranger (I play a lot of condi ranger and envision being able to take out myself on this build without much trouble).
Vs other Condi? Necro’s are so incredibly susceptible to lockdown that I just need to watch out for condition transfers and I’d be fine. Engi’s typically weren’t too much trouble either, though five gauge at me a few times; but less than he typically eats me, this being a primarily ’he’s much better than me’ fight.
It’s a build I might end up adding to my kitten nal, especially since all I do is solo Q and having the flexibility to fight at mid or a side-point is helpful. You never known when you’ll get teammates that can/will only fight on side as well, or professions that can’t sit on home point.
Nice to see that people are tinkering with new Mesmer builds all of a sudden, hopefully some new good build will show up.
From his recent broadcasts, Countless is also using Celestial, though doesn’t go up to get Toughness→Condi Dmg trait (still using 26420). Can’t figure out exactly what runes he’s using…Its not Krait, Travelers, Grenth, Balzathar, Scavenging, Adventurer, or Undead, unless I missed a proc in there somewhere. Don’t think its Nightmare. Pretty sure its a condi damage rune to get the bleed tick number, though I might be mistaken because SoD is sometimes up and sometimes on CD.
Still playing around with the Celestial Signet build I’m testing out. I’ve gotten some tells about it in OMFG, so here is the exact build link:
Nothing too out of the ordinary from what the other builds here are. One thing that is different from when I started playing it is the change from Undead Runes. I tried Krait as well, but settled on Nightmare. The 6p bonus does occasionally give an extra Interupt, as well as the condition duration which helped out where Undead was lacking.
Yeah, I definitely think that in a celestial build, nightmare would be the superior rune choice. So you think cele would be the build you’d most likely keep in your set of builds? I have been on a small hiatus traveling recently.
I’m working on my second big theory crafting project. I’ll be posting the build soon, but I’m so happy that you’ve helped the community to explore this build with even more depth. Thank you so much!!
Yeah, I definitely think that in a celestial build, nightmare would be the superior rune choice. So you think cele would be the build you’d most likely keep in your set of builds? I have been on a small hiatus traveling recently.
I’m working on my second big theory crafting project. I’ll be posting the build soon, but I’m so happy that you’ve helped the community to explore this build with even more depth. Thank you so much!!
Remember to PM me when you need to test!
Yeah, I definitely think that in a celestial build, nightmare would be the superior rune choice. So you think cele would be the build you’d most likely keep in your set of builds? I have been on a small hiatus traveling recently.
I’m working on my second big theory crafting project. I’ll be posting the build soon, but I’m so happy that you’ve helped the community to explore this build with even more depth. Thank you so much!!
The Cele build is the only signet build that I have stuck with, and I play with it a lot recently. I figure if I’m going to be running Rabid, I am already sacrificing sustain vs Celestial, so I might as well get the best DPS (Maim) out of it. I still find Maim superior to Cele Signet 1v1 (and actually 1v2), but anything larger and the ability to lock down someone with Pistol5, Domination, and interrupting heals/rez/stomps really wrecks someone in group fights.
Despite loving the condi damage and interrupt, the complete lack of speed/movement (Blink, Swiftness, Portal, etc) has led me to change rune sets again to Travelers. While I lose the obvious condi damage, my total stats go up and this build utilizes them all to some degree — even the healing power cause you will have a very high regen uptime with Metaphysical Rejuv and Chaos Armor (2x with combo) with 55% boon duration. I just couldn’t live without the 25% speed, and I’m seeing better results because I can roam more and make more of a difference.
(edited by alanis.6094)
Really interesting. If I weren’t heavily testing this tank build, I would be spending more time to testing out the cele build you suggest. The way you describe it gives me the impression that it has a certain amount of viability. Honestly, the only other cele build I could see working is a 0/4/04/0/6 Maim build.
But could “Malignant Inscriptions” work with cele. You make a convincing argument based on your posts. The weapon sets actually lends itself to being a great hybrid phantasm build.
Traveler’s is a decent choice. The mobility is its most impressive feature obviously. You make an ok case as to why it’s good in this build, but you obviously lose a lot of condi damage. My fear is that with that rune choice, it’s very watered down when you’re fighting on point.
This build is my baby, and I promise to actually give an updated review on the concept of this build based on my own testing when I get a chance!!
Really interesting. If I weren’t heavily testing this tank build, I would be spending more time to testing out the cele build you suggest. The way you describe it gives me the impression that it has a certain amount of viability. Honestly, the only other cele build I could see working is a 0/4/04/0/6 Maim build.
But could “Malignant Inscriptions” work with cele. You make a convincing argument based on your posts. The weapon sets actually lends itself to being a great hybrid phantasm build.
- pWarlock doing increased dmg per condition, while the myriad of conditions from clone deaths and Staff AA ticks.
- pDuelist dealing significant physical damage while also proccing a ton of bleeds with crit chance.
Traveler’s is a decent choice. The mobility is its most impressive feature obviously. You make an ok case as to why it’s good in this build, but you obviously lose a lot of condi damage. My fear is that with that rune choice, it’s very watered down when you’re fighting on point.
This build is my baby, and I promise to actually give an updated review on the concept of this build based on my own testing when I get a chance!!
Frankly, without the bouncing trait, the condi damage really isn’t all that overwhelming regardless of 850 vs 1100 condition damage. Being able to roam, to me, appears to do much more for my teams success. And the build gets to utilize all the stats, which in total is more than a Condi rune. The boon duration is also pretty nice, especially the chaos armor protection since I can’t get the staff trait. Its almost 8s with Midnight up.
At this point, I’m using this build more often than Maim, which I didn’t expect.
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