(edited by takatsu.9416)
Maximised Hybrid Phantasm Build [Roaming]
Great news about youtube videos incoming
Also great to see more people realising how excellent Doiid’s build is for roaming. All this obsession on forums with perplexity/clone death builds when this build crushes them. Looking at Dec 10th patch it should get even stronger just from mender’s purity buff, although we’ll see what other tweaks/builds emerge.
New video up!
Nerf that and we’re the 2nd elementalists/rangers. Might take a look a the necro and warrior forum, much more to QQ there (:
Ahwell, just a small ’’hint’’ for those who do care, watch the picture (;
You mean you’d be in-line with other classes? No way! … Can’t have that now can we?
Necros are terrible man. I’m honestly not sure how you’re losing to them. Post a vid of a hard necro fight and I can give you some tips on how to beat them. That is, if you actually lose to necros and you’re not just blowing smoke.
As for the warriors, they’re nerfing the wrong thing. Healing Signet needs to come down and they’re hitting hammer damage. We’ll see what comes of it, but I’m pretty sure it’s either going to lead to more nerfs or beefing everyone else’s access to passive regen.
Watching your vids, excluding your multiple fights with leveled-up players, its clear that if you didn’t spawn a clone and ‘wink out’ on every dodge roll you’d lose.
After all is said and done though, shouldn’t you lose to 3 players at once? … That’s the question you should be asking yourself.
Guess you don’t really see the point, so I’ll explain:
This game isn’t roaming only. There are so many ways of playing bla bla bla, :
I can only list 2 things where mesmer is pretty populair: spvp and roaming. Basicly the rest is kitten, where as necro/war/guardian are at least at 4 types in the game superior.
Warrior is the best pve class, one of the best GvG, Raid and a decent roaming class and is easy/’’fun’’ to play in spvp.
Guardian: Also one of the main in Gvg, Raid, tPvP
Necromancer: Same as guardian, GvG, Raid and tPvP. sPvP is probably also one of the few things that I’d say is still fun with necro.
See the point now? Sure, nerf me in roaming, but give me buffs in raids, gvg’s, tpvp and w/e you want to think of. As long as that doesn’t happen, I don’t see a nerf being appropriate.
And losing to 3 players? Why? Thief, engi, necro, ele etc can do that too. Are they op too then?
off topic but u know every class was complaining about the op warrior hammer and lock down builds? hammer builds hitting way too hard while having tons of CC so ppl can’t get away etc. personally I never have problems with warriors as Mesmers always has such great in combat mobility and stun breaks… but other classes or builds , yeah. warriors hve been flaunting the hammer build and everybody who builds that way admits they’re insanely strong and op lol they addressed what immediately was too imbalanced lately that wa the point of some of those warrior nerfs
I was messing around with the build calc, i don’t know if anyone’s mentioned but it seems you can flat out get better stats all around if you use mostly celestial gear combined with some zerker.
Defensive stats are much higher (toughness AND vit) crit damage is higher by 20%, condition damage is higher by 50, power is higher by 20. Loss of 80 precision, however
I put Zerker in Shoulder/Boot/Glove/Amulet slots
(edited by pheroth.5306)
I was messing around with the build calc, i don’t know if anyone’s mentioned but it seems you can flat out get better stats all around if you use mostly celestial gear combined with some zerker.
Defensive stats are much higher (toughness AND vit) crit damage is higher by 20%, condition damage is higher by 50, power is higher by 20. Loss of 80 precision, however
I put Zerker in Shoulder/Boot/Glove/Amulet slots
Can you post a calculator of that please?
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
I’m still playing with stat swaps, but here’s a setup with +161vit, +95tough, +200heal, -30power, all other stats practically identical to yours: link
I’m still playing with stat swaps, but here’s a setup with +161vit, +95tough, +200heal, -30power, all other stats practically identical to yours: link
Interesting… Though costs quite a lot to buy Guess for those who got the money this is better yes ^^ Though you had ascended accessory in your ‘’into the mist’‘, which I didn’t have in mine so that also changes a bit. (Yes I’m too lazy to do guild missions
First of all, I love your build even though I use a slightly modified version of it. I was wondering though, what do you do with your build when running with a zerg? Do you keep the same armor/traits and then just use null field/feedback? I have been really hoping to find a balance between roaming and zergs.
I run with parts of celestial because I like to have tanky like stats in WvW. I can get good defensive with some decent damage output. The downside to using celestial is you lose out on power, I make up for that in my build with food and oil. With two stacks of might from bountiful interruption I end up with 3400 ish power.
I don’t run the hyrbid condition build anymore in favor of power/crit (just like the direct damage better) but my builds were inspired by BlackDevil’s and I appreciate him posting his build!
Here’s what I was running for hybrid if you want to see the stats I had.
Dark Covenant (SBI)
First of all, I love your build even though I use a slightly modified version of it. I was wondering though, what do you do with your build when running with a zerg? Do you keep the same armor/traits and then just use null field/feedback? I have been really hoping to find a balance between roaming and zergs.
Well.. I guess that’s hard to answer, because I use another build for zergs/raids. It’s on my twitch channel. Also my GvG build is on there.
Well.. I guess that’s hard to answer, because I use another build for zergs/raids. It’s on my twitch channel. Also my GvG build is on there.
That’s what I hate. It would be so nice to use the same build/gear for both roaming and when going against a zerg. I’m doing the same thing right now and just hate changing back and forth.
Hi, i am a bit confused about the gear, you say a mixture with berserk and rabid but when i click on your link there is this orrian armor. Or do you mean only trinkets and rings with the mixture?
Khilbrons armor have almost the same stats as your orrian, should i buy that one?
English is not my native Language, hope you understand me
Hi, i am a bit confused about the gear, you say a mixture with berserk and rabid but when i click on your link there is this orrian armor. Or do you mean only trinkets and rings with the mixture?
Khilbrons armor have almost the same stats as your orrian, should i buy that one?
English is not my native Language, hope you understand me
Rabid defines the stats on the armor, not the looks itself. Rabid = Prec, toughness & cond damage.
Whereas beserkers gears are: Power, crit, crit damage
@ BlackDevil,
Just wondering, do you think the perplexity runes would be effective? I know that takes away from the power and makes the build much more on the condi side but figured I’d as the person who created it.
@ BlackDevil,
Just wondering, do you think the perplexity runes would be effective? I know that takes away from the power and makes the build much more on the condi side but figured I’d as the person who created it.
Well, perplexity can be run with any build, so yes you could do that.
However, I don’t think you will have enough mobility once you have to escape due 0 swiftness or any speed boost. Though you will be stronger in fights yes.
Well, perplexity can be run with any build, so yes you could do that.
However, I don’t think you will have enough mobility once you have to escape due 0 swiftness or any speed boost. Though you will be stronger in fights yes.
Makes sense. My zerg V zerg gear uses perplexity runes and it’s pretty funny to watch when people just ignore them. Still, the mobility does kinda suck.
Have you used your solo build against those condi/perplexity warriors? I end up using torch to reset the fight.
Well, perplexity can be run with any build, so yes you could do that.
However, I don’t think you will have enough mobility once you have to escape due 0 swiftness or any speed boost. Though you will be stronger in fights yes.Makes sense. My zerg V zerg gear uses perplexity runes and it’s pretty funny to watch when people just ignore them. Still, the mobility does kinda suck.
Have you used your solo build against those condi/perplexity warriors? I end up using torch to reset the fight.
Hm don’t really see perplexity wars a lot, though yeah I’ve faced quite a lot perplexity specs. Just gotta be carefull he doesn’t interrupt. Pretty much be aware with what you cast & only cast when he’s lost where you are. Only use healing skill while stealthed etc etc.
Perplex would be ok, but I agree with BD – you’d have absolutely zero mobility. No Focus, and no other source of swiftness, means you’d never be able to run away or catch anyone at all. Not great. I run something similar to this build with Traveler runes (don’t want to mess with Cold Potion etc. stuff); but you definitely want some form of speed in there.
(edited by Moderator)
BlackDevil. Could you record a dueling of your build vs Xelnock’s build. Would be pretty fun to watch. Like an old-timer vs a new build.
(edited by Moderator)
I followed this thread for quite a while. Guess just will tag for reference :P
Most of my Mesmer life played a shatter build (will give ownership to osi), a 10/20/15/25/0 phantasm build (dunno to who give ownership since haven’t found a post), and lately a PU build (say it belongs to blackwater build) – got late to the PU wagon, and looking at this build with interest – just a question – with chaotic transference buffed (plus yay to Mender’s) – going knights/cavalier for 2 rings is a bad idea?
Xenn – I can’t wait for the Chaotic Transference buff myself. I actually — oddly enough — play close to this same build, with more condition traits (Crippling / Debilitating Dissipation instead of Empowered and MoManip) yet less condition gear (mostly knight/berserk/cavalier mix). I’ve been meaning to stick some more condition damage in there, and 10% more from Transference will definitely help with that.
I’m also thinking of trying 0/20/30/0/20 after the patch, grabbing Comp. Power and pHaste for damage, and iCelerity of course for all the cooldown boosts (faster iDuelists, iZerkers, Decoy, etc.) which handily gets me +200 condi damage as well; I’d lose the buffed Mender’s Purity though which kinda hurts on the condition removal front.
Is there a Spvp version of this build I can try before, spending all the gold to make it work in WvW?
Would the condition stacks from corruption be more helpful for just more sheer condi damage rather then the precision proc’ing bleeds?
would this be viable on PvE?
In PvE its generally just better to go full zerker, if you find your self dying then just switch out some of your gear for knights until you get to a comfortable balance.
i have a mesmer alt and i dont wanna have to use more than one set though… gues i will give it a shot see how it goes
Would the condition stacks from corruption be more helpful for just more sheer condi damage rather then the precision proc’ing bleeds?
Depends on the enemy’s condition removal and it might change the dps, though its pretty impossible to check what’s better without dps meter.
Pretty much if the enemy got bad condition removal you want conditions to deal as high as possible and as long as possible.
Once they got good condition removal you want the conditions to occur as fast as possible on the enemy. This does not only burn away his condition removals, but also it wont be hard to gain the same stacks back you were on before the condition removal.
Another thing, prec boost the chance to apply a bleeding, aswell as occuring a crit. So it boosts your DoT dps and your Raw dmg dps.
If you want to use knights instead of bezerkers gears then I can already tell you that you wont have enough damage to win most 1v3’s
The reason behind this is because you don’t have any cooldown reduction on your phantasm, so sometimes you just lack damage, even with the gears I’m running.
I already praised your build but I was wondering is bleeding such an important damage source in a build where power seems to be a more appropriate choice due to the weaponset you have choosen? Why not using knight armor instead of rabid? I tried both and the bleeding I get from knight is in the 40-50 damage per tick range while using rabid gives 70-80 per tick.
On the other hand you would gain 224 power, same crit and a great boost to toughness. This would also let you choose a different food to pump even more damage or crit if you need to.
If you want to use knights instead of bezerkers gears then I can already tell you that you wont have enough damage to win most 1v3’s
The reason behind this is because you don’t have any cooldown reduction on your phantasm, so sometimes you just lack damage, even with the gears I’m running.I already praised your build but I was wondering is bleeding such an important damage source in a build where power seems to be a more appropriate choice due to the weaponset you have choosen? Why not using knight armor instead of rabid? I tried both and the bleeding I get from knight is in the 40-50 damage per tick range while using rabid gives 70-80 per tick.
On the other hand you would gain 224 power, same crit and a great boost to toughness. This would also let you choose a different food to pump even more damage or crit if you need to.
The next patch will show what’s best, due the buff of 5% tough -> cond damage to 10% cond damage.
Atm I’m too lazy to calculate myself lol, so I’m just gonna wait for that. Maybe swapping rabid for 4/6 knights and 2/6 zerkers could do.
But yeah, bleeding actually is really important. Enough full toughness trolls out there and don’t forget conditions work a bit different from what normal damage does. Not only does it deal damage, it’s also a bit ’’stealthed’’ damage for the enemy. This means when an enemy tries to run off, you’ll have a quite good chance you’ll still kill him with the bleedings, whereas you couldn’t when they weren’t dealing that much damage.
Im lvling a mesmer at the moment and im following this build (only play wvw) and even at low lvl it kicks kitten to unaware players, specifically zerker thiefs, I start with transforming the champ in to a chicken then get all the cds off cd on the 2hander and weapon swap and unload the rest. They either start running or start trying to act very scared, you can tell when they notice im upleveled because they turn back and chace. I can run away ok but you know this is wvw crowd. I can really see the benefits of this build even at low lvls.
The one thing is the armor runes I dont get it. There must be a better set. But im new to mesmer so what do I know.
By the way wrote this on my phone dont know how well it will come out ( kitten you predicted txt)
by the way the only reason i use the transformation spell is because if i dont i get one shooted!
Going to try this build on my mesmer. Might swap gs for staff, because I love it Q_Q.
Taking this idea, yesterday tried 20/20/30 (to get CD reduction in GS) and took arcane thievery for my condition cleanser (since taking manipulation trait) – with traveller runes, sitting at 70% condition duration, and 45% boon duration. Seemed to work OK, though need practise after spending time with torch, missing prestige in a PU build.
Once I can afford, will get 2 berserkers amulets.
I already praised your build but I was wondering is bleeding such an important damage source in a build where power seems to be a more appropriate choice due to the weaponset you have choosen? Why not using knight armor instead of rabid? I tried both and the bleeding I get from knight is in the 40-50 damage per tick range while using rabid gives 70-80 per tick.
On the other hand you would gain 224 power, same crit and a great boost to toughness. This would also let you choose a different food to pump even more damage or crit if you need to.
I originally ran a similar PU build with a mixture of zerkers and knights. I replaced all of my knights pieces with rabid to test out a more hybrid version. After running both, I can’t honestly decide which is better. Each way has it’s strengths and you have to fit those into your playstyle. IE, I have a tough time leaving my clones up with this build. I like to get them up, let them get in a few hits, shatter them, then pop up 2 phantasms to let them put in some work. Thus, focus on knights over rabid seems to fit my playstyle better. Everything being the same, with knights I have a 51/tick bleed vs 69/tick bleed, but I have to give up almost 500 effective power, and almost 3% damage reduction. Thus, I’ve settled back into knight, but have kept the 40% duration food.
Also, as a side note, someone asked about condition stacks over precision. I’ve also tried both of these, and in the end I have to go with precision. Being that this build is a hybrid build, precision helps you with all your attacks, both stacking the bleeds (via illusions) and with critting on your power attacks. Whereas condition stacks only effect your bleeds and the occasional confusion.
For reference:
Hello, I currently have a full rabid set and I was wondering what your thoughts were on going with berserker armor and rabid accessories instead? For me it would be cheaper to obtain berserker armor (like Zhed’s set) since the accessories appear to be more expensive. I believe with my current gear the math adds up to more rabid stats if I stick with accessories (I have one ascended ring and everything else exotic plus exquisite chrysocolas), which means I would have less berserker stats than your setup. Do you think the stat differences from going berserker armor and rabid accessories will affect the build’s effectiveness to any degree? Thanks!
Any suggestions from those who play this build on how to best use it? Openings, good combos, etc? Thanks.
Any suggestions from those who play this build on how to best use it? Openings, good combos, etc? Thanks.
In the build I’ve listed there’s 1 starting combo and 1 combo how to propperly spawn/use your phantasm at the end of the build.
(edited by BlackDevil.9268)
Indeed, thanks. Unclear on the first part, are you saying that rather than the usual 3/3/2 to immobilize and then slice up the opponent you delay on the 3 so they don’t dodge the immobilize? I’m a bit unsure what you mean there.
Any gear suggestions for someone who can’t easily get rabid?
Okay, another question on this, and related to the Blackwater. Sorry for all the questions, I think I have this almost figured out.
The two builds are fairly similar. Blackwater calls (mostly) for all rabid gear. This build seems to use rabid armor and mostly berserkerish trinkets and berserker weapons.
For this build, instead of rabid armor and berserker trinkets could I go with berserker armor and rabid trinkets? The berserker armor is a lot cheaper since I could start with yellows. And I could swap it for, say, carrion or dire, if I want to swap to a more defensive Blackwater setup with staff.
@ Qaelyn
- sword is a really special skill. Imo, if you master how to use this skill, you will never make a build without sword again. Why? Because:
1. It can be used as stun breaker
2. It can be used as gap opener → For example: you cast your #3 leaping to the enemy, you run away but the enemy runs after you. The enemy is faster than your clone and is really close to you, while the clone is still slacking behind. Just use it again and you got your gap opener. This is really usefull against multiple enemies. Run away from them, cast #3, wait a few seconds, go into stealth, use #3 again, blink 180 degrees and run away from them. Succesful escape 90% of the time.
3. It can be used as gap closer. (the leap is faster than swiftness if it doesn’t get stuck.
4. Casting it 1-3 seconds later than usual gives a fair amount of them wasting their dodge and it gives you the ability to time the immobilize better with your phantasm attacks.
5. Immobilize is a really strong condition. You can use it as invurnability for a few seconds at certain specs by just attacking them from behind.
Idk what your toughness will be when you do that, but I guess lower than when you would go rabid armor and zerk accessory.
@ Qaelyn
- sword is a really special skill. Imo, if you master how to use this skill, you will never make a build without sword again.
Oh, I know you’re right. I avoided it a lot at the beginning because it’s confusing, but am starting to appreciate it.. especially used defensively. Lots of fun when a melee type rushes up and gets a bunch of slashes to the face he wasn’t expecting.
But it is definitely tricky to master.
2. It can be used as gap opener -> For example: you cast your #3 leaping to the enemy, you run away but the enemy runs after you. The enemy is faster than your clone and is really close to you, while the clone is still slacking behind. Just use it again and you got your gap opener. This is really usefull against multiple enemies. Run away from them, cast #3, wait a few seconds, go into stealth, use #3 again, blink 180 degrees and run away from them. Succesful escape 90% of the time.
So this is interesting, you use it as a misdirection. You cast the clone while running away, which causes it to run backwards towards them. They keep chasing and the clone can’t keep up… then you swap with the clone and run in the opposite direction using blink. Is that right?
4. Casting it 1-3 seconds later than usual gives a fair amount of them wasting their dodge and it gives you the ability to time the immobilize better with your phantasm attacks.
This is the part in your description that I didn’t get. You just mean to delay between the first 3 and the second 3?
Idk what your toughness will be when you do that, but I guess lower than when you would go rabid armor and zerk accessory.
Actually it doesn’t. I put both into a calculator. Here’s what I found.
Compared to rabid armor and berserker trinkets, going with berserker armor and rabid trinkets yields:
-101 power
-90 precision (-4.3% crit chance)
-20% crit damage
+193 condition damage
+30 toughness
+90 vitality
The biggest differences are in crit damage, where the alternate is about 30% lower, and condition damage, where the alternate setup is a full 50% higher.
Not suggesting this is better than yours, mind you, just looking for a viable way to swap between your build and a classic Blackwater so I can try out both fully without getting 2 full sets of gear.
Am I correct that critical damage isn’t as important in this build as critical chance because the crits are mainly about the clones applying bleeds?
Not suggesting this is better than yours, mind you, just looking for a viable way to swap between your build and a classic Blackwater so I can try out both fully without getting 2 full sets of gear.
If you want, you can also just get a zerker chest piece with the same rune you are using in your Rabid.
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 – undeadlords.net
I’m still working on my “Blackdevil/Blackwater hybrid” so to speak, but it looks somewhat interesting so far. The basic configuration is Blackdevil’s build but 20/20/30/0/0, adding the GS boost and dropping Mender’s Purity, then dealing with conditions using sigils, food and possibly the mantra if need be. With rabid trinkets and berserker’s armor and weapons. More aggressive, and the condition removal might not be enough in which case this hybrid won’t work, but we’ll see. I’d use this more for PvE and WvW zerging if I engage in such.
The defensive configuration is more like Blackwater, with a rabid staff, torch and scepter, dire armor, and changing the GS boost to the torch cleanse. This setup doesn’t have nearly as much condition damage as the all-rabid Blackwater, but it has more defense and would be used in situations where I just want to stay alive.
Both allow me to avoid having to spend a lot of gold on rabid armor until I’m sure I want to. I’d likely start with exotic trinkets and weapons and just rare armor.
I’m still working on my “Blackdevil/Blackwater hybrid” so to speak, but it looks somewhat interesting so far. The basic configuration is Blackdevil’s build but 20/20/30/0/0, adding the GS boost and dropping Mender’s Purity, then dealing with conditions using sigils, food and possibly the mantra if need be.
I’ve settled on a 20/20/30 Greatsword & Sword/Torch hybrid and love it. Zerker armor, Rabid trinkets w Zerker (Ruby) jewls. Zerker GS and Rabid Sword/Torch. It uses the standard Blackwater build but adds a ton of CC and power damage (and retains decent condition/bleed pressure). I find too that people are unused to it and unprepared for the damage spike of iZerker + blurred frenzy + mind wrack. Plus the GS gives good might stacking and chasing.
Also, use the 20 in Domination on the Torch, not the Greatsword. Condi clearing plus more invis is invaluable.
(edited by Bunda.2691)
Bunda – I like the way you think!
All – what is wrong with the original build on this thread? I’m new to mesmer but more and more im thinking that I should have hybrid stats, power top heavy but still have a nice condition punch.
Any one know if those armours from karma/temples are any good? Or are they a pve only set? I dont do pve. I only do wvw
Then use badges and buy armor from vendor, they sell Rabid.