Mesmer Durations
I don’t think that’s the case, it doesn’t explain portals description and the daze interrupts but never appears which means it’s not a daze at all and more of just a interrupt. It lasts for like .2 secs and obviously they can’t round a skill to 0 but I find it hard to believe they’d put a second knowing it’s nowhere near that long.
If that was the case most of the abilities need to match the numbers on their tooltips anyways, for balance purposes.
What I said is true but you’re right that it doesn’t answer all of your questions.
When I said counters I just meant the displayed number, it doesn’t just drop the skill totally.
You are right about Portal Entre, I assume it’s a typo. The tooltips are horrible.
As for the daze, are you using it on trash mobs, or bosses that have Defiant stacks? I have never noticed a daze just not work when it should.
Namely in PvP I can see it interrupt, but the daze comes and goes so fast that it doesn’t flash once. It’s def not a second long from what I’ve seen.
Also it’s not quite the same issue but I notice a lot of things keep the mesmer revealed when trying to stealth with Decoy, Veil, or Mass invis. It’s a little clunky feeling at times. I’ve run through my veil 3 times in a row without using a ability and never stealthed.
Null field says it lasts 7 seconds, but its closer to 3.
Right they need to do something about that, my guess is their solution will be to lower the tool tips rather than raising the durations to match them like they should.
Okay. I get what people are saying here but it’s important to get actual timings if we’re going to take these things seriously to Anet
Null field : 5 seconds (cooldown 45 seconds as intended)
Portal : 15 seconds from first placement. (cooldown 45 seconds instead of 60)
Are these timing swith the glamour lasting longer feat or without? I know Portal doesn’t last 15 seconds.
Bump in hopes of a Mesmer mod answering, need to know if these bugs have been recognized as such and if the tool tips are incorrect or the durations are just lower.
Skills affected
Null Field
Decoy (The Stealth)
Also when getting the Temporal Enchanter(Glamor skills last longer) trait that tooltips should update.
It seems all skills which’s durations get extended via traits display their upgraded duration. Independent of whether you have the trait or not. :S
That would make sense, still needs afixin though.
Yes it does, and I also firmly believe that the extended durations should be the baseline ones, except maybe on Feedback (which is horrendously powerful as it is :P ).
I agree those seem like good baselines but feedback is very strong. You can’t say it’s overpowered because there’s a simple counter, walking outside of it. I know not to blow my ranged load when it’s on me from experience.
Bump in hopes of a Mesmer mod answering, need to know if these bugs have been recognized as such and if the tool tips are incorrect or the durations are just lower.
The only mod/dev/etc response on the Mesmer board to a bug has been in a thread that unintentionally followed the one bug/thread only rule.
Well we had to verify it was a bug first, but anyways final bump. I’m sure they’ve noticed this by now.
So I tried testing with portal. From the time I put the 2nd portal down and the CD starts, about 13 seconds pass until when it disappears. However if you put the other portal outside of max range (meaning it won’t work) it lasts the full 20 seconds. I also tried seeing if more people using the portal caused a shorter time and found nothing conclusive.
Null field also only lasts about 4-5 seconds when it is listed as 7.
I found no problems with decoy however.
Veil only lasted 5 of the listed 8.
Feedback seemed fine, lasting 6 of the stated 6.
I tested this by turning on the CD timers and watching from when I put down the ability to when it disappeared based on the CD. I also timed it in my head.