Mesmer Love

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Love mesmer so much, started one this week. levelled so fast just because i love it. It takes so much skill, thinking and finesse and after a while im getting used to it. Now when i see warriors come along… no offense but it feels so barbaric. LOL I’ve played other classes, i love my level 80 ranger as well, i played that with more strategy and mobility etc as well, contrary to beliefs, i think ranger is a challenging class to play well and optimize in all situations. but mesmer by far is even more fun and even more challenging to do well i think. but once you have the hang of it, it’s amazing! XD

Any thoughts to share on why you also love mesmer?

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: Enigma.7384


I love the mesmer because they are so different from traditional mage-like classes. Going into any MMO (guild wars included) I am always the heavy-armored, sword swinging class. When I saw the mesmer and how different it was from Necro and Elementalist I knew that i wanted to play it. I also enjoy it because its unique to Guild Wars, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a class in any other MMO that functions like the mesmer. Also when I finally learned how to play the profession it made me feel great since it was definitely a challenge the first time I tried it.

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I always play mage classes in games and I was convinced that I would have an Ele as a main.
I tried Elementalist in one of the betas and thought hell yeah- I was right.
Then In the next Beta I made a Mesmer on a whim, just to check them out and fell in love.

The Mesmer plays unlike any other class out there. It is challenging, fun and your skills are very situational, you have to pay attention or you are dead.
I love the feeling of synergy when you are in the moment and everything just flows.
My Mesmer has been 80 for a while and I still play her almost exclusively. My Ele is sitting in Divinity’s Reach at lvl6.

Gunnar’s Hold

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: Valentine.6529


In Guild Wars 1 my main was a Mesmer, I loved their “illusion” background and how they are related to masquerade type themes(Their masks). Their clothing was also always pretty for the females, not so much for the males. Although in GW1 they had hexes that screwed over somebody, and they had to focus on whether they wanted to use that skill or not. Also the ability to shut people down and steal their skills was always fun. In guild wars 2 I loved them because of the purple butterfly effect their skill has. In gw1 they had one skill that did that, I think it was soothing images and I always wanted it to be like that for the rest of their skills. But I really like the confusing factor of them in GW2, I love being able to actually confound the enemy, and then shatter my illusions on them.

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: Krelkain.5418


Started a warrior, got him to 80. I thought he was a really awesome melee class, one of the most fun I had played in an MMO to date (EverQuest 2 comes as a personal second for me when it comes to that archetype).

Made a mesmer thereafter and had reservations for a time. Once I understood the mechanics of the class, I fell in love and I haven’t gone back to that warrior playstyle.

I love mesmer so much because the class works thematically as well as rewards you for the amount of effort/skill you put into it. The amount of attention, adaptability, and thinking-on-your-feet required for any given situation just becomes addicting.

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Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: yvesbeaumont.3291


the mesmer is the best class i’ve ever played in ANY mmo.

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Omg after getting more attuned with mesmer… this is so amazing like level 34 right now killing level 40s so fast xDD idk how ppl think they dont have dps but the dps im seeing is crazy

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ribos.8350


For me, it’s the 1v1 survivability. Heck, even against PvE mobs, you can kite like no one else. Vigor on crits leads to rolling like I’m playing Katamari Damacy, and clones on rolls? Just groovy. Sure, those clones don’t take much damage and they can’t deal much either, but they can throw conditions all over the place, both in attacks and in death. Of any mage class, mesmers provide the most support and require the least.

I also love the amount of strategy that goes into the builds. Other classes seem to almost require a full 30 trait points in the +power line, but I’ve gotten way more mileage out of precision and toughness on the mesmer. The precision gets you crit bonuses, not just more damage. Truth: mesmers can’t DPS like elementalists. Who cares? Elementalists can’t use conditions like mesmers.

You want to talk about offense? Every other class is all about the pew pew. Yeah, even necromancers love to use skills as soon as they recharge to put out the most numbers. But mesmers? Nope, we gotta think hard about when we use them. We have to know what our enemy is planning to do AND what we plan to do about it, and all at the speed the enemy sets. Scepter 2, sword 4, and Mirror all have rather short timing windows for counterattacking, but when you can land them, you get to deal a chunk of damage, prevent some to yourself, and usually pull some other effect. Have you ever used Feedback on an enemy using Dagger Storm? Hilarity. Plain and simple. But you can’t use Feedback on a thief at any random moment to get that effect, you have to anticipate the dagger storm or have a real quick reflex to it. Mesmers absolutely EMBODY the phrase “learn2play.” Gear, stats, it matters way less to a mesmer when you can simply outplay your opponent. They are the monkey wrench of DPS calculations. They are the gum that sticks to your shoe. THEY ARE DARKWING DUCK, AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT.

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: MrMacAndCheese.3907


@Ribos: “Have you ever used Feedback on an enemy using Dagger Storm? Hilarity.”

Yes I have, and yes it is! Just the other day in fact, as I was dealing with a pirate, another starts in with that from the side. I dropped FB on him while I dealt with my target, and the little guy killed himself so fast I missed it.

In moments like these, I tend to blurt out in guild chat “Gah, i love mesmer”.

After such a time recently, my guild lead who recently has gotten 80 mesmer said, “I think that’s the mesmer motto XD”

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


Haha omg I have to try that on the storm

Lol I just moa bird my first enemy boss lmao hilarious xD

And since I use staff all my illusions deal incredible damage sometime I just sit back and watch… The conditions stacking and a warlock or two… I get aggro most of the time which is the way I want it and I just run circles and the mob just melts under the illusions lmao it’s so fun to play and watch xD

Nothing has been this satisfying in a long time…

Like sometime I feel weaker bc I don’t see the big numbers or the way other classes makes enemy health bar cut down in steps… But Mesmer killing speed is insane when u compare… Even when ur at low levels it’s just melting targets down…. Definitely such a great powerful class when played right

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dancing Jesus.2873

Dancing Jesus.2873

The reason I love mesmers is because everyone loves me. Every time I enter a dungeon, someone thanks god that a mesmer is in the party. We just make life a ton easier:

- Portals to skip hot potato in Arah
- Invis to skip mobs
- Feedback to kitten on ranged mobs
- Medic feedback bubble during Giganticus is invaluable
- Null field to cure your ailments
- Insane dps with non-stop phantasms

10/10 mesmer best class hands down. We can do anything and everything. Don’t even get me started on sPvP and WvWvW…

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Yeah, I just started a Mesmer the other day. Around lvl 30 now, and I have alot of bad habits I need to fix from playing my Guardian. The more I play the easier it gets, still alot harder then my Guardian for sure. Big thing I’m figuring it out, is it’s all about the shatters.

Really can’t wait until I get to 80 and unlock the full potential of it. Probably will become my main.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Mesmer Love

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


I continue to get used to the mesmer but along with how everyone loves Mesmers xD today in group events I got to moa a few bosses, feedback, chaos storm and null fields that helps everyone and perhaps gives a good laugh too. Feels especially good when other players catchthe combo fields and u gave them chaos armor. It just is so epic and helpful haha

Mesmers are insane like I feel like I have my own Zerg ESP bc my illusions actually survive well since I grab the aggro and then run around letting my illusions melt targets xD