Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey all!

EDIT: This build is likely to be more viable atm! Let me know your thoughts below. This is in regards to the new stability changes! ****

So people must have been playing around with variations of this build but Im not seeing many people using this rune set up.

The build is focussed on dazing and stunning oponents to build vulnerability causing massive damage and using timewarp and null field to assist with support.

Build Video:


Game play:

Pls leave feedback, even if you hate it, itd be awesome to see how it can be improve/tweaked or whatever.

I like to play this build for fun primarily, but I do feel its pretty nice in a team situation.

Thanks all


p.s. Im not saying this is the BEST build, or I am the BEST mesmer player Discalimer there

(edited by jebro.6370)

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

Well, before I start saying anything, nice video. You explained interrupt mes very nicely and honestly convinced me to use CS and TW again (which has worked very successfully, I can 1v1 almost any thief with the mantra and still rock in team fights). Anyway, lot of mesmers use chaotic interruption (XI in chaos) instead of CS . What is your opinion on CI vs CS?

Also, I don’t really 100% understand the sigil of intel on gs. It doesn’t work with phantasms, so do you use it for mirror blade/mind stab/mind wrack? Honestly I find air better for my gs personally but that’s just my personal preference. Otherwise, I have nothing to say since it works very well in the hands of a good Mesmer.

-Rylock [vE]

(edited by Warlord of Chaos.7845)

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ceces.9368


thanks for sharing this! I love how you explained everything so well in the video, I’m going to try it out

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

thanks for sharing this! I love how you explained everything so well in the video, I’m going to try it out

He really did explain lockdown mes very well. Also, if you were into gw1 Mesmer youll love this spec, which is why I main lockdown in gw2

-Rylock [vE]

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ceces.9368


yea, I love that most about his video :p

I tried it out, and it works good (: thief’s still scare me

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


using similar build only insteadd of gs I use sword/sword

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Yeah pretty sure this is Mind Crush (build sticky). It’s proven around here for sure, but lost a little luster after the Confounding Suggestions “fix”. Still strong though.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Ahh thing brings back memories. This spec is the first lockdown build I played/wrote about, dubbed Mind Crush

I’ve never really used GS/Staff before, but I was glued to Sword/Sword for this particular build because of the sword projectile daze being on a less-than-10 second cooldown and hitting multiple targets. Should give it a try! (And if you haven’t yet, try 20/20/30 with Chaotic Interruption)

And do you mind if I link your video in the lockdown mes thread?

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


i use almost same setup but with CI instead CS
first CS 50% still hardly count a handy trait . but you do get more damage than CI build .
Also CI could get benefit from gs5 .
and strength rune+ battle sigil is your friend for this build .more might and +7%damage would save you, better than 0.25s daze.

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


overall in team fight and cap decap situation , CI >CS imo.

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Warlord Ive switched to Air now to give it a bash.

Im using Suggestions for stuns really. Otherwise well, the stunner wouldnt be the stunner.

I feel like with Necros especially and condi builds I come up against and even thiefs that trait helps out a shedload

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Oh it does, and I stubbornly held on to CS over CI for a long time as a result, but give CI a shot and see which you feel is more effective.

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


I used it for ages its AWESOMENESS I agree ! But I dunnooooo :P I love those stuns my friend!

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

It honestly was a hard decision for me to switch to CI. Honestly I might go back to CS due to interrupts being harder and harder to land due to the increase of asuras. NA LOVES their asuras zzzz

-Rylock [vE]

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ceces.9368


what’s CI, and CS mean?

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: musu.9205


It honestly was a hard decision for me to switch to CI. Honestly I might go back to CS due to interrupts being harder and harder to land due to the increase of asuras. NA LOVES their asuras zzzz

to be fair , interrupting asura ranger , war , mesmer and d/p thief is just fine .Problems are d/d ele ,guard ,s/d thief and engi. For guard and s/d thief longer daze duration doesnt work well .50% chance stun on thief might be helpful tho . About d/d ele , right now with this setup you might need might from interrupt to outdps cele d/d ele’s heal, so in the end you do have to interrupt otherwise no matter you stun ,daze or not you simply don’t have enough damage.(keep in mind i meant good d/d or same skill level as yours). Shatter mesmer is still your best friend to deal with ele anyway .
Try to interrupt engi’s skills is a pain i can confirm. And you never know what nades or bomb they are spamming .And it fairly hard to interrupt engi’s healing turret ,I did make it few times but that were almost lucky hit with my 200 ping.

Btw you can interrupt stomp and rez that’s another reason 2s immobilize is better .Not to mention gs #5 for capturing point.

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Expansive.3716


Love your videos Jebro, you’re a gentleman and an entertaining person to watch.

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Suuns.9203


what’s CI, and CS mean?

CS is a GM trait in Domination tree which stands under number XII: Confounding Suggestions – Chance to inflict Stun whenever you daze a target. Increased daze duration.
While CI is also a GM trait in Chaos tree XI: Chaotic Interruption – Immobilize your target when you interrupt them and randomly apply Blind, Cripple or Chill.

PS. Jebro thanks a lot for this awesome build now I can Mesmer again ^^

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


guys… all your comments are just immensely awesome and useful! Im switching the build round a lot but come back to it in the end in the last few days. I did change to the air sigil though!

But yea really nice mesmer players out there and in the forums.

BTW: Game play video

Thanks for the kind words as well guys!


(edited by jebro.6370)

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ceces.9368


what’s CI, and CS mean?

CS is a GM trait in Domination tree which stands under number XII: Confounding Suggestions – Chance to inflict Stun whenever you daze a target. Increased daze duration.
While CI is also a GM trait in Chaos tree XI: Chaotic Interruption – Immobilize your target when you interrupt them and randomly apply Blind, Cripple or Chill.

PS. Jebro thanks a lot for this awesome build now I can Mesmer again ^^

oh, thanks

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AtlasSi.9130


Used this build all day today. It took sometime to get used to the feel for the build and yeah I absolutely love it. Won alot of team ques too. c:

18 80s | 12 100% | r177 | wvw r970 | 9,000+ hours
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Good to see Atlas! same traits and sigils etc?

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: AtlasSi.9130


Yup yup! Same everything. This is one of the strongest builds I’ve played on mesmer in a team fight. Might branch out and try some little tweaks but, I have a feeling I’ll just end up right back with the same traits/runes. xD

18 80s | 12 100% | r177 | wvw r970 | 9,000+ hours
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Well, I dunno if its strong competitively, but its pretty fun at the very least

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


@Jebro and the folks playing around with this build, I wanted to call further attention to the original Mind Crush build posted by ChaosArchangel many months ago. It’s very close to the same build as the stunner here, with very few exceptions, but most notably Mind Crush uses Staff/Sw-Sw.

The Mind Crush thread has a lot of good information about how to play this build, from tactics to combos, playstyle breakdown and a game play video illustrating the playstyle.

One other thing I want to note is that Confounding Suggestions received a ninja buff to daze duration, or else it’s bugged. Don’t know which yet but yeah, it extends daze duration when taken alone by 50% (not the advertised 25%). I did extensive testing on this to come to that conclusion. It stacks only with Runes of the Mesmer (no para sigil) which net a total of about 1.75s on every daze you inflict.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Hey shhh dont tell anyone Sk :P

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Also I do feel with the Utilities that the Crush build uses and the weapon set difference the two build can play a lot differently even if there is only a varied small change in traits/sigils.

It means getting into melee range more where as with this build I never really need to get up close and personal.

Also the elite, time warp atm now is more useful than mass invis, personally. If you watch say Misha in 55 HP monks, the way TW is used can REALLY switch up team fights ridiculously. So even though they are similar in many ways they are still quite different

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mendax.9506


I still don’t understand why ppl love Confounding Suggestions. To me it’s a very ineffective and contradictory trait.
It increases daze duration, but in 50% of cases it would replace your prolonged daze with a short stun, nullifying it’s own bonus and that of runes of the mesmer (if you pick them). I can’t find the purpose for this trait – if I wanted to lock my enemy in place for some time – I would find better options like Chaotic Interruption, Signet of Domination, Magic Bullet.
And If I wanted to maximize the daze time – I would rather simply take runes of the mesmer alone. Because these random stun procs make little impact on a battle, IMO.

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Some good points, BUT the stun isnt 100% plus the daze duration does go up by 25% if you dont stun. I believe it is supposed to be anyways… not 100% sure. Maybe someone can say for sure?

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Elegant Avenger.8042

Elegant Avenger.8042

CI is ridiculously good. Don’t let CS tempt you, CI puts so much more pressure on the enemy especially with the mantra interrupt.

Most people will instantly use stun breaks when they get interrupted, but that doesn’t really help them if they’re immob’d because they still can’t dodge. Use CI to set up phantasm hits and shatters and you’re golden.

If you have halting strike equipped, interrupt one of their key skills, and then use phantasmal zerker, you can do a total of like 7-8k damage easily from TWO cool downs. Or if you use pistol, magic bullet them after casting your duelist. You can really do a lot of damage with bountiful interruption, strength runes, and halting strike.

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


@Elegant nice reply but I still prefer CS in this build.

I think using either is pretty sweet tbh

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Elegant Avenger.8042

Elegant Avenger.8042

Yeah, for sure Jebro! I love them both Its really a matter of play style preference.

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


But you made some great points! Once again thanks for the awesome feedback everyone! Im still loving this build and it really fits the way I like to play mesmer, which is, I must admit….at a distance

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Hey Jeb, have ya tried 30/30/10 with Furious Interruption? Since you’re using GS and prefer a more ranged style, Furious could be a pretty nice damage boost.

(When I experimented with it it took some getting used to. I didn’t like it at first but it grew on me.)

Also I agree, we play the builds with very different playstyles. My setup is more focused on chain dazing and fighting in melee.

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


Seems this build will now be more viable in spvp with the new Stability changes

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Quadox.7834


I would tots try this build if CS was guaranteed stun :P

Yaniam [Mesmer]

^ Usually only characer that i play on

Mesmer build 'The Stunner' now viable?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jebro.6370


haha fair enough :P try it anyway!