Mesmer counters his own confusion
I agree there is anti-synergy. In many cases, the efficiency depends on how well you build and you play to prevent/reduce this anti synergy. So I don’t think this is a problem as such.
My main problem are traits like mistrust who try to have an interrupt-confusion playstyle while those two don’t work together. I actually suggested a possible fix in my mesmer rework (see my signature) which is that mistrust reduces the stun/daze duration and instead add a blind. It keeps a bit of defense but without preventing a good use of the confusion.
I’ve been thinking about this same problem too. Confusion is way too counter-intuitive to how many stuns mesmers have. I do agree that a very simple solution is for a dazed/stunned enemy to take a lot more damage per tick of confusion.
I also feel that a good fix is to tackle the issue in reverse. There should be more enemies in pve that do less damage per attack but attack much faster. Not only would this make confusion more attactive, it would help with defensive stat sets and rune sets/traits that proc effects from blocks.
I think mistrust works fine the way it is. is it counterintuitive? very. does it still work extremely well? absolutely:
Getting CCD wile under confusion shood make spike damage of 2x confusion DMG on action only way it would not breake lore. It actually shood be added to mistrust trait
I like that. more reason to play dueling line
might finally get some other mesmers to drop inspiration if that actually happened.
(edited by Blades Of Fatalis.1279)
Game Designer
“The skill-use damage will also now trigger when the affected target is interrupted during skill activation.”
“The skill-use damage will also now trigger when the affected target is interrupted during skill activation.”
Lol. Take my +1 and have a good weekend.
Went in game to double check the interaction before saying you were wrong about interrupt/confusion interaction and I come back to a red post o-O.
Confusion bonus proc is caused by both the enemy starting to cast an ability as well as you interrupting a channeled ability. So you get double confusion damage from interrupts there. Otherwise it’s a single proc for interrupting non channeled skills.
It’s not as bad as you think. Slow helps land said interrupts. The issue is that breakbars make this near pointless in PvE and rediculous amounts of stability compared to boon strip (or lack there of) from condi builds that go dueling is the issue.
“The skill-use damage will also now trigger when the affected target is interrupted during skill activation.”
Stay and chat a while!
STOP buffing condition mesmers, and if anet decided to change something related to “condition” please do consider other classes as well.
While you are looking at something to change/buff there is the chrono trait “Lost Time” make it triggers mantra of pain instead of this 2s slow.
“Danger Time” you can change this as well into something else.
Stay and chat a while!
I think he already unlocked the team’s achievement for this year’s Mesmer forum dev post.
~ There is no balance team. ~
(edited by msalakka.4653)