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Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Hey guys, I dunno if you heard the newest podcast from myself and Shaeneri this weekend but if you missed it, we interviewed Lazy Kai this sunday here:
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/external?l=http%3A%2F%2Fsittingonacouch.com%2Fguild-wars-2-mesmer-podcast-mesmerized-advanced-mesmerics-episode%2F (We kept Pyro in his Mes-cave this weekend.)
At the end of the show, we had a challenge to all the most creative Mesmer out there:
“What’s your best Mesmer sales pitch to convince someone to pick up the Mesmer profession?”
Top 3 winners will have their pitches read on the next podcast and the number 1 will receive a special gift.
Here’s an example to get the ball rolling..
“Do you get odd Skritt-eyed stares walking down the streets of Lions Arch? Ever feel like your hair is out of place? Do you think you’re just sooo great that there should be more of you? Well then maybe you need a clone! Or three! The Mesmer class is on the one for you, never again need to carry a mirror or attend that boring Krytan school again!”
… where Hammer warriors stun you forever …
… where condition necros Terrorize the neighborhood …
… where Ranger spirits stampede over everyone …
… ONE CLASS … has finally had enough.A hero will rise.
A meta will fall.MESMER
Coming soon, to a server near you.
“Portal Bithc.”
Mesmer: On-demand three-way action – and a spare set of hands to hold the handycam.
(If that doesn’t get you to try it out, nothing will)
If you’re ever playing against other players, when you say “F….ing Mesmer!”, at least you’ll be one. And you will say it….
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
I swear I will bump this to the heavens!
“Portal Bithc.”
I am going to pee my pants if Corey wins the contest with that
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
… where Hammer warriors stun you forever …
… where condition necros Terrorize the neighborhood …
… where Ranger spirits stampede over everyone …
… ONE CLASS … has finally had enough.
A hero will rise.
A meta will fall.
Coming soon, to a server near you.
Mesmer: On-demand three-way action – and a spare set of hands to hold the handycam.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
If you’re ever playing against other players, when you say “F….ing Mesmer!”, at least you’ll be one. And you will say it….
Clips from the hit promotional Music Video: The Real Shatter Mesmer
Y’all act like you never seen an enemy Mesmer before
Jaws all on the floor like a guardian and a warrior just burst in the door
And started whoopin a cap point worse than before
The old meta changed for it all, throwin’ it over the forums.
It was the start the, “Ah, wait, no way, you’re kidding
He didn’t just stealth and blink away, did he?”
And Dr. Dev said, nothing you idiots
Dr. Dev’s gagged, he’s locked in Anet’s basement!
HAHA!I’m sick of you little thief and necro groups, all you do is annoy me
So I have been sent here to destroy you
And there’s a million clones that’re just like me
Who shoot from the hip, spin, and hadouken just like me
Who dress like me, walk, talk and act like me
Who’re ultimtily the next best thing but not quite me‘Cos I’m THE Mesmer, yes I’m the real Mesmer
All the other clone mesmers are just imitating
So won’t the REAL Mesmer, Mesmer please stand up
Please stand up, please stand up?‘Cos I’m THE Mesmer, yes I’m the real Mesmer
All the other clone mesmers are just imitating
So won’t the REAL Mesmer, Mesmer please stand up
Please stand up, please stand up?
listen to this while reading it
Who’s the purple glamouruss class
That’s a frenzy machine to all the Badazz?
Ya kitten right!
Who is the class with that magic bullet
which all classes confused by it?
Can you dig it?
Who’s the decoy that MOA you
When there’s illusions all around?
Right On!
They say this butterfly Mes is a bad class
I’m talkin’ ’bout MES.
He’s a complicated Class
But no one understands it better but his clone
(edited by messiah.1908)
You think you’re something special huh?
Well the only thing that could be more impressive than you. . . is another you – possibly.
No need to fantasize, opportunity awaits. Duplicate yourself in a variety of flavors. Mix and match, and when you’ve finally grown tired of your clones over enlarged egos simply shatter them. It is likely to generate dismay among the masses though as they leave a pretty large void. Fear not, filling that void is as simple stop drop and roll because. . . you’re on fire. . . because you’re on a roll. . . because you’re rolling. . . pretty much all the time. . .
Or at least you will be! As soon you become a MESMER. . . rolling is the whole point really, and BEAUTIFUL HAIR. So don’t just be somebody, go out there and be a few somebodies.
Mesmer: On-demand three-way action – and a spare set of hands to hold the handycam.
(If that doesn’t get you to try it out, nothing will)
Exactly my thoughts :P
Who am I?
I am the master of time and space.
I am the master of the existent and non-existent
I am the master of unbeatable strategy without even trying
What am I?
I am The embodiment of anarchy and order.
I am the one that can change the world without effort.
All those that stand in my way stand in front of a unstoppable force.
My enemies fight a unbeatable foe. When they fall They cling to their eyes and cry out in fear and disbelief. for before them stands a god
Those that stand to the sides of me and call themselves my ally know this
You have nothing to fear as long as you do two things
Cover your eyes
And Stay out of my way.
For I am the mesmer.
Mesmer Motivational
Mesmer because nothing beats seeing noobs fight with your illusions
Bad pull?
Urr durr meh tourney and no warriors to blame around?
/point @your clones
Mesmer, the class for people who never fail.
Gotta update the list but these are great!
Old mesmers never die they just butterfly
… it rhymes
A world of thousand viable builds.
A new bug every two weeks, guaranteed.
Everyone loves a mesmer, join the ranks.
Winning outnumbered isn’t normal.
But on mesmer it is.
Not even once.
Reverse psychology, b*tch.
Shoot butterflies out of your guns.
I don’t have the graphic design abilities (read: I’m too lazy) to put this together, but in my head I’m envisioning a parody of the I N C E P T I O N poster (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/7f/Inception_ver3.jpg) with the title:
Be the Mind F**k
Ideally with the censor stars being little purple butterflies
(edited by bladeofky.3067)
What I wrote at the top of my leveling guide has been fairly effective at catching attention enough for people to read through the guide and get excited about the class:
_There are only two known ways in the universe to level a mesmer without wanting to hang yourself by your toenails by level 10.
They’re squishy at low levels moreso than most classes, don’t kill as fast or feel as visceral (as, say, thieves or warriors) and hence harder to level, don’t outgrow that till around 50-60, and don’t actually get good till you’re geared up in Exotics at 80.
But at 80 they’re truly magical, and one of the most fun and desired classes in the game (dungeons, FotM, sPvP, WvW), and well worth it if you can stick it out. This is how to stick it out._
Anddd we have our winners!
Enjoy /dat princess wand!
Whoop whoop! I’d like to shout out to all my homies. HOMIES!
I’d like to thank all the guys out there that could make this possible.
Namely me, my clone, my other clone, and my other other clone that is holding the handi-cam.
Wanted to thank you all again for the wand.
And to let you know we are all putting it to good use, I’ve attached a screenie.
(we had a friend hold the camera)
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.