Moa in PvP

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: JestersMadness.7528


It seems like most ppl agree that Moa Form is too OP in PvP…
But what if instead of just turning the target into a Moa, the mesmer would also turn into one?

Personally I think it would add a very tactical aspect to the Mesmer, while making the ability less OP.

Any thoughts?

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zzero.4316


what would be the point of using it if was essentially a 1 for 1 trade off with the other team.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: JestersMadness.7528


It could cancel a Lich-form, stop someone from safe-stomping etc. Generally stop someone else, form doing what they want in a pinch.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Yay! Another moa thread! I hope you’re not one of those who won’t change your mind about moa being OP no matter what others said

In seriousness though, even if you kill your opponent in moa. So what? He’s coming back in 10s while you’re on two and a half to three minutes cd.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


trollling in 3…2…1…

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


Unless I’m up against 3+ necro’s I wouldn’t even consider using Moa as it is now. (or if I feel trolly)

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: JestersMadness.7528


Yay! Another moa thread! I hope you’re not one of those who won’t change your mind about moa being OP no matter what others said

In seriousness though, even if you kill your opponent in moa. So what? He’s coming back in 10s while you’re on two and a half to three minutes cd.

Then why ever kill somone? They just pop right back up!
A lot of people, including myself, do not thing Moa form has any room in PvP. The skill is simply too good.
All I’m trying to do here, is propose a change to the skill that makes it less so.
The idea of stopping an opponent without instantly winning a team-fight sounds much more appealing to me, then a skill that you use, if you want a free win.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


A lot of people, including myself, do not thing Moa form has any room in PvP. The skill is simply too good.

the skill is simply too good so noone mesmer except hotjoin use it

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: DeathReign.7821


Moa is so overestimated it’s actually hilarious.

I’m guessing this is a secret undercover rage thread because someone used Moa on you and you panicked and died.

Literally everytime I get moa’ed (not that many) I manage to get away. Or kill the Mesmer while in Moa form. Seriously. It actually gives you a gap opener to get away.

If you took the time to actually read the skills and figure out how to use them, you will come to find that Moa has far too long a cool down for what it actually does. And not to mention the cast time on that thing. You can dodge it, so if it gimps you so much, do so.

Moa form is only good when you can sync cc and burst with your teammates.

Kiss the chaos.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Then why ever kill somone? They just pop right back up!

Hence we need to consider CD properly in PvP. If you need moa to kill someone then you’ll be in the same sticky situation by the time he comes back. The point of PvP is not to win a single duel every 2-3 min, it is to hold an upper edge throughout the match to ensure victory.

Btw moa’s auto-attack is actually a physical leap skill with not bad damage (if run zerker). And moa’s flee is an evade skill that runs back moderate distance. Those are the things I wish mesmer have lol.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Hence we need to consider CD properly in PvP. If you need moa to kill someone then you’ll be in the same sticky situation by the time he comes back. The point of PvP is not to win a single duel every 2-3 min, it is to hold an upper edge throughout the match to ensure victory.

The problem is that many players don’t actually speak about PvP. They mean “I duelled someone”. Which is completely pointless because duelling isn’t a supported game mode (it’s in fact discouraged mechanically), but for some reason players keep flogging to it as if it was a valid way to test PvP elements.

But you’re right, Moa has too lengthy a CD to be useful in sPvP. It can shut someone down, but too little and too rarely.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


My thoughts in this thread:

“Hmm, I do love it when people cry, I should use moa more often! Oh wait, the skill is bad and MI is way better. Guess I’ll just keep on not using it…”

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lodius.5392


I love my Moa form in PVP… I can always tell the reactions of the other person when they get transformed into Moa.

1) They stand still for a few seconds thinking, “what just happened?”
2) They are trying to read the what each skill does
3) They take off running scared

My favorite class to Polymorph is a thief… They can’t turn invisible then.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Moa would be OP if PvP was judged by a series of 1v1s.

The reason people are being so facetious with you is because the skill barely has use anywhere else in the game, and even in PvP it’s only really good in team fights when it isn’t blocked/dodged/blinded/obstructed/interrupted.

Many people use Moa specifically to cancel other people’s transformations or to turn a 5v5 into a 4v5 to secure a point but other than that Moaing someone is pretty weak, especially in a 1v1, compared to TimeWarp/Mass Invis

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: JestersMadness.7528


If you think this thread is about me crying over Moa Form, you should probably just go away – You most likely wont be able to contribute in any way.

And some of you say its bad..? How is turning a 5v5 into a 5v4 not good? How is it not beneficial to turn someone defending a point into a Moa?

Sure you can run away, but thats not really a good way to earn points for your team. . .
And when you beat a mesmer, who has turned you into a Moa, you know you found someone, who had no clue what a keyboard was…

What I don’t get about most of these comments, is that you guys seem to defend the skill, while still saying its bad… If its bad, then how about trying to come up with a way to make it valid, while still not OP?

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


My favorite class to Polymorph is a thief… They can’t turn invisible then.

1 problem: how to not waste skill into perma evade s/d thief)

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: LumAnth.5124


Whenever I’m moa’d I know what to do. Go right back to them and attack them. They don’t expect it and will probably blow a cool down (mainly Decoy lol) , which is funny. [Doesn’t work if you’re being out numbered though]

Also, it’s best not to use it on PvE NPC’s too. Using Moa Morph can give a champion / legendary (purple) mob really really high single target DPS. I use it in PvE rarely actually, just because it’s funny seeing people get downed by a Moa.

Sorry for the typos….
I’m usually typing on my phone

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: msalakka.4653


It’s clear to me that the OP has never used Moa himself.

Gutter Rat [cry] | Gandara | Roaming nuisance
~ There is no balance team. ~

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dracatis.1908


Learn the Moa moves, I typically continue to fight as Moa(Peck and Claw). Sure it messes slightly with my attack rotation, but it’s basically a reset when you change back. If they caught me healing you also can get away pretty easily as a Moa(Screech[if time], Kick, Flee).

I wouldn’t mind if they added a little team heal to the Moa like Antitoxin Spray(FFT chocobo heal ), but then they’d have to extend the duration or reduce the cooldown.

“We are the makers of the music, we are the dreamers of the dream”
-Willy Wonka(Gene Wilder)

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Moa is fun to use in PvP sometimes. It absolutely wrecks MM necros (even though the devs confirmed that it killing all their minions is unintended), but any experienced PvP player will be able to work around the transformation, either by simply fleeing, or continuing to attack.

I used to use Moa Morph when I first started, but I eventually switched to Mass Invisibility because it’s so much more versatile. You can use it to escape from losing situations, coordinate spikes with your team, or stop stomps and safely res a downed teammate.

But going back to my first sentence, it IS fun to use sometimes, so I don’t begrudge anybody wanting to use Moa.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: BooHud.2681


Moas 4eva. Especially in Skyhammer

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xavi.6591


MOA them Minion Necros and Spirit Rangers!

Fantasme Bloodwen [R.I.P. Mesmer] | Andi Runi [Warrior] | Bonedoggle [Necro] | Zooerasty [Ranger]
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


If you think this thread is about me crying over Moa Form, you should probably just go away – You most likely wont be able to contribute in any way.

And some of you say its bad..? How is turning a 5v5 into a 5v4 not good? How is it not beneficial to turn someone defending a point into a Moa?

Sure you can run away, but thats not really a good way to earn points for your team. . .
And when you beat a mesmer, who has turned you into a Moa, you know you found someone, who had no clue what a keyboard was…

What I don’t get about most of these comments, is that you guys seem to defend the skill, while still saying its bad… If its bad, then how about trying to come up with a way to make it valid, while still not OP?

Any players with decent experience will run when they get moa’d. That’s the ultimate point of the skill when facing up decent players. You stated it yourself. It forces Lich necro to get out of the fight, it forces annoying bunker GD to get out of the point, it forces condi engi to run, and so on.

Another reason for using it is when the team wants to focus kill, which in that case you won’t survive anyway, the moa comes in just to make things a bit easier.

It’s the whole point of the skill, warding one person out of the enemy team. It’s just that the jackpot fell on your head. The skill will never be removed just because it’s OP in 1vs1 aspect which is not what the game is all about. It turns 5vs5 into 5vs4.5. And THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT OF IT. IT’S AN ELITE.

On the contrary, Lich form can instab gib 3-4 people in less than 10 seconds. You should be complaining about that instead.

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Majic.4801


Moa keeled my brother!

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


If you think this thread is about me crying over Moa Form, you should probably just go away – You most likely wont be able to contribute in any way.

And some of you say its bad..? How is turning a 5v5 into a 5v4 not good? How is it not beneficial to turn someone defending a point into a Moa?

Sure you can run away, but thats not really a good way to earn points for your team. . .
And when you beat a mesmer, who has turned you into a Moa, you know you found someone, who had no clue what a keyboard was…

What I don’t get about most of these comments, is that you guys seem to defend the skill, while still saying its bad… If its bad, then how about trying to come up with a way to make it valid, while still not OP?

Any players with decent experience will run when they get moa’d. That’s the ultimate point of the skill when facing up decent players. You stated it yourself. It forces Lich necro to get out of the fight, it forces annoying bunker GD to get out of the point, it forces condi engi to run, and so on.

Another reason for using it is when the team wants to focus kill, which in that case you won’t survive anyway, the moa comes in just to make things a bit easier.

It’s the whole point of the skill, warding one person out of the enemy team. It’s just that the jackpot fell on your head. The skill will never be removed just because it’s OP in 1vs1 aspect which is not what the game is all about. It turns 5vs5 into 5vs4.5. And THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT OF IT. IT’S AN ELITE.

On the contrary, Lich form can instab gib 3-4 people in less than 10 seconds. You should be complaining about that instead.

lol, noone want to play roulete: will enemy evade at moa moment cast or not.
“Guyz,guyz we loosed the ToL3 because dat d..k pressed evade button”

Moa in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I suppose we were overdue for the weekly/monthly moa thread.