New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


I’d like to see a new melee range weapon for the Mesmer, kind of like sword main hand. The spear was a land-based weapon in GW1, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t make a great addition here. The Paragon’s successors may like to get their spears back too!

I’ll leave skill names to the more creative, and feel free to flesh out any skill ideas as you see fit. The idea is completely new to me, but I wanted to get it out there.

Visualisations that I’d love to see:
The movements would be a great fit for the Mesmer, and might generate a few more ideas.

1. Engaging skill: throw that converts to thrust at close range, and becomes more effective.
2. Block skill that creates a clone on block.
3. Crippling leg sweep.
4. Summon phantasm that throws spears and causes blindness and confusion.
5. Reflective spin skill. Evade and reflect incoming damage.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nineaxis.1826


1. Basic auto-attack
2. same function as Sword 4
3. same function as Greatsword 4
4. same function as Torch 4 + 5
5. similar function as Focus with traits

Nothing new or creative, nothing that fulfills any new roles. No strong direction for the weapon design other than “spears are cool”.

Needs work.

Fay [redt] / Mesmer / Tarnished Coast

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


1. Basic auto-attack
2. same function as Sword 4
3. same function as Greatsword 4
4. same function as Torch 4 + 5
5. similar function as Focus with traits

Nothing new or creative, nothing that fulfills any new roles. No strong direction for the weapon design other than “spears are cool”.

Needs work.

Wow. Way to open discussion! If you have nothing to add, apart from pointing out that every single weapon skill in the game is repeated elsewhere (in some form or another), then it’s kind of redundant. Don’t you think?
The point was to generate discussion and thoughts on new melee range weapons for Mesmer. “Needs work” is something I pointed out quite clearly in the OP.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nineaxis.1826


There honestly isn’t a whole lot to go on, but I’ll try to break down the issues I have.

Sword is the current melee weapon for Mesmer. It has a chain auto-attack where with successive hits, boons can be stripped. Your proposed weapon is instead ranged, but functions more effectively as melee, a kind of inverse-Greatsword. However, Sword provides a gap closer while your Spear does not. This is somewhat balanced by the fact the Spear can also be ranged. Overall the auto-attack isn’t bad, but it also has no strong connection to the mesmer as a class. Warrior would be good with a weapon that is ranged by gets stronger at melee range. Maybe Ranger or Thief. There’s no thematic tie to mesmer for your Spear yet.

Your second skill. It’s exactly what off-hand Sword does. What really is there to say? Duplicate skills are not a hallmark of good design.

Third skill – it’s a melee attack that cripples. Okay… but why? Greatsword 4 summons a phantasm that can repeatedly attack and cripple, and it can do that from range. If the purpose is to keep enemies close to your melee attacks, Sword already does that, as it has a gap closer (which is really good) and immobilize (basically cripple but even better) on the 2 skill. So there’s already two skills that fit the same purpose and do it better. Plus, mesmers have access to vigor and blink, so staying close generally is not an issue. Also, again: how does this skill relate to mesmer?

Fourth skill is your phantasm summon. It’s a ranged phantasm (being spawned by what is nominally a melee weapon) that applies confusion (already done by Phantasmal Warlock) and blindness (which if you’ve taken Torch for the Warlock, you have access to also, along with invisiblity and burning, which is a strong damage condition.

Fifth skill, Dagger Storm: Mesmer edition. It’s a neat idea but we already have strong access to reflects, and better means of dealing damage than spinning in circles in melee range. I’ll ask a third time: why mesmer? Thieves can do this.

So you’ve made a sort-of melee weapon with no concise role that overlaps with other weapons, while overall being less effective than those other weapons. I don’t know where you want to go from here.

Fay [redt] / Mesmer / Tarnished Coast

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


Again, missing the point. I’d like to generate some discussion about weapon ideas, and get some input from people. If you’ve got something to add to the discussion, I’d genuinely like to hear it. If you’ve got something better, lay it out there. I’m not being facetious, I want to hear ideas. I’d prefer an actual discussion over a slagging match.
As you said, sword main hand is the melee weapon for the Mesmer. One weapon, with two actual melee skill slots. You can’t tell me you’re satisfied with this.
The spear was just my suggestion because it’s largely a defensive weapon in many fighting styles. A weapon that focuses on defense and reflection definitely has a place on the Mesmer. Don’t like the skill ideas? Make your own, and add them. Don’t like the weapon? Give us something else.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jake.5017


what if “press 4” Summoned a Phantasm that spins spear like a fan and blows everything away while making a circular sheild to stand behind. ;oooo

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


what if “press 4” Summoned a Phantasm that spins spear like a fan and blows everything away while making a circular sheild to stand behind. ;oooo

Nice. Good defensive idea too. Sounds like it would have a place in 1v1 fights as well as in a zerg match.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


if we eever get a new meele weapon, we need a leap wich leaps ourselves:like guardian gs 3

incredible fun in jumping puzzles

or a skill like gs 2 wich throws the weapon, but when we tap it again it teleports us to the current location of sword, should work without target as well, should be like our portal and not blink so terrain isnt an issue

basically u can kill urself by throwing the projectyle up in the air, tap it again, there u go falling around, some newby ppl may complain, that would be a bad thing but, i rly like to have such a skill.

needs restrictions ofc so in wvw ppl dont throw themselves in castles and port the zerg up:p

but just imagine how much fun that would be

just my ytb channel


New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


Honestly, this is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. I wouldn’t endorse any new weapon idea unless it’s mainhand pistol.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Diego Vargas.3058

Diego Vargas.3058

New Weapon Types:

Main Hand Pistol – Bleeding/Push-Impact/Piercing Skills
Main Hand Torch – Burning/Weakness/Blindness Skills
Main Hand Focus – Pull/Daze/Reflect Skills
Off Hand Scepter – Healing/Regeneration Skills

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bunda.2691


Honestly, this is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. I wouldn’t endorse any new weapon idea unless it’s mainhand pistol.

I actually disagree, even though MH pistol would be cool. As it is right now mesmer essentially has four melee skills: sword auto, blurred frenzy, illusionary counter, and illusionary riposte, plus mind wrack with illusionary persona. (There are others that are semi melee, like illusionary wave and staff auto, but they aren’t really melee.) This is across all weapons and slot skills. All other skills are ranged.

So while I’d like to see a main hand pistol as much as the next person, I’d rather prefer some greater variety in melee gameplay, as suggested by the OP.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

Honestly, this is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. I wouldn’t endorse any new weapon idea unless it’s mainhand pistol.

I actually disagree, even though MH pistol would be cool. As it is right now mesmer essentially has four melee skills: sword auto, blurred frenzy, illusionary counter, and illusionary riposte, plus mind wrack with illusionary persona. (There are others that are semi melee, like illusionary wave and staff auto, but they aren’t really melee.) This is across all weapons and slot skills. All other skills are ranged.

So while I’d like to see a main hand pistol as much as the next person, I’d rather prefer some greater variety in melee gameplay, as suggested by the OP.

I think melee was a huge mistake for the Mesmer. Being a squishy as we are, there is not enough dodge and evasion (like rangers) and damage. Yes there was Illusionary Weapon in GW1 but it was a hard build to use and did not do that much damage. I did use it, but it was such a big pain in the rump, due to all the enchants, etc needed to keep you up.

I think Mesmers need to be more daze, confusion, interrupt and , boon remover. Just like in GW1, I think Mesmers need to be more about crowd control and less about face to face damage.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


Honestly, this is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. I wouldn’t endorse any new weapon idea unless it’s mainhand pistol.

I actually disagree, even though MH pistol would be cool. As it is right now mesmer essentially has four melee skills: sword auto, blurred frenzy, illusionary counter, and illusionary riposte, plus mind wrack with illusionary persona. (There are others that are semi melee, like illusionary wave and staff auto, but they aren’t really melee.) This is across all weapons and slot skills. All other skills are ranged.

So while I’d like to see a main hand pistol as much as the next person, I’d rather prefer some greater variety in melee gameplay, as suggested by the OP.

This aligns well with most other classes, the exception being thief and warrior, both of which are extremely one-dimensional with regards to how their weapons work.

Mesmers have a melee power weapon, long range condition and power weapons, and then scepter…the kitten child of a midrange condition weapon and a power weapon that ends up being so-so at both. What we need is a mainhand pistol to be the mid-range power weapon, so that scepter can actually be a condition weapon.

Looking at other classes, you see this overall concept mirrored. You have scepter/axe with necro, and then dagger for power close range. Ranger sword is close range, then sBow and axe as the two midrange weapons. Elementalist swaps out weapons for attunements, so you have daggers being close range everything, scepter mid range everything, staff long range everything. Guardians are sorta an odd one out due to their lack of condition anything. Warriors are also a bit different as they have a focus on melee weapons, and so fulfill most of the roles in pure melee. Thieves go back to the normal archetype with different combinations of weapons instead. P/D is midrange condie, P/P is midrange power (shh, I know it sucks), sBow is both midrange power and condie, S/x is close range power, etc.

Mesmer is the only one that really lacks a midrange power weapon, and instead has the functionality of both power and condie smushed into one sub-par weapon. We need mainhand pistol.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: serialkicker.5274


Call me crazy, but i’d love shortbow on mesmer

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


Call me crazy, but i’d love shortbow on mesmer

OK, I’ll do it. You’re crazy :P

But seriously, we’ve been teased with promises of new weapons, races and professions for ages, so it’d be nice to see more on this. Until then, we can only dream.
I’d like another short range weapon, and others above seem to think a mid range weapon would be a nice addition. What weapons would you choose to fill these slots? You could take the boring option of choosing from the existing range of weapons (like I did), or think outside the box. No nunchucks! Too cheesy.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


Call me crazy, but i’d love shortbow on mesmer

I can’t support the idea of shortbow for mesmer on principle.

That being said, launching rainbow-farting unicorns is awesome.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lue.6538


Preferably with Phantasmal Pistolwhippers.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Abusive.1849


2h mace mesmers. Yes please >:D
with some kind of AOE knockback / single target bash phantasm

Warrior(Main) | Mesmer | Thief
Jade Quarry (NA)

(edited by Abusive.1849)

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seras.5702


Everyone wants a mh pistol so I’ll leave that alone

Hammer (yea that’s right…hammer)

1 Melee chain attack: deals 1x damage for first 2 hits, causes blind on 2nd hit, 2x damage on 3rd slower swing. Blind helps to avoid getting 3rd swing interrupted.
2 Evade around target (similar to ranger sword #3) and smack target and deal 4x confusion.
3 Throw hammer and knockdown target.
4 Burst apart and generate 2 clones that each strike target twice, causing a random condition with each strike. After 3s they shatter and you gain 1s retaliation from each. If they’re destroyed before they shatter you gain no boon.
5 Summon phantasm that stands at range and throws an illusionary hammer. Secondary action: press again to teleport and swap positions with phantasm.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


meh guys, mesmer needs smth thats sharp or smth, like dagger /sword /spear etc

not a bam bam bam faceroll weapon, so pls

either pistol mh or smth that looks sharp and doesnt make us look like hammer wars

just my ytb channel


New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seras.5702


And why is that exactly? Just because you’re wielding a hammer doesn’t make you a warrior. Hammer needs some non-heavy classes.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


meh if most ppl think so, k

i always had a mesmer w sharp stuff in mind

just my ytb channel


New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


I’d go for an off-hand shield with phantasmal shield basher at #4. A properly defensive off-hand would definitely help make use of our melee weapon. Mind you, if #5 turns out to be throwing the shield Cpt. America style, I’m deleting my Mesmer.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: selan.8354


whip. i dont think shortbow is a weapon for a mesmer, but whip would be epic!!!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


whip. i dont think shortbow is a weapon for a mesmer, but whip would be epic!!!

Main or off-hand? Definitely paired with a sword!

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xovian.8572


whip. i dont think shortbow is a weapon for a mesmer, but whip would be epic!!!

You mean another focus skin, just like the fan?
It’s already got a chain, a whip ain’t too far on that one.

People keep looking at weapons and naming them based on what they look like, but many of them already fit a specific weapon we already have or that other professions use. The latter i can at least see arguments for but many of the “new” weapons people are suggesting are just skins.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


3 Throw hammer and knockdown target.

I’ve always thought of Mesmers as more Loki than Thor.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: selan.8354


i could see it as a main hand actually. but as a twohand weapon it could be very cool too as it could maybe have a cc like a pull and an aoe attack.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

Mainhand Pistol Please.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alex.9268


Pistol mainhand

1- Auto attack extremely similar to staff air1, a bouncing bullet. Maybe less damage but increased projectile speed. Only bounces from enemies, not allies. Pure damage nothing else, decent for tagging GASP!

2. Low damage AoE circle that stays on the ground for 3 seconds, 8 second cooldown. Great for tagging GASP!

3. Weaker version of what the pistol phantasm does, decent single target damage on whatever cooldown.

tag tag tag tag

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blades of Sabatine.5639

Blades of Sabatine.5639

Focus Main hand:


1: Melee works like sword

2: summon a lighting that hit the target causing + damage and + a condition

3: Summon an illusion that fight along your side (melee) and absorb a fixed amount of damage. Combo finish converts a random stats also kills your illusion

• increase your power by ? or the next ?sec
• increase you condition duration by?
• return a % of your HP
• return a % of your endurance

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


Need more aoe CC and 0.25 sec dazes. I guess mainhand focus for that?

Same velocity as for the staff or scepter:
Mainhand focus:
1.1 Shoots out a bolt that bounces between foes and causing an explosion to happen at the ending of the chain bounces, leaving foes crippled.
Number of bounces: 1
Damage: 220 (0.5) (this is in a power build about 2.5 times the damage of #1 staff)
Cripple: 4 s
Range: 900
Radius: 240

1.2 Shoots out a bolt that bounces between foes and causing an explosion to happen at the ending of the chain bounces, leaving foes Chilled.
Number of bounces: 1
Damage: 270 (0.5)
Chill : 4 s
Range: 900
Radius: 240

1.3 Shoots out a bolt that bounces between foes and causing an explosion to happen at the ending of the chain bounces, leaving foes Immobilized
Number of bounces: 1
Damage: 320 (0.5)
Immobilize: 1.5 s
Range: 900
Radius: 240

2 (this skill would look about similar to Pacifism of guardian)
Pacify foes, dazing them for a short duration in the targeted are.
Cooldown: 15 seconds.
Casting time: 0.25 s
Daze: 0.25 s
Radius 360
Number of targets: 5

3. (I really liked the idea of GW1 skill ’’Clumsiness’’ so I tried to make one in GW2)
Channel a beam onto your foe stealing boons from your target and interrupts him if he casts a skill during this beam. The beam will get destroyed opon interrupting a skill.

Cooldown 10 seconds
Beam duration: 2 seconds
Damage (2x): 840 (2.500) (same damage scepter #3 does)

(edited by BlackDevil.9268)

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crion.8465


Pistol mainhand

1- Auto attack extremely similar to staff air1, a bouncing bullet. Maybe less damage but increased projectile speed. Only bounces from enemies, not allies. Pure damage nothing else, decent for tagging GASP!

2. Low damage AoE circle that stays on the ground for 3 seconds, 8 second cooldown. Great for tagging GASP!

3. Weaker version of what the pistol phantasm does, decent single target damage on whatever cooldown.

tag tag tag tag

I agree. Mainhand pistol with quick bouncing bullets and AoE for tagging. Seriously, more tagging at range, less of a condition weapon and more of a straight up power weapon. Scepter and Staff projectiles can be outrun by snails and are single target. Moar tagging. MOAR.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I’d like to see a land spear too.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: jarthur.3649


my vote goes for mainhand pistol.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crion.8465


Mainhand Pistol

1 – Triple Shot: Fires 3 shots in quick succession that bounces between up to 3 enemies. (Possibly increased to 5 shots if dual wielding pistols?)

2 – Acrobatic Shot[10 second cooldown]: Fires a single shot at an enemy that inflicts X condition while doing an acrobatic jump backwards and leaving behind a clone.(If no enemy target selected the mesmer will jump forward instead but create no clone. More mobility.)

3 – Illusionary Barrage[25 second cooldown]: Fires X amount of shots that hit the 3 closest enemies in a cone infront of you with an X% chance per shot to bounce to an additional enemy. Cooldown reduced depending on how many illusions are active at the time of skill usage[5%/10%/15%] (Increased number of shots if dual wielding pistols perhaps?)

Or something like that. Would allow mesmers to actually have a weapon that is able to tag enemies far more efficently.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Corax.1502


I would like to see Shortbow Mesmer ( Mesmers with Dreamer would totally rock! )

About skills, haven’t really thought about it, but something like that comes to mind:

1 – Chain of 3: 1st normal dmg, 2nd cause random condition, 3rd random boon

2 – Spread arrow shot: something like Ranger shortbow, but instead of poison it does Torment or Confusion

3 – Beam!!! has a cast time and deal more dmg the furthere your opponent is.

4 – Phantasm Aoe Barrage with cripple (Ranger skill)

5 – Blinkshot Something like 5th skill of thief, that leaves behind a clone.

But anyways, I mainly just like the idea of Dreamer + Mesmer havent thought of a playstyle

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


I would like to see the mainhand pistol auto attack splitting up instead of bouncing. Something new

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

I would like to see the mainhand pistol auto attack splitting up instead of bouncing. Something new

That would be interesting. Or how about a steerable bullet?

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seras.5702


I would like to see the mainhand pistol auto attack splitting up instead of bouncing. Something new

Like warrior’s longbow. But instead of both bullets having the same condition, each bullet has a different random condition. That could be fun.

A bouncing autoattack would synergize well with Illusionary Elasticity, so if the auto is a split-shot then I’d like to see the #2 or #3 skill be bouncing for more trait synergy.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


How would you make them steerable?

Once upon a time I suggested a strange aa, combined with skill 2 and 3:

  • Skill one is just a “boring” auto attack wich deals single target damage but also adds a butterfly next to the enemy, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Skill two is a fast flying fat bullet wich hits everything it travels through. If it hits a target affected with butterflies, they explode and cause aoe damage and share one butterfly to everyone that gets hit. (low cd ~3-6sec) (5 tagets)
  • Skill three is a spiral that bounces to every enemy that is affected by a butterfly, infinite bounces (just limited by the butterflies from 1 and 2). The skill will deal damage and cause blindness, confusion OR daze for 3, 6 and 1 sec per butterfly.

Would make some sexy gameplay, don’t you think :o Butterflies last 20 sec~

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dusty Moon.4382

Dusty Moon.4382

How would you make them steerable?

Once upon a time I suggested a strange aa, combined with skill 2 and 3:

  • Skill one is just a “boring” auto attack wich deals single target damage but also adds a butterfly next to the enemy, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Skill two is a fast flying fat bullet wich hits everything it travels through. If it hits a target affected with butterflies, they explode and cause aoe damage and share one butterfly to everyone that gets hit. (low cd ~3-6sec) (5 tagets)
  • Skill three is a spiral that bounces to every enemy that is affected by a butterfly, infinite bounces (just limited by the butterflies from 1 and 2). The skill will deal damage and cause blindness, confusion OR daze for 3, 6 and 1 sec per butterfly.

Would make some sexy gameplay, don’t you think :o Butterflies last 20 sec~

It is jes an Idea. I still like the idea of having a dual pistol Mesmer.

There was only one melee Mesmer in GW1 and that was IW (Illusionary Weapon) and it was not a true melee.

After playing ESO beta as a sorcerer with a bow – NO I can’t see it at all.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seras.5702


How would you make them steerable?

Once upon a time I suggested a strange aa, combined with skill 2 and 3:

  • Skill one is just a “boring” auto attack wich deals single target damage but also adds a butterfly next to the enemy, stacking up to 3 times.
  • Skill two is a fast flying fat bullet wich hits everything it travels through. If it hits a target affected with butterflies, they explode and cause aoe damage and share one butterfly to everyone that gets hit. (low cd ~3-6sec) (5 tagets)
  • Skill three is a spiral that bounces to every enemy that is affected by a butterfly, infinite bounces (just limited by the butterflies from 1 and 2). The skill will deal damage and cause blindness, confusion OR daze for 3, 6 and 1 sec per butterfly.

Would make some sexy gameplay, don’t you think :o Butterflies last 20 sec~

I like the idea of marking targets. Your description is pretty balance I think because it would make a 1>2>3 chain ridiculous for aoe burst, but single target burst non-existant. What Mesmer needs is more aoe so that’s fine by me. I like it but I think it needs some illusion play for Anet to embrace it.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Joodu.5368


Okey, i really like how my mesmer kind of took the power of the greatsword to channel it’s inner magic or whatever and would really like to see this applied for another weapon.

Imagine if we wielded hammers kind of like a rifle. A tiny bit inspired by but just ignore the melee part. This is just a concept, i have no idea for what kind of attacks a hammer would have.

I also however really think we need another main handed long range weapon so the gun is also on my wish list.

However if i would design a new weapon from ground up it would definitely be a familiar. I think i saw it in another thread. It would be like when we equip a staff we don’t shoot from the staff, the bolt comes from our hands. It would kind of be like that, just that we shoot 2 shots, one from the familiar that’s like flying around being all cute and one from the hand. Again a tiny bit inspired by LoL

Another idea i also saw in another thread was the concept of a deck of cards. I immediately thought of Lady Luck from FFX-2 but watched a couple of videos and kinda can see a dagger doing that type of thing. Like standing from afar summoning dagger illusions. Kinda like GS2 but without the illusion-summon as a auto-attack. And just look at the way Paine is charging up her skills, but like imagine it with illusions of daggers, could be a copy of Elementalist Scepter Earth 2 or something

Maybe a D/D combo could be all concentrated on the gambling concept. D1 Throw an illusionary dagger (+something, i like the split idea). D2.1 Summon a clone at the target location. D2.2 change position with random illusion. D3 copy of Thief D/P3. D4 Summon a random Phantasm (But with some extra effect like 1.5X as effective or something). D5.1 copy of EleEarthS2, first bring up an illusion of daggers swirling around you (and your illusions just so you don’t get spotted too easily as well as giving an extra mechanic to the game) giving you some kind of defensive (stability?) and/or offensive (aoe dmg?) bonus, this effect can’t be too good tho since it affects your illusions as well. D5.2 You and your illusions with the effect on throws the illusionary daggers at your target damaging everything in it’s way, ofc D5.2 would look like this all your illusions simultaneously doing it.

So, D1 Just a plain auto-attack, maybe with some added feature such as the split thing. D2.1 Being able to chose where to put our clones wherever we would like to is something new and interesting and D2.2 could work as a blink or with the randomness of it just kitten you up, i can see strategies of shatter, D2.1 then D2.2 being used as an extra blink and i have no problem with a little extra mobility for the Mesmer. D3 is just for some extra mobility for when the enemy gets too close. D4 is just to add to the gambling aspect and concept of it all, since we already have the phantasmal rogue i see no need to add another one, however, since there is a risk with just having a random phantasm show up i would like to add some sort of bonus to it. D5.1 is just plainly because it will look cool, and in combination with D2 and the ability to sort of have better control over your clones i can see D5.2 being a killer combo before shattering.

Haha, once i started the ideas just came flying. The only skill i’m a bit unsure of is D3, maybe add some sort of Dice-bomb? Like in the engineer bomb kit that you either have one large or press D3 mid-air to create 3 smaller ones. Could kind of connect to D1 with the split thing. I don’t know, these are just ideas.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


We still need a condition melee weapon… I always figured that’d be daggers, but spears as land weapon would be cool. I dont see how using a spear underwater would work well, anyway :p. Spears are made to have a range advtantage over other melee weapons… Add some magic, and it could be the melee equilavent of te staff. Usable in power and condi builds for defense, but te highest damage is in condi.

1. [chain skill) 1st: stab to 130 range with you spear, inflicting 2s bleed. An illusionary spear comes out and stabs to 300 range, 2s torment (the physical spear does 33% damage, illusionary the rest)
2nd: same
3rd: swipe with your spear and illusionary spear, 5s bleed close range. Illusionary spear applies 2s cripple to enemies. (Hit in a cone)

2. Throw an Illusionary harpoon, that aoe blinds (1s) on impact, and creates a purple chord between you and the target, doing conditions and boons per second, lasts 4 seconds.
Chord can only exist between 130-600 range, if target goes too far or close, the chord is broken.
Randomly: 1s weakness and 1s fury. 5stack 2s vulnerability and 5stack 2s might. 1/4 cast time, 6s cooldown.

3. Quickly dash 300 range forward, leaving a clone behind and doing damage, and evading. A line (3seconds) is left between you and your clone that damages and confuses (5 stacks, 1 second per second) enemies. Cooldown 12 seconds, leap finisher.

4. Create a phantasm that uses #2, but without boons/conditions, and more damage. 1s cast time, activate skill again during cast to summon the same phantasm, but a support/control version

Create a phantasm that spins (300radius) around with it’s spear (very, very low damage), hitting 3 times in 2 seconds. 1st hit: confusion (1 stack, 10s), 2nd hit: confusion, and chill (1s), 3rd hit: confusion, chill and daze 1s.
Applies boons to allies: 1st: 1s swiftness. 2nd: swiftness and retaliation (1s), 3rd swiftness, retaliation and vigor (2s) .
Attacks every 5 seconds, whirl finisher.
Cooldown 20.

5. Instantly create (combo blast) a 300 radius bubble (ethereal field), that lasts 4 seconds and dazes foes on creation. When foes enter or exit the bubble, they become dazed for 1 second. Evety second, foes get 3 stacks of confusion 1second, and randomly weakness 1s, chill 1s, blind 1s. Allies gain 1s retaliation per second. Cooldown 30

Or something like that.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Biggusbiggus.5789


Loving some of these ideas, guys. Not so in love with daggers or shortbow for Mes. Dual dagger is the Ele/Thief thing. When the game first started, I had a guildie ask why he couldn’t have a GS, and I said “Cause you’re an Ele.” Bwahaha!
If there’s to be give and take…


New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bellyboomer.3048


If there should be a new weapon in game: knuckles.

It’s great for both warrior and guard (perhaps also engineer) and I like the idea of wielding sword/knuckle (punching people while in a swordfight.)

Tis would bring out a more raw mesmer: less confusion-rays and smokescreens, more deceptive strikes to beat the crap out of people. And more focus on… crow-control? Lockdown? Something along those lines.

Spatial hook: punch a foe to send him flying and knock him back while aplying confusion.

Illusionary hurl: sumon a clone right behind your foe that casts spatial hook, sending him towards you.

Phantasmal hoodlum: first phantasm aplies criple, second one torment and third one immobility (or something like that, perhaps this is a bit OP). The idea is that when you have 3 phantasms out, they gang up on your foe and pummel him like a bunch of street thugs while keeping him locked down.

Fast punching frenzies, dodge-attacks, ect.

Thoughts? (other than I’d don’t have a clue how the game works and my idea’s are either OP or useless?)

New weapon idea. Please share thoughts.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


If there should be a new weapon in game: knuckles.

It’s great for both warrior and guard (perhaps also engineer) and I like the idea of wielding sword/knuckle (punching people while in a swordfight.)

Tis would bring out a more raw mesmer: less confusion-rays and smokescreens, more deceptive strikes to beat the crap out of people. And more focus on… crow-control? Lockdown? Something along those lines.

Spatial hook: punch a foe to send him flying and knock him back while aplying confusion.

Illusionary hurl: sumon a clone right behind your foe that casts spatial hook, sending him towards you.

Phantasmal hoodlum: first phantasm aplies criple, second one torment and third one immobility (or something like that, perhaps this is a bit OP). The idea is that when you have 3 phantasms out, they gang up on your foe and pummel him like a bunch of street thugs while keeping him locked down.

Fast punching frenzies, dodge-attacks, ect.

Thoughts? (other than I’d don’t have a clue how the game works and my idea’s are either OP or useless?)

yep i would love to play catch the ball(poor guy without stability) w my phantasm, throwing ppl there and here and everywhere around:0

just my ytb channel
