Newbie mesmer requesting some help please!

Newbie mesmer requesting some help please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kenlyl.3492


Hey Mesmer community!

So I have just returned from a very long break, and was looking to swap out my normal MMO playstyle to something different. The mesmer seems like an amazing class, and I really love it! The utility and high skill cap makes me very fond of this class. Prior to this, I have always been a thief or rogue type in all MMOs. So for me its a pretty nice change.

I am a HUGE PVP fan, both of sPvP and WvW in this game. But I find that I am an absolutely horrendous mesmer lol. But I do NOT wanna give up and try something else. The class is amazing, and I feel I just need some help learning wtf am I doing with it.

I spent the past two days reading the forums, looking over the guides and their builds. Next step is watching some videos on their setups and how the use them properly. I’m looking to be a more agile fighter, not bunker tank.

I was curious if there are any mesmers willing to share some insight on how to properly setup shatters in PvP or what key things I should be watching for prior to popping a shatter ability. What build direction should I be looking into for a more ‘agile fighter’? How to properly use distortion and confusion? What setup is designed for a confusion based mesmer?

Right now my character is just setup with the traditional shatter build linked on the meta site. I don’t usually like following just meta builds, but I really have no clue what I was doing haha.

I am learning a few things. My biggest issue is remember this class isn’t designed to stay ontop of someone 24/7… Kick them in the kitten and continue rolling. I also learned that people are jealous of mesmers… especially Engis. They get really mad at you when you blink out of their facerolling turret spam… and call you a noob for picking the easiest class in the game (which… I find this very hard to believe.) Oh, and I was also a noob cause I used phantoms. Didn’t know using my classes skill bar was considered a noob tactic, but I am glad those sPvPers informed me lol.

All that fun aside – I could definitely use some help.

Any and all tips are greatly appreciated! If anyone wants they can also add me ingame at Kenlyl.3492 NA (I am on Anvil Rock).

Newbie mesmer requesting some help please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

I know I’m hella late here but.. I really love the spirit ya got. A lot of people would rather take the easiest route to win rather than sticking with what they actually enjoy.

That said, learning shatter Mes is going to be difficult and painful in the beginning. It’s a strong build but you learn just as much from your defeats as your victories. Do you have any specific question about the shatter spec? What weapons do you enjoy using? What is it about Mesmer that you enjoy the most? We can get you a build suited to your specific desires if shatter does not cut it for you, but if you’re planning to go into high-end tournaments then you’ll find your build options starting to narrow. =P

Newbie mesmer requesting some help please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Menaka.5092


I think Osicat and Vashury videos should be on top of your watchlist if you want to learn shatter

Newbie mesmer requesting some help please!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


Shatter is burst, so you want to shatter at the right moment to shatter for max effect.

1. At the start of a fight before people are thinking about defense since they are at full heal, hit them fast and hard.
2. If you didn’t kill them at the start, then you need to watch their boons, wait for a time when they don’t have protection, blocking, invun etc etc up or if they still have it you should know you can strip it with your shatter.
3. Remember shatter is AE if they are all clumped lets say over a dying team mate , shatter all over that.
4. Remember all 4 shatters does stuff don’t just get stuck on F1 and 2. F3 and 4 are life savers.
5. Remember you are soft like a new born baby, so keep an eye out on who is after you at all times. Once again F4 is your friend when kitten hit the fan.