[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Each single token will extend the time by one day

Woah, I thought hte tokens were monthly.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Each single token will extend the time by one day

Woah, I thought hte tokens were monthly.

Unfortunately not, yeah it’s pretty steep.

I figure that hey, we have fun for a month with it and if the idea fizzles for whatever reason, hopefully we had a good time with it. If we find we want to continue extending it for the cost, it’s going to be for a good reason (things going well, people getting value from it, etc).

So it’s all good.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

… Further proof that Anet loves the Thief class. Bunch’a crooks. =/

But regardless HUGE thanks skcamow! This is really awesome. Now we can train/host in-house tournaments unmolested as well, and I’ll happy contribute to maintaining the arena.

I’ll be on all day Sunday, and Saturday afternoon (U.S. – EST)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


It was great hanging with a few of you in the new arena last night. There was some great conversation, dueling and theory-crafting. I can already see the immense benefit.

A couple people who were with us didn’t know about the arena. If you’d like to access it, do a search in the PvP game browser for [OMFG] and it should show up. Only members of the OMFG guild can access it. The password is listed in the message of the day for our guild (same password as our teamspeak channel).

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blimm.5028


Any news on some sort of training date/time for EU? <3

Think With Portals [TWP]: 4th of 16 at Guildnews.de cup
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


It was great hanging with a few of you in the new arena last night. There was some great conversation, dueling and theory-crafting. I can already see the immense benefit.

A couple people who were with us didn’t know about the arena. If you’d like to access it, do a search in the PvP game browser for [OMFG] and it should show up. Only members of the OMFG guild can access it. The password is listed in the message of the day for our guild (same password as our teamspeak channel).

/Sobs in the corner, also known as the EU while everyone else has fun

That said/sobbed, I think custom arenas are just way too expensive. Its like 90 gold for 1 month O.o i really would buy one if it was like.. 40, 40 sounds reasonable.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lahel.6381


It was great hanging with a few of you in the new arena last night. There was some great conversation, dueling and theory-crafting. I can already see the immense benefit.

A couple people who were with us didn’t know about the arena. If you’d like to access it, do a search in the PvP game browser for [OMFG] and it should show up. Only members of the OMFG guild can access it. The password is listed in the message of the day for our guild (same password as our teamspeak channel).

/Sobs in the corner, also known as the EU while everyone else has fun

That said/sobbed, I think custom arenas are just way too expensive. Its like 90 gold for 1 month O.o i really would buy one if it was like.. 40, 40 sounds reasonable.

I shall sob a long with you

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Psych.6527


Sounds fun and keen to join.
Rank 40, Main Mesmer.
Builds: Roaming Phantasm Burst(Main build), Lockdown DPS, Condi DPS. The latter 2 are more towards group play, to a lesser extent the lock down build as it can strive in both group and solo.
Server: Aurora Glade, EU.

/Sobs in the corner, also known as the EU while everyone else has fun

That said/sobbed, I think custom arenas are just way too expensive. Its like 90 gold for 1 month O.o i really would buy one if it was like.. 40, 40 sounds reasonable.

I shall sob a long with you

Its only expensive to buy the Custom Arena at 1600 gems. From there maintaining them is not bad as long as you buy the bulk purchase which is 450 gems for 20 days, roughly 30 gold.
That rounds out to be more or less 40-45 gold a month

Finch Psydstep|Phantasmal Mesmer and Council Leader of
Gamers Republic of South Africa[RSA]|Aurora Glade.
“If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule, of honor!”

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Its only expensive to buy the Custom Arena at 1600 gems. From there maintaining them is not bad as long as you buy the bulk purchase which is 450 gems for 20 days, roughly 30 gold.
That rounds out to be more or less 40-45 gold a month

Thanks for pointing that out. Yeah the single tokens are way overpriced and it’s much better to buy them in bulk. We’ll have to figure out the logistics of that as we near our expire time.

Incidentally, I’m still accepting donations for the initial cost of the arena

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Hey all, just a reminder our custom arena is still open for use. It had expired but I bought a token to open it up and Pyroatheist generously added more. So we have a small buffer before it expires again in a week or so. I encourage anyone who wishes to contribute to purchase custom arena time tokens from the gem store. It’s easy to add time, steps are here: Adding time to Custom Arenas. You will want the “If it’s someone else’s custom arena” instructions.

I’ve personally had a lot of fun dueling many of you here and there, and we even got a 2v2 going one night (that was a blast, let me say). Don’t be shy to ask if anyone wants to duel – there are often willing participants.

About the tPvP team, I’ve not heard anything, but are there any current efforts going on in EU or NA?

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


I dont think on the na side anyway that there is any active tourney teams but as always im open for a team que. If anyone wants to just pm me in game and id be happy to do some

Fanged Wisdom- [BBQ]/[OMFG]
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: feliscatus.1430


Lol, wanted to do this for ages. Hit me up anytime.

You know me.. Sizzap – I’ll usually be playing something clone spammy, or phants.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Well hell, that makes 4 of us right there, and I’m sure we’ll have no problem finding a fifth. (Probably Pyro) Sunday? Lets do this.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


I used to play shatter Mesmer on a team, but then they found someone that runs OP builds, and not ‘useless builds like shatter’ x.x

I was kind of glad when they added solo Q, but every time I decided to try it yet again, there’s just angry people that type angrily or afk people so it becomes 4v5 or 3v5 :/.

I just don’t want to run lockdown warrior… it’s so easy that it’s not fun.

Really, I played about 8% of my total matches on warrior, and I feel like I already “mastered” (there isn’t much to do, really) it :/.

75% matches are on Mesmer x.x

edit: oh, I forgot to mention that I would love to play with you all, if I could get on an NA server :P.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

My only problem with this new Solo-Q is that it really screws over people who wanna play with just 1 or 2 friends. I actually prefer how it used to be.

Btw, wanted to bump this to remind people that it’s still happening this weekend, also if anyone has a Necro alt I’d like to run some training sessions vs one. Raynn graciously offered his Necro up for people to practice against.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


My only problem with this new Solo-Q is that it really screws over people who wanna play with just 1 or 2 friends. I actually prefer how it used to be.

Btw, wanted to bump this to remind people that it’s still happening this weekend, also if anyone has a Necro alt I’d like to run some training sessions vs one. Raynn graciously offered his Necro up for people to practice against.

Yeah to guarantee a group of 3-5 plays together you’re pretty much relegated to team queue, which can take forever to queue up sometimes.

I’d love to participate but will be busy Sunday

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Just wanted to say that we ran a team tourney with 3 Mesmer (Myself on lockdown, Witchking on Support, Pyro with Phantasm) and a guardian & necro(I … think. Goldfish memory) and it was great. We won 2 of our 3 matches, both times stealing the lead after the 400 point mark. Shoutout to Pyro’s awesome leadership; directing our utolity compositions, marking targets, and adapting our strategy on the fly.

Id like to do this weekly, had a hell of a lot of fun. Those interested should join us next week!

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Guard and spirit ranger @ chaos.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Dammmit Pyro nobody asked you to correct my stupidity! Accept yer effin’ compliment!

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Psych.6527


So when is this happening again?! My guild has somewhat stopped joining me on PvP with the living worlds and WvW season -_-

Finch Psydstep|Phantasmal Mesmer and Council Leader of
Gamers Republic of South Africa[RSA]|Aurora Glade.
“If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule, of honor!”

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


So when is this happening again?! My guild has somewhat stopped joining me on PvP with the living worlds and WvW season -_-

Well really when we feel up to it. When there are enough people repping i put the call out in guild chat and see how many takers we got. Usually we get a couple of games in a weekend. But no real schedule :P

Fanged Wisdom- [BBQ]/[OMFG]
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Hey all, just a remdiner that the OMFG custom arena is still open for use and could use some of your love!

To contribute, purchase custom arena time tokens from the gem store. It’s easy to add time, steps are here: Adding time to Custom Arenas. You will want the “If it’s someone else’s custom arena” instructions. Purchasing 5 tokens is easier on the gold, but purchasing 20 in bulk is a much better deal.

Once you have your tokens, to find the arena go to the PvP browser and search for [OMFG].

We very much appreciate any donation, even if just 1 token. Many of you have contributed that way, and a few have made some substantial contributions, both of which I am incredibly grateful, so thank you!

The arena has been a great place to hang out, share ideas, practice concepts and yes, even duel. I know it has made me a better player and I hope many of you can say the same.

Let’s keep it going strong!

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


Happy to help out, just put 20 tokens on it

Fanged Wisdom- [BBQ]/[OMFG]
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

How much gold is enough for 20 tokens again?

/fly flies out of walllet

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Korusef.3714


44 g == 488 gems right now