Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
A quick update, the project is NOT forgotten. Computer issues mixed with IRL stuff forced me to put it on the backburner, but I can say positively that this will be THE weekend. It would’ve been done, sooner but then I saw The REALLY FREAKIN AWESOME guide that the Guardians have. and of course I can’t let us Mesmer be outdone, so I was inspired to go even harder and cover all bases.
I’m still hoping for more votes as well (see OP for details) as I actually still haven’t gotten very many.
Also, I’ll be PMing certain people for more dungeons/fractals information soon. Thanks guys!
Inspired… Or challenged ?!
Oh thats a really big one :o.
And hey, i know the author he makes amazing gw2 fanart and does commissions
. I cant find his/her page anymore though :/.
I cant wait for this guide ^__^. If you need help with anything, feel free to contact me! (Super-mini video guides for difficult tecnhiques, maybe?)
I look forward to this community project guide! Not only does it gives new mesmers some tips and guides, but also gives all of us some insight and different point of views of things that we may only looked on one side.
Here’s my input of the weapons and their skills:
MH Sword – 4/5
Great power-based, one-handed weapon, but is melee-oriented (so range mesmers may not like this.
Scepter – 2/5
I primarily use scepter and honestly, I feel that it’s clunky and unfinished. Anet is slowly turning it into a condition-based weapon, but it’s still having some power-based damage. I love the torment condition and I hope autoattack can inflict conditions (chill, torment, confusion, poison) and increase its attack speed. CI needs to be faster. Rating may change in the future, assuming Anet’s fixing this weapon that needs lots of love.
Staff – 4/5
Great defensive weapon that seems more condition-based, but surprisingly has power. Only issues are thakittens autoattack is slow and Phase Retreat can teleport you inside an object or behind a wall. Love Chaos Storm!
Greatsword – 3/5
Unexpected, brutal weapon to use on a caster and is our fastest autoattacker that is power-based and ranged. Mirror Blade grants might to nearby allies while the autoattack gives highest damage the farther away from target you are, making it rather ironic (at least iBerserker can get it). Mind Stab is fast, but has a small AoE and strips 1 boon; this is probably the worst skill of the greatsword and would be better if it has bigger AoE and/or not ground targeted (instead target and nearby foes). Phantasm is an AoE beast, now that it’s fixed and Illusionary Wave is a nice AoE push and interrupt, giving the mesmer a breather to move or knock a stealthed thief out of Shadow Refuge (mwehehehe).
OH Sword – 4/5
Gives nice defense and offense regardless of mainhand choice. Block and creating a clone and deal damage is nice. iSwordsman is a beastly spiker to a target.
Pistol – 4/5
I like using this weapon with both mainhands. iDuelist is also an excellent spike phantasm and can easily stack bleeds via Sharper Images trait. Magic Bullet is a nice CC, but can tag extra mobs that you may not want; and if it’s only 1 target, it only gets the stun and not the others. Both skills are only 900 (unless traited) where as most others are 1200.
Focus – 4/5
My least used off-hand but can also with either mainhands. It does require a bit of careful placing for Temporal Curtain/Into the Void. iWarden is a good AoE phantasm dps with one problem – it’s stationary. Its weapon trait makes the focus extremely useful.
Torch – 3/5
I’m starting to like using this weapon with scepter and MH sword, but it could use some buffs. It seems more condition oriented. Nice stealth and has our only combo blast finisher. iMage needs lots of love; perhaps inflicting another condition and boon and reducing its cooldown and/or raise its attack speed would make it more appealing. The weapon trait with removing condition helps free a utility slot.
Ladies and gentlemen, after delays from procrastination, followed by numerous delays due to personal life, compounded with a bit more procrastination.. I can happily say that today is the day the guide will be released!
I’m fixing up a few things, finishing the traits section, and will soon be throwing the thread up before the day’s end.
If anyone has any more votes, or know of any links that should definitely be in the guide please feel free to respond here or PM me. Also, if anyone knows any funny Mesmer-related quotes people have posted that I could sprinkle throughout the guide… would add a nice spice such as…
“We contribute class and style to what would otherwise be an unseemly brawl” – Ithurien.3652 on Mesmers in WvW zergs.
Right now the only sections that are lacking are in depth explanations on Leveling Up (Though I do have link to the Lazy Kai guide), specific dungeon/fractal paths, and sPvP and WvW. These will all be filled by the end of the week, but more information contribution (or thread links) would be greatly appreciated.
All contributions are welcome
EDIT: And can we all agree on a name? Right now the top three I’m juggling are:
-Decent into Chaos
-Tome of Lyssa
-Grimiore of Madness
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Just in case you have not seen my new and improved leveling guide:
If wanted I can adapt the guide a bit the way you need.
I vote for Decent into Chaos and maybe this should be the opening quote? It is from ASOIAF but it fits especially well here considering we Mesmers are the ones who successfully climb this ladder of chaos.
“Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but refuse. They cling to the realm, or love, or the gods…illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is. But they’ll never know this. Not until it’s too late.” – Littlefinger
One of the best mesmer quotes I’ve seen is from Anet’s mesmer marketing (if you haven’t seen it):
“When I’m done with you, you won’t trust your own mind”.
Source: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mesmer
I vote for Tome of Lyssa.
Looking very much forward to reading this by the end of the day
Grimoire of madness O.o
I have no idea what a grimoire is, but it sounds really nice!
I dont really like the madness part though, so ill go with Tome of Lyssa. To me Mesmer is much more than “chaos” or “madness”, and lyssa kind of mixes everything instead of piegeonholing it in a single side if the mesmer, imo.
“Agony, torment, pain!” -when ironically healing your friends
You know you played too much Mesmer when…
…..you see a butterfly flutter past your head and you begin to question your very existence.
… you run through temporal curtain, blink, use your heal and still manage to miss the bus.
Just some funny quotes i grabbed from this awesome thread :P.
I revived it before, but it dient really get enough attention >__<
Oh, oh my god :o i cant wait to read the guide :0
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