PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


Just saw this on ready up:

1)PU now grants swiftness and might in addition to existing three, so instead of 33% chance to get port/regen/aegis you will only have a 20% chance to get those (1 out of 5) defensive boons after patch.

2)Clone Death traits can now be blocked, evaded, blinded, etc. Debilatatiing Dissipation now applies 2 stacks of bleed for 4 seconds instead of 3 for 5.

Scepter AA changes going in as planned.

This is a big nerf to PU. Are the other upcoming buffs enough to compensate? Will the new go to condition build be MtD? Will any of you still play PU?

My first reaction is that PU the trait just got totally gutted, which I’m not sad or happy about either way really, because you will not see protection stacking up hardly at all compared to now.

I literally heard this 2 min ago watching ready up, not a prank or anything.


PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


just like everyone said.. if you cry about the torment buff. you will get mesmer nerfed.. not torment itself taken away.. gj mesmer community.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


just like everyone said.. if you cry about the torment buff. you will get mesmer nerfed.. not torment itself taken away.. gj mesmer community.

I think in the long run this nerf to PU is probably good for the class, but that is totally dependent if they start buffing us in other ways over the next year. It will be interesting to see how the class is viewed once PU is gone. Most likely noobs will still cry about PU mesmers when they mean any mesmer who stealths, but overall the distorting effect PU was having on how we were perceived will be gone and so hopefully our weakness will be more acknowledged and the real changes we need given to us.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


The PU nerfs are minor in comparison to the clone death nerfs.

Look a PU this way. Now a PU Mesmer also has innate access to both might and swiftness without needing to swap a focus or use stuff like battle runes. That’s more mobility, more chasing ability, and more pressure, for a small sacrifice of defense.

The clone death nerfs, on the other hand, are a perfect example of the Anet brand whack-a-mole balancing. Making them dodgeable, blockable, and blindable is an enormous nerf, on top of an additional unnecessary nerf to an already unreliable bleed application. Those aspects were what let the traits be strong against perma-evade spamming thieves, against blind spam from thieves and guardians and engineers, and just in general made the traits unique and strong.

Absolutely massive nerf. PU condie builds will still work of course, but what this really hits is any non-PU build that is based on those traits. Now the defense and sustain of PU will be 100% essential to viably play a condition build. Once again, Anet succeeds in limiting Mesmer build diversity with heavy handed nerf batting.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


ya.. ill be happy to see pu gone.. im sure people will still play it.. because alot of the other specs dont have an easy mode option.. and you need to atleast have mesmer basics to play them.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Smirgel.9460


the PU change/nerf was… odd in my opinion. The problem with PU was that you could stealth and when you came out of it you had like 15 seconds of protection. They should have just reduced the durations to 2 seconds or just give all 3 boons at once for 5 seconds without the reapplication. Now it’s just stupid RNG.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


The PU nerfs are minor in comparison to the clone death nerfs.

Look a PU this way. Now a PU Mesmer also has innate access to both might and swiftness

It’s 1 stack of might for 3 seconds! Anet is…

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


just like everyone said.. if you cry about the torment buff. you will get mesmer nerfed.. not torment itself taken away.. gj mesmer community.

It wasn’t a matter of IF. It was a matter of when and how bad.

IE was supposedly getting fixed so the staff/scepter PU builds were getting a serious buff. People already cried about condi PU all the time. Without a nerf to some part of the build, the crying was going to intensify no matter what —> major nerfs. At least now, the nerfs seem fair to me. The unavoidable clone deaths now being dodgable etc. is 100% justified. PU although a definite nerf, seems fair to me.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solori.6025


The PU nerfs are minor in comparison to the clone death nerfs.

Look a PU this way. Now a PU Mesmer also has innate access to both might and swiftness without needing to swap a focus or use stuff like battle runes. That’s more mobility, more chasing ability, and more pressure, for a small sacrifice of defense.

The clone death nerfs, on the other hand, are a perfect example of the Anet brand whack-a-mole balancing. Making them dodgeable, blockable, and blindable is an enormous nerf, on top of an additional unnecessary nerf to an already unreliable bleed application. Those aspects were what let the traits be strong against perma-evade spamming thieves, against blind spam from thieves and guardians and engineers, and just in general made the traits unique and strong.

Absolutely massive nerf. PU condie builds will still work of course, but what this really hits is any non-PU build that is based on those traits. Now the defense and sustain of PU will be 100% essential to viably play a condition build. Once again, Anet succeeds in limiting Mesmer build diversity with heavy handed nerf batting.

I disagree with some but I will wait to play with the changes before I make a final judgement on the matter.

I think with the changes to IE the clone death traits being mitagatable will be minamal
Especially considering you can make more very easily.

The access to having might and swiftness on PU is both a blessing and a curse i think.
The main thing people used that trait for was the access to prot and aegis. Both of which are ridiculously strong boons to have almost every 20 seconds.

We’ll see, is what I am putting this under.

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: MSFone.3026


One thing is for sure, the biggest buff to condi is IE working on clones, so now that they have nerfed PU condi into the ground, they better make sure IE works on staff clones. If it’s a repeat of April then Mesmers just got totally crapped on. If IE actually does what they are saying it will do, I think condi mesmers will live on fine, just mostly MtD I’d guess, as without clone death like it is now I don’t see Blackwater builds working anymore.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Conncept.7638


just like everyone said.. if you cry about the torment buff. you will get mesmer nerfed.. not torment itself taken away.. gj mesmer community.

Are you kidding? This is the first time I’ve ever been grateful to all the players that whine about every change before knowing what affect its going to have.

They actually nerfed the correct aspects of the class without nerfing heaps of completely unrelated nonsense first! As an Elementalist main, I am absolutely flabbergasted, why couldn’t we get that treatment before being knocked down to one build for nine solid months?

It is a nerf, and I agree the mesmer might be in a bad place for a little while because of it. But it isn’t a machine gun spray of nerfs hitting every single viable aspect of the class, it’s a nerf over a single build, and a deserved one.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


if you rely on clone death as your way to kill someone then you have a very bad game plan to start.

now here are questions.. do the clones themsleves need to be blinded for them not to apply conditions? or the mesmer? if you need to aoe blind them all then w/e that wont happen very often and im fine with that.

if the mesmer needs to be blind for the clones not to apply condions im fine with that also that means every passive clone that dies is a blind removal for me.

so now clone death traits proc aegis/block traits.. fine. the only way this will matter is if you have a channeled block like engi/warrior.. or whatever.. and if they are wasting that block for clone death im fine with that also.

one clone death= one aegis.. seems like an ok trade but almost impossible to plan that out in a fight where clone auto attacks are hitting at the same time clones are dieing.

the only thing that mattered to me was the flat nerf to bleed stacks/duration.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: UrMom.4205


don’t forget the minor traits you have in order to run PU, gain regen at 75% health and gain prot whenever you gain regen. So now if you get a crappy roll on PU, say might, swift, and regen, it will pop prot too. I think the changes are minimal and fair.

What upsets me more is that a lot of these changes are brought on by the insane amount of QQ from the forums after last weeks ready up. The patch isn’t even out yet and we’re getting nerfed. The community frustrates the hell out of me.

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


The PU nerfs are minor in comparison to the clone death nerfs.

Look a PU this way. Now a PU Mesmer also has innate access to both might and swiftness without needing to swap a focus or use stuff like battle runes. That’s more mobility, more chasing ability, and more pressure, for a small sacrifice of defense.

The clone death nerfs, on the other hand, are a perfect example of the Anet brand whack-a-mole balancing. Making them dodgeable, blockable, and blindable is an enormous nerf, on top of an additional unnecessary nerf to an already unreliable bleed application. Those aspects were what let the traits be strong against perma-evade spamming thieves, against blind spam from thieves and guardians and engineers, and just in general made the traits unique and strong.

Absolutely massive nerf. PU condie builds will still work of course, but what this really hits is any non-PU build that is based on those traits. Now the defense and sustain of PU will be 100% essential to viably play a condition build. Once again, Anet succeeds in limiting Mesmer build diversity with heavy handed nerf batting.

I disagree with some but I will wait to play with the changes before I make a final judgement on the matter.

I think with the changes to IE the clone death traits being mitagatable will be minamal
Especially considering you can make more very easily.

The access to having might and swiftness on PU is both a blessing and a curse i think.
The main thing people used that trait for was the access to prot and aegis. Both of which are ridiculously strong boons to have almost every 20 seconds.

We’ll see, is what I am putting this under.

With the clone death changes, good luck fighting something like a pistol whip or S/D thief. The thing is that the clone deaths countered the mindless defensive spam that is prevalent in the game. It means thieves couldn’t just spam blinds or evades and cleave their way through your clones, and it meant that engies spamming blind fields and grenades would get loaded up with condies regardless of their point-wide blinds.

Now that’s all gone. It also means that clone deaths will be even more useless in groups than they were before, due to random dodges and aegis spam. Basically, it’s just an unnecessary nerf to an interesting mechanic.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: TooBz.3065


I thought in the last patch they made it so clones no longer proced clone on death traits if the clone was replaced? Am I remembering that wrong?

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: maha.7902


First they make it possible to blank phantasm summons with blind an invulnerability. Now they make it possible to dodge and blind clone death traits, and reduce the intensity and duration of one of the procs. The best bit is because such a tiny portion of the player base is mesmers they won’t even revert it because we don’t have enough QQ to bring down a castle like the rest of the QQmmunity.

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Javonovich.5280


The PU nerfs are minor in comparison to the clone death nerfs.

Look a PU this way. Now a PU Mesmer also has innate access to both might and swiftness without needing to swap a focus or use stuff like battle runes. That’s more mobility, more chasing ability, and more pressure, for a small sacrifice of defense.

The clone death nerfs, on the other hand, are a perfect example of the Anet brand whack-a-mole balancing. Making them dodgeable, blockable, and blindable is an enormous nerf, on top of an additional unnecessary nerf to an already unreliable bleed application. Those aspects were what let the traits be strong against perma-evade spamming thieves, against blind spam from thieves and guardians and engineers, and just in general made the traits unique and strong.

Absolutely massive nerf. PU condie builds will still work of course, but what this really hits is any non-PU build that is based on those traits. Now the defense and sustain of PU will be 100% essential to viably play a condition build. Once again, Anet succeeds in limiting Mesmer build diversity with heavy handed nerf batting.

Totally agree with you. My first thought when I heard this was “oh boy, maybe now my PU mes can chase.” My second thought was “great, the condi pressure from non-condi builds is now neutered.”

In my opinion, this was an epic Mesmer nerf for just about every build out there, and the irony is that it probably affects PU the least. What doesn’t make any sense is the nerf to debilitation dissipation IN ADDITION TO the clone death nerf. Why not just the clone death nerf by itself? Was that not enough?

These newest changes along with the rest of the skillbar changes remind me of just how clueless ANET seems to be with regard to balance.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: TooBz.3065


Well, I am a little disappointed. For a minute it looked like mesmer may be fun again. Guess not.

Anything I post is just the opinion of a very vocal minority of 1.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Clownmug.8357


The scepter clone change makes a lot more sense now that letting them die isn’t as practical.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: UrMom.4205


First they make it possible to blank phantasm summons with blind an invulnerability. Now they make it possible to dodge and blind clone death traits, and reduce the intensity and duration of one of the procs. The best bit is because such a tiny portion of the player base is mesmers they won’t even revert it because we don’t have enough QQ to bring down a castle like the rest of the QQmmunity.

Thats the real problem…this community blows (not the mesmer community, i love you guys)

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


“In my opinion, this was an epic Mesmer nerf for just about every build out there”

people like this are one of the big problems.. the dramatic blowhard end of the worlders that pop out in every situation. the sky is falling every day here in forum land.. i hope at some point they realize all these chicken littles are not a good source of information/feedback.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solori.6025


The PU nerfs are minor in comparison to the clone death nerfs.

Look a PU this way. Now a PU Mesmer also has innate access to both might and swiftness without needing to swap a focus or use stuff like battle runes. That’s more mobility, more chasing ability, and more pressure, for a small sacrifice of defense.

The clone death nerfs, on the other hand, are a perfect example of the Anet brand whack-a-mole balancing. Making them dodgeable, blockable, and blindable is an enormous nerf, on top of an additional unnecessary nerf to an already unreliable bleed application. Those aspects were what let the traits be strong against perma-evade spamming thieves, against blind spam from thieves and guardians and engineers, and just in general made the traits unique and strong.

Absolutely massive nerf. PU condie builds will still work of course, but what this really hits is any non-PU build that is based on those traits. Now the defense and sustain of PU will be 100% essential to viably play a condition build. Once again, Anet succeeds in limiting Mesmer build diversity with heavy handed nerf batting.

I disagree with some but I will wait to play with the changes before I make a final judgement on the matter.

I think with the changes to IE the clone death traits being mitagatable will be minamal
Especially considering you can make more very easily.

The access to having might and swiftness on PU is both a blessing and a curse i think.
The main thing people used that trait for was the access to prot and aegis. Both of which are ridiculously strong boons to have almost every 20 seconds.

We’ll see, is what I am putting this under.

With the clone death changes, good luck fighting something like a pistol whip or S/D thief. The thing is that the clone deaths countered the mindless defensive spam that is prevalent in the game. It means thieves couldn’t just spam blinds or evades and cleave their way through your clones, and it meant that engies spamming blind fields and grenades would get loaded up with condies regardless of their point-wide blinds.

Now that’s all gone. It also means that clone deaths will be even more useless in groups than they were before, due to random dodges and aegis spam. Basically, it’s just an unnecessary nerf to an interesting mechanic.

S/D thieves are getting nerfed as well.
I haven’t seen to many PW thieves but if I remember correctly that build got nerfed months ago.

Engineer’s might be a problem, but this is still going to be a wait and see for me, until I actually fight one post patch.

Im curious to see how IE+scepter buffs will work on a mesmer build now that PU isn’t mandatory.

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

(edited by Solori.6025)

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


I think confusing combatants should still go through, afterall it is a further investment into GM.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


Oh god… I was so scared when they announced the Mesmer change updates.

PU change
Adding boons to PU makes sense when aiming at reducing the defensive capabilities of the trait. It looks like this could be a change that reduces the power of PU without making it totally useless. However, I wonder if solely adding Swiftness could be enough. The addition of Might feels odd. Because if it’s one stack of Might for a short duration then it is just stilly.

Also to put a number on the changes: The current chance to gain Protection from stealth is 33%. After the change it will be 20%. This is quite a substantial nerf. Right now, stealthing with Torch, Decoy or MI statistically guarantees you a stack of Protection. This will no longer be the case for Torch and Decoy.

In general, I’d say this change is good. However, so far I didn’t see ANet offering us any alternative defensive mechanic. This means that people might ultimatively still stick to PU. No build diversity. Still Thief fodder. Buh!

On death traits no longer being unblockable
Fine by me. There should be counterplay to it. It won’t matter in most situations, though.

Debilitating Dissipation losing some Bleeding
Is this necessary after making on death traits blockable? Yes, it probably will be alright. But Debilitating Dissipation statistically already applies only a poor amount of 1 stack of Bleeding per dead clone. Does it have to be reduced to 0,67 stacks per clone or might a reduction in Bleeding duration be enough? Or no change at all? It feels like ANet gave into the whining a bit too much here.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Javonovich.5280


First they make it possible to blank phantasm summons with blind an invulnerability. Now they make it possible to dodge and blind clone death traits, and reduce the intensity and duration of one of the procs. The best bit is because such a tiny portion of the player base is mesmers they won’t even revert it because we don’t have enough QQ to bring down a castle like the rest of the QQmmunity.

Thats the real problem…this community blows (not the mesmer community, i love you guys)

Trying to wrap my head around the idea that warriors are almost unstoppable for how long? despite the constant QQ. Skyhammer remains in soloq despite constant, daily QQ on the forums? Engins nearly destroyed low-level spvp, but are pretty bad higher up, resulting in quite a bit of QQ. Anyone playing a condi class has QQed for a long time about the mechanics of conditions and stacking.

But hey, at least IE is fixed after 2 straight years of QQ, right?

No idea what goes through ANET’s brain.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


So let me get this straight..

ANet finally gets around to do something with Scepter and the only thing they come up with adding torment to AA. Thats it. The ONLY change.

The community screams in protest because a overused, argumentive OP PU build is untouched and indirectly buffed because of the torment addition.

Now ANet, nerf’s ALL “on death” traits and “Debilitating Dissipation” specifically because the scepter can generate clones so fast triggering those “on death” traits.

Net result: Scepter gets buffed…. ALL Mesmer builds get nerfed.

Is that about right?

Oh and I forgot, PU also gets an “adjustment” (nerf as well).

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

(edited by SlimChance.6593)

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


i guess anet was so affraid from the torment AA change that they nerf the whole conditions mesmer spectrum

i agree PU trait in fine
but why DD trait got 2 nerf. first the avoidable is too much as the enemy can just rush you without being punished and spammable build of blind and evade will take you down much easily
so ppl will now have to use PU as a defense mode against them
the seconds nerf i can agree as it nerf clone passive creator gameplay

also if lets say i fight s/d or s/p thief i need to place my clones far from each other thus making also the shatter condition even worse as you wont be able to shatter fast
so 1 nerf above pretty much will push the condition mesmer build diversity to PU build again

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


nerfing because of qq is like negotiating with terrorists.. it is always a bad game plan and only leads to more qq.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


In my opinion, the PU change isn’t a huge nerf at all and I will go even further and say it doesn’t really change much at all. A few seconds less of protection isn’t a big deal with all the mechanics a PU mesmer has to avoid damage. You get more damage however little that may be and look on the bright side. Some classes can remove boons from you, and swiftness and might could help shield from removing some of the more important boons like protection, aegis.

To me clone death traits is just dumb and mindless gameplay. All you would basically do is just spam clones and there is pretty much no counter for it. If you leave the clones alive, they will stack lots of bleeds on you if you even try to close the gap. If you try to kill them, you are putting bleeds, weakness and vulnerability on yourself. And a lot of classes have AoEs and cleaves and have no choice but to destroy the clones in order to hit the mesmer and you pretty much have no feasible way of avoiding it. It was being used so much as a crutch. Now at least you can avoid it and there is some counterplay involved. Maybe the bleeding change was unneeded, but I think IE on staff clones and auto attack on torment more than make up for this. IE interacting with staff clones is a tremendous buff to any build that uses Staff (Power or Condi) that it makes this nerf look like a drop in the bucket.

It’s not like you can dodge every clone death either, if that was your crutch for DPS I feel sorry for you.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)


PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


On death traits no longer being unblockable
Fine by me. There should be counterplay to it. It won’t matter in most situations, though.

It’s the counterplayest trait at game. Just don’t kill illusions at melee

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


I wish this amount of complaining had been made about how p/d thief received no nerf… The PU changes aren’t bad, but they should’ve made the might granted a bit stronger so that Power PU builds could benefit from it. Condition damage would’ve also benefited from it, but it seems kind of lame that they’d make the might so blatantly weak. I’m seriously hoping for a p/d nerf now that I know they will nerf cheese.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


whhy does pu need protection /aegis at all when they spend 90 percent of a fight in stealth dodge rolling. if you cant live with a torch / decoy /massinvis / and alot of times even veil.. then you should not be playing the game at all. your only time out of stealth can be scepter blocking. but that just shows how bad and useless the spec is.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solori.6025


whhy does pu need protection /aegis at all when they spend 90 percent of a fight in stealth dodge rolling. if you cant live with a torch / decoy /massinvis / and alot of times even veil.. then you should not be playing the game at all. your only time out of stealth can be scepter blocking. but that just shows how bad and useless the spec is.

I agree with this.

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


2)Clone Death traits can now be blocked, evaded, blinded, etc. Debilatatiing Dissipation now applies 2 stacks of bleed for 4 seconds instead of 3 for 5.

This is a very sensible change, they really should’ve had it this way before. Now I just wish they would do the same with the thief’s on-steal abilities that hit you even if their steal doesn’t (i.e. you dodge it or they use it from a spot they can’t actually reach you from).

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


whhy does pu need protection /aegis at all when they spend 90 percent of a fight in stealth dodge rolling. if you cant live with a torch / decoy /massinvis / and alot of times even veil.. then you should not be playing the game at all. your only time out of stealth can be scepter blocking. but that just shows how bad and useless the spec is.

Much hyperbole
Such exaggeration

Seriously, that entire paragraph is just one massive block of exaggeration and falsities. If you want to complain about PU, then go for it, but at least keep your complaints within the realm of sanity…

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: shimmerless.4560


In my opinion, the PU change isn’t a huge nerf at all and I will go even further and say it doesn’t really change much at all. A few seconds less of protection isn’t a big deal with all the mechanics a PU mesmer has to avoid damage. You get more damage however little that may be and look on the bright side. Some classes can remove boons from you, and swiftness and might could help shield from removing some of the more important boons like protection, aegis.

To me clone death traits is just dumb and mindless gameplay. All you would basically do is just spam clones and there is pretty much no counter for it. If you leave the clones alive, they will stack lots of bleeds on you if you even try to close the gap. If you try to kill them, you are putting bleeds, weakness and vulnerability on yourself. And a lot of classes have AoEs and cleaves and have no choice but to destroy the clones in order to hit the mesmer and you pretty much have no feasible way of avoiding it. It was being used so much as a crutch. Now at least you can avoid it and there is some counterplay involved. Maybe the bleeding change was unneeded, but I think IE on staff clones and auto attack on torment more than make up for this. IE interacting with staff clones is a tremendous buff to any build that uses Staff (Power or Condi) that it makes this nerf look like a drop in the bucket.

It’s not like you can dodge every clone death either, if that was your crutch for DPS I feel sorry for you.

There are dozens of counters to clone death traits. They have a very small radius, you don’t have to kill them, they can be cleansed. In addition the only popular spec that gets fully hard countered by such a setup is DPS Guardian due to the nature of its abilities (no retreats) and reliance on cleave. Others will struggle but that is the nature of GW2, every class has a sidepoints spec and the Mesmer version just happens to be slow but very reliable.

I am all ears for players who wish to argue that these traits and mechanics are overbearing but this nerf is not even close to being the right way to go about changing them. It isn’t even consistent with dozens of far worse offenders (such as Steal traits, as a player above noted). There have been no positive changes to making the higher skillcap Mesmer less frustrating to play, maybe once those arrive (in the year 2042) these complaints will carry more weight.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


I never thought I would be glad when my class was getting nerfed but the PU build needed a nice kick in the jewels for a while. Not even chopping block changes either, nice simple ‘this can now be avoided’ and ‘PU now gives more boons, less defense all the time’.

I approve.

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


On death traits no longer being unblockable
Fine by me. There should be counterplay to it. It won’t matter in most situations, though.

It’s the counterplayest trait at game. Just don’t kill illusions at melee

Oh come one. Don’t come with such an argument. I’m a Mesmer and not someone who is not able to fight against one. I know how it works. I was referring to something else. If someone uses an ability which blocks or does something defensively, he should not be hit.

If people keep smacking clones after the patch without thinking about it they will still be hit by the conditions. The only thing I am wondering: How will Blinds work? Will you have to blind the Mesmer? Or the clone?

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


Well, these changes hurt my power PU, but something was needed to nerf clone death mechanic Specially the clone death traits now can be countered. PU change is not that bad, but that might stack has no sense, why an offensive boon in a defensive trait on a defensive line?

Still will be playing the same build. 4/4/6 will still be a very well compensated trait combination, it just will need more active playstyle.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Liewec.2896


the PU nerf still won’t stop PU mesmers from being a hell of a lot stronger than they are now.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


whhy does pu need protection /aegis at all when they spend 90 percent of a fight in stealth dodge rolling. if you cant live with a torch / decoy /massinvis / and alot of times even veil.. then you should not be playing the game at all. your only time out of stealth can be scepter blocking. but that just shows how bad and useless the spec is.

Much hyperbole
Such exaggeration

Seriously, that entire paragraph is just one massive block of exaggeration and falsities. If you want to complain about PU, then go for it, but at least keep your complaints within the realm of sanity…

your response to my statment is the same amount of exaggeration. in a pu spec the only time you need to be out of steath is to block and wait for reveal buff to go away.

90 is obviously not an accurate percent(it was an intentional exaggeration).. but if i need to explain that to you then you need to get off the forums a tiny bit.

the condi pu mesmer does not add damage while out of stealth.. scepter auto attacking will cause you to lose more damage then you will add because it ends up producing scepter clones that are worthless. staff is your only source of added dps out of stealth.. and other then upping the physical damage from 5 to like 400 you are pretty much just another clone.

so being out of stealth dosent really help this fantastic build.. you may as well be hiding around the corner or in stealth dodge rolling. like i said.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: UrMom.4205


whhy does pu need protection /aegis at all when they spend 90 percent of a fight in stealth dodge rolling. if you cant live with a torch / decoy /massinvis / and alot of times even veil.. then you should not be playing the game at all. your only time out of stealth can be scepter blocking. but that just shows how bad and useless the spec is.

Much hyperbole
Such exaggeration

Seriously, that entire paragraph is just one massive block of exaggeration and falsities. If you want to complain about PU, then go for it, but at least keep your complaints within the realm of sanity…

your response to my statment is the same amount of exaggeration. in a pu spec the only time you need to be out of steath is to block and wait for reveal buff to go away.

90 is obviously not an accurate percent(it was an intentional exaggeration).. but if i need to explain that to you then you need to get off the forums a tiny bit.

the condi pu mesmer does not add damage while out of stealth.. scepter auto attacking will cause you to lose more damage then you will add because it ends up producing scepter clones that are worthless. staff is your only source of added dps out of stealth.. and other then upping the physical damage from 5 to like 400 you are pretty much just another clone.

so being out of stealth dosent really help this fantastic build.. you may as well be hiding around the corner or in stealth dodge rolling. like i said.

The blanket “PU spec” shouldn’t be used. I run PU in a build that uses sword/pistol + scepter/torch. It’s a very active weapon set and I literally only use stealth to reposition and quick jukes. There is no pop clones hide in stealth in my build. You should probably change your posts to the specific builds that use the play style you are referring to.

Team Raven [TR](Dead)
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283


Hah, here I theorycrafted a pve condi build (no pu traits) that just may have been viable… aand anet just wrecked it with the nerf bat, hard.

I still have my hopes up for the IE fix thought, as long as the staff clone aa doesn’t get nerfed. Talking about which, staff clones bleed duration is 5s base and not 7s base as mesmer staff AA so I guess the build is already nerfed by default lol

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


my post is for condi pu.. the ones people are complaining about that take no skill and are hard to kill. most specs that take pu and arent focused on stealth are in my opinion gimping themselves.. if you use minimal stealth and have a pistol.. you are more likely going to have a stronger spec dropping pu and taking pistol trait since it is your main source of condi/damage. at some point people take pu and do not even realize it isnt adding much to thier specs overall plan.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758



I played 4/4/6/0/0 – or rather 20/20/30 – way before it got buffed when it gave 1 boon every 3s. I thought it was a nifty trait back then. So yeah, whatever. The upside is, this pulls the rug out under every whiner’s feet, but they’ll still lose because let’s be honest, if you lose against PU now it’s hardly PU’s fault considering what a toothless duels-only spec it always has been.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


Hah, here I theorycrafted a pve condi build (no pu traits) that just may have been viable… aand anet just wrecked it with the nerf bat, hard.

I still have my hopes up for the IE fix thought, as long as the staff clone aa doesn’t get nerfed. Talking about which, staff clones bleed duration is 5s base and not 7s base as mesmer staff AA so I guess the build is already nerfed by default lol

PvE enemies don’t exactly block dodge or blind that often. Why would it suddenly become unviable based off of today’s info? Is loss on a stack of bleed on a 33% chance really going to change much?

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Back down to one useful Grandmaster, the traits that made our clones work have been nerfed, still no OoC buffs, no QoL improvements that we need, mantras are still needlessly cumbersome to use and the patch list will be filled with bug fixes that were supposed to be fixed in other patches and i highly doubt will be fixed here.

Why are they so scared to fix the Mesmer?

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dethl.2875


So let me get this straight..

ANet finally gets around to do something with Scepter and the only thing they come up with adding torment to AA. Thats it. The ONLY change.

The community screams in protest because a overused, argumentive OP PU build is untouched and indirectly buffed because of the torment addition.

Now ANet, nerf’s ALL “on death” traits and “Debilitating Dissipation” specifically because the scepter can generate clones so fast triggering those “on death” traits.

Net result: Scepter gets buffed…. ALL Mesmer builds get nerfed.

Is that about right?

Oh and I forgot, PU also gets an “adjustment” (nerf as well).

brb going to go cry over all the nerfs to clone death that my shatter build got

okay i’m done now what were you saying

some server who knows
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PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: frifox.5283



The big part of the build was to capitalize on clone deaths since it’s quite impractical to expect my staff clones to survive for more than a few attack cycles.

Before: 140 × 3×5 = 2,100 dmg
After: 140 × 2×4 = 1,120 dmg

My bleed pressure from clones dying was nerfed in half. Now I’ll really have to make sure my staff clones don’t die and keep applying the bleed/burn through WoC. Not exactly sure how to pull that off just yet…

PU getting nerfed Sep 9th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Feaduin.7603


When I watched the Ready Up, I pretended to have hopes that scepter would be reworked in an interesting and useful manner… but really my heart sank and Anet did not fail to deliver. This is terrible for build diversity, the only two damaging conditions resulting from clone death were Bleeding and Confusion and the trait that caused confusion was not taken by the infamous 4-4-6 build. Any theoretical build which relies on clone death for the defensive value of these traits in lieu of PU is going to be dead in the water.

I could accept this if other traits and mechanics were reworked to buff varied play styles, but this is not going to happen. When the 4-4-6 schadenfreude dissipates the Mesmer community is going to realize that other more interesting builds are going to be hit harder by this change with absolutely no compensation and that we will be stuck with an underwhelming scepter buff which never deserved the QQ it generated in the first place.