Patch Notes
I don’t mind half of the fix, but I would really like to hear the reasoning behind making thieves essentially uninterruptable.
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief
Welcome to PU or go home.
That was MY joke!
.. Was gonna tell it to all the ladies. Panties were gonna drop under the magnitude of my wit. =[
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Fun while it lasted! We should thank them for that brief period of fun.
I don’t care about anything other than the fact that heartseeker is no longer something that can be put on cooldown. GG anet. Not using any of the new traits now.
So why would anyone use this now? Oh right.. they won’t.
“Rabble rabble rabble…” – Mesmers
(edited by Aniltiger.9186)
should have eaten our bananas quietly
aaaand it’s a useless trait now. bravo
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
This bug they fix fast, huh?
For the first time in months I was actually excited that pve might would consist of something other than DPS.
How can it be that two years have passed and nothing has been done about the defiant mechanic in pve? How can they care so little that this game is so shallow?
I guess I should be thankful Guild Wars 1 is still around and that I can go play a variety of roles in pve. (Including SHUTDOWN on a mesmer)
And what is bug from their point of view?
Don’t forget they also struck down our clones getting rune bonuses. Yay, two mesmer hits and all my dailies are still broken. :/
Well I’m ok they fix buggs, now sort bounce for clones, iLeap and of iWarden.
andddd IE is still broken why?
Because mesmers working well is obviously more of a problem than mesmers not working well.
They aren’t going to fix IE. I just know it. Feel it in my butterflies. I expect a revert on the illusions it does effect and a “Working as intended” stamp.
Even a 12 inch middle finger is not long enough to express my kitten toward ANet atm.
oh well mesmers cant have nice things at all. its ok that a warrior can stunlock u for 10 seconds, but when mesmer has something that could make us at least a little less useless in wvw apart of veilbot duty, then anet takes it away….oi.
oh well at least they fixed all our bugs…wait!
oh but at least they gave us so many great changes this amazing patch..oh wait
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Message well recieved, anet. Go condi-roaming or go home. Also, the auto attack fix is fine for me. But to actively refuse to punish thieves for spamming skills. My loquacity fails me.
Edit: To avoid double posting I’ll just put this here. My loquacity only failed me for about 30 minutes.
This patch, to me, has been as though there were a concerted effort by Anet to nerf skill-intensive builds, at least for mesmers. Perhaps it wasn’t deliberate and if it wasn’t then that is pathetic. The nerfs to critical damage (in WvW), a refusal to give mesmer’s reasonable access to high vigor uptime, and now power block have all reduced the effectivness of our most skill-intensive builds.
Glass used to be glass. It meant high damage but low durability. In WvW its now low durability and average damage. The nerf to critical damage in WvW is inane and it would please me greatly if it were reverted.
Power Block had some great implications. A 10 second cooldown for using any skill (sans Autos, those should remain immune)or for attempting to brazenly resurrect a downed without stability, was a very good deterrent. Now Power Block is now particularly useless.
Roaming in WvW was already a parade of condition builds with a few interspersed power builds. But it was manageable. And it was manageable without having to run PU or conditions. Now? With the critical damage nerfs and the nerf to Power Block? Don’t even joke.
(edited by spearchuka.5972)
When you accidentally do something good then you’re supposed to just let it be.
Yup, good bugs are fixed ASAP. Bad bugs take two years and counting.
Did we actually throw a bone to mesmers?! Better hot fix it!
It is like this patch all over again:
yeah sorry anet im on mesmer strike. unless this class gets fixed and reworked and gets aoe dmg back(glamour was our aoe dmg which has been nerfed to the ground, no shaved like its done carefully with warrior, it was nerfed to the ground of the grounds) i aint gonna portal your stupid golems your stupid warrior trains and u know what? veil your self, oh u cant do that well i dont want to.
just reroll thief if u like roaming or warrior if u like wvw or pve.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Removed the only skill-based counterplay mesmer had against Thieves. Time to move my ascended to engi and faceroll all the nades.
The clones getting RNG fear procs was obviously a bug. Power Block was a great GM trait though. I can live with auto attacks being immune to it, but shutting down thief pistol whip/disabling shot/heartseeker/etc spam made it such a viable trait choice.
Now the only thing worth interrupting is heals, and 6/8 classes are basically immune to it anyway.
Good Fights [GF] Mesmer
Many thanks for the bug fix ANet! If only they’re able to fix our other bugs just as fast!
I feel your guys’ pain on this one. It seemed like a throwback to GW1 mesmer, which was pretty cool. Sorry.
Your’s sincerely,
~A thief main
Meh. That’s didn’t last long. I was still trying to figure out how best to use it.
It was probably too good to be true. Mesmers don’t get nice things.
Edit: Just found this.
Apparently we’re more important than daily achievement bugs.
(edited by Herr der Friedhoefe.2490)
Maybe we should make a bug thread explaining how power block right now is bugged.
- it puts skills with cooldown on 10s cooldown
- it doesn’t put skills without cooldown on 5 secon cooldown, like it should. The power block trait states:_ add 5 seconds more cooldown to interrupted skills._
- it doesn’t affect interrupts on bosses with defiant, even though halting strike and other traits activate.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
I wish GW1 was more popular. I’d love to play my mesmer or my monk in TA
And folk wonder why Pyro’s so bleeding pessimistic. Obviously, Mesmers aren’t allowed nice things, and ANet can’t admit that Defiant is an absolutely garbage concept that needs to be reworked. Meh.
Hmmm … wonder when Bless or Black Desert’re getting an English client …?
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)
Thanks for another now pointless GM trait.
Also how can they hotfix this so quickly, yet been months with no fix for something like illusionary elasticity?
(edited by sendmark.4731)
And folk wonder why Pyro’s so bleeding pessimistic. Obviously, Mesmers aren’t allowed nice things, and ANet can’t admit that Defiant is an absolutely garbage concept that needs to be reworked. Meh.
Hmmm … wonder when Bless or Black Desert’re getting an English client …?
Yeah, I certainly didn’t start this way. Playing this game has honed my pessimism to a fine edge, I must admit.
powerblock should absolutely be able to put thief weapon skills on cd. why would anyone take this now? I mean it’s not even guaranteed to interrupt the skill, the mesmer still HAS to time it right… I don’t get it.
A fair trade would be not letting auto attacks be put on cd, but all other weapon skills are up for grabs(including thieves). Has a DEV ever interrupted a thief with a mesmer mid- heartseeker? it’s a kittening rush when you land it right, and it is not 100% guaranteed to land even if you have a lot of practice. Spending points for a GM trait in a line that would make you sacrifice either dodge clones or CI for Power block for an interrupt build is not op….
(edited by wondo.2870)
I’m fascinated in how fast they can fix some bugs, while others take months, even years…
Guild Wars 2 is becoming Condi-spamming Wars 2.
i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz
This is so lame.
A already was disappointed when I read the patch notes for Mesmers, which contained ZERO balancing and only bug fixes…from witch at least the half didn’t even work.
How long is it, that Mesmer has seen the last “intentional” buff by ANet?
It seems, the only buffs we get are bugs like Confounding Suggestions + Chaos Storm bug or now Power Block.
Still works against Moa’s (for now).
I agree Neurophen, I really wish GW1 was still alive at this point.
Sadly the GW2 devs intend this game to be geared for a certain audience (it took me a long time to realize this, even though the “Back to School” thing should’ve been a huge warning sign). If you want to play games intended for adults I’d look elsewhere.
Actually, the game is catered more towards casuals than children in schools, although a lot of the hardcore players tend to be college students or around that age-range, from what I’ve seen.
Does anyone remember that time that ANet said they only added the ICD on Shatters as a band-aid until they fixed the bug that caused multiple shatters going off simultaneously to copy on each other (6 clones shattering at once would cause up to 6 shatters of both types)? Oh wait, we still have the ICD, that’s right…
Qty Description Price
1 WildStar Deluxe Edition Prepurchase £49.99
Someone on the dev team seems to hate mesmers
Qty Description Price
1 WildStar Deluxe Edition Prepurchase £49.99
if they continue this kitten then yea I hope wildstar doesn’t cater to casuals that much.
(edited by SSalp.6423)
And pwarden remains broken since… November? Bravo, Anet.
Back to chaotic interruption then, I was enjoying res control and thief defence, but now there’s no real benefit to this trait.
Also a shame my clones can’t proc sigil of generosity any more, but that one is understandable :P
Back to chaotic interruption then
, I was enjoying res control and thief defence, but now there’s no real benefit to this trait.
Also a shame my clones can’t proc sigil of generosity any more, but that one is understandable :P
See this ^
People don’t want OP skills and traits just VIABLE alternatives that are fun, useful and intuitive.
What’s the point of adding new traits that no one will use? I didnt see any huge outcry about Powerblock and most seemed to think it was fine the way it was. So since the skill is now rather clumsy and unintuitive please update the tooltip
‘Enemy Skills that you interupt have an increased cooldown – 10s …Apart from auto attacks…oh ya and all thief skills…oh and stomps…and rezzes..yeah those ..and people with stability..and keep lords….oh and anything with the defiance buff.’
Ill be honest, when I told Grouch about putting thief skills on cd, he seemed very shocked I was able to do that. I kinda figured this was gonna happen, so I did tell him that this was actually a good counter to thief for mesmers since it took skill. Guess it didn’t matter. Oh well…
I don’t mind the bug fixes, but could they have least fixed a few bugs that can actually help the mesmer too.
It should have been changed to ’doesn’t interrupt through stability’
that would have made a nice counter to build around but completely destroying it was dumb…if i worked somewhere and built stuff then destroyed them the week after, i doubt id work there long.
I honestly don’t understand what th rage is all about …
Violette Glory [Warrior]
Bala Rama [Herald]