Patch - Time Warp Nerf

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: warchanter.9574


" Reduced quickness from 100% attack speed to 50%.

As we push to improve balance in both PvE and PvP, a few mechanics in the game will be receiving updates to promote fun and balanced play. In the past, quickness has granted double the action speed normally available to players. In PvP, this speed gives most players almost no chance to react to incoming abilities and allows for massive spike damage in extremely short periods of time. In PvE, the increased attack speed can trivialize a lot of content that would otherwise provide a good challenge. Therefore, we are reducing the speed that quickness allows by half of its current potential while slightly increasing the duration on player-activated skills ."

-Take another great Skill from the Mesmer ……

[DaP] Warchanter -Mesmer – TC
[DaP] Bench War Mer -Gaurdian – TC

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: dani.1956


Well it’s good now , players will want only guardian and warrior on party !

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ballads.2509


They need to increase the duration like every other skill wtf.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2735


I don’t mind the timewarp nerf even I could see it was far too powerful. I’m just happy they also buffed scepter and greatsword so it’s not all bad.

•— Fay Everdunes | Fay Erduna | Lilyfay (Fay.2735) — Mesmer/Revenant — [NA]FA — 8k±Hrs Played —•
Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


Don’t realy care, just happy I can farm events now.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dastion.3106


They nerfed the effect if ALL quickness skills, not just Time Warp. It’s still an incredibly potent Elite – maybe now I’ll use Moa for something other than turning Tentacles in Jade Maw into Moas for giggles.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


I’m ok with TW getting brought down. Maybe now folk’ll cry less about Mesmers being OP. Now, the beam buff … glad I picked up that Oikomene yesterday

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Heldenzeit.8903


It was necessary.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mister Mustard.7203

Mister Mustard.7203

I like the change a lot. It would have been one thing to nerf TW alone, but the quickness change across the board is great.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: My Sweet Lily.1952

My Sweet Lily.1952

Well it’s not that bad, I still want a Mesmer in my party, atleast he/she can make it still faster, just not that fast. I would be mad, if TW would have been the only Quickness skill brought down to 50%, but it’s not a big problem as all Quickness is now 50%.

Nymeriali #Druid
[TLA] Desolation (EU)

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

They promised to increase duration of Quickness effects and they didnt on Time Warp fail. Although i can live with the nerf. But 10 seconds is incredible short, no matter how you turn it, and ‘only’ a 50% increase is to few in 10 secs to make a difference on ‘slow casting’ professions imo.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


They promised to increase duration of Quickness effects and they didnt on Time Warp fail. Although i can live with the nerf. But 10 seconds is incredible short, no matter how you turn it, and ‘only’ a 50% increase is to few in 10 secs to make a difference on ‘slow casting’ professions imo.

If they increased the duration all that much longer it would be a very long ethereal field (it’s ethereal right? Can’t remember). TW was much more than just the quickness speed component for an individual. Being able to give 5 people a decent amount of quickness is pretty awesome borderline over powered, so giving this an even longer duration was probably a big concern for them.

What they should have done was build it similar to shadow refuge where it will give you quickness duration in pulses that way the ethereal field component is limited but the quickness duration can be added still. I think that would probably work.

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dastion.3106


Compared to the utility versions:
Twice the duration, 5x the targets, no self-debuff, ethereal field.

Still sounds like a kitten good elite to me.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

200 seconds cooldown is WAY to much for a lousy 10 secs quickness. The Ethereal is nice but glamour/staff already have almost full uptime on that, so it’s just a bonus nothing more. Either they heavely(it’s an elite that should be way better then utilities with 60-90 sec cooldown) reduce the cooldown, or increase uptime to at least 15 secs. That’s just my take on it. Or it should be glamour skill so that traits with glamour stuff affect it. Moa is only good in specific situations and WAY to long cooldown. Mesmer/Ele and a few others really should all have at least one 90 sec or lower cooldown elite (like thief/warrior/necromancer/guardian). and the cloack one, meh just meh. Decoy is instant cast, adds a clone on top of it, and has almost 3x shorter cooldown. It’s also a skill that has no offence at all to it, so using ‘superior rune of lyssa’, makes it kinda pointless (remove all condition/get all boons, on elite use).

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Acension.9270


I’m perfectly OK with the quickness nerf, not warriors and thiefs wont be able to come and kill me super fast without me being able to react! Even though i am a Mesmer i think that the Time Warp Nerf was a good thing.

Trolls :)

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


Love the quickness nerf! Wish they reduced the cool down on TW to compensate though. But still very happy

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: timmyf.1490


Not thrilled with the nerf, but I get it. Would be cool if TW were now considered a glamour so traits would affect it. (Given the rather substantial nerf, it seems like that might be okay.)

Karaoke – Guild Leader – [MEGA] Super Mega Happy Fun Time /

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

To be fair, Time Warp was really OP to begin with. 10 Second AoE haste with no drawbacks is intense, even with haste’s reduction in potency.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daishi.6027


I agree with @Phoebe Ascension’s lower cool down suggestion.

Increasing the time just doesn’t seem reasonable, though it never felt like it ever lasted 10 seconds.

But a C/D reduction to match the nerf I think would be fair IMO.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: tetrodoxin.2134


I’m fine with the change. Now reduce the cooldown to 180s and everything’s perfect. :0

Anet hates [your class], since [other classes] got buffs while [your class] only received nerfs.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


TW was the strongest Elite in game and is still really viable.

50% more damage for 5 players for 10 seconde is a lot.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

The only people in a position to complain about the decrease to haste are those that used haste runes/sigils. TW is still a really powerful skill whereas before it was a stupidly powerful skill…there’s still not much reason to swap to anything other elite since they are so very situational.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


The only people in a position to complain about the decrease to haste are those that used haste runes/sigils. TW is still a really powerful skill whereas before it was a stupidly powerful skill…there’s still not much reason to swap to anything other elite since they are so very situational.

Agreed. Mesmers also survived without having shatter nerfed, which is pretty huge.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

They didnt end up nerfing shatters? XD

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jordy.1570


this is ridicolous. it has been already a dificult skill. sure it op in pvp. but now they screwed up pve. ill go back to my faceroll guard…. this is….

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Harbinger.9645


Luckily they never officially stated they were nerfing shatters and I’m really glad they didn’t. Shatters while dealing decent damage when specced for it, are no where near the type of burst some of the other classes can achieve with much greater frequency, I’m looking at you thieves and warriors. ;-)

Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Craigerade.5947


“Therefore, we are reducing the speed that quickness allows by half of its current potential while slightly increasing the duration on player-activated skills.” If they aren’t increasing the duration or decreasing the CD of Time Warp then it is getting nerfed more than other quickness skills. It’s disappointing because Mesmers are brought to groups for their utilities, and now your nerfing the best one(plus you nerfed portals last patch). At least make TW a glamor skill like others suggested so you could trait a lower CD.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dastion.3106


The only quickness skills which gained duration were those which had a penalty attached, and the penalty was increased as well

Quickness Which Gained Duration:
Frenzy: Also gained 1s of 1.5x dmg taken.
Haste: Also gained 1s of stuck at zero Endurance.
Zephyr: Also gained 1s of no healing.

Quickness which did not gain duration
-Time Warp
-Zealot’s Fervor
-Last Chance
-Critical Haste
-Instictual Bond
-Zephyr’s Speed
-Orrian Runes
-Balthazar Runes
-Rage Sigils

We were hardly singled out, and we still have one of the best group elites in the game. Get over it already, it’s not that bad.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Time warp remains possibly the best utility elite in the game. It was nerfed along with every other quickness skill in the game.

Quit whining. This isn’t the end of the world. If you care so much that you will now go back to your guardian or warrior or w/e, go right ahead, we don’t want you.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dracatis.1908


Ouch this was my elite of choice, people liked me in their party just for that, my build was based on using it and One Hand sword to stack Vuln and remove buffs… now it’s kinda pathetic.

Our stealth gets nerfed more making Mass Invisibility worse(good for WvW), so both our best elites just got ruined pretty hard. Moa doesn’t help in a class that can hardly DPS anyhow, especially if they aren’t attacking. The only buff I got personally was Confusing Images(scepter) hitting things between me and my target, while decent, this hardly makes up for it.

Man… I might have to start using my Asura Golems again… this sucks.

“We are the makers of the music, we are the dreamers of the dream”
-Willy Wonka(Gene Wilder)

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Navi.7142


Man… I might have to start using my Asura Golems again… this sucks.

With my mesmer I only summon balthazar’s hounds. ^^
(I am only playing pve.)

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


It didn’t really get nerfed that bad. You finish your casts 25% slower (at 75% instead of 50% of skill cast). It’s hardly noticeable on fast skills (other than the super quick whoosh whoosh whoosh of auto attacks) but it’s actually fair. It basically makes Mesmers TW not a OHJEEZWTFDOWEDONOW!

This is coming from a PvE mesmer. I like the change.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

This is coming from a PvE mesmer. I like the change.

I love nerfs too. Keep them coming. More nerfs pls, especially -50% effectiveness ones. As for TW nerf not being noticeable, it is pretty nootiiceeabblee to me.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


This is coming from a PvE mesmer. I like the change.

I love nerfs too. Keep them coming. More nerfs pls, especially -50% effectiveness ones. As for TW nerf not being noticeable, it is pretty nootiiceeabblee to me.

Then stop relying on a skill like that. I run TW but I rarely use my Elite. It’s only when the time calls for it do I use it.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Grounder.7381


quickness : check
stealth : check
blast finisher : check
range : check
feet : check
gimmicky beams : check
bug : …….
mobility : …….
no used crying over spilled milk i guess..

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

quickness : check
stealth : check
blast finisher : check
range : check
feet : check
gimmicky beams : check
bug : …….
mobility : …….
no used crying over spilled milk i guess..

U forgot:

Deliberately spilt milk: Check.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


izerker nerf..

people should put out mroe videos that show them beating 5 guys at once then ask why we got nerfed. if you can beat 5 guys at once…. that is the exact reason you should not make a video of it.

same goes for finishing a dungeon in 5 mins. cof videos = quickness nerf? it sure as hell wasnt pvp i dont think ive ever been killed by a anyone durring quickness.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gazgaz Accidental God.7681

Gazgaz Accidental God.7681

“Therefore, we are reducing the speed that quickness allows by half of its current potential while slightly increasing the duration on player-activated skills.”

Ok Dev’s now fix Time Warp for the extra Duration that you said you give the skills that have/give quickness, other wise you just nerfed the hell out of a great skill.

Or even better add in 25% passive movement to the skill.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Agreed, should add in longer duration as they did with the utility skills

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Alright guys, now you know what to do. If you want something changed cry really hard about it on the SPvP forums.

Wonder what they’ll nerf on our class next?

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kanto.1659


Ouch this was my elite of choice, people liked me in their party just for that, my build was based on using it and One Hand sword to stack Vuln and remove buffs… now it’s kinda pathetic.

Soooo….. Every 200 seconds you had 10 seconds of TW. What did you do in the meanwhile?

Our stealth gets nerfed more making Mass Invisibility worse(good for WvW), so both our best elites just got ruined pretty hard. Moa doesn’t help in a class that can hardly DPS anyhow, especially if they aren’t attacking. The only buff I got personally was Confusing Images(scepter) hitting things between me and my target, while decent, this hardly makes up for it.

Man… I might have to start using my Asura Golems again… this sucks.


my build was based on using it

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Love the quickness nerf! Wish they reduced the cool down on TW to compensate though. But still very happy

This, maybe they’ll get around to it next time.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


These two facts show that this was mainly a mesmer TW nerf.

Thief: Haste skill: Increased duration from 4 seconds to 5 seconds.
Warrior: Frenzy skill: The duration of quickness and its debuffs are now 5 seconds and 6.25 seconds when the player is affected by the Sure-Footed trait.

Where’s my lowered CD on TW or an increased duration?

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


Quickness needed a nerf in PvP. Too easy to burst somebody down in less than 3 seconds.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Threads like this is why I don’t listen to most people talking about mesmers. So many cannot appreciate how strong Time Warp is even after a 50% nerf.

Every profession argues that they are underpowered and every nerf is uncalled for. Mesmers are more complicated than most professions and less overtly powerful. So the quotient of that is slightly higher.

Take your medicine and expect a few more key nerfs to specific areas of mesmer power so they can shore up the entire rest of your profession without you being insanely overpowered.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: ODB.6891


Quickness needed a nerf in PvP. Too easy to burst somebody down in less than 3 seconds.

While this is likely true, pvp is not the sum and total of this game. If the goal was to reduce the likelihood of players getting bursted within a few seconds, then that does not require them to keep the cool down on time warp so ridiculously long. The effect has been halved….the cool down should have been halved as well, in my opinion. Drastically reducing the cool down, in combination with reducing the effects, would still prevent players from getting bursted too quickly and therefore still achieve the desired effect. Having the cool down around 1.5 to 2 minutes is still a lifetime in pvp and a significant downtime in pve.

I’m starting to see what people are are saying about ANET and patching mesmers….has there actually been a patch where mesmers were not actually nerfed in some way? I’ve only been playing one for about 2-3 months and I’m hard pressed to recall anything but nerfs to my set up. Its getting pretty tiresome to see every nerf patch based on pvp whining. Even the “state of the game” videos they do are all about pvp….and the resultant pvp nerfs directly affect pve. Don’t get me wrong, I think TW probably deserved a nerf in the quickness department too, but the cool down needs to come down drastically if it is now half of what it used be in effectiveness.

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


Not just PVP. TW was pretty sick in dungeons, too.

And did you notice that the only quickness skills that got compensation were the ones with penalties? Several of the other quickness skills got the same treatment we did. It’s not just a mesmer nerf. Gotta admit I wouldn’t mind a small CD reduction, though.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Or at least increase the affected targets again! 5 is too small -_-

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: ODB.6891


Threads like this is why I don’t listen to most people talking about mesmers. So many cannot appreciate how strong Time Warp is even after a 50% nerf.

Every profession argues that they are underpowered and every nerf is uncalled for. Mesmers are more complicated than most professions and less overtly powerful. So the quotient of that is slightly higher.

Take your medicine and expect a few more key nerfs to specific areas of mesmer power so they can shore up the entire rest of your profession without you being insanely overpowered.

I don’t mind nerfs to things that are actually overpowered, and honestly the effect of TW was probably a bit over the top in effectiveness….but -50% and leaving the cooldown at almost 4 minutes with no way to reduce? All this for an ability that pretty much requires you to just stand in it to get gibbed? I can understand them wanting to tone down the burst, but then the frequency needs to be increased at the same time.

While nerfs may be appropriate at times, they are never fun or enjoyable. There is also the issue of things that are in need of improvement. So while you are busy nerfing, make a little more effort to improve things as well. Someone was saying they could have put 25% passive ooc movement speed on TW while they were beating it down with the nerf bat. I would have also appreciated the introduction of main hand pistol to our weapon choices.

As far as mesmers being “insanely overpowered”, that is just utility envy. ANET needs to stop forum balancing and realize that just because some of our utilities are better designed than other classes utilities..that does not make us OP. At the same time, some of the utilities of other classes seem better than ours. Portal is not exactly the best ability in GW2, despite it being useful in specific situations. Other classes have been given the equivalent of it already…so that is getting to be less and less of a QQ point for other classes. Honestly my warrior seems like it does 2-3 times as much damage as my mesmer, with much more in and out of combat mobility. I have to say though..that I still enjoy the mesmer more because the abilities are more interesting. I can’t see this whole OP thing people keep crying about when I’ve played Ele, Warr, Necro, and Guard prior to this mesmer. Maybe its something specific to pvp they all cry about, since that is the one thing in the game I really have no interest in so far.

(edited by ODB.6891)

Patch - Time Warp Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


TW was the strongest Elite in game and is still really viable.

50% more damage for 5 players for 10 second is a lot.

Stop for a second and use your brain pls. Its not 50% more dmg nor was it 100% more damage for 10 seconds before the nerf.

TW or really haste in general only increased casting speed by that amount but not cool downs, which in probably 99% of cases is a classes hardest hitting abilites – your phantasms will do exactly the same amount of damage without quickness as they would with it – the damage just happens 2x as fast – a thief can backstab 2x in 10 seconds without quickness, and with quickness … 2 times.

at 50% cast speed increase is more like a 30% increase in dmg overall. regardless anet just took our group support down a bunch of tiers, sadly enough tw was probably the only thing that got us into dungeon groups (i know alot of kitten run “support” builds in PvE) but our zerker dmg vs a thief or warrior doesn’t compare, and now a guardian is much better support over us. PvP wise were still extremely good.

oh well