Phantasm PU raw dps
I guess what you’re asking for doesn’t make much sense. PU necessarily excludes any sort of raw dps build.
So taking PU for the extra stealth means I really should be going condition based?
Is the blackwater build what I’m after then?
Look for Blackdevil’s hybrid build on this forum.
If what you’re looking for a is a PU build that focuses on direct damage (versus condi damage), you might like something like this.
As Pyro points out, this isn’t a “raw dps” build like you might get with all berserker gear and maxing out some traits. But this has been fun and flexible for me for WvW roaming.
Added this build today to my guide , been tetsing it sens I came back. Its Using:
Holebreak runes (might+condition defense)
Might Stacking
Chavaler and knight gear with a few Berzerker
Energy regain = high
Might on dodge food.
With mightstacking up your dmg go skyhigh for a PU roamer.
Direct dmg PU Cat
for solo roaming in WvW ….
I feel like “direct damage PU” has lower dps than “condition damage PU”.
I think it will take longer time when you fight multiple opponents.
(edited by Moth.5682)
for solo roaming in WvW ….
I feel like “direct damage PU” has lower dps than “condition damage PU”.
I think it will take longer time when you fight multiple opponents.
Keep in mind that a direct-damage PU build can bring out a hard hitting mind wrack (figure around 5-6k damage, aoe), blurred frenzy (2-4k damage, aoe), and phantasm hit, and that it takes advantage of vulnerability, which the blackwater and condi builds don’t/can’t match. I’m not sure which has an overall higher dps in the long run, but in my experience direct damage lets you be a little more bursty, which has its advantages in some fights.
(edited by Bunda.2691)
Hybrid is the meta……
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
Try this one ,
You can switch Gs for sword/pistol.
BNF-Bitte nicht füttern-
Smallscale <3 !
(edited by Nubu.6148)
I do the “direct damage” PU thing. It’s viable imo. especially the gs/staff build i run often, it is a kiting machine. It’s not going to ramp up huge numbers, but that’s not the point. In wvw, in real combat situations, its’ not like PvE imo, it’s not about the numbers. I play by that philosophy. for example, a lot of classes have and are often melee, but with gs/staff there is simply no way they can pull off huge numbers on me, with aegis, constant blinks, stealths, -42% dmg reduction.
A direct damage PU build from my own experience can last very long and can do 1vX indeed, but yes, the damage isn’t so bursty, it is about steady heavy damage. I watch the opponent’s health drop by chunks, while I’m always at full.
I also don’t run torch as I feel that limits the OH and flexibility. I also often switch out weaponsets. In a direct damage PU thing, it doesn’t limit you to condition damage weapons or such. I’ve ran sword/sword gs, sword/pistol, sword/focus, etc. I use staff for its defensive purposes. Each can provide flexible strategy in different situations.
Anyway , yeah i think it works well for me. it’s not impressive damage but it’ll be sustained damage. which is useful. I’ve never had problems, except for necro when I didn’t slot in a disenchanter or whatnot lol
Yeah, my preferred playstyle is also direct damage + PU.
I’m just getting back into the game mind you, so I’m very very rusty, but my last builds were:
- 20/20/30/0/0 in pvp, with Sw/T + Sc/Sw (or staff) with berserker’s gear and so on.
- 0/30/30/10/0 in pve/wvw with berserkers/soldier/knights/cavalier and -cond duration runes/food, because needing blink range and inspiration 10 gives access to mender’s purity, medics feedback and compounding celerity, all of which are great to swap between.
Conditions simply a bonus, but I preferred not to focus on them. Burst was obviously less than a full dps shatter/phantasm build, but not negligable providing it was set up effectively.
However now that IC has been moved to an accessible position, and several other changes, I’m reconsidering everything and adapt where possible.
What exact build are you using takatsu?
As an aside, I’ve been trying to work IC into my PU-ish build without success. I just can’t find anything else I can give up without seriously damaging the build.
What exact build are you using takatsu?
As an aside, I’ve been trying to work IC into my PU-ish build without success. I just can’t find anything else I can give up without seriously damaging the build.
Yeah, difficulty for me is with holding on to DE and PU, that only gives 20 points spare, 15 of which are needed for IC, and then the last 5 points are almost meaningless – domination 5 is useless, insp 5 also not great anymore, illusions 20 – well I don’t like any of the majors there – elasticity possibly for staff, but then lacking any traited condition removal, and duelling 25 isn’t great in a direct damage build either.
Hmm, tough choice.
I like DE (because it simply works) but the real killer is Sharper Images, I can’t imagine any sort of phantasm build without it. So that’s 15 mandatory in Dueling. In Domination you need 20 for torch condition removal, or if you go to 10, need 10 for Mender’s Purity. Could try the disenchanter or condition removal mantra, but they’re not as good, the meta is heavily oriented around conditions and mesmers aren’t that great with them at the best of times. I might give that a shot but it will make the build much less tanky.
What exact build are you using takatsu?
As an aside, I’ve been trying to work IC into my PU-ish build without success. I just can’t find anything else I can give up without seriously damaging the build.
My two common build variants are in my signature 10/20/30/10. the main concept was just the standard 20 dodge clone, 30 PU, 10 condi removal on heal, esp if mantra heal it would be four condi removals before a short CD, leaving your slot skills for max stealth, or free slot for whatever is necessary. I feel that my build gives me alot of versatility and flexibility to switch weapon sets, and at least one free slot skill. I also never felt the necessity of reducing CD for gs or aiding OH skills either, imo. I don’t stay on gs for that long, it’s always constant weapon swapping whenever possible. Extra pistol range, or even focus reflect to me wasn’t necessary at all to consider, in the heat of combat, those are only small toppings to add. i.e. reflections not many classes while roaming stay ranged or would people continue firing into reflection for too long from what i’ve encountered, nor do i really need it with a mirror heal and aegis/damage reduction/stealths/blinks/dodges.
Yeah i’m also considering IC but it might be a bit to overrated and hyped up because of the patch. I don’t feel it would be really necessary, with everything we already have and weapon swapping. I can see how it would be be important if we sacrifice clone dodge, and just rely on illusion production skills
(edited by takatsu.9416)
Could try the disenchanter or condition removal mantra, but they’re not as good, the meta is heavily oriented around conditions and mesmers aren’t that great with them at the best of times. I might give that a shot but it will make the build much less tanky.
Yeah one hotjoin was enough to convince me not to bother with that. The mantra is too slow and the disenchanter too unreliable for the current meta.
Thanks takatsu, sounds similar to Blackdevil’s hybrid.
(edited by Qaelyn.7612)
Yeah one hotjoin was enough to convince me not to bother with that. The mantra is too slow and the disenchanter too unreliable for the current meta.
Thanks takatsu, sounds similar to Blackdevil’s hybrid.
Yeah, I realized it was similar traits after i was running it for a while xD blackdevil does get some condi. which might be nice but i was never one for hybrid-ing
I think my build would be better if you arrange it to gain more might stacks. I just prefer to go steady. I reckon it could do a lot more damage if you get might or even grab a few bloodlust weapons and farm mobs then take it into action
(edited by takatsu.9416)
20 (III, IX) / 20 (IV, X) / 30 (V, VII, XII) /0/0
Sword / Torch & Scepter / Sword.
Berserker Gear all around, Runes of your choice. (Traveler, Centaur, or Air are my offensive recommendations for punch and mobility utility)
Cavalier trinkets (Toughness, Power, Critical Damage) are optional Armor boosters if you’re feeling squishy at the cost of some power and precision.
Make Swordsmen and Stealth around. Scepter #3 can pack a bunch at 900 range, but is obscenely telegraphed. Riposte with Scepter #2 or Off-Hand Sword #4 as needed. (The latter does a ton of damage when it connects) Main-Hand Sword #2 is also strong active defense + AoE damage. Torch #4 does decent AoE direct damage too once the stealth breaks.
It’s definitely viable, especially for duels. If anything, having all of that Stealth and Boon generation (+duration from Chaos line) makes it even easier to sacrifice toughness and vitality for more damage. It likely isn’t as easy to play as a Condition + Bunker + Stealth build that one would typically run with the torch, but it can be a nice change of pace if you wanna switch things up and like seeing really big numbers.
Other trait options can be Desperate Decoy, Retaliation on Block, etc. etc.