Problem Solved. ^^

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


I had never noticed this honestly because well I let most my stealth run their whole course to make sure I am getting all my loverly boons from PU.

However, last night ran into one of those D/P spam dark field and heartseeker through it “ahahhah I can stealth A LOT” thief and noticed something. Honestly, after a year of the game this was the first time I had personally ran into one of these guys and wow annoying. Don’t really find the dark field spam the OP part.

The OP part was that one of my fav ways to deal with stealthers is to Chaos Field on myself. Well it just so happened that I had an Aegis on and that blocked her first attack then Chaos Field granted me an immediate new one and that blocked her second and then I blocked her third with my scepter. She never got revealed once.

Has it always been like this? I mean if you block something you know where it is coming from. Yes I am QQn a bit but seriously? I blocked three attacks in a row and then she had to restealth from just falling out of it naturally.

Another reason I am QQn a bit is it seemed that when I blocked her in stealth and then it didn’t reveal her but then she hit me immediately after to reveal herself she never once had Torment on. I know thieves have cure conditions while in stealth but it has a CD of 3s or so ya? I mean she never once had it like I wasn’t applying it while she was in stealth. Am I going crazy?

(edited by Hexxen.7216)

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


AFAIK, it’s doing damage that causes revealed – so if you blocked the attacks, the thief wasn’t doing damage and wouldn’t get revealed. I think it’s the same when we summon phantasms from stealth – I’m not entirely sure (since I do it in WvW when everything is chaos anyway), but the phant summon (and its subsequent damage caused by its attack) doesn’t break my stealth either.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


I understand our phantasms not revealing us. The act of summoning isn’t really an “attack” then the attack of the phantasm itself isn’t actually coming from us.

Really my main issue/question was if I was going crazy or something that my torment was never applying on her when I blocked her when she was in stealth.

(Even though I think a block should totally reveal you.)

(edited by Hexxen.7216)

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dhampyr.2104


Ah, I missed that part – and I’m assuming you mean torment? All I can think is what you already mentioned – the condi clear in stealth got rid of it.

And agree completely, block should reveal the stealthed person.

Eve Morrow, Mesmer, Eve Flamescythe, Ele
Tarnished Coast

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


Totally meant Torment sorry, was reading necro forums earlier.

I run a condition build though and rarely have only one condition on them at a time. Is Terror even higher priority for removal than Confusion? Either way I really want a Thief friend to test this with. ^^

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


To become revealed you need to:

  1. Use a damaging attack.
  2. It has to connect.

The issue with Blocking is that it removes the second part. But OTOH, the immunity PvE mobs have still lets attacks connect (i.e.: clones spawn from Scepter autoattack, even if it deals no damage), so you get revealed if you stealth-attack those.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


OK, we got the revealed part down. Even though I still think block should reveal you. ^^

Anyone else notice the Torment issue with Scepter or have an easier time to be able to test it properly?

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


Just tested it in the Mists. 100% put Torment on the target. It was a controlled test. So I guess that Thief had the condition cleans while in stealth even though I just can’t believe how luck she was getting. Maybe they did make Torment rather high priority even more so than confusion.

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: DavyMcB.1603


Reveal should initiate when a person decides to “attack”. There should be a penalty even if you’re blinded or aegised.

It’s ridiculous to be …… oh I miss that 8k backstab never mind I’ll try that again, oh I miss again never mind I’ll do it again and oh again? ok never mind I’ll do it again…


Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Did you land the torment counter-attack on the Thief after blocking with Illusionary Counter? Because it’s perfectly possible that the Thief dodged right after you blocked the attack and would therefore not be hit with the Torment on the counter.

And yes, all blocked attacks should reveal anyone in stealth.


(edited by Simonoly.4352)

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


Someone might be able to do that but this thief was for sure not skilled enough.

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aquilus.9423


I believe condition cleanses work on a first on-last-out basis; Eg: I apply Burning on you, then Torment, and you use Mender’s Purity. Torment is removed since it was the last condition put on you. At least, I think that’s how it works. This should be easy to test though.

The Xaldin Edge [XE] ~ Sorrow’s Furnace

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

As a mesmer, stand nearby your clones and when you block, the attack lands on them, revealing the thief.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


As a mesmer, stand nearby your clones and when you block, the attack lands on them, revealing the thief.

Really? Hmm I must admit did not know this. ^^

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Elidath.5679


IIRC for this, it needs to be a cleaving attack. I don’t think backstab fall into this category, does it?

Problem Solved. ^^

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aquilus.9423


Normally yes, but if you can make the Thief backstab your clone, then he’s revealed and you can /laugh at him

The Xaldin Edge [XE] ~ Sorrow’s Furnace