PvP support build? Critique pls!

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Since I was bored, I made this build for an OMFG member.

My inspiration was the concept of the Chaos Maestro Build.

Changed my build, Healing power scales Horrendously with Restorative Mantras (Thanks Chaos!)


I got Bountiful Disillusionment, For the boons, (Again only takes 1 clone to proc)
Changed to a power spec and got Focus for the AoE interrupt (For BI Synergy)
I was hoping to get rabid (But I do not have the Sharper Images Trait)
I leaned to a power spec because it will benefit my phants too so I could help group fights. Also pow Benefits Retal.(Altho it has been nerfed to the ground)
Removed PU (Chaos’ Suggestion, but I have no Idea what survivability this build has)
Added Disenchanter for Boonstrip and Additional Condi Cleanse (Dondragora’s Suggestion, Disenchanter could also be used for fodder)
Runes of the Pack for AOE, Might Fury Swiftness)

Yes I have shatter traits and no DE.

Vigorous Revelation procs even with 1 clone for the full effect
Shattered Conditions is beneficial even with 1 or 2 clones.

*Disenchanter can be changed for Decoy for survivability
*Could go 0 into dueling (-100 prec, fury on phant, even tho i have 46% base crit chance) and go into Dom (+100 power and Signet Mastery or Phantasm Trait) or go into Illu (Retaliation trait with Reduced Shatter Cds)

So what you guys think?


Swapped Chaotic Dampening With Bountiful Interruption
I also think Soldier’s Amy is a better choice? Maybe?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

(edited by StickerHappy.8052)

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Noah.9654


I like how this build is different and shows a cooler support side of the Mesmer, but I feel like this would be more useful in medium-sized roaming parties in WvW. I say this because this build’s success seems to hinge on having a partner to share your boons with and support which could hinder your team if you’re up against a coordinated premade. That coupled with the fact that PU is bad at holding points (but good for this build) would essentially make it a 4.5v5 in conquest.

If you don’t mind, I would love to try using this in WvW or Courtyard in PvP as I can see real potential for this build in deathmatch!

Edit: I think Null Field over MoP could be really useful if you really wanna get into supporting teammates!

“Exceed your limits, and dance.”

(edited by Noah.9654)

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

I’m leaving work, and thus not much time to comment, but I’m not so certain your trait spread is optimal. For one, BI is a must-have in a boonshare build, thats 5x might AND a random boon on interrupt, even if you’re only interrupting with C-storm it’ll pay off when you Stormshare (Chaos Storm + Signet)

The Restorative Mantras healing idea can work, but with both shattered conditions and vigorous revelations you’re going to badly need DE for clone fodder. Healing power scales lousy with Restorative, but I dunno how it works with the runes/sigils otherwise I’d lean towards Rabid ammy (or even, maybe, a hybrid?)

Also PU is holding you back if you’re only taking it for the boons. It’s not worth it over DE.

Keep tweaking though, you’re on to something.

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I like how this build is different and shows a cooler support side of the Mesmer, but I feel like this would be more useful in medium-sized roaming parties in WvW. I say this because this build’s success seems to hinge on having a partner to share your boons with and support which could hinder your team if you’re up against a coordinated premade. That coupled with the fact that PU is bad at holding points (but good for this build) would essentially make it a 4.5v5 in conquest.

If you don’t mind, I would love to try using this in WvW or Courtyard in PvP as I can see real potential for this build in deathmatch!

Edit: I think Null Field over MoP could be really useful if you really wanna get into supporting teammates!

Of course! go ahead.
The reason I got MoP is because for its low CD, and you will be able to spam it with Restorative Mantras Trait. Null is good for boon strip and Condi Cleanse but on a 40 sec cd ( i think).

As you’ve said, I made this build entirely for supporting your partner. For example, I run shatter mes most of the time in spvp, so I could take care of the boonstrip and Burst part, my partner will take care of healing, defense, condi cleanse, and the additional condi pressure.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I’m leaving work, and thus not much time to comment, but I’m not so certain your trait spread is optimal. For one, BI is a must-have in a boonshare build, thats 5x might AND a random boon on interrupt, even if you’re only interrupting with C-storm it’ll pay off when you Stormshare (Chaos Storm + Signet)

The Restorative Mantras healing idea can work, but with both shattered conditions and vigorous revelations you’re going to badly need DE for clone fodder. Healing power scales lousy with Restorative, but I dunno how it works with the runes/sigils otherwise I’d lean towards Rabid ammy (or even, maybe, a hybrid?)

Also PU is holding you back if you’re only taking it for the boons. It’s not worth it over DE.

Keep tweaking though, you’re on to something.

Okay ill take BI, thanks chaos. But for DE, as I’ve said, Vigor Shatter works with only 1 clone because it procs with per shatter mechanic you use, not with the number of clones. The shattered conditions definitely works better with DE, but yea, i think with AA, phase retreat, torment block, phantasms would suffice.

Yes’ I’m getting PU for the boons but I also got it to increase survivability of the user, because once focused, it will be over, so no more support for the party.

I will test it with DE and tell you the results! Thanks chaos!

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


True on the VS thing, but the vigor synergizes with DE for more clones. Here’s an idea, though it will require some give for the take: Take out of the 2 points from Inspiration and Illusions each, losing your condi-cleanse on shatter. Instead, you can switch out Signet of Inspiration for Disenchanter, a constant boon-condition removal which can be shattered too. You can put these points in Dueling for DE and Mantra CD.

Alternatively, you can take the points out of Inspiration to add 2 to Illusions and get Phantasmal Haste, adding to the Disenchanter’s effectiveness.

Or, a more off-bar alternative could be traiting for retaliation. The set up would be 0/2/6/4/2, keeping all your traits minus cleansing and changing MoM for Confusing Cry, and adding Retaliatory Block. This would give you a large amount of retal to share. The weakness is no cleansing.

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


True on the VS thing, but the vigor synergizes with DE for more clones. Here’s an idea, though it will require some give for the take: Take out of the 2 points from Inspiration and Illusions each, losing your condi-cleanse on shatter. Instead, you can switch out Signet of Inspiration for Disenchanter, a constant boon-condition removal which can be shattered too. You can put these points in Dueling for DE and Mantra CD.

Alternatively, you can take the points out of Inspiration to add 2 to Illusions and get Phantasmal Haste, adding to the Disenchanter’s effectiveness.

Or, a more off-bar alternative could be traiting for retaliation. The set up would be 0/2/6/4/2, keeping all your traits minus cleansing and changing MoM for Confusing Cry, and adding Retaliatory Block. This would give you a large amount of retal to share. The weakness is no cleansing.

Yes true on the vigor,. but again the Vigor is not for me, its for the group. I’m rehashing my build right now. give me a sec.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Bump. Updated, Changed the build almost entirely

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


I don’t think bountiful disillusionment is the best choice in it’s current state – so weak.

A note on shattered conditions. It’s decent if you’re an on point bunker or using it selfishly. Once you leave the point, your group support diminishes greatly. I honestly don’t think it’s very reliable to use by itself for condition management in a support focused build for a couple reasons:

  • Condition isn’t cleansed until illusion begins it’s shatter animation. This means you have to wait as it trudges to it’s target (who could be moving). Could be 10 seconds before you/your ally receives the cleanse when you need it now.
  • You don’t have reliable on demand cleanse ability. If you take DE, it’s better cause you can dodge > shatter to cleanse, but even then still not fool proof if you’re out of endurance or you don’t have a target within 600 range. IP is the only ultimate fix for this. No illusions required and you don’t even have to be within 600 range to cleanse (tested only on myself but assume it works on ally next to you).

To provide good condition support, I think you have to solve that on demand issue. Mantra of resolve seems to fit the bill for this, but obviously not as strong as the trait on point due to limited charges. So how about a compromise?

With mesmer support I think you almost need to choose between three different focuses. Are you going to support with 1) traits, 2) utilities or 3) boon share? I don’t think you can do all at once very well. You can pull off trying two in one build but it’s challenging to get the most out of.

So for trait support, you could maybe run something like x/6/x/6/x with harmonious mantras, DE and everything you currently have in inspiration. It all works together well with plenty of vigor to keep endurance full for you/allies, decent healing with mantras, plus massive condition removal on point and for your roamers. Obviously with this you wouldn’t run the signet as boon share isn’t the focus.

For boon support, I think 6 in chaos is mandatory as you have. Signet mastery might be good. I’d run chaotic dampening and BI together (I do that in my utility wizard build and it’s great). Everything else is about the boons, so choose traits that provide them (vigorous revalation, etc) and if you have enough points to spend from there, move into another focus area.

Just some ideas, hope it helps.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


If boon sharing isn’t the road your gonna take then a change in runes might be a good thing. Take a look at water or even monk for a bit more self-support and boon duration increase.

Fanged Wisdom- [BBQ]/[OMFG]
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


How about a field supporter using various utility skills to give your partner an advantage? This can be complimented by Mantra healing+Rune of Water, since it’ll proc on mantra charges every 10 seconds.


It’s only theoretical, but if you used focus to act as a reflecting wall, you’ll have 5 fields to put down at your convenience, and a little burst healing. In such a way you can create a more advantageous battle field for your partner while you try to stay at safer distances.

You can also replace Mantra heal for longer lasting glamours, and chaotic dampening for BI. If you want to, you can switch Cleric stats for Magi stats and change out a sigil for a Sigil of Fire. This allows for interesting combos such as using the Fire Blast to give your team Chaos Armor. You can probably also use Valkyrie instead of Cleric since it isn’t focused on healing so much. For that same reason, you can abandon healing completely and go for survivability, perhaps Ice Runes for that Ice Nova or Mercy Runes for speedy revives.

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I don’t think bountiful disillusionment is the best choice in it’s current state – so weak.

A note on shattered conditions. It’s decent if you’re an on point bunker or using it selfishly. Once you leave the point, your group support diminishes greatly. I honestly don’t think it’s very reliable to use by itself for condition management in a support focused build for a couple reasons:

  • Condition isn’t cleansed until illusion begins it’s shatter animation. This means you have to wait as it trudges to it’s target (who could be moving). Could be 10 seconds before you/your ally receives the cleanse when you need it now.
  • You don’t have reliable on demand cleanse ability. If you take DE, it’s better cause you can dodge > shatter to cleanse, but even then still not fool proof if you’re out of endurance or you don’t have a target within 600 range. IP is the only ultimate fix for this. No illusions required and you don’t even have to be within 600 range to cleanse (tested only on myself but assume it works on ally next to you).

To provide good condition support, I think you have to solve that on demand issue. Mantra of resolve seems to fit the bill for this, but obviously not as strong as the trait on point due to limited charges. So how about a compromise?

With mesmer support I think you almost need to choose between three different focuses. Are you going to support with 1) traits, 2) utilities or 3) boon share? I don’t think you can do all at once very well. You can pull off trying two in one build but it’s challenging to get the most out of.

So for trait support, you could maybe run something like x/6/x/6/x with harmonious mantras, DE and everything you currently have in inspiration. It all works together well with plenty of vigor to keep endurance full for you/allies, decent healing with mantras, plus massive condition removal on point and for your roamers. Obviously with this you wouldn’t run the signet as boon share isn’t the focus.

For boon support, I think 6 in chaos is mandatory as you have. Signet mastery might be good. I’d run chaotic dampening and BI together (I do that in my utility wizard build and it’s great). Everything else is about the boons, so choose traits that provide them (vigorous revalation, etc) and if you have enough points to spend from there, move into another focus area.

Just some ideas, hope it helps.

Wouldn’t Be Harmonious Mantras and Restorative Mantras Counterproductive? Since you have 1 more charge extra before you can charge it again?

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


How about a field supporter using various utility skills to give your partner an advantage? This can be complimented by Mantra healing+Rune of Water, since it’ll proc on mantra charges every 10 seconds.


It’s only theoretical, but if you used focus to act as a reflecting wall, you’ll have 5 fields to put down at your convenience, and a little burst healing. In such a way you can create a more advantageous battle field for your partner while you try to stay at safer distances.

You can also replace Mantra heal for longer lasting glamours, and chaotic dampening for BI. If you want to, you can switch Cleric stats for Magi stats and change out a sigil for a Sigil of Fire. This allows for interesting combos such as using the Fire Blast to give your team Chaos Armor. You can probably also use Valkyrie instead of Cleric since it isn’t focused on healing so much. For that same reason, you can abandon healing completely and go for survivability, perhaps Ice Runes for that Ice Nova or Mercy Runes for speedy revives.

I would change the amulet, even without Healing power, Restorative Mantras will still heal for 2.6k. I think i’ll try mercy.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Wouldn’t Be Harmonious Mantras and Restorative Mantras Counterproductive? Since you have 1 more charge extra before you can charge it again?

Only slightly I think, not a big deal. This way you actually get to play a bit more instead of constantly charging. Hopefully you wouldn’t need to be literally spamming it over and over, but in case you do, I guess you could look at it as 3 quick MoP small damage bursts.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Windwalker.7421


On the topic of support builds, here is the latest edition of my MtD/Support build I posted a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it will give you or others some ideas or a completely new inspiration for a “supportive and fun” Mesmer.


Contrary to your build, this one isn’t about boon control, but is more a combination of RM healing plus AoE condition damage build. So this build is much more offensive, with the possibility to throw down some major AoE mayhem in team fights that —in some instances at least-- can rival the damage output of a GC shatter Mesmer. (It’s not rare at all for me to get top kills. )

I’ve been playing this for a while in hot joins prior to the patch, and having a blast with it in the arenas since the patch too. It is an extremely versatile build that allows you to assault points against 1-3 opponents, defend points from 1-3 opponents, and gives every profession and build combo in the game a run for their money in 1v1.

The reason I post it here is because I think your build has some significant weaknesses that I think will make it frustrating to play in the longer run. You lack stun clears, condition cleanses, and you require a lot of Might stacking to get decent damage output. (And even then, you lack Ferocity to make it really sting.) Power damage just relies on so many factors that make hybrid or tough/tanky builds almost impossible…by design.

Although people will again critique the Stealth I still favor, the fact is that Stealth is a huge part of our defense that should not be ignored. You can do quite well w/o it in 1v1 to defend a point, thanks to ca. 1900 Toughness, 17.5k HPs, Staff, and a ton of healing and condie removal. In team fights on a point, however, Stealth is still so extremely valuable to keep you alive; dropping targets, and recharging mantras to provide AoE Heals to your team whilst your conditions are ticking away. However, if you don’t like it then you can always change Decoy to something else, such as iDisenchanter or NF. (I’d keep Torch personally for offense and since no other Phantasm works for this build due to the low crit chance.)

This is definitely less supportive then your build, no doubt, but it is IMO more fun and well-rounded due to the fact that you have perma speed, adequate condie removal and stun-removal, great survivability from tough/hp/staff/heals/regen, and still puts out very strong AoE condie pressure. All that, and you’re healing your teammates while keeping yourself alive and your conditions ticking!

Especially for pickup team games, this build allows you to do well in all roles, on all maps, and nearly all facets of PvP.

NOTE: In organized teams, where your role is well defined and heavily incorporated in the entire teams strategy, this is a completely different world! You need to be specialized towards that role, and you can rely on others to make up for your weaknesses in regards to lacking survivability! In pickup arena games you do NOT have that luxury, because you can bet on the fact that your team will not properly support you most of the time. Here this build works extremely well because it is so versatile.

(edited by Windwalker.7421)

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Sticker, that is an extremely complex build to play for someone who is new to PvP. It means you need to have really good map and positional awareness, illusion management, reflexes and mechanical skill just to be effective. You also have to be pretty knowledgeable about your boon management.

I think you should suggest something more structured, akin to Windwalker’s, while this current build concept develops

PvP support build? Critique pls!

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


Sticker, that is an extremely complex build to play for someone who is new to PvP. It means you need to have really good map and positional awareness, illusion management, reflexes and mechanical skill just to be effective. You also have to be pretty knowledgeable about your boon management.

I think you should suggest something more structured, akin to Windwalker’s, while this current build concept develops

Is that so? yeah i think i noticed when we were running that 5 man team, Hmm, i guess ill revise and tweak the build.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus