Should GS3 be...
For me, the issue isn’t so much “is it too weak.” My view is there is no good reason for it to be ground targeted. Most of the time we get ground targeted abilities because there are reasons we might want to play with where the AoE lands. However, GS3’s aoe isn’t really big enough to warrant that mechanic, and it feels like it is only there to make the power more difficult to use. It doesn’t even have the “good for me, bad for you” that many of the other Mesmer AoE powers have.
If the power was easy to use but weak, we’d be using it. However, it’s somewhat inconvenient and lack luster, so it is often overlooked.
(edited by LegatusLeaf.5934)
I agree with Legatus. I think it’s plenty strong, it just needs to centre under my current target and I’m happy.
I would love to see it ground-targeted, non-rooting, blast finisher. That would greatly help me build might and area swiftness in WvW. Right now I just have to rely on the warrior, guardians, and thieves to might and swift me up.
You know, it’s kind of hard to move while sticking your sword into the ground.
You know, it’s kind of hard to move while sticking your sword into the ground.
I agree. Just add a blast finisher and rooting is more than worth it. Chaos armor for everyone!
My biggest issue with this ability is its target area… its too small. It could be bigger and hit more mobs or maybe the sword comes out of the ground and shatters in a bigger area.
I really wish we had some decent aoe…
I vote for making it bigger, as well… something like an elementalist’s earth AoE abilities.
Or, make it a knockdown / stun. Then it would be worth it.
You know, it’s kind of hard to move while sticking your sword into the ground.
It’s also kinda hard to wield a big greatsword, jam it into the ground, and magically have the tip half break through the ground 900 whatever away. Yet, the game allows it, so why would reasoning dictate that you have to stop lol?
Because it takes focused mind power to stab the GS into the ground. Hence the ‘stop running’ part.
I am ok with the rooting of the ability if it was worth it.
I know if a giant purple sword came bursting out of the ground underneath my feet and stabbed me in the butt I would probably fall over for say… 2 secs? OR that sword may just cut me in two and it would over… just sayin.
The effect should knock foes into the air. That alone would make it useful (and funny!).
Well as far as I tell, iBerserker is no longer a whirl finisher, so I think it’s about time that Mind Stab (or whatever its called later this month) becomes the blast finisher it was always meant to be. It would make it so much more viable without removing the self-root risk.
I liked how it was in beta
The effect should knock foes into the air. That alone would make it useful (and funny!).
lol, oh man if it did a knockback, like some of the hammer skills other classes have, I might actually use my GS again some.
Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]
i used to hate this skill because i had to aim it (which really is weak on my part). Now that im used to it I can iberserker/power spike/mirror blade/power spike/mind stab/power spike things down in wvw stupidly fast. In that whole chain the only skill i have to even aim is mind stab. Really lets not dumb down the GS anymore then it is already.
they need to either make it be a blast finisher, or make it so the boon striped is transferred back to you.
that way if you hit the max 5 targets, you can potentially get 5 boons back.
the berserker is still a whirl finisher, I literally just saw it shoot off lightning bolts.
I am ok with the rooting of the ability if it was worth it.
I know if a giant purple sword came bursting out of the ground underneath my feet and stabbed me in the butt I would probably fall over for say… 2 secs? OR that sword may just cut me in two and it would over… just sayin.
One pixel effect, instadown. lololol
GS already has a whirl finisher (once this is fixed), also giving it a blast finisher (AoE chaos armor for most people) would indeed make it op.
GS already has a whirl finisher (once this is fixed), also giving it a blast finisher (AoE chaos armor for most people) would indeed make it op.
Considering that you’re rooted, have to aim and everyone you want to give chaos armor to has to be in an ethereal field, I don’t see how it would be overpowered. Even if it was, how it is more powerfeul than an ele whom can simply trait themselves to give their auras to teammates with the press of one button. They don’t even have to be rooted for that.
The finish from GS4 disappeared from both the skill and the tooltip. Seems unlikely both teams would pull the same blunder unless it’s intentional. It’s entirely possible this was done to make room for a finisher on GS3 later this month.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
Take away the self root and I’d be happy. That’s by far the worst part.