So slow...

So slow...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I want to go roaming in WvW with my mesmer, but I hate how slow the movement speed is! I don’t like roaming with the focus – I’d rather use a pistol. Besides, the speed boost duration from focus is to short.

Are runes really the only efficient way to get increased speed? And those that have it, is the 25% speed boost good enough? To be honest, I’d rather just keep my mesmer to zergs and get another class to roam.

So slow...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zach.3264


The 25% buff from runes is great. I run them both on my Guard and Mesmer and it honestly feels so worth it.

So slow...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Odokuro.5049


Yeah those Runes of the Traveler are a GREAT investment for a Roamer, seeing as how speed is key and you don’t want to use a focus, these runes would be really worth getting.

The Self-Proclaimed Pervy Sage of Yaks Bend.

So slow...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Taldren.7523


Correction … they are great for a non-condition roamer. Condition mesmers get left out in the cold … well unless you are ok with losing a 165 Condition Damage and other beneficial to your build tweeks.

80 Elementalist (RotV), 80 Mesmer (RotV)
80 Necromancer (IRNY), 80 Guardian (IRNY)
GW2: it’s like DAoC, but for the WoW crowd.

So slow...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


travelers runes are well worth the investment….probably even with a condi build. can’t imagine not running them as a mesmer….good stats/bonuses and perma +25% speed without taking up a trait or utility slot is very nice to a swiftness-starved profession.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

So slow...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soul.5947


Traveler runes are a necessity for mesmer but i can’t afford them. Spending 55 gold just so i can run like all the other players sucks.

So slow...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zach.3264


There’s also runes of Speed. They are around a 1/5 price cheaper. Though, their stats aren’t as great as Traveler. They do provide +1650 health, though 2 of their buffs increase swiftness duration and chance to trigger on hit.

So slow...

in Mesmer

Posted by: takatsu.9416


i use centaur runes for my power phantasm build, (no focus), love themmm, I rather have full perma 33% swiftness and spammable mirror heals