Strongest Mesmer?
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Looks like a solid trait setup to me. Biggest thing imho is either go full zerker or get a mix of rampager/celestial. Only other thing I can say is in many situations it’s better to focus on either shatter or phantasm.
one option to have better phantasms. (zerker prefered)
oh and make certain you are drinking your master maintenance oil, you seem to be a little low on crit rate and it’s making your high-ish crit damage less useful.
hope this helps alittle XD
What exaclty are you looking for as far as dmg goes? shatter spike? phantasms? mantras? condis? it all depends on what your looking for. Your play style will depict how you play. Shatter mesmers are imo one of the most versatile as far as play styles go, and on top of that are very mobile with the choice of focus being their offhand. Phantasm style change though in the fact you want to maintain your phantasms but still shatter your clones during c/d and early destruction. Mantras are a interesting spec but anet is seemingly trying to increase the spec. (more info later after i do more build testing.) Condition specs are a different matter in general, but still offer high dps with the right armour and runes. all breaks down to your playstyle though. message me if you need more info. Hope this helps
Mesmer / Thief
[dG] Another Mez Name
Here is my Signet build which people claim doesn’t synergize but is my favorite mesmer build so far.
Use Staff/GS for both phantasms and ranged abilities. The staff is great with chaos aoe boons and signets. Just use signet of inspiration and chaos field for boons constantly and keep transferring them to your phantasms. If you use all signet builds you get a blind and a stun also—how is that not synergy? People forget that you can transfer boons to your clones and with a power build along with might and swiftness popping often you can do some great damage.
Signet of Domination:
Passive: Improved condition damage.
Active: Stun your foe.
Signet of Inspiration:
Passive: Grants a random boon every ten seconds.
Active: Copy all of your boons to nearby allies.
Signet of Midnight:
Passive: Improves boon duration.
Active: Blind nearby foes.
Everything looks pretty good trait-wise for a shatter/phantasm mix. My only suggestion would be to swap out the Focus if you wanna maximize your damage. Offhand Sword or Pistol would do you a lot of justice. (I know the Focus phantasm does the most damage, but the Pistol/Sword Phantasms are more reliable. It depends on exactly how rapidly you shatter.)
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All of this is my opinion, so feel free to disagree.
I prefer the X domination trait (greatsword training), to III (empowered illusion).
Generally, I find that the Phantasmal Warden does less damage, its stationary, people can move away from it. So most of your phantasm damage is going to come from your Phantasmal Beserker.
If you take the X trait in domination, you get a zerker every 12 seconds (down from 16.) This means you get to spawn one 5 times for every 4 times without it. That’s a 25% increase in expected damage (cause it’s up more often) which beats the 15% for empowered illusions.
I’m not sure if your phantasm inherits your stat gain with the greatsword, but I think so. If so, you’ll get a 5% of the damage back from the 50 points of power.
You will also be able to use mirror blade every 4.75 seconds instead of every 6.5 seconds. More illusions means more clones out for shatters which means more damage.
Edit: I have to test it out, but I suspect you may get more damage out of dropping mental torment and taking empowered illusion as the adept trait.
(edited by TooBz.3065)
I run 25/20/0/0/25 for my phantasm mesmer. The last trait-line is debatable, but I really wanted the 12 second phantasms, so I went for it. I run this build wearing glass and do well with it in PvP, WvW, and PvE alike which is why I enjoy it so much since I don’t have to transition my play-style in any scenario as I enjoy doing all 3.
Also as someone had said if you want an all-purpose build it is better not to use warden, but if you are locked into PvE then by all means warden will do well. I often use pistol offhand as it comes in handy in hitting players away from their AoEs as well as bosses doing 5k+ respectively to both of those things.
Edited from grammatical errors.
Would you be able to clarify PvE or PvP. I see in the build you link you had chosen the PvP mode, but i suspect you are talking about PvE. Also are you wanting this for dungeons, fractals or AoE farming?
This is the typical dungeon build i would use;4VPF-197oW-71;9;4ET;0O2;0138;429;0OG0;9-n-k51-g2g;25VAWFXKYO3V4230Cs1k;5F18ZF18Z;9;9;9-NNNNNN;9;0V8k3G or;4VPF-127oW-71;9;4ET-O-2;0138;118;24;0FK;9n-k51-g2gVYo85VAWFXKYO3V4230Cs1k;5F18ZF18Z;9;9;9-NNNNNN;9;0V8k3z
These 2 mainly focus on phantasm damage with the ability to easily stack confusion and nice amounts of bleeds on targets. Why staff? Yes it is a phantasm that is based of more damage for each condition of the target, generally i can land up to 10k crits with this single phantasm. Great help when things get tough as well. Pistol shoots hard and often which also makes this safe, they are not AoE, if you find yourself going against large groups, Swap GS for Staff, or alternatively pistol for focus. There are still some perks in shattering with this the first build and to the lesser of the second build, so ever so often shattering can also increase your dps by adding conditions and giving you boons.
Gamers Republic of South Africa[RSA]|Aurora Glade.
“If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule, of honor!”
Here we go
Many people have recently asked me about the build that I am currently using for TPvP and SPvP with a great success and I therefore created a short Youtube Tutorial on it.
It’s almost a standard shatter build with a few changes to increase the dmg output and the survivability.
Please feel free to ask any questions!
– High Dmg Output on multiple targets
– Good in Duels
– Good in Teamfights
– Teamsupport (Illusion of Life/could also use Portal)
– Easy to Disengage
– Safe Stomps
– Fast on The Map
– No Condition Removal
Link to the Video:
Sensotix’ Builds & Tutorials Collection
Hmm… max damage in pve eh. How about all zerk gear, then 30 in domination and 30 in dueling, and use GS + Sword/Pistol?