At this point no one should have any doubt that chronomancer is mandatory for mesmers that want to play at mid/high level of competitivity in any game mode mostly because chronomancer fixes some mesmer deficits and less “accurate” mechanics that are present and part of mesmer identity. Dumb AI (greatly improved by superspeed on shatter for that matter), shatter/phantasm uptime duality (elegantly “band-aid-ed” by chronophantasma), low movement speed/swiftness access and a unique utility, strong enough to make mesmer desirable (because everything mesmer could do, other classes could do better and with less sacrifices). Now we have alacrity and significant quickness uptime.
So this topic will serve to propose changes for some useless/lacking skills/traits thats present in mesmer but also for a different approach in already used but boring traits.
QoL/mechanics changes:
- Phantasm weapon skills should have 2 tooltip boxes – One for weapon skill itself, the part of summoning the phantasm with it cd/cast times, range and other mechanincs – see leap finisher on swordsman summoning-; and another tooltip for skills used by those phantasms – damages, cd/cast times and other mechanincs (like leap/whirl finishers of evade/projetile blocks/bounces/boons etc). And this phantasm skills tooltip box values should get updated dynamicaly like other skills (damage with might/traits, attack CD with Phantasmal Haste traits, etc). At present we have one tooltip mixed with some of both, not only we are missing a ton of important data but can also lead to confusion. (Example:
- Phantasmal summoning weapon skills should get its cast time normalized. We have 3 weapons with 3/4s cast time and other 3 with 1s cast time. It makes it simple and easier to keep track and the feeling of how long that time is in your self-conscient and reduce the cases of auto-interrupt the summoning time with dodge/other skills (like healing skill). So i propose to normalize all this casts to same time (be it 3/4s or 1s).
Phantasmal summoning utility skills have exagerated (1 1/2s cast) time when the phantasm themselves already have cast time/ranges rules to follow of their own skills.
I propose reduced summoning time from 1 1/2s to 1s.
- Phantasms also get affected by +% dmg modifiers applied on mesmer. Its very frustating having like 70% of mesmer dps on phantasms and then moddifiers from sigils/runes/traits not work on phantasms… Its already bad not using shatters to preserve the single target sustained dps from phantasms and then any +% dmg, lets say, from force sigil, not affecting our biggest dps source its very bad.
- Projectiles that bounce should be able to bounce to already hitted targets just like GS#2 and Staff#1 across the board. Simple and consistent and reducing the less optimal effects this skills have (rng bounce, less player controlled “aoe effect”).
(Talking about torch phantasm, disenchanter phantasm and pistol#5 for ex.)
Weapon skills:
- Sword Autoattack: (chain #1 and #2) should have its coeficients bumped to 0.7 or 0.8 (like other sword classes, guardian thief revenant…) and making its chain shorter like recently in thief sword (increasing its attack speed). Not only would give sword “more sustained dmg” but also more often/faster boon strip. Mesmer sustain damage is the lowest. And we are talking about the hightest dps autochain in mesmer weapon repository.
- Mind Stab: a skill with this dmg and that immobs you in place during cast, should do more than just removing 1 boon. I would make it remove 2 boons or 1 boon from foes and 1 condi from allies. Cooldown could be further adjusted from 12 to 15s if that presents balance problems (i doubt).
- Magic Bullet: (Pistol #5) First i will just highlight point #4 from QoL/Mechanincs section. Then bumping its dmg wouldn’t hurt since this is a damage oriented off-hand weapon( 1.5 coeficient dmg, i would say, even if just the 1st bullet, not the bounces.), then this skill should apply all the remain effects on last target (when no remaining target available to keep bouncing)
For example it would apply all 4 bounces conditions/effects to the same target when used single-targetly (without no other foes nearby to proc bounces).
Utility Skills:
- Null Field: It its current state its too much penalizing. It misses a “burst” effect or a better “constant” effect. Yes it can possibly remove 5 condi/5 boons. But it removes them during 5s AND on that specific area. In 5s too much things/movement happens. Its a “drop you aoes/condis here” flag. Also enemy can block/evade/blind null field pulses or simple step out of it.
It could do smthg like remove 3condi/2boons on casted area(when you set it on the ground or1st pulse) and then proceed normally, or having faster pulses (decreasing field lifetime). Just few ideas.
Also what about making it pulses unbockable/non evadable?
- Arcane Thievery: Even after CD reduction this skill is frustating.. It fails too often, it has a huge aftercast delay, we cant rely on it to be a condi clear skill. And the reason is simple… If we dont have a target on valid terms to send the conditions to, they wont be removed from self… So a simple cast without a target, out-of-range target, obstructed target, evading target is enough to make the skill go on CD and nothing happens.
I just wish the condis could be removed no matter what (offensive part/target state condition) and then the offensive part (sending them to enemy and stealing boons) yes, actually need a target in good terms to land… If its impossible to do then just make it smthg like elementalist Cleansing Fire: “Cure three conditions and steal 3 boons from your target”.. Its theoreticaly a nerf since we didnt send the condies to the target, but hey, if it doesnt fail at least it would be a reliable skill.
- Signet of Inspiration: I always thought that the passive of this signet never gave you the desired boon.. And the timers are so low (mostly 3s-5s boons) and the boon pool is so big that it is unreliable to make use of its passive, a boon application signet.
Thats why i choose the following suggestion to try to fix this problem, its passive now reads: “Passive: Increase boon duration (20%)” this way signet can aid in boon application by increase the time of the boons we choose to.
(The trait that reproduces this signet active effect could get some QoL and have a trait icon on buff bar when it is off CD like other classes traits.)
- Imagined Burden: This trait simply doesnt work. Might on auto / clones is easy to figure… Bad auto, bad clones plus getting overwritted by phantasms. And cripple on all the rest of skills is redundant and boring.
I would change to the following, making all skills getting a new effect instead of all getting cripple/might on auto: “All of your greatsword skills get an added effect. Reduces recharge time of greatsword skills.”.
Auto-attack would inflict max range dmg at all ranges, gs#2 could keep inflicting cripple, gs#3 would daze for 1/4s (mini daze), gs#4 would make phantasm inflict chill instead of cripple and gs#5 become unblockable. Recharge 20%.
- Furious Interruption: Gets its position swapped with Chaotic Transference in Chaos line. Chaotic Transference now converts thoughness to power instead of condi damage.
(see Chaos line for FI changes)
- Desperate Decoy: How many times your heal got interrupted by this? And your res/stomp making you die? How many times it triggered at the wrong timings making you get the revealed effect and rending the following and timed stealth ablities useless? It brings more harm sometimes than benefits… I suggest to change this to instant non-interruptable “cast time”. Also having an icon like other classes when this trait is off-cooldown is also good to have.
- Sharper Images: Added effect: “Additionally you(mesmer) have a 33% chance to cause bleeding on critical hits”. Its a step to make mesmer not exclusivly rely on AI (phantasms) to apply a more universal condi.
- Fencer’s Finesse: With a long rotation (shatter/wells/tw/block/summoning phantasms, etc) we mostly solely rely on mesmer autos to stacks these ferocity stacks. And they are so short that is hard to maintain them on max stacks. They start fading away as soon as we stop autoattacking and begin with the rotations stated above making it impossible to benefit from this ferocity increase on other skills (naming wells or active phantasms) even when not using other weapon other than sword main hand!! My suggestion goes towards increasing this stacks time to 15s long or even permanent passive bonus like other classes similar traits.
- Deceptive Evasion: With vigor and now with energy sigil nerfs this trait lost to other clone generation traits.. I would add a passive increase regeneration (50%) or making vigor effects enhanced (vigor have 100% effectiveness).
- Harmonious_Mantras: Instead of giving a stacking damage bonus, it reduces mantras cast time, making them 1.5s cast time skills. So it becomes smthg like: “Mantras can be activated three times before needing to be channeled again. Charging a mantra is faster.”
- Chaotic Transference: swapped with Furious Interruption(i feel like this trait belongs to chaos, where boons are, including boons on interrupt). Furious Interruption also gives 2s Superspeed in addition to quickness.
(see Domination line for Chaotic Transference updates)
- Illusionary Inspiration: this trait deserves an icon when its off cooldown. Thats all.
- All Wells That Ends Well: Now reads: Grants a boon associated with your well when they end. Reduces well recharge.
Eternity grants 10s Regeneration.
Calamity grants 3 stacks Might for 8s.
Action grants 5s Fury
Recall grants (additionally) 3s Alacrity
Precognition grants 5s Vigor
Gravity grants 5s Protection
Recharge 10%.
- Danger Time: Gain increased ferocity while under the effects of Quickness. (+250). Gain additional critical-hit change against slowed enemies (10%)
- Improved Alacrity: (PvE-only) “Alacrity applied by you lasts longer.”
In pve, chronomancer is a support class. Alacrity uptime is measured on allied mates and not on self. This would make things more interesting and less redundant since chrono already have another source for self alacrity uptime (Flow of Time).
It’s all for now. I think its a step in a better Mesmer experience.
Feel free to comment on my changes and let me hear yours.
Edit: Removed Ether Clone / Feedback suggestions since they were introduced with 26th Jan. Patch.
Edit2: removed sword block suggestion. It got some love on 19th April patch. Still it could get it “teleport”-on-counter block deleted, makes movement odd and can be harmfull like falling off platforms. It could also function like ranger gs/ warrior sword block. Continuous blocking if target is out of range to its counter (>900 range for this skill).
Edit3: Removed Mantra of Concentration, Mirror Images, increased burning from torch phantasm and additional mechanic when casting utility slotted phantasms since they got introduced in July 26th update
(edited by FJSAMA.2867)