The Hype train

The Hype train

in Mesmer

Posted by: Swish.2463


While you guys are all free to ride along on its trip to HoT I just wanted to put up a final thought on it all before i just refrain from commenting on any topics about it until it releases.

Over Estimation!

Chronomancers that dont use illusions and secrectly get 1 more new weapon than any other class sounds great guys, it really does…

But this is Anet we’re talking about..

This is the dev team that broke the Warden 4 times over a span of a year and a half before nearly almost fixing it back up to a workable state.

This is the Dev team that changed Mimic to …. that skill I never use and try to forget used to be helpful in fractals and solo dungeon running..

This is the Dev team that stated they wanted Mesmer to be balanced around 1v1 and have 0 passive defense (clones are good enough defense for mesmers)

This is the dev team that took a YEAR to deliver 8 episodes of LS2 (and a year and a half just to slog through LS1)…

This is the dev team that used to think Temporary story and content was OK if it just lasted longer than 1 day..

This is the Dev team that Nerfed Glamours not because they were OP but because it was the easiest fix to WvW and PvE lag and culling…

Now, think back on all the other things the Anet Team have thrown to the players and then later thrown out or redone or claimed to be making Massive and Game Changing alterations to… How many of them were over hyped and overblown?

Mega Servers comes to mind, Trait system Rework, Daily Reworks 1 – 4, World Boss Changes, etc..

Ask yourself not what you HOPE HoT will be and do, but what you Honestly think Anet is capable of producing. The track record points to Not a Lot.

I personally do not expect a Reworked and brand new mechanic, I expect Clones and Phantasms to just blow up slightly differently when you use shatters.

I dont expect anything Game changing from the shield, its got 2 skills and Anet hates giving us CC or anything that might be passive that is not RNG based.

I don’t think the New traits will offer too much in the way of diversity, if they are merely paired against or with our old traits that quickly leaves a lot of filth and useless crap still on the floor or in the way..

I don’t imagine the New Elite skills or utility skills will be better than the handful we all rotate through already.

I Do think it’s a decent way to finally allow some kind of progression and customization for play style, even if it is far too little with no guarantee on later value (no promises have been made to actually expand, it’s just been stated that this is a way too expand in the future provided things don’t get put on the wrong table).

Manage your Expectations boys and girls, Don’t oversell what Anet is purposefully keeping in the dark to yourselves and others. Be realistic with what you think Anet could have pulled off in a year, when you consider the majority of that time was spent on New zones and Graphics for those Zones and Creatures for those Zones and Zones and Making sure Gliding didn’t instantly break the game, etc.. etc..

How much time do you think they actually put into working on just the new mesmer stuff?

That is all, GL HF, Speculate safely!

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

The Hype train

in Mesmer

Posted by: trooper.2650



I’d add those new GM traits that, beside MtD, have never been and will never be used (at least for Mesmer)

The Hype train

in Mesmer

Posted by: Esplen.3940


MtD required 2 targeted buffs before it became a viable option to compete with iP.

This is something that’s relatively unheard of regarding the Mesmer, because the patch notes tend to disagree with what actually gets changed…

The Hype train

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Anet gave us the Mesmer class in the first place. Favorite class of any game ever.

The new traits will offer diversity, will it shift the meta? That remains to be seen but I’m pretty sure there will be some rebalancing of existing stuff as well. People are going to get hype, they’re going to let imaginations run wild.. That’s kind of the point! Its almost like a guessing game, to see which wild ideas actually make it and which don’t.

They’ve made plenty of balancing mistakes, a few of those they learned from, but this thread makes it seem like the devs do nothing but fail time and again and that is really unfair considering we’re all still playing and enjoying this game for a reason.

Whatever happened in the past, the bottom line is that this expansion will bring new creative opportunities for the class. That’s something to be hype for, rather than looking at the expansion and going ‘well.. Its anet.. Why are all these people so excited? Let me lower their expectations…’

The Hype train

in Mesmer

Posted by: Teutos.8620


I really hope I’ll get into a beta version of HoT.

Be there at the start again, and get involved in all the upcoming features sounds really fun and interesting. We might even get the chance to have a bigger impact on the balancing side of things.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

The Hype train

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alpha.1308


This is the Dev team that changed Mimic to …. that skill I never use and try to forget used to be helpful in fractals and solo dungeon running..
/enough said

The Hype train

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Very dramatic.

I might say more but this is the sort of thread that tends to drive people to say (otherwise harmless) things that result in your getting infracted.

One day, Anet will release MH pistol, and many Mesmers will rejoice, and all past transgressions will be forgotten, and peace will spread across the land to the sound of gun shots.

The Hype train

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


What a very negative post.

I’m thankful there is even an expansion, alteast there is new stuff to play with.

So what do you want? Same kitten or an opportunity for a new or maybe better stuff.

Stop being a debbie downer.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

The Hype train

in Mesmer

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

debbie downer.

And what would that be? I only know a Debbie from True Blood. I guess it’s a person named Alcide or Sookie?

On a more serious note: I learned to keep my expectations low on Anet. For instance, hype train just started and they already managed to destroy my favorite legendary sound. My dreamer is a WEAK OLD, and they destroyed the projectile sound. Seriously :o

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.