Things you dont like about mesmer.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Direwind.8409



I don’t like:

Chaos armor, I never seem to get the armor, and the conditions are now on a long cooldown.

Image, its almost totally worthless, what is it even meant to do other than waste an illusion slot.

I don’t like how the warden doesn’t move, its way to easy to counter. it needs to be gtaoe

I don’t like how I need to die to get the awesome assassin illusion.

I don’t like how slow the phantom attack cycle is.

I don’t like how so the illusion are when you send them into mind wreck, its like watching a fat man chase usain bolt.

I don’t like how slow the sceptre attack projectile is

I don’t like the greatsword animation.

I don’t like the sword clone transfer root, its so buggy.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: dandamanno.4136


1. Scepter 1 has no condition on it

2. Sword 3 does not work on slopes

3. No on demand swiftness on any utility except SoI, which is a 1 in 8 chance at swiftness every 10 seconds. Makes it so you must take focus or runes sets/sigils with some swiftness buff.

There are more, but these (esp 2 and 3) seem to affect my gameplay constantly.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Erdem.8956


- I don’t like being nerfed with every single patch.

- I don’t like getting kitten bugs with every single patch.

- I don’t like not having on demand swiftness or protection.

- I don’t like that ANet didn’t give us a main-hand pistol yet.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


swiftness, played a thief and engineer lately in spvp just to decided which i would like for an alt and having so much swiftness oh, what a nice treat!

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: GalloGSM.8139


Here’s what i don’t like….

Why don’t we have a utility ability called ‘Echo’ that lets us store the next ability we use for future use? That was one of our most used spells in GW1 and we didn’t get it in GW2.

Why don’t we have access to an array of Illusionary Weapons (an iconic ability of the Mesmer from vanilla GW1)? Oh that’s right because they gave them to elementalists and renamed them elemental weapons.

Why don’t we have more projectile reflecting abilities? Mesmers are the masters of magic in it’s most primal form so it makes sense for them to have more magic/projectile reflection. Chaos Armour (Staff #4) should reflect projectiles and Illusionary Wave (Greatsword #5) should leave behind a wall that reflects them too.

(edited by GalloGSM.8139)

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


Has a huge “QQers get me nerfed!” target painted on the back.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

(edited by AndrewSX.3794)

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yuchen.5980


i don’t like all the nerfs in these latest two patches

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


@GalioGsm: What are you on about?

Mesmers have the most projectile reflects in the game. We have temporal curtain, pWarden, mimic, feedback, mirror, and distortion.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


At this point it’s not, “what I don’t like about the mesmer.” It’s, “what I don’t like about the devs in charge of balancing.” I’ve said it over and over again and Ill keep ‘saying it louder and louder until I my voice has enough impact to dislodge the wax in their ears! THERE NEEDS TO BE “ACTIVE” COMMUNICATION! If you’re going to make a huge change, TALK TO THE PEOPLE ON THE FORUMS ABOUT IT!! Actually have a dialogue with us once a month. Gather suggestions about how to implement nerfs. Let us vote on the best option and then implement it. There would be a lot less grief from obviously passionate players if they stop saying they listen to the players and ACTUALLY PROVE THEY LISTEN TO THE PLAYERS!!! How hard is that?!

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


• Buggy traits, skills and so on.
• iMage.
• Mind Stab.
• Scepter autoattack chain.
• Legendary GS should have more altered animations.
• Clones differences from mesmer.
• Out of combat speed.
• Id like more reliable gap closers.
• Confusing cry is probably stronger than cry of frustration.
• Counterspell and Counter blade should be automatic if you dont block an attack (my opinion, im sure some mesmers like them the way they are).
• There is more but this is what comes out of my mind.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lue.6538


I don’t like how I can’t lock down players like in GW1.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: GalloGSM.8139


@GalioGsm: What are you on about?

Mesmers have the most projectile reflects in the game. We have temporal curtain, pWarden, mimic, feedback, mirror, and distortion.

I’m taking about reflection on weapon sets, the ones on our weapon sets require a trait. We have to trait to get something elementalist have by default.

Mimic isn’t very good, distortion requires a trait to reflect and pwarden can’t reposition itself.

(edited by GalloGSM.8139)

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Having a scepter main hand instead of a pistol.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

(edited by Nuka Cola.8520)

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


@GalioGsm: What are you on about?

Mesmers have the most projectile reflects in the game. We have temporal curtain, pWarden, mimic, feedback, mirror, and distortion.

I’m taking about reflection on weapon sets, the ones on our weapon sets require a trait. We have to trait to get something elementalist have by default.

Mimic isn’t very good, distortion requires a trait to reflect and pwarden can’t reposition itself.

Elementalists have 1 3 second duration skill on a 25 second cooldown, pbaoe. They also have another pbaoe 5s duration skill on a 30s cooldown, on a different weapon set. It is not possible to take both of them.

Mesmers require traits to be effective. This is a fact of our class. If you don’t like that, you can go play a thief or something that is less trait dependent.

The traited temporal curtain is on a 20s cooldown and is a line aoe projectile reflection with a duration of 5 seconds. The traited warden is on a 20 second cooldown, with a reflection duration of about 6 seconds, with the ability to repeat that every 7 or so seconds.

Mimic is a fantastic skill that not only reflects, but also provides blocking for the duration of the skill along with allowing you to use the attack that it absorbed later. It is also on a 25 second cooldown (4 second duration). The distortion trait is a 10 point major in a commonly taken line.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


Levitas nailed it IMO, and in that order mostly. I’ll sign that one, but move OOC speed up in the list a bit and legendary GS animations down.


Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Samiell.1259


There is nothing so broken about the Mesmer that I can say makes me not like the class. Can improvements be made? Sure. Jump on other classes and tell me you don’t miss this class though. In the end, no matter what changes are made, Mesmer is just awesome.
So if you please, don’t make complaint lists. Make helpful suggestions. After all, who likes helping a complainer over someone who has the solution to a problem already.

Black Ops supply line disruptions.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Amadan.9451


i didn’t see any improvement suggestion in this forum becoming reality in game play, only nerf on qqing. so probably complaining is the way to go.
i don’t like with the mesmer that i feel the free kill for all. lately there is no build that make me feel differently, either in wwvw or in pvp.
i’m that crappy at mesmer that anybody can kill me, even crappy mesmers.
also if i spec for condition damage i feel ashamed on how hard is to build condition on enemies while necro can just autoattack to inflict whatever while surrounded by an army of minion surely more resistent than my clones.

when i shatter it’s like i do nothing just killing clones and phantasm for no reason. than i see video about mesmers and i feel even worse. but yeah other classes bored me to death

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Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darwin Iznang.1342

Darwin Iznang.1342

The animation on Confusing Images. Might as well just tell your foe to dodge before you use it.

Win 10 64bit | i5-4670K | ASUS ROG Maximus VI Hero
Corsair Vengeance 8Gb @ 1866Mhz | ASUS GTX 970 | Kingston 240 GB SSD

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Samiell.1259


I hear where you’re coming from but take pride in the fact that the Mesmer, even after all the nerfs is still king of the 1v1 dual.
As far as the “free kill” please don’t take this the wrong way but if you’re dying that much, you may be doing something wrong. If I. WvW, perhaps over extending yourself or blowin cd’s to early. In Tpvp, not sure. Talk to Pyro about those areas. I don’t do much arena. Also, try getting in coms for your perspective server to let you know when they’re bailing. Me personally, I joined a guild that does build breaker weeks. The professions of a guild go to Mist and play to break/ decide good builds.
Mesmer is a strong as ever my friend. It sounds like you just haven’t found “your” build.

Black Ops supply line disruptions.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: cottage.3274


1. Scepter 1 has no condition on it

2. Sword 3 does not work on slopes

3. No on demand swiftness on any utility except SoI, which is a 1 in 8 chance at swiftness every 10 seconds. Makes it so you must take focus or runes sets/sigils with some swiftness buff.

• Buggy traits, skills and so on.
• iMage.
• Mind Stab.
• Scepter autoattack chain.
• Out of combat speed.
• Id like more reliable gap closers.
• Confusing cry is probably stronger than cry of frustration.
• Counterspell and Counter blade should be automatic if you dont block an attack (my opinion, im sure some mesmers like them the way they are).

one more thing is to do something with staff #4 and this is it pretty much for me.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anelyn.4593


Phantom Mage from torch needs a damage buff, it’s the weakest (by far).

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hexxen.7216


Phantom Mage from torch needs a damage buff, it’s the weakest (by far).

There always has to be a “weakest” of anything but I do agree it needs tweeked.

I don’t like developing and gearing up a build only to have it nerfed the next update.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: captainteemo.6537


So far the comments aren’t too terrible and there is still the potential a Dev might review this thread. I’ll add my 2 cents.

1) Sword main #2. With the timing change (Was there even a valid PvP reason for this?) even traited (which nearly everyone does and this doubles or forces us to trait it even more) the time seems way too long now. I feel this running through CoE where I was used to a certain timing for my Blurred Frenzy, or as a ‘safe’ evade against the harpies in Fractals.

2) Sword Main #3. In PvP or PvE I find it incredibly annoying how unreliable the leap is on uneven terrain and when you’re not certain of your distance from the target. If I’m chasing someone up stairs and I need the leap/swap to catch and it does nothing but get caught on the first few steps. Even against mobs I’m running up to it just seems to go on cool down when I ‘feel’ like I’m close enough for a leap.

3)Focus offhand #4. The ‘curtain’ really isn’t a curtain. Running through it for speed doesn’t always trigger (shouldn’t a curtain ‘tag’ from the top down?) on ledges/uneven ground; even when it’s obvious you’re passing through it. That being said, I don’t see why it couldn’t act more like a wall (the visualization is just so misleading) when you reflect instead of having to stand nearly on top of it (or for a curtain under it?).

4) I think the obvious dislike are for the nerfs. I understand needing to balance things for PvP. But, now that blurred frenzy is an ‘evade’. I just feel so much more squishier in PvP because a lot of knock downs interrupt me. If this is a major balance issue, then so be it. I’ll adjust. I just hope not to see more changes similar to this. This hurts a lot in PvE as well. I thought I had a possible panic button in the Aetherblade dungeon (without burning my long distortion cool down) and it was my first introduction to life without the old blurred frenzy.

I still love the class as my main, but with each change it challenges my resolve a little bit more.

(edited by captainteemo.6537)

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: GalloGSM.8139


Pyro, You’re right we do rely on traits a lot, but they could always add more reflects to that trait without causing an imbalance. Adding 2 extra reflects on 2 handed weapons just means we have more access to it and brings it more into play as a potential mesmer mechanic. They’d just be giving us more utility in PvE as well as PvP on our weapon sets (which is never a bad thing) as well as making our skills more interesting.

I think Mesmers suffer from having some weapon sets that aren’t very interesting to play with (GS, Staff, offhand torch) which is why i think a simple suggestion like adding a reflect gives the Mesmer a bit more to play with. I’d love to see more self combos as well other than Chaos Armour. Maybe change Phase retreat to be a blast finisher of something ?

If you don’t like that, you can go play a thief or something that is less trait dependent.

I’m having a discussion with you, please don’t get petty because i don’t agree with everything you’re saying there is no need when i’m not being rude to you.

(edited by GalloGSM.8139)

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


@GalloGSM the problem is that no one is going to agree with you about reflection. We already have a lot of it, asking for more is a nonsense.

Add to the list: Confusing images as someone mentioned and also the spatial surge scaling with range.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: GalloGSM.8139


@GalloGSM the problem is that no one is going to agree with you about reflection. We already have a lot of it, asking for more is a nonsense.

It’s just a suggestion, i’m not saying we’re bad/useless/underpowered without it. The thread is here to critique what we don’t like and suggest ways to change it. I don’t like that some of our weapon sets don’t offer as much utility and interesting play as they could so i suggested a way to change that. They don’t even have to be reflects (although i did specifically mention that) – they could be projectile destroyers.

We can have a discussion and you can disagree if that’s what you think – but don’t be dismissive.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


I dont know what to tell you honestly, you seem to hate projectiles and we are one of the best classes to deal with them.
Also, this thread is about what we dont like about mesmers and if you suggest that we need more reflection you are saying you dont like how it works now.
In few words you are complaining about the last of mesmer’s problems.

(edited by Levitas.1953)

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: LordByron.8369


I hate that iWarden phantasm is stupid..
And i hate that when for any reason a phantasm summon misses (often due to bugs like invulnerable mobs) it goes on full CD.
Also the need of a target for mirror images

and the BF nerf above all.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: GalloGSM.8139


I dont know what to tell you honestly, you seem to hate projectiles and we are one of the best classes to deal with them.
Also, this thread is about what we dont like about mesmers and if you suggest that we need more reflection you are saying you dont like how it works now.
In few words you are complaining about the last of mesmer’s problems.

You’re kind of right, i don’t not like how reflects are now but i just want to see more use of them.

We may have a lot of potential for projectile reflects but they aren’t on the weapon set i use a lot and it’s just a suggestion to increase PvE Utility and make the other weapons sets more interesting – that is all i’m saying.

If you think about it though, with my suggestion if you used focus traited you’d only be gaining one more reflect as they’d both be on 2 handed weapons. It’s not like people load up their utility slots, heal and distortion trait with all the reflection all the time anyway.

I’m just suggesting a bit more group utility within the bounds of a mesmer.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levitas.1953


We have some really nice group utilities. If you dont like GS, staff and torch skillsets, what weapons do you carry to say that reflect is not in the ones you use?

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: GalloGSM.8139


We have some really nice group utilities. If you dont like GS, staff and torch skillsets, what weapons do you carry to say that reflect is not in the ones you use?

It’s not that i don’t use the GS or the Staff (i do), i just think they’re not that fun after a while. I use the staff more so than the GS.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Psych.6527


Hate iLeap..
Hate it when you summon a phant and it doesnt spawn(Could be latency issues, but has happened more than once..)
Hate the “love” mesmers receive(7months to fix iZerker)(How many more months to fix the other bugs)
Hate the lack of swiftness
Hate some of the nerfs that are really uncalled for because 70% of the player base is brain dead..
Hate that Temporal Curtain can still let projectiles through, height needs adjustment..
Hate Moa Morph elite..
Hate the apparent build diversity promotion and leaving shatter as the most viable build trait wise..

Finch Psydstep|Phantasmal Mesmer and Council Leader of
Gamers Republic of South Africa[RSA]|Aurora Glade.
“If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule, of honor!”

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ansau.7326


I don’t like Moa Morph. It’s by far, the elite I use the least. Only good for 1vs1, 2vs2 or similars, it makes it very situational and only good for shatter build, which are the only ones that have a good burst damage.

I don’t like how iLeap works sometimes. As people said, it’s quite unpredictable when being in a non flap terrain.

I don’t like scepter. Slow autoattack and skill 3. You waste a lot of time to cast those skills. Also it’s a weapon only for duels, so it’s quite useless in PvE and WvW if you’re not roaming.

I don’t like torch. Mesmers don’t rely on stealth, and I have enough with Mass invisibility and Decoy. Things like iBullet, Temporal Curtain or sword block are better for me than The Prestige. Also, iMage is the useless crap that mesmers have access.

I don’t like the lack of OOC swiftness. Mesmer is the only class that has not an utility that brings for sure swiftness or simply more speed movement. We are the only ones who need a lot of boon duration, air/centaur runes or other external ways to be fast.

And finally, and the most important, I HATE all the people who cries about mesmers nerfs and want to make it immortal, cause they don’t know how to be awesome with what we have now. It is true that it needs some adjustments, but it is more true that is one of the best professions out there.

PD: For those who want more reflection possibilities, just to say we actually have enough. Reflecting is not the main purpose of mesmers, and we can survive much better in some situations than others with what we already have.
For example, I managed to do the Caudecus story only by myself, and it was possible thanks to feedback, focus and mirror. I’m not sure, but I think it’s quite unpredictable for other professions to do what I did.

Ansau – Sylvari Mesmer – Exiled Warriors [wE] – Gandara

i7 5775c @ 4.1GHz – 12GB RAM @ 2400MHz – RX 480 @ 1390/2140MHz

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lina.9640


I don’t like the fact that the Mesmer’s ‘random’ elements were poorly thought out (vulnerability on staff, anyone? the recent chaos armor adjustment?).

I dislike that some of the weapons are way off or just vastly inferior to our ‘standard’ weapons, like the scepter which is generally considered to be one of the worst weapons in the game (on Mesmer). Other weapons need some of its skills adjusted—the temporal curtain, for example, needs to be the same height as the guardian wall, because right now it’s freaking annoying to see high arcing attacks just poof by it.

Cooldowns are freaking dumb on some of our skills. Portal, for example. Yes, it has a lot of uses in the utility department, what with being able to deliver people to areas quickly and easily. However, it should still retain a tactical use in combat. Right now it’s crippled by a freaking 90 second cooldown. In a world where warriors can get two invulnerabilities on 60 second cooldowns (on top of, say, shield blocks) and thieves can permastealth, I see no reason for portal to not have a 60 second cooldown and turned into a manipulation, especially since its abusability is severely limited from having a 20 person cap. (Veil I can see keeping the cooldown because it scales up to, well, everyone).

Temporal Curtain swiftness needs to stack with other swiftness. I don’t care what Anet’s reasoning was, there’s no reason not to. It just creates some down time between each swiftness, waiting for it to wear off, while Guardians can stack their pulsing marks from here to eternity and so on.

The lack of finishers. We have a decent amount of fields, but there’s a severe lack of finishers when it comes to mesmers. Since the fields we do have are generally subpar (lolchaosarmor) anyway, Anet may as well embrace the support nature they’re starting to force us into and give us access to more finishers than iWarden, Torch, and….I dunno, shooty pistol phantasm?

The current lack of a viable condition build. Confusion had its damage cut by 50% in WvW, just because, and got nothing for it. Anet should clean up the random elements to certain skills mentioned above and then embrace it for a condi build. For example, they could have it so that every time confusion is applied, a random, damaging condition (bleed, poison, burning, maybe torment) is applied. Also, all illusions could cause bleed on crits by default—the master trait that does this could be changed to apply bleed when the player crits or something. Either that, or embrace the scepter/torch as the Mesmer’s condition weapons and give them consistant ability to provide it.

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

I don’t QQ often, but when I do, you better get the crackers out for all this saltiness..

- I dislike teleporting into walls.
- I dislike the fact that I can no longer look forward to patches.
- I dislike how we have to go into the cynical sPvP forums to get dev attention.
- I dislike the overabundance of Mesmer, many who play the class only because its “what the meta dictates.”
- I dislike how everyone else gets to decide what/how we get nerfed, especially since most of them don’t even play the class.
- I dislike important skills like Arcane Thievary going on full cooldown even if you have no target.
- I dislike how people blame the Mesmer to mask their own incompetence. “Oh of course I lost. Everyone knows Mesmer are OP”

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


I don’t always QQ either, but when I do, I prefer the GW2 forums.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Odaman.8359


How useless we are in large scale wvw compared to most other classes. Portal/Veil is our role, and at this point I’d rather lose them and get something good for large scale other than being able to tag people with weak confusion or killing myself from retal with reflect.

Constant nerfs… pull the trigger already, this long drawn out nerf chain is like being waterboarded with bad ideas.

After that… bad traits (like every other class), and lack of viable builds. At least some effort was made recently, but not enough to change anything.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

(edited by Odaman.8359)

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Menaka.5092


I didn’t read the whole thread, so there may be duplicates.

Also, bear in mind I’m wvw focused (big battles, not roaming)

  • The fact that the traitline specialized on shatters gives condition damage, since it synergizes really badly with pretty much all shatter builds (we feel the difference a lot more now that confusion damage has been reduced to ridicolous levels)
  • Torch and scepter need some love
  • The nerf to into the void was too harsh, lowering the cooldown to .25 or .5 seconds would make it useful again
  • Portal still lacks a range indicator
  • How fast our illusions die in WvW (big fights, not roaming)
  • Lack of useful condition builds for WvW (big fights) after The Big Confusion Nerf™
  • Restorative Mantras scaling so badly with healing power
  • Speaking of mantras, Mantra of Pain damage feels underpowered (but the synergy with restorative mantras is nice)
  • The buffs to interrupt builds are really nice IMHO, but it’s quite hard to land an interrupt on pvp players: the casting time on magic bullet and illusionary wave, the nerf to into the void, the randomness of chaos storm, the landing time of diversion make it really hard to react in time to the quick player animations, so landing an interrupt feels more chance than skill based (with the notable exception of mantra of distraction)
  • Our only way to access torment is a passive trigger, gimping our condition options even more
  • Lack of reliable ways to gain protection
  • Lack of a decent blast finisher (torch is not)
  • Lack of a phantasm-oriented elite skill (for example: summon X random phantasms at the same time, with x >= 3)
  • The fact that Illusionary Leap clone gets stuck on the terrain at least 50% of the time

(edited by Menaka.5092)

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: GalloGSM.8139


  • Lack of a phantasm-oriented elite skill (for example: summon X random phantasms at the same time, with x >= 3)

How great would a utility (or elite skill) called echo be that copies the next phantasm cast replaces echo so you can cast it again,

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Psych.6527


Or the Illusionary rogue(downed phant) as a Elite!! Best Phantasm ever <3

Finch Psydstep|Phantasmal Mesmer and Council Leader of
Gamers Republic of South Africa[RSA]|Aurora Glade.
“If I live, I will kill you. If I die, you are forgiven. Such is the rule, of honor!”

Things you dont like about mesmer.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Leinhart.2981


I really don’t like 2 things on the mesmer:

-The first is the fact we’re nerfed every patchs, and reduce to play (approximatly) the same build, except if we played conditions damages ( I play like this, and this is awesome ^^’)

-The second thing I don’t like on the mesmer is we don’t have permanent moove speed bonus, contrary to every other professions (maybe exept guardian)
-Elementalist have the sigil
-Thief too
-Ranger too
-Necromancer too
-Engineer can have a permanent moove speed bonus when he uses weapon kit
-Warrior can have a permanent moove speed bonus when he uses melee weapon
- Guardian: I don’t know, I don’t know this prof enough ^^’

So… Anet, please, can you think about that?!