In a condition build it can last for 10.5s on an 11s cooldown and does 8k damage if ur enemy is moving. Simply awesome sauce.
I love it, i have recently changed to a Scepter+Gun/Staff combo as i am going more into conditions and i think Torment is great works SO well against Melee classes as they HAVE to run to catch you, Only downside which is due to the actual skill is that it requires perfect timing, use it to early and dont get hit and then its wasted
Awesome in condition builds. As long as there are not to many different dmg sources(mesmers illusions, ranger pets, necro pets, thief elite etc) it’s doing a good job.
In a 20/0/0/20/30 build with scepter/ torch traited + 5 nightmare and 1 undead rune, plus 40 duration food and 2k condition damage it lasts for 13.5 seconds on a 7.25 second cd and does 7k damage base and up to another 7k whilst target is moving. Or if you prefer 519 per sec base plus 519 per sec whilst moving.
In a 20/0/0/20/30 build with scepter/ torch traited + 5 nightmare and 1 undead rune, plus 40 duration food and 2k condition damage it lasts for 13.5 seconds on a 7.25 second cd and does 7k damage base and up to another 7k whilst target is moving. Or if you prefer 519 per sec base plus 519 per sec whilst moving.
What is it like when you dont have food buffs? is that “2k condition damage” part of the food buff or another buff?
No other buff, with no plus 40 duration + 70 condition damage food, the base overall condition damage with scepter equipped and signet of domination is 1956. The duration of torment drops to 10.5 secs and damage to 5261 base, +5261 whilst moving. Though 501 damage per sec whilst moving is probably more indicative.
(edited by tii.7192)
No other buff, with no plus 40 duration + 70 condition damage food, the base overall condition damage with scepter equipped and signet of domination is 1956. The duration of torment drops to 10.5 secs and damage to 5261 base, +5261 whilst moving.
The scepter trait is nice, but to far into Inspiration for me. I am currently running 10/10/16/0/25 and i would have to drop traits that are good for 1 trait the 5 and 15 mini traits are decent and the 10point traits are all Meh.
I have Rending Shatter, Phantasmal Fury, Debilitating Dissipation, Compounding Power and Phantasmal haste. Not forgetting the mini traits Illusion of Vulnerability, Critical Infusion(Meh), Metaphysical Rejuvenation, Illusionary Membrane, Illusionary Retribution(Meh), Shattered Strength(Meh) Illusionists Celerity.
So while the Scepter trait is VERY nice, 200Condition damage and 20% faster recharge, i dont think overall its worth losing out elsewhere for a skill that requires you to be hit AND has a short use time, If it was something like the Scepter 3# where you just use it and not requiring perfect timing or its wasted
Each to their own, I wasn’t promoting the build per se (though i do use it), i was attempting to show the upper levels of torment damage and duration.
Each to their own, I wasn’t promoting the build per se (though i do use it), i was attempting to show the upper levels of torment damage and duration.
How is the duration increased? i am guessing by the use of a Rune set?
20% duration from 20 Domination tree for Torch trait, 10% duration and 211 condition damage from runes.
Mine is currently 8.45second with 9.5second cool down and deals 1,890damage with another 1,890 damage on move. If it was more of a reliable application then i think it would be a VERY good choice, but currently having it the way that it is needing to be attacking in a 2second window on a 9.5second cool down (of course before traits) i just dont find it as reliable.
Maybe if they swapped Scepter 2# and #3 around, so that you confuse on Block with the #2 skill and the #3 skill applies Torment it would make it ALOT more reliable and alot more useful.
I take it you are Scepter+Torch? Any reason you take Torch? I personally take the Pistol as the #4 skill is great damage and the #5 is a nice little bit of CC. I guess the double Confusion of the Scepter and Torch combo is nice and if timed very well with Illusionary counter then it can be deadly
I use scepter/torch and staff, scepter and torch are made for each other, torch traited = 20% condi duration, scepter traited = 200 condi damage.Torch is not only a lot of fun to play but is an effective condition weapon which when traited has good secondary utility skills. I use the bouncing trait for the staff and the mage, mage if you position yourself right can hit 3 enemy targets with his traited bounce, that and IP traited CoF is good aoe confusion on small clusters. Initiate all that with the prestige and throw in its 4k aoe burn and you might see some situational potential.
(edited by tii.7192)
Actually i should qualify that, the 4k 5s aoe burn is with duration food, without it is 3.75 seconds and 2451 damage. If nothing else it shows the benefits of condition duration in a condition build.
I love torment, its great if you land the hit.
I love torment, its great if you land the hit.
IF being the key word.
i think it is too weak for wvw. it won’t get triggered most of the time. i would love to be able to use torment more often, but like this its just luck and the other classes that have it can apply it in way better ways. there was also no need to reduce the dmg of the vlock attack as torment barely gets triggered.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
i think it is too weak for wvw. it won’t get triggered most of the time. i would love to be able to use torment more often, but like this its just luck and the other classes that have it can apply it in way better ways. there was also no need to reduce the dmg of the vlock attack as torment barely gets triggered.
It is nice to have Torrent, but Anet needs to fix the skill as it is, it just doesnt work out very well in most situations – Might be fine 1vs1 or even 1 Vs 2 but in group fights both in WvW and S/TPvp it just doesnt work.
It would work better (imo) if it worked like Chaos Armor and that anyone that hits you in its duration gets afflicted with Torrent – that way it wont be wasted so much and you can continue to attack/move/dodge or what ever
Torment Aura – Enveloped in Torrent Aura for 8seconds. Any attack against you during this will inflict the target with Torrent That lasts 5 seconds and stacks in intensity
The cool down i am not sure about – Would think somewhere between 30-45seconds would be enough.
It’s a strong condition, but you need a build that’s going to make the most of it, and keep you alive.
I have it on a 9 1/2 second cooldown with a 16 second duration. So I have the opportunity to get 10 stacks.
In a condition build it can last for 10.5s on an 11s cooldown and does 8k damage if ur enemy is moving. Simply awesome sauce.
This^ if you go full condi with Rabid or Carrion it hits like a truck and really helps fill out condi builds.
Mesmers got the best of Torment no doubt.
Mesmers got the best of Torment no doubt.
Such a slap to the face for necros XD
Torment is amazing. I can get 12k damage out of it if they are moving over like 10-11 seconds. It will force most people to cleanse, and most thieves to stealth/SR to remove it. It really helps put condition pressure on enemies in small skirmishes. It’s also very lethal to other condition users, especially necros.
There’s a bunch of vids in this thread with me using it