I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis
With the first WvW season coming in possibly next reset, hopefully fellow mesmers are ready to roll.
Personally I’m going to test a new triple stab glamor build, which will hopefully get me some bags while doing mesmerly stuff. How are other WvW oriented mesmers preparing for the season?
I am honestly improving my skills as a mesmer. I am trying to get better while being in organized groups, but I am not the best at it, so. I am always theorycrafting new builds, and the only new things are the mantras so ill be working on making good zerg spec with them. I am thinking of going full mantra mesmer (gasp) and going either 30/30/10 or 30/30/0/10 for a backline killer. On the roaming side of things, I am pretty set, since I play a variety of specs depending on how many people I roam with. Finally, for the season, I am ready to have fun! Also stocking up on money
So what are the specific zerg builds you are going to run today, ladies and gentlemen?
I am very new when it comes to mesmer-ing around and I would like to run something that will make me useful and also allows me to tag stuff, because I am a little greedy asura.
My first idea is to go with something like this:
With the option to switch to traited to Warden’s Feedback for more reflection (defending sieges?) and also get Dazzling Glamours if I see hammer trains nearby.
But it took me like 1 minute to make this build, so I am pretty sure it is horrible.
Good luck and have fun!
Gonna stick to a Mantra build a while, see if I can improve. GS/Staff, MoRec, MoP, MoC, veil, timewarp. Currently on a 0/30/20/20/0 build (gear stats goal is around 2000/2000/2000/1500, no healing or condition). Screw backline, this can easily frontline together with guardians
Might change to 30/20/0/20/0 if I decide to go 3 charge mantras but I am a little reluctant to loosing that much toughness. Worth giving it a chance I guess.
No clue yet!
Currently running 20/20/0/30/0. Standard PvE phantasm layout but relocated traits/utilities to be more zerg-friendly.
Lots of reflects, big ole Illusionary Berserker swings, feedback on revive, and Veil and Mantra of Concentration happily slotted for team support.
Love kubetz’s build though! I might have to try something similar out! I haven’t ridden the Rune of Perplexity wave yet and maybe now is the time.
I’m going to test a new triple stab glamor build,
Love kubetz’s build though! I might have to try something similar out! I haven’t ridden the Rune of Perplexity wave yet and maybe now is the time.
Thanks for your kind words !
I’ve been looking for zerg build yesterday and found this thread .
I wanted to try focus instead of pistol as I think it will bring extra utility in more “zergy” fights and sieging and I feel that GS has more tagging potential than staff. So I moved last 5 points from Chaos trait line to Duel because I did not see any great trait there to pick instead of Chaotic Dampening, but I may be just blind.
But I have this strong feeling that I should move another 5 points from Chaos to give up the 20% protection uptime and take a nice juicy trait instead, like Phantasmal Fury, Empowered Illusions, Mental Torment or even Desperate Decoy (because I am a nub). As a extra bonus I would get also solid offensive stat gain.
I would love to see some other builds people are planning to run.
How about this build? It has five sources of glamour fields.
edit: nevermind… for some reason I was thinking Chaos Storm was effected by Confusing Enchantments…
(edited by Helios.3598)
Gonna stick with me condition build. Eat your conditions, thieves, EAT THEM.
Love kubetz’s build though! I might have to try something similar out! I haven’t ridden the Rune of Perplexity wave yet and maybe now is the time.
Thanks for your kind words
I’ve been looking for zerg build yesterday and found this thread .
I wanted to try focus instead of pistol as I think it will bring extra utility in more “zergy” fights and sieging and I feel that GS has more tagging potential than staff. So I moved last 5 points from Chaos trait line to Duel because I did not see any great trait there to pick instead of Chaotic Dampening, but I may be just blind
But I have this strong feeling that I should move another 5 points from Chaos to give up the 20% protection uptime and take a nice juicy trait instead, like Phantasmal Fury, Empowered Illusions, Mental Torment or even Desperate Decoy (because I am a nub
). As a extra bonus I would get also solid offensive stat gain.
I would love to see some other builds people are planning to run.
So that build has a recommendation for the Chillruption build, which is also super strong. I’m not a big interrupt fan as a lot of our interrupts have stupid long cooldowns and lose their potency in PvE, which still takes up 30-40% of my play time.
Anything with a 0/0/20/20/0 base template gets you a variety of glamour, reflect, and interrupt mechanics to play with.
Personally, I have a hard time giving up reflection skills. Feedback, Veil, and the “feedback on revive” are some of my biggest sources of damage. For those, keep in mind that every damage tick you see from a reflection is both damaging the other side AND preventing that same damage to your teammates. It can be huge. Feedback has the added benefit of crazy-stupid targeting. If you have no target, it pops up 900 feet in front of you – including through many keep doors.
So that build has a recommendation for the Chillruption build, which is also super strong. I’m not a big interrupt fan as a lot of our interrupts have stupid long cooldowns and lose their potency in PvE, which still takes up 30-40% of my play time.
Yeah, I also like to use builds that can also perform well in other scenarios (like PvE). I wish there was a black lion account bound item allowing you unlimited resets of traits (maybe working like their special salvage kit), I would buy it sooo fast.
Feedback has the added benefit of crazy-stupid targeting. If you have no target, it pops up 900 feet in front of you – including through many keep doors.
TIL! No idea why I never tried it without target I don’t know. Thanks!
So that build has a recommendation for the Chillruption build, which is also super strong. I’m not a big interrupt fan as a lot of our interrupts have stupid long cooldowns and lose their potency in PvE, which still takes up 30-40% of my play time.
Yeah, I also like to use builds that can also perform well in other scenarios (like PvE). I wish there was a black lion account bound item allowing you unlimited resets of traits (maybe working like their special salvage kit), I would buy it sooo fast
Feedback has the added benefit of crazy-stupid targeting. If you have no target, it pops up 900 feet in front of you – including through many keep doors.
TIL! No idea why I never tried it without target I don’t know. Thanks
I recently posted a new Chillruption WvW build using GS-Sw/F if you want to check it out in my signature. High power, nice reflects, big interrupt potential using pushes/pulls. You could easily slot feedback as well for arcane thievery when zerging.
EDIT: If you don’t want to wade through all that text, here is a direct link to the build: http://tinyurl.com/l4w2kyk
(edited by skcamow.3527)
I’m going to test a new triple stab glamor build,
Veil can be swapped out for portal, or feedback if you want to be more greedy.
The calculator does not have dire stats (Condi-tuf-vit) which I think is ideal. Survivability can increase if you swap out runes of perplexity for runes of melandru and use -condi duration food rather than +condi duration. That frees you up one of your inspiration traits for focus trait.
(edited by Heinel.6548)
I recently posted a new Chillruption WvW build using GS-Sw/F if you want to check it out in my signature. High power, nice reflects, big interrupt potential using pushes/pulls. You could easily slot feedback as well for arcane thievery when zerging.
EDIT: If you don’t want to wade through all that text, here is a direct link to the build: http://tinyurl.com/l4w2kyk
I’ll have to try this out!
I usually avoid Interruption builds. I’m rarely close enough for GS5 to land, though every now and then I nab a few. Interrupt mantra isn’t worth the utility slot. Rarely enough clones survive long enough to land their Daze interrupt. Focus pull is really my only source of semi-reliable interruption and I usually leave that up for the reflect, so speccing around interruption seems risky with only 1-2 interruption skills.
I’ll definitely try it though. It sounds like when it DOES land, it’s big. But without AoE Daze, clone on dodge, and Staff I feel like I’m kind of watering down the build.
I recently posted a new Chillruption WvW build using GS-Sw/F if you want to check it out in my signature. High power, nice reflects, big interrupt potential using pushes/pulls. You could easily slot feedback as well for arcane thievery when zerging.
EDIT: If you don’t want to wade through all that text, here is a direct link to the build: http://tinyurl.com/l4w2kyk
I’ll have to try this out!
I usually avoid Interruption builds. I’m rarely close enough for GS5 to land, though every now and then I nab a few. Interrupt mantra isn’t worth the utility slot. Rarely enough clones survive long enough to land their Daze interrupt. Focus pull is really my only source of semi-reliable interruption and I usually leave that up for the reflect, so speccing around interruption seems risky with only 1-2 interruption skills.
I’ll definitely try it though. It sounds like when it DOES land, it’s big. But without AoE Daze, clone on dodge, and Staff I feel like I’m kind of watering down the build.
I know interrupt builds can be a bit gimmicky due to the RnG, but if you do it right it can pay huge dividends and are a ton of fun to play (especially a build like this one helping the team with the mass cc it does).
For CI, I’ve found the best way to interrupt is a raw push or pull, in the case of a mesmer especially because they are AoE. We can save AoE daze (GS2 > shatter and chaos storm) for the original Chillruption build. This one does it a bit different and adds a load of utility to it.
Here’s an attack chain to try out.
If you can pull all that off you win a troll award.
For GS#5 fun, try this (just like the original Chillruption build):
You have lots of utility here. With glamours traited it makes it very flexible. You can also take signet of inspiration and share all that might you’re bound to get with your team. Going more of a supportive route, you can trait signet CD’s instead of halting strike and medic’s feedback if you need to.
Running with the frontlines as usual
I tested a new frontline shatter build that provides a bit more high-risk high-reward playstyle but it’s very hard to play in my current matchup (against Abaddon and Desolation) facing 50-60+ man zergs… gonna share it with a proper thread in a few days along with the more tanky build I’m running during this matchup and I’m more confident with, having used it in previous zergy matches.
With the first WvW season coming in possibly next reset, hopefully fellow mesmers are ready to roll.
Personally I’m going to test a new triple stab glamor build, which will hopefully get me some bags while doing mesmerly stuff. How are other WvW oriented mesmers preparing for the season?
My main is a mesmer, who commands a lot on my server. I am current running a ptv build. I have pretty low damage but I never die it’s so awesome. 30/0/20/20/0 again all ptv traits. I use the mantra heal because it has a 10 second cool down, emo w’s 3 conditions and heals for 11,000! Utilities are blink, decoy and portal/the stability mantra. Hit me up ingame if u wanna learn about it, If u wanna go full tank and never die like me it’s so fun!
Can someone recommend a build with rabid gear(cond dmg) that works in big groups fights?
Prepare for a wall of text.
I’ve been running two versions of GS/Staff, depending.
1. Maximum iBeserker production and good shatter
20/20/0/0/30 – Great for traiting GS/Staff, +15% illus damage, far-reaching manip, deceptive evasion, +3% damage per, extra bounce, illusionary persona.
2. Super cool feedback bubbles giving more group support
0/20/0/25/25 – Far-reaching manip, decept. evasion, medics feedback, temp. enchant, +3% damage per, Extra bounce. You get phant regen and +15% phant damage
I used to run Staff/Sw/Focus. Great for staying alive, can be good for leap/swap immob on runners. But really best for roaming, not zerging. The GS range and cripple from iBeserker is also good at catching runners when combined with super blink.
Things I can’t imagine playing/zerging without:
1. Blink extended range
2. Superior runes of the Traveler
3. PTV (Soldier’s) Armor [Mostly]
Cool Stuff:
1. Use super blink to beat everyone to the champion of tower/etc, drop chaos storm on it, enjoy all the chaos armor bubbles as everyone arrives and leaps to attack.
2. Make a game of how many foes you can tag with your GS laser beam
3. Time warp siege equipment and your team in standoffs
4. Anything using a portal
Zerging comes down to:
1. Mobility
2. Damage, esp. AOE
3. Surviving.
Staff/Scepter/Focus. 0/20/30/20/0. Trait Staff, Focus, Deceptive Evasion, then whatever else seems fun. Maybe Prismatic Understanding and run stealth skills, or maybe Chaotic Interruption.
Gives you ranged, condition-focused damage. Stay backline and situation-aware to run.
(edited by Shtos Vant.4182)
Thanks for the quick reply, i like staff coz it also helps my group problem i have with it is the lag, its impossible to place down chaos storm in a place where u got 200-300 ppl fighting, i spam it for 10 times on the ground and nothing happens.
I think i’ll try to get mirror images and lots of clones while shattering with cry of frustration to apply confusion,also glamours and reflects.
I’m currently a frontline Mesmer, facing against AM and Gandara. I’m full zerk, but almost never die in zergs. Cause of dodge + distortion (sword #2 skill). I also use Superior Sigil of Stamina which resets my stamina every kill. And you can already guess, in zergs you get kills all the time. Basically I can dodge infinitely.
Though I have problems when I don’t get kills and have to usually retreat to midline caster. Thinking about changing my zerk armor for Knight’s or something. But it’s gonna be really expensive if I have to buy another 6 runes of the traveler. So I’m kinda hesitant.
Thinking about changing my zerk armor for Knight’s or something. But it’s gonna be really expensive if I have to buy another 6 runes of the traveler. So I’m kinda hesitant.
If you are in full zerker and trying to get more survability, what about keeping your zerker armor and getting PVT trinkets for karma? You won’t have to buy another set of traveler runes that way.
(edited by kubetz.3058)
Thinking about changing my zerk armor for Knight’s or something. But it’s gonna be really expensive if I have to buy another 6 runes of the traveler. So I’m kinda hesitant.
If you are in full zerker and trying to get more survability, what about keeping your zerker armor and getting PVT trinkets for karma? You won’t have to buy another set of traveler rules that way
Yeah I guess that would be better. thx
I’m currently a frontline Mesmer, facing against AM and Gandara. I’m full zerk, but almost never die in zergs. Cause of dodge + distortion (sword #2 skill). I also use Superior Sigil of Stamina which resets my stamina every kill. And you can already guess, in zergs you get kills all the time. Basically I can dodge infinitely.
Though I have problems when I don’t get kills and have to usually retreat to midline caster. Thinking about changing my zerk armor for Knight’s or something. But it’s gonna be really expensive if I have to buy another 6 runes of the traveler. So I’m kinda hesitant.
Thanks for the quick reply, i like staff coz it also helps my group problem i have with it is the lag, its impossible to place down chaos storm in a place where u got 200-300 ppl fighting, i spam it for 10 times on the ground and nothing happens.
I think i’ll try to get mirror images and lots of clones while shattering with cry of frustration to apply confusion,also glamours and reflects.
The thing about using illusions, is that under skill lag, the clones also does not come out, even if you get the retreat. Then you also have to deal with them dying before shattering to guard staff 1s. That’s why i try to stay away from shatter builds. Otherwise, confusing enchatnments, imbued diversion/chaos storm/into the void + rune of perplexity would be ideal (in fact this just might work in smaller groups).
(edited by Heinel.6548)
I’m currently a frontline Mesmer, facing against AM and Gandara. I’m full zerk, but almost never die in zergs. Cause of dodge + distortion (sword #2 skill). I also use Superior Sigil of Stamina which resets my stamina every kill. And you can already guess, in zergs you get kills all the time. Basically I can dodge infinitely.
Though I have problems when I don’t get kills and have to usually retreat to midline caster. Thinking about changing my zerk armor for Knight’s or something. But it’s gonna be really expensive if I have to buy another 6 runes of the traveler. So I’m kinda hesitant.
X/IV (or V for more survivability)
But this build isn’t really optimal when there’s loads of skill lag. It’s build around having insane illusion damage, but with skill lag (or big zergs in general) your illusions will only live to do 1 attack, or die before they even have a chance to do that.
I’ve been messing around with this, and it’s working pretty well:
X/IV (or V for more stealth)
Veil+Blink on both builds, the 3rd is optional (usually Portal). Though Decoy works well with the second build due to the XII (Prismatic Understanding). Together with Veil and Mass invis grants great survivability.
And like I said, full zerk gear. Mesmer’s can kinda get away with it cause of their great survivability skills. Just don’t run full force into big zergs and you’re good. Dodge out when you’re taking too much damage and retreat a bit to the mid/backline until the zerg targets someone else, then go in again.
GS +
Sword/Focus (CC for zergs)
or Sword/Pistol (for roaming+solo battles)
(edited by Charming Rogue.8071)
I’ve been testing with GS in my premade, and I see I am more useful for my guild with staff than GS.
There’re some issues with izerker that makes staff a better choice for me.
The damage is very irregular. Sometimes, it tags very few targets. Sometimes he needs a lot of time to do the attack, cause the tagged enemy is moving. And even sometimes, it dies before it starts the attack.
I think that GS is much better for pug zergs, since people usually don’t go very organized, and you take more credit from the autoattack. But in my guild, a lot of the enemy zergs tent to die fast, or in the first charge there’re a lot of downed people, and I find the staff much useful.
What do you think?
I don’t like it. Like I said, I can hardly tag mobs. Not as many as with GS. Less tagging also means you’re providing for less overall damage in the zerg. That being said, I’m usually swinging my sword more with Blurred Frenzy in zergs, than equipped with GS. I only use GS to attack ppl that are far to put them in combat mode.
Maybe I’ll try Staff + Sword/Pistol (or Focus) combo. See how that works out. The staff is nice survivability, but I’m not sure about the usefulness when I’m build for damage and not conditions. I’ll give it a try.
tbh, the only skill that truly shines in Staff is Chaos Storm (and to a degree, Chaos Armor) for me, the rest is kinda meh. GS izeker does a nice AoE cripple from 1200 range to catch up to people. Mind Stab for removing Stability, iwave for CC. GS is pretty good, not just for damage.
EDIT: I’ve tried Staff + Sword/Pistol(Focus), it’s alright. Chaos Storm is amazing in zergs and gives great support, but I just miss iZerker so much :P Also, staff #1 is pretty useless without condition damage.
(edited by Charming Rogue.8071)
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