(edited by Vash.1920)
Hey mates,
those who like me – have fun
those who think i´m an idiot – have fun
those who were asking about shatter tipps – here it is
those who were asking about GS-Roaming – here it is
(edited by Vash.1920)
Nice vid mate.
I’m currently trying shatters, care to share your build?
Yeah real nice, almost felt sorry for those people you bursted down
Seems like a 20/20/0/0/30 with zerker gear and trav runes.
Finally!! youtube did it! ^^ sry for deleting – pls comment or like it again =D have fun
Stal.8754. You can be sure I share all i know with everybody who asks. Contact me ingame for detailed informations or watch my “Vashury Mesmer Builds”-Video.
(edited by Vash.1920)
Very good! Thanks for sharing. I looked for your build video on your channel but couldn’t find it. I saw your build preview video but no part showed your build only spoke about what the build can do, which is impressive anyway.
Excellent vid ! Thank you for sharing. I wannabeshatter now. All your fault :p
I have been playing shatter for over 320 of my 420 hours on mesmer now but dang, I don’t do what you do. Whenever I go in for a double kill like you do, mine survive with 50% hp and immediately turn on me. With you, they seem oblivious. Not to say the enemies are all bad because you clearly have amazing skill. I’m learning to work with the GS now. The offense is great but I miss the staff during those risky situations.
Nice vid, kitten nice doesnt even come close. Half the time I cant even see what the hell you just did.
Brutal as usual Vash, nice vid.
Nice vid. I run GS shatter, too, though I switch out torch for sword or pistol, depending on the opponent(s). What do your unbuffed stats look like?
Edit: Never mind. Just watched your build vid.
Unbuffed stats in the attached file.
Well 320 Hours playtime is not bad – but compared to mine 2000h almost only on Mesmer u might see the difference ^^. I´ve collected over 40,000 roaming kills without keeps arrowcarts or the casual WvW this all are facts why I play like i play.
U shouldn´t give up – even u can´t see what i actually did. Watch it again and analyse it or just ask me ^^.
I have been playing shatter for over 320 of my 420 hours on mesmer now but dang, I don’t do what you do. Whenever I go in for a double kill like you do, mine survive with 50% hp and immediately turn on me. With you, they seem oblivious. Not to say the enemies are all bad because you clearly have amazing skill. I’m learning to work with the GS now. The offense is great but I miss the staff during those risky situations.
U can only be as good as your opponent let u be =). I´m pretty sure the Ransacker Thef at the beginnin is actually a quiet good player – but if u force classes into the defense it often seems like, they aren´t good – thats not true. But outplayed enemies just have no chance no matter how good they are they seem helpless.
50% ? – well i can only give u some tipps how i work.
1. crit chance + crit DMG > power until about 60% crit chance
2. to deal massive dmg with GS u should check out melee options – kitten?:
—>mirrorblade bounces
—> U will get might thorugh this up to 6-9 stacks
—>your enemie will get vulnerable up to 9%
—>Trait VII – bounces 1
—>Melee range: NO TRAVEL TIME . it´s not like boom…..bounce…….boom…….bounce it´s like BOOMBOOMBOOMBOOM if u are close to the target + a low chance that it bounce somewhere else
—>shatter range for illusions (mirrorblade) and yourself(personal illusiona) ^^
—>Torch brakes and deals dmg too
—>3autohits for finishing or deal additinal pressure
Staff is awesome to avoid dangerous situations – but it´s still better don´t get into those situations – that´s my tactic – u don´t need staff as long u move correct if not u will have also problems with staff. It´s no advantage to avoid risky situations with staff because u have to deal pressure on your opponent – u have to get sure that he can´t start his gameplay – staff is good to avoid such things but its also good to let your opponent come back into the game, except the shatter there is almost no dmg pressure on staff which brings your opponent 6-8sec time without beeing afraid of something. THis means he can start his gameplay and u are just avoiding this, now u are defensive and he is offensive which is always bad as long u wear berseker gear.
The best support and defense option in this game is: bring your enemie into downstate ^^
Solid and wicked fast game play my friend. Maybe people will give this a try and give condi specs a break.
I have been playing shatter for over 320 of my 420 hours on mesmer now but dang, I don’t do what you do. Whenever I go in for a double kill like you do, mine survive with 50% hp and immediately turn on me. With you, they seem oblivious. Not to say the enemies are all bad because you clearly have amazing skill. I’m learning to work with the GS now. The offense is great but I miss the staff during those risky situations.
I used to miss staff, and found it real hard to do without it the first couple times I thought to try going without it. Eventually though I decided holding on to that crutch wasn’t worth the downsides anymore and I learned to live without it. Then it became quite east after that.
I like this one well done!
Thanks for the massive tips as I have rewatched your video and especially the start where you give instructions, it’s probably me not paying enough attention to where my clones are. You always hit 3-4 clone (iPersona) mind wracks and you also make sure they’re close so they all hit. I’m going to try hard to make the greatsword work because it offers so much damage
. I’m also trying to play mesmer more. I was always the guy to play lots of classes but I’m going to try to really make mesmer my main as it’s so fun and unique!
Thx again and great gameplay.
I’m not sure why I overlooked the build video earlier but nonetheless I went on a shopping spree and got zerker gear and traveler runes and respeced to your GS roaming spec from the video. I’m hoping to get better like you! I also liked your guild support spec and will be getting some PVT gear too.
Question – Where can I get a zerker backpiece? I’m still using my rabid piece from my blackwater build.
I’m not sure why I overlooked the build video earlier but nonetheless I went on a shopping spree and got zerker gear and traveler runes and respeced to your GS roaming spec from the video. I’m hoping to get better like you! I also liked your guild support spec and will be getting some PVT gear too.
Question – Where can I get a zerker backpiece? I’m still using my rabid piece from my blackwater build.
Fractals. Takes 1850 fractal relics for it.
I’d like to add this to the stickied Mesmer Guide if you don’t mind.
I’m not sure why I overlooked the build video earlier but nonetheless I went on a shopping spree and got zerker gear and traveler runes and respeced to your GS roaming spec from the video. I’m hoping to get better like you! I also liked your guild support spec and will be getting some PVT gear too.
Question – Where can I get a zerker backpiece? I’m still using my rabid piece from my blackwater build.
Fractals. Takes 1850 fractal relics for it.
As someone who has never done Fractals..this sounds like a lot of relics.
I’m not sure why I overlooked the build video earlier but nonetheless I went on a shopping spree and got zerker gear and traveler runes and respeced to your GS roaming spec from the video. I’m hoping to get better like you! I also liked your guild support spec and will be getting some PVT gear too.
Question – Where can I get a zerker backpiece? I’m still using my rabid piece from my blackwater build.
Fractals. Takes 1850 fractal relics for it.
As someone who has never done Fractals..this sounds like a lot of relics.
If you’re farming for the relics, it absolutely is. If you simply run a fractal once a day, increasing your level slowly over the course of a month, it’s not so much.
That was… mesmerizing. Pun intended.
And so far over my head I feel like I should delete my mesmer and roll a warrior or something, lol.
I can’t get shatter builds at all even after nearly two months playing a mes.
Gee… that’s some serious kicking. I would like to know how it feels to down people (many people, actually) in few seconds… it usually takes me much longer ok, I’m on a 20/20/30/0/0 power build with same weaponsets but different gear and my shatters don’t get even close to yours
they tickle the enemy probably
I tried to look for the the video with the build and gear but couldn’t find it. Can anyone share it for me, please? Thank you
Gee… that’s some serious kicking. I would like to know how it feels to down people (many people, actually) in few seconds… it usually takes me much longer
ok, I’m on a 20/20/30/0/0 power build with same weaponsets but different gear and my shatters don’t get even close to yours
they tickle the enemy probably
I tried to look for the the video with the build and gear but couldn’t find it. Can anyone share it for me, please? Thank you
Look at Vash his channel on youtube, there is a vid. Only thing i didnt see or could not see well is what runes. But from the comments here I saw it was travellers because of the movement speed.
I did looked on his channel but could not check all the vids. If someone could point me to the right vid would be a great time saver :P
I believe it’s in this one
Hey mates, sry for not responding so long, was busy with the alpha test and my twitch channel but i need more time to make it run perfect =D – I´m kinda noob with all this new software ^^.
Yeah its traveler runes:
Mesmer condition: perplex ( i hate it but it´s the strongest in game ) or somehting else
Mesmer Berserker: Traveler > all
If u have some questions u can contact me ingame for spvp demonstrations or better support some of the traits might seem not perfect but it´s all well matched to the whole mesmer appearance.
My important support Videos:
Survival Tipps:
Basic Gameplay:
Condition gameplay:
Info: YES I PLAYED WITH perple. runes it was at the beginning of the runes tragic rise. I only played conditions setups for about 2 weeks to make this video – so right now I´m still no friend from this rune and I won´t use it again for my specs. It´s just to strong in my believing.
U can buy some good back pieces with Karma,too. It´s not so important if not all stats matches perfect ^^. I run with agony infused rings and no ascendet earrings/weapons in WvW so take it easy ^^ if u don´t have all items. U will get it soon enough ^^.
(edited by Vash.1920)
I’d like to add this to the stickied Mesmer Guide if you don’t mind.
sure why not – as long it helps people it´s ok.
@Silas Drake:
hehe – as long GW2 exists there will always be at least one little Asura and his MindWrack ^^ – would be nice to see more of us shatterer – 90% play perp. PU even in duels, I just don´t get why ^^. It´s like travel by bus – u reach your aim but u can´t say I WAS THE DRIVER ^^
But it´s a free wolrd – play what u like!
(edited by Vash.1920)
I can only aspire to be this nifty. You make wvw look fun…
I must be honest, nice video!
But then again it completely shows why I dislike shatter builds as roaming spec. 90% of your video was based around surviving, killing people by using terrain (hills to knock/pull off), 1v1’s or teamplay to kill. Not that it makes a video boring, hell the opposite, the video is fun to watch. Though I’ve yet to see shatter being a good roaming spec in actually killing people (especially more than 1 or 2 hugging eachother) alone in open field.
WvW is fun – since the patch there is also a 24/7 GUARANTEE for duels in the sanctum arena ^^- i´m already excited for my next video – Ihave captured awesome scenes the last days – and with the new Nvidia tool “Nvidia Experience Shadow Play” I can deliver ingame graphics in my comin videos.
I must be honest, nice video!
But then again it completely shows why I dislike shatter builds as roaming spec. 90% of your video was based around surviving, killing people by using terrain (hills to knock/pull off), 1v1’s or teamplay to kill. Not that it makes a video boring, hell the opposite, the video is fun to watch. Though I’ve yet to see shatter being a good roaming spec in actually killing people (especially more than 1 or 2 hugging eachother) alone in open field.
Thanks ,
if u want i can upload some scenes( duel videos) killin PU Perp Mesmer, condi thiefs or trolling warriors with shatter . And as a little feature i will be naked in this duels – shatter = fun no matter what terrain,map,enemie – sure u also can fail pretty fast but thats the action i need ^^
PS: i know that it´s nearly impossible to kill PU mesmer with perpl naked in duels as soon they have the same skill level like the shatter mesmer but it´s still fun to play something “rare”!!!
And aslong i works in duels,roaming,trolling with map and team fights — so what kind of fights u miss ?
(edited by Vash.1920)
Oddly enough I independently just ran across your video on youtube (suggestions).
Nice video!
Open field roaming solo fights where you fight 2 or more enemies that don’t hug eachother or spam 1 because they don’t even know who’s the real player. I just mean, all I see are 10 sec kills because the enemy couldn’t dodge the first burst. I’m sure you have fights where they actually dodge the first 1 or 2 bursts and fights last longer than just 1shot kill. Especially against multiple enemies. What you gonna do then? That’s the stuff I’d like to see.
Okay maybe this?:some (1vs4+ are inside)
Or this at18:40
But u should know, playing a zerker shatter build against multiple targets doesn´t mean that u can stand in the mid and just wait whats gonna happen – it is always based on avoid enemie attacks and nuke out single players until nobody is left or smash some at the same time – the real difficulty in this is, not to die and never miss a burst. i have 1860 armor for my defense, thats 200 less than a full zerker thief – I´m sure u understand that its no phantams/or condi build where u can wait on attacks until u react – u have to avoid it before it happens or u are dead – so it could seem like some of my enemies were confused but actually i just blocked their gameplay to make mine happen – obviously some of them are not the best player, but some of them are quiet good! – for example the thief in my shatter tactic video was at least rank 40+ (title) so i guess he knows what he did, but blocking others gameplay is the key to victory and I am no friend of hostages, if i see the chance to nuke i´ll grap it.
Except I train my timing with trolling enemies than i´m totaly peaceful and just “play” with movement options.
So the clear answer to “what i do then” is.
with 3 enemies call them A,B,C
-B/C – confuse with movement let them rezz
-nuke the rez spot for a multi kill
-if it worked – cheers
-ifit didn´t work – panic
-confuse them with movement,stealth
-nuke B
-be happy
-stop C from rezz with cc (dace,knockback)
-stay alive
-nuke C
Thats the process, well it´s up to each player how he likes to play – i don´t see the point in stretching fights – if i can kill someone i do it – as fast as possible. Maybe it seems kinda easy but I can only say – If one of u didn´t play shatter zerker right now – do it. If one nuke fails no matter where u are, teamfight solo or roaming – u are almost done. Sure it´s easy if u match the shatter – but thats the point u can´t clean fails u have to act as good as possible especially in 1vsX with team or alone doesn´t matter. U receive incredible high direct dmg from all classes (1860 armor) u have almost no condi remove – stay alive is the job to do and it will be honored with fast kills. But staying alive is sometimes much more harder than kill enemies.
Black i gonna capture u some of the fights u wanne see in the next video – the world needs more shatter mesmer ^^
Btw – those of u who also make videos check out this:
it´s awesome ingame graphics soon! no performance problems
(edited by Vash.1920)
Thank you for describing why shatter is horrible in roaming. Just had to hear it from you.
(first video was from before the nerfs of BF and 2nd was spvp lol.)
Spvp/tpvp rank says nothing. 1. You could easily farm r50 in a week. 2. TPvP titles are easy to obtain, especially after playing a year. Having the title doesn’t mean you’re good, but just you won 50 time racing between capture points.
Anyway, you’re on kodash right? You got time to duel my s/d ele sometimes when riverside meets kodash? Didn’t really lose to shatter so far unless they were good with staff.
Hm i guess i just don´t get your point – u obviously want some easymode to do 1vs4 and all other things are horrible because they are more difficult or u use terrain or some other tricks? – well that´s what roaming is about it´s no spvp standing in a point as long as possible or turn the point – it´s a movement based fight with no map limits.
The fact that u want some duel after this conversation against a s/d ele is kinda weird we talked about shatter mesmer 1onx and roaming and why it is good in roaming – so if your aim is only to show that I´m not good than pls dude just say it and all are happy- nobody will judge u for your opinion but dont steel my time with useless conversations.
We see us in the matchup.
Okay, lets clear it up for you
You’re in tier 1, you only face super easy 1v1’s where you do 1 nuke GG and 1v3+ which you just mentioned, can’t handle if you already miss 1 nuke. I don’t see the point of running shatter then if it’s all about running around and only have fights where you either win in a few seconds or where you need to run after a few seconds.
Roaming, IMO, is about killing or escaping. I can’t imagine you surviving 3 hours straight with running solo in wvw without engaging only 1v1’s and easy 1v2’s.
Sure this build might be useful when you’re with another guy to take the attention him , but I don’t see this working when you run solo.
And easymode to do 1v4? Lol since when are 1v4’s easy mode? No, I want to see if shatter can fit the picture of what requires to roam.
Sometimes people discuss more than 1 topic in posts. Like you also did your last 2/3 posts. The duel was just because you probably duel a lot since you’re constantly talking about showing me how you duel, so yea, I’d like to duel you some time since I also duel a lot with my ele.
But okay, if you think this conversation is useless then feel free to ignore. Just seems another reason why the ‘’master of shatter’’ can’t explain why shatter is viable in solo roaming.
But okay, if you think this conversation is useless then feel free to ignore. Just seems another reason why the ‘’master of shatter’’ can’t explain why shatter is viable in solo roaming.
Seems to me he just explained how shatter is viable quite well. It sounds like it takes more skill to do that, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not viable, it just puts it at a differen point.
Skill level defines a lot of how builds roam. I personally get my kicks from engaging 1v5 or worse odds on my blackwater variant. Other builds or players can’t necessarily do that, and likewise not everyone will be able to handle a 1v4 on a glassy shatter build.
One last note is that I would definitely rank most phantasm builds as less effective than a shatter when roaming. Phantasm builds are absolutely horrendous in outnumbered fights due to how the mechanic works, but you seem to sorta be ignoring that.
Thank you for describing why shatter is horrible in roaming. Just had to hear it from you.
I thought playing this game was about having fun. Sometimes having fun can mean to play a high risk high reward spec.
Now if I ventured into WvW with that spec I would die and I would die a lot. Hopefully I would learn something along the way. Hopefully I would learn how to stay alive.
To me it seems very unforgiving. All you defense is based on knowing your enemy and your reaction time.
I don’t see why playing a difficult build makes it bad though. It clearly works for Vash although it might not work in the hands of everyone else.
But okay, if you think this conversation is useless then feel free to ignore. Just seems another reason why the ‘’master of shatter’’ can’t explain why shatter is viable in solo roaming.
Seems to me he just explained how shatter is viable quite well. It sounds like it takes more skill to do that, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not viable, it just puts it at a differen point.
Skill level defines a lot of how builds roam. I personally get my kicks from engaging 1v5 or worse odds on my blackwater variant. Other builds or players can’t necessarily do that, and likewise not everyone will be able to handle a 1v4 on a glassy shatter build.
One last note is that I would definitely rank most phantasm builds as less effective than a shatter when roaming. Phantasm builds are absolutely horrendous in outnumbered fights due to how the mechanic works, but you seem to sorta be ignoring that.
This is exactly why I asked vash to make a video of solo roaming open field against more than just 1 or 2 people who don’t know what illusionary leap is or at least against someone who actually knows what illusionary leap is.
Guess I’m the only one who’s not so impressed by the ‘’superior movement’’ aka ‘’I turn around and do it in 300% slow motion so every monkey can see what I do’‘. I wanna see kills and fights that are longer than just 10sec boom kill, next. Not just dodging in 300% slomo, 1v1’s against horrible players and knocking people off cliffs.
I’m not saying vash bad, because he’s a good mesmer, I just try to get the grip on shatter in soloroam.
He downs people, sure, but does he finish them? In most 1v3’s, nope. And well, I guess that’s my experience after 1000h+ of roaming, but 90% of the fights I have every day are those that are shown in shatter vids whereas they get totally blown up without knowing whats going on and fights that are not shown in shatter video’s which are 1v3/4’s.
Now vash mentioned he can’t handle 1v3/4’s kittenter spec, that leaves boring 1v1’s as result, so my question is: What is the point/joy of using shatter in roaming?
Edit: What I want to point out is that IMO shatter is in a really horrible state. Which is sad because it should be one of the main concepts of mesmer, though almost everywhere besides teamplay it’s not worth playing. And even in teamplay, you gotta adapt to random aoe and retal damage. Full zerk wont keep you alive even with the best movement when fighting 15 or more enemies so you gotta have to go tankier, your damage will be less and you strafe more and more to something like a warrior.
(edited by BlackDevil.9268)
What’s wrong with playing a gc shatter build?
It’s a game, and taking high risks in a game has absolutly no consequences, except maybe… having fun?
And by watching all his videos, I can say he seems to have a lot of fun playing !
Oh my. I completely forgot to write the important thing: I really enjoyed watching your video Vash. It is a pleasure to watch you play and I love how you add tips and tricks on how to play this spec.
Pyro, Vash and Blackdevil are just going to run each other in circles trying to argue that a certain roaming build archetype is superior to another (e.g., shatter > phantasm, phantasm > shatter, hybrid > shatter, condi > shatter, etc.).
Here are a few factors roamers encounter that make arguing one build archetype over another completely pointless:
1. ally numbers
2. enemy numbers
3. ally class comp
4. enemy class comp
5. ally pugs
6. enemy group guilded/pugs?
7. fight location
8. availability of terrain
9. availability of escapes
10. map population
11. personal playstyle
12. player skill
13. enemy skill
14. probability of player adds during fight
Different encounters cater to different builds. There is no superior roaming spec.
Well i´ve actually stoped turnin in cyrcle. I have fun with this build – it´s a perfect roaming build for me no matter if u are alone or what somebody else says. Buka is gettin well known not with spvp – we are roamers and the reason that we are well known is not because our roaming specs don´t work. I´ve made my statement some understood it like pyro and some didn´t. There is no reason to comment again about this, it´s impossible that everyone likes me or what I do and I´m fine with that. Btw i never said that I am the master of shatter ^^ but thanks that u connect this with me.
I hope the most player can use the video to enhance their own gameplay – my aim isn´t to be the official best mesmer on the world and i never said this, if it would be like that i would join spvp and ranked games to make my self famous. But like i´ve said – i don´t like spvp if this means that i will never be official a good mesmer than ok i don´t care. Still have 2000klicks in 4 days and 600+subscrber with only 12 videos. Thats enough for me to know some player are happy with my work.
The main reason for playin games is fun – no matter what spec,class,asura human or char, maybe some player have fun with a jumping puzzle port build – well it is like it is. There is no superior romaing build if someone plays it “wrong” – it always depends on the players personal gameplay. Mine fast and risky shatter roaming is perfectly matched for my gameplay.
(edited by Vash.1920)
I totally share your idea of roaming Vash.
You don’t have to explain here – as long as you get the kill, you are obviously in the right spot. Furthermore you have a lot of fun as it seems.
So keep up doing great tutorials that really helps to get in touch with shatter builds!
Having fun =/= the state of the concept.
I can have fun with interrupt builds while roaming, but that doesn’t mean it’s good at roaming.
Buka is well known for their arrogant behavior as I’ve gain that reply from almost everyone I asked if they knew buka. The most positive reaction I’ve gotten was: ‘’They are decent players…’‘.
I’m not saying vash is one of the arrogant people in buka, but I’m amazed he doesn’t seems to get the point that shatter lacks ability’s in roaming.
Oh that ‘’master of shatter’’ was actually a side-joke since you’re obsessed by ’’superior’’ gameplay of yourself.
But okay, have fun with your shatter builds and lets just keep it as underpowered as it is now in solo roaming.
I feel like Vash’s videos clearly show why shatter is viable when solo roaming. I will say that there are a few encounters that resulted in a win primarily because his build’s damage far exceeds most players defensive stats. I think most mesmers of average skill and a decent understanding of mesmer defensive skills (stealh, blink, etc) could run this build and see pretty good results. Mainly because if you catch the enemy with a iLeap + BF + Mind Wrack combo you are going to obliterate their health as seen in Vash’s videos. Hell, the Auto attack + iZerker in this build alone could drop 1/3 or more of someones health really fast. In fact, I have a friend who runs a build with similar damage output and more or less annihilates people 1v1 if she gets a full shatter. However, even in those encounters it is clear that Vash has a very good understanding of the movement, positioning and reaction time needed to run this kind of build at a high level.
With that said, I do see the point BlackDevil is trying to make. In the encounters I mentioned above, all the “superior” movement and skill use is not needed as much since you will more than likely win because of the enormous amount of damage you do. At Vash’s skill level, more often than not, I don’t think we’d see him challenged very much unless he was fighting 2 or more people. Because at that point, his movement & positioning (which based on his defensive stats, is essentially his primary defense. He basically HAS to not get hit as much as possible) would become more necessary. HOWEVER, you should check out more of his videos because he has had several 1v1 fights where the opponents defensive/offensive stats & skill level were at a level where the playing field was fairly leveled. I can think of a fight he had with a Warrior and a Mesmer that ended up being really close. And in those fights you could really see how proficient Vash is at dodging, repositioning, and shattering to defend himself to make up for the fact that he has, IMO, an almost suicidal amount of armor and vitality lol.
I can understand where you are coming from though. I love to see videos showing a player being really tested (even if they lose) so you can see what kind of skill level you’d need to perform as they do. I a big fan of Seven Mirror’s style of play. This vid is one of my favorites. Anyways, I think shatter works just fine when roaming. I peronally prefer more of a tankier hybird shatter at the cost of some damage but that’s just me.
I totally share your idea of roaming Vash.
You don’t have to explain here – as long as you get the kill, you are obviously in the right spot. Furthermore you have a lot of fun as it seems.
So keep up doing great tutorials that really helps to get in touch with shatter builds!
Ty – =)
Black I guess it´s the best i say u are right with everything. I will kepp up ^^. no matter whats happen. Those who don´t like it don´t have to watch it.
nice video gj vash..
Vash: The best support and defense option in this game is: bring your enemie into downstate..
- yes, and vice versa being not downstate(in for team orientations) however we see pleanty zerker players mostly pve players.. and as u mention the same, shater build is good for them and when u see tank players its getting harder imo.. and there is aanother challenge that conditions bursts.. u say traveler>all i like lyssa its roaming we dont know whom we ll encounter.. its happening while traveler doesnt survive us lysssa can.. (me either doesnt have lyssa on wvw) and me either fan of shatters and i am earlier pvp player and now www/gvg, except pve.. and not played roam spec regularly.. i am experianced all parts of game.. however pasif gamer at all now.. u asked why %90 play PU perplexity.. u say u reach your aim..(if i understand corrcect.. so its fair that play as it)
u say u can record naked vs pu perp mesmers.. we already dueled.. and u lost and for 2nd round its distrupted.. but it was easy match( i dont mention u sux, however i already say u good player.. me either not upskilled player.. however had a pu build.. and i know if i had my other pu hybrid mantra it was easier for me) u say u play versus your skill player.. zerker shatter win or condi tank win? with 10 matches.. and pu is better vs more players.. that it gives more mobility.. example this one easy game.. tank as kitten.. protection weakness +400 armor.. or this one 2 days Pu pov un editied..
anyway.. i am still fan of shatter game style.. or shatter hybrid invul spec as gvg pov or s
anyway keep it up.. i enjoy to watch your videos..
and why dont u shatter if u wanna tripple as f1 f3 f2 ? i think its better than f1 f2 f3
and wanted to remind i still hate on nerf bf to become evading.. still couldnt find why it happened cuz of its over powered?
(edited by Azo.5860)
Always good to see that there are still some shatter mesmers roaming around. I’m running a similar build at the moment although slightly more defensive with traited torch for additional condi cleanse.
Sadly it seems like the devs don’t like shatter builds and thus are buffing the already superior (at least in terms of forgiving mistakes and skill floor) PU and phantasm builds.
However, the build is still viable and always good for fast and tense fights, so as long as there aren’t any nasty nerfs incoming, i think we’ll be fine
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