[Video] Hybrid PU Mesmer - WvW Roaming #1

[Video] Hybrid PU Mesmer - WvW Roaming #1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dreadlord.5419


Hey guys!


I just compiled my first roaming video and thought I’d share it with you all. I’ve played mesmer for about 190 hours total so there are quite a few noobish mistakes made throughout, but I thought the battles were, for the most part, good and entertaining!

I’m using Doiid’s roaming build (but with traveler runes over centaur runes) posted here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Maximised-Hybrid-Phantasm-Build-Roaming/first

Link to the build with the gear/food I used in these clips: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fgAQNAR8alwzKqHTTsGbNJipHBnvBcnKAdkKoalUgbXIA-jkCBYLBCpBmiAi+AmEBIHqIaslhFRjV7ATViIq2boIa1SBAzwI-w

Enjoy the show!

[Video] Hybrid PU Mesmer - WvW Roaming #1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dreadlord.5419


Youtube is still chugging, 1080p should be up shortly, I hope!

[Video] Hybrid PU Mesmer - WvW Roaming #1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dreadlord.5419


1080p is up and running!

[Video] Hybrid PU Mesmer - WvW Roaming #1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pwent.2639


Fun fights. Always remember to double up on veil and dont be afraid to f1 shatter that last little bit of health it can sometimes down them right before they get there heal off. F3 has its places in every mesmer build pleas use it more often (before you get out your phantasms).

For example with sw3 f3 sw3 sw2

Edit: and keep up the vids dont let downers stop you.


(edited by Pwent.2639)

[Video] Hybrid PU Mesmer - WvW Roaming #1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dreadlord.5419


Thanks for the nice comments!

I do try to double stealth on veil most of the times, however, sometimes I feel it is neccessary not to. One example is where your enemies are spamming the veil in hoping you will actually still be there, as in the last clip where you can see the Ranger laying down muddy terrain and the Ele casting the static field. Furthermore, in the clip with the two necros, I badly wanted the stomp on the Ele asap, hence it would in my opinion be a bad idea to wait around for a second stealth on veil. Fighting 2 opponents is always better than fighting 3 even though it may seem wasteful to use that many long CD skills for such a purpose.

I am remarkably bad at using my shatter skills though, and this video showcases that clearly. Thanks for noticing! I will try my best to incorporate them into my gameplay more often.

[Video] Hybrid PU Mesmer - WvW Roaming #1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

I have to say, the music gave me a headache and I found It painful to listen to for so long.

Nice to see another Mesmer making videos, I look forward to seeing more.

[Video] Hybrid PU Mesmer - WvW Roaming #1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dreadlord.5419


Thank you for the feedback!

The choice of music might not suit everyone, or many at all for that matter. So with that in mind, I have something more neutral planned for the next video!