[Video] Utility Carry

[Video] Utility Carry

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079




Primary Role: Marksman
Secondary Role: Support

1. 40% CDR in GS Somewhat made my Playstyle sluggish in prev Vid coz Phantasm recharge was too fast. Made me somewhat uneasy to swap weap if iZerker CD Was around 3-4s left.
2. So i Took Shatter Remove 1 Boon to become somewhat more “Mesmerish” coz Mesmer has 1 of the best Boon Removal in the Game
3. Another reason to take Shatter Remove Boon is to counter DD EL coz most of my DD EL Friends are so beast in team fight.
4. Even thou i don’t take IP. Shatter Remove boon still good.
5. Last Util slot is free. Normally i use Arcana Thievery for Solo/ Duo/ Trio. Null for 4 or 5 People.
6. I removed Manip Range +300. Blink become shorter but it bring back 3s Immob every 6s Sword #3 with Sword CDR 20%. Yes it is nerfed but it still powerful in team fight. But in zerging Manip +300 is better compared Sword CD 20% coz u just go – Drop the Baby – Out in Zerging.
7. Sigil for GS is Air and Energy. More dodge after swap from Sword for easier repositioning + to Abuse Shatter Remove Boons.
8. Utility Carry means U can deal damage but not as hard as True Carry but u also offer utility to compensate.

Special Thx for everyone who did theorycrafting with me. I really like the Shatter Remove Boons. Well at least i can counter some Class that rely to Boons for Team Fight.

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] Utility Carry

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Hey Nevhie, Wastrel’s Punishment (Dom 25) is doing a whole lot of nothing for you.

Judging by how you play, I think you should totally swap it with either Illusionary Elasticity or Illusionary Invig in Illusions

Edit: Btw, though I didn’t see the entire thing (saw like 10 mins in), some of those fights were pretty hype and that 4v10 was niiice.

(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)

[Video] Utility Carry

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lynnie.7213


Beast Mesmer! Nice damage and survivability!

Necromancer – Ranger WvW/Spvp/Pve/Build/Guide videos:

[Video] Utility Carry

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nevhie.6079


Uhmm i need the Condi Duration to make my iZerker Criple become 1,75s. From Trait is 25% and i eat food +40%. So it’s 65%. Base iZerker Criple is 1s so it becomes 1,65s. But it’s the Game mechanic if ur Duration Value is -0,1s from next rounded up it will rounded up. So with 65% Condi Dura i can have 1,75s iZerker Criple/ hit.

It also gives me.. Small Power…. By 50… Hahaha… Yeah i know it’s somewhat Awkward. Sure i can use sigil Condi Dura 10% But it will make lose Sigil of Air for DPS or Dodge sigil for repos tool which is not good.

Thanks! Hope u enjoy the Vid XD~

GreatSword Mesmer
Jade Quarry, Strike Force [SF]

[Video] Utility Carry

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Ah I see, cool. Never knew that.

But still, I don’t think the small amount of extra cripple and power are a better benefit than the considerable damage boost Elasticity would give your GS or Invig would give your shatters