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Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Since there aren’t many videos of Lockdown Mesmer out, I tried to upload a few to hopefully help out people who may be having a hard time learning the playstyle. I use a variety of builds in these different clips, some using CS (6/6/0/2/0) and some using CI (4/4/6/0/0)
I’ll try to keep this thread updated for long as I can.
Chaotic Interruption build link – 4/4/6/0/0
Confounding Suggestions build link – 6/6/0/2/0
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Love that classic CI set-up.
Just watch the demo, very interesting.
Can I ask if you could try this build out. It is a jack of Lockdown, reflect, PU and power play.
I mostly use rune of Hoelbrak and Celestial amulet for more survival.
Ok just finished watching everything. Very interesting. One thing I have to ask,
Finally, your duel with WOC, from what I can see, this shows the limitation of mantras. Once used up, you were opened to some serious damage.
Never the less Loved it, learnt a lot.
Keep posting.
(edited by Blades of Sabatine.5639)
Thanks man! You do the jump by jumping at the same time you hit dodge. For me I hit spacebar + v.. which is why you sometimes see me jumping around randomly when I’m trying to mash out a dodge I don’t have endurance for. x_x
And as for the build, I’m going to give it a shot soon if not tonight. You had posted it in the testing thread earlier, so I already had it in my sights. To be honest.. I have no idea what to expect from it. o_O Can you give me some sort of playstyle breakdown?
Watching these videos with popcorn is fun, especially the one where Chaos uses GS.
Watching these videos with popcorn is fun, especially the one where Chaos uses GS.
You missed out yesterday, a bunch of us hopped into the OMFG arena and beat eachother up, 3v3s, 2v2s and all! We gotta do that more often.
And that GS training.. >_< Every match I get better and better till I finally beat you. Best believe I’m coming back for revenge soon!
Watching these videos with popcorn is fun, especially the one where Chaos uses GS.
You missed out yesterday, a bunch of us hopped into the OMFG arena and beat eachother up, 3v3s, 2v2s and all! We gotta do that more often.
And that GS training.. >_< Every match I get better and better till I finally beat you. Best believe I’m coming back for revenge soon!
I need good fights so keep them coming. I did see that the OMFG arena was full last night, however I was doing spvp training with my guild so yea couldn’t come (I won every 1v1 on mes though)
Rylock go on, im on now
Hi Chaos, you and warlord are 2 Mesmer beasts lol. I never really tried interrupt builds and grabbed on my rusty Mesmer and tried and I must tell you it’s so much fun
I need some directions and help, if you or anyone don’t mind. First I’m a core WvW player and I came up with a build with staff + sw/sw, zerker gear with trav runes.
6 (I / II / XIII)
2 (II)
6 (V / VIII / XI)
I dueled a warrior, Mesmer and won but lost to a power engi, but that’s not the case. I wanted to ask what you think about the build? I saw that you used one 4/4/6 and tested with warlord a 6/6/0/2 what’s your thoughts about it?
When using a interrupt build I feel I can beat any class 1v1 (this don’t mean I beat them in the end lol) but when I face 1v2 I start panicking probably I’m still not used to interrupt builds.
Anyway thank you for any help and advice you can give me. I blame you and warlord for not being playing in my ele. Lol
(edited by jadak.9157)
Hi Chaos, you and warlord are 2 Mesmer beasts lol. I never really tried interrupt builds and grabbed on my rusty Mesmer and tried and I must tell you it’s so much fun
I need some directions and help, if you or anyone don’t mind. First I’m a core WvW player and I came up with a build with staff + sw/sw, zerker gear with trav runes.Build:
6 (I / II / XIII)
2 (II)
6 (V / VIII / XI)I dueled a warrior, Mesmer and won but lost to a power engi, but that’s not the case. I wanted to ask what you think about the build? I saw that you used one 4/4/6 and tested with warlord a 6/6/0/2 what’s your thoughts about it?
When using a interrupt build I feel I can beat any class 1v1 (this don’t mean I beat them in the end lol) but when I face 1v2 I start panicking probably I’m still not used to interrupt builds.
Anyway thank you for any help and advice you can give me. I blame you and warlord for not being playing in my ele. Lol
Thanks for the compliments! Its kind of funny because when power block just came out and wasn’t fixed yet (meaning it put thief skills on cd when interrupted as well as all autos could be put on cd) Chaos used a very similar build to yours. Sadly, power block at the moment is simply not as good as deceptive evasion and so I would replace power block for DE. If you plan to run CI(chaotic interruption) with s/s staff I would recommend nothing tbh, since you need traveler if youre roaming in wvw lol. Make sure you use decoy,mantra of distraction and mass invis. The third utility is optional to you and be used for blink or a condi cleanse utility. If in pvp, run a might duration rune like hoelbrak or strength since the synergy with BI and those runes are amazing, but trav is also a good option.
Anyway, for the 4/4/6 build that is the main build that chaos and I use for lockdown. It is a amazing build and is always reliable to go back to when I need to use it. Recently, chaos and I have been testing the 6/6/0/2 build and I honestly cant say much yet because im finding it much harder to play then my 4/4/6 build but it has a lot of potential. The condi cleanse it has is far superior to the CI build which is a big plus. I will let ya know how this build does but for now I cant comment since im still trying to learn it lol.
It is a shame though I have to say do not take power block. I wish I could say use it, but the 4/4/6 build and the 6/6/0/2 with confounding suggestions and not PB are just way better in every form. Why disable 1 thing when you can constantly stun people and daze for 2 seconds, locking out the entire skill bar or just immbo them for almost forever?
Also, welcome to the world of interrupt mes. I cant really give you advice on to play since id have to duel you. Interuppt Mesmer is a little different then other specs where I cant just tell you how to play it, its VERY personal playstyle based. Feel free to PM me in game so I can see how you are doing (I am on NA servers). Each profession has different key skills to interrupt or dodge and typing all of them would take a long time haha.
(edited by Warlord of Chaos.7845)
Interupts is all ive been playing for the last month. My only wish were that there were more additional effects I could add to my interrupts, with more interrupts on my skills a close second.
Great videos! Keep them up!
I wish I could play interrupt builds more. Playing in NA servers being outside NA with a huge ping makes interrupt builds not very reliable.
Thank you for your reply warlord, I took PB out in order to have DE and as you said DE is superior.
I’m trying the 4/4/6 atm to get used to interrupts and focus as well lol I still mess with timing to interrupt important skills but with time I’ll get there, I hope lol
Oh and I’m on EU servers, we can’t duel unfortunately
(edited by jadak.9157)
4/4/6 CI is by far my fav build of mesmer. I’ve been running with sword/focus and staff for quite a while…any other weapons you recommend? I guess I should try GS? I am finding trouble catching people who run away, where as GS would have brought them down. But at the same time I don’t wan to give up my staff skills :s
That immob tho. makes it so easy to hit shatters
I’ve tried out interrupt over the past few days and its beautiful when i can get in a good play 1v1 but when it comes to larger groups fights of even 1v2 or 2v2 I just lose sight of what to do. Do you guys have suggestions or potential roles in a team fight?
Good skillz.
After returning to mesmer after 12 months, it’s kinda interesting looking back over their traits I naturally settled on 4-4-6-0-0 for general play and much the same utilities. Interesting so many people gravitate to this layout, although I see many play it, do it, score it better than I do. Hopefully the skill bar episode this week will give some new things to mix it up and take mesmer in a fresh direction.
Can someone link the 4/4/6 build? This gets me interested in trying out an interrupt build. Looks very fun.
I’ve tried out interrupt over the past few days and its beautiful when i can get in a good play 1v1 but when it comes to larger groups fights of even 1v2 or 2v2 I just lose sight of what to do. Do you guys have suggestions or potential roles in a team fight?
The more the merrier. Interrupting becomes even easier when the pressure is off you and you can pick off someone casting on your allie. Just keep practicing. Half the time during a burst or sustained assault on a target, it’s just a matter of chain interrupting which comes with a bit of intuition on your part. Then they go down and you’re happy.
Can someone link the 4/4/6 build? This gets me interested in trying out an interrupt build. Looks very fun.
Thanks StickerHappy.
err that’s def not what I’m running, at least.
you can play around with runes/sigils (havent found my fav combination yet)
I had so much fun watching you and warlord duel, probably laughed more than I should have :P
I like, make some more _. Playing Lockdown since yesterday and it’s really nice !
Sneaking on real quick to note some new dueling videos (Note I know these aren’t top players, and the skill level varies but they’re all at least average. I’ll try to get some matches in versus the big names soon):
Chainstun Demo 2 Another CS chain-lockdown demonstration
Vs Guardian Not 20 minutes earlier I was talking about how I almost never lose to Guardians… Well this is what I get for my hubris. Dat Ring of Warding tho!
Those interrupts tho! Was dueling with a friend and ended up landing an almost perfect series of interrupts.
Vs Thief.. Again Fighting another, slightly better thief.
Vs Thief (Set) I didn’t win ALL our matches.. I just happened to not be recording when he was beating me earlier on. I know that barely sounds believable but.. Really!
VS S/D Ele Ugh. Made quite a few mistakes here but was an excellent, fun fight nonetheless!
And thanks for the compliments guys! I wouldn’t really call myself a beast though, I don’t play often enough to really get my skills to that level and I make silly mistakes from bad habits I picked up in hot join (Hotjoin makes you get lazy and imprecise… Its like the fast food of PvP)
Regarding big team fights, it depends on your weapon, focus pull into warden, Chaos Storm, Zerker and iWave can all be effective but as usual the best bet is focusing down single targets one by one. In teamfights your goal should be:
It helps to try and take things one step at a time. Don’t get overwhelmed trying to take out a bunch of targets at once. Play sort of like a shatter build and save your CCs for when you know it’ll matter. Don’t waste time trying to take out a Warrior or bunker Guard when there’s an Ele, Ranger, Necro ect. just waiting to have their face shattered all over.
Get carried by that build. Anyway, lemme know when you wanna bo5. I don’t mind if you record.
Get carried by that build. Anyway, lemme know when you wanna bo5. I don’t mind if you record.
Oh absolutely. Interuppt is “faceroll daze spam” (got called that last night by a warrior) and can easily be played like hambow.
Anyway, I think its time for more duels with people, including you and Chaos
who is masskillerxploit :p
who is masskillerxploit :p
A Mesmer in a pvp team on NA who plays shatter. I believe he is just joking around since he knows interrupt is hard to play well.
What is the Rytlock build that is played with GS there. please
Used to play interrupt builds in GW1, didnt think theyd be that great with GW2’s faster gameplay
Any way for me to get in the omfg arena from [EU] servers? I’d like to get some pointers for playing a mesmer like this
i understand that interupts are strong.. but are the traits strong enough to build your whole build around it? is an imob and a chill / blind that important over something else? if they are already interupted and dazed is them being stunned/imob instead of just dazed going to be the fight turning moment. im in no way saying disables/interupts are not good.. but wouldnt it be a better choice to just run the interupts and not go so deep into making it the central focus of the entire build?
I began using CI and focus after seeing the results of Warlord’s lockdown. It is, I must say, very satisfying. The AoE “stun” the GS and focus provide makes it easier to land while giving additional utilities like hitting more people and forcing people out of points, immobilized. It also feels more “heavy” and “powerful” than the subtle off-hand sword’s daze.
Again what is the build Rytlock is using please.
Again what is the build Rytlock is using please.
It’s the standard 4/4/6 lockdown spec using chaotic interruption.
Again what is the build Rytlock is using please.
It’s the standard 4/4/6 lockdown spec using chaotic interruption.
can you link the build please.
Added to the OP
Added to the OP
You guys still use lyssa with this build?
Most of the time. It’s the only condition removal when you take Decoy/Blink.
Again what is the build Rytlock is using please.
It’s the standard 4/4/6 lockdown spec using chaotic interruption.
can you link the build please.
So my 4/4/6 build actually changes a little bit. I change my runes a lot depending on what I am facing. For heavy power: strength or pack. For celestial: hoelbrak and sometimes I use null field. For heavy condi teams, I use just lyssa runes. Here is my build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAR8dlknpGtNqxMNcrNipxY6biJHSGQDlslxB-TJBFwALuCAt2foaZAAPEAA.
6/6/0/2 build with s/s staff: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQNAscWl0npGtNqxMNcrNipxcqqIdANMQpHZ8FA-TZBFwAMOCALeEAVLDA4EA4b/BA
For the 6/6/0/2 build with s/s gs, swap hydromancy for air.
(edited by Warlord of Chaos.7845)
Hmm daze mantra is aoe now. Well this makes things interesting and im going to have a LOT of fun with that
Hmm daze mantra is aoe now. Well this makes things interesting and im going to have a LOT of fun with that
Yup. This will be mandatory to find a place on my chillruption build utility bar. I’m drooling at the halting strike damage from both Imbued and this in pug zerg battles.
who is masskillerxploit :p
A Mesmer in a pvp team on NA who plays shatter. I believe he is just joking around since he knows interrupt is hard to play well.
I do talk a lot of kitten on the forums;) the reactions are too funny. The only thing about this build that does “carry” the player is the 2, 1/4 sec Immob that sets up a shatter or izerk. In a 1v1 mes v mes duel, an average 4/4/00/6 shatter mesmer will get absolutely destroyed by rylock. This build can be beaten but only by a extreme mechanically skilled shatter mesmer. You have to account for 2 steps ahead of rylock and this build. You have to realize what rylock has lost and gained when going into 446 build. He lost IP. He gained defense. He gained an extra immob. He lost the offense that IP gives. By realizing which skills can be easily interrupted, put those skills in low priority uses. Though it’s hard to low prioritize your heal skill you have to cover it with invisible or invuln. Force rylock to use his interrupts by using hard to interrupt skills then use your “easy to interrupt” skills while hes trying to get his interrupts off cool down.
(edited by masskillerxploit.2165)
You interrupted literally every single thing I tried to do that duel
I gave this build a run at the weekend and found it to be quiet fun to play def had more success than other time i have ventured into the mist with my Mesmer i ran rune of the mesmer for a bit to keep them stunned a bit longer while i got use to the play style as i am quite new to the spvp play style
thanks for the build
I have tried the build with some success over the last days in soloQ-the skill cap is high, and I do have some questions.
When I am facing a 1v1, I just cant seem to put out enough dmg with staff/sw+focus. especially against bunker/DD hybrid warriors and guardians Im having a hard time, since I try to play half-melee range and still cant seem to put out enough pressure. What I always try to do is “curtain-warden-curtain pull at half warden cast-ileap swap-blurred-weapon swap-chaos storm-warlock”
But even this combo doesnt seem to put enough pressure on my enemies. I tried to switch to GS instead of staff, but then I have even less room for mistakes and am thief-fodder again.
Any advice?
So I know I said I wasn’t going to theorycraft until patch, but I know for a fact the daze mantra is now aoe. So, after about a day of testing, I can confidently say that 4/4/6 is going to be about infinitely better then 6/6/0/2 because of the hilarious amount of interrupts youre going to get now and that means more might stacks . Anyway, here is prob the build I’m going use after patch and I will prob play around with the weps but staff is definitely going to stay on my bar since chaos storm and aoe daze will be so disgusting: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhAQJAWRlknpMt1oxRNcrNipxY6biJHSGQDlskxB-TZBFwAMeAAy3fYxlAoaZAAHBAA.
Note: I change my runes constantly from hoelbrak, traveler, pack, strength, or lyssa depending on what wep set I use or what comp I am fighting.
I like that they made MoD an AOE daze. But the radius is very very small.(180) Thinking about it, the chances of getting 2 or more interrupts in a single Power Lock are pretty slim. Its good for WvW, because of the zerg that always happens… and it will be REALLY SWEET when their are multiple rez’ers on a player in sPvP.
But other than that, I don’t know if it will really make much difference. I just wished ANet would do more to the Mantra traits themselves, like combining Mantra Mastery and Protected Mantras. And doing SOMETHING more to Harmonious Mantras.
i understand that interupts are strong.. but are the traits strong enough to build your whole build around it? is an imob and a chill / blind that important over something else? if they are already interupted and dazed is them being stunned/imob instead of just dazed going to be the fight turning moment. im in no way saying disables/interupts are not good.. but wouldnt it be a better choice to just run the interupts and not go so deep into making it the central focus of the entire build?
It’s a different, unique playstyle. Is it strong enough? Well that depends on what you want to do and how you play. Lockdown Mesmer don’t play the same way kittenter mesmer do, so the playstyle difference is better/more suitable for some people than shatter is. You can compete on almost every level with the 4/4/6 lockdown Mesmer and it performs different functions/roles from standard shatter.
However people can and do run the standard shatter and just grab Mantra of Distraction. Even then they get benefits from Halting Strike and 5/15 Domination whenever they land a daze-interrupt. It really comes down to how you want to play and what you enjoy doing.
I have tried the build with some success over the last days in soloQ-the skill cap is high, and I do have some questions.
When I am facing a 1v1, I just cant seem to put out enough dmg with staff/sw+focus. especially against bunker/DD hybrid warriors and guardians Im having a hard time, since I try to play half-melee range and still cant seem to put out enough pressure. What I always try to do is “curtain-warden-curtain pull at half warden cast-ileap swap-blurred-weapon swap-chaos storm-warlock”
But even this combo doesnt seem to put enough pressure on my enemies. I tried to switch to GS instead of staff, but then I have even less room for mistakes and am thief-fodder again.Any advice?
Well, one of the best things to try and do is the same combo that you did but try to delay the moves just a bit. You essentially wanna wait to drop Chaos Storm until you can swap back to Sword, then go
C-storm > Interrupt> iLeap/Swap > BlurredMindShatter
This is actually the most powerful burst you can put out without summoning phantasms (though phants are going to be a big factor to your damage). Another thing is to make sure to dont forget iWarlock! the warlock is a big contributor to your overall damage output that often gets overlooked/shattered before it gets a chance to throw out it’s second attack. (Keep an eye out at 30s into the Guardian fight to get an example of what I mean)
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Wow ok chaos, ignore me </3. I know youre mad I have 2 hostages now from my bounty now but we can still be theorycrafting friends <3
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