Long time mesmer player here and I’ve always been annoyed by a couple of things I’d love to see improved. As the topic says What Quality of life changes would you love to see? Here’s mine:
Portal – Have some sort of range indicator so I can tell if I’m out of range to place a proper exit portal. I put personal way points on the map to get max range atm but I shouldn’t have to do that. Also I’m annoyed I have to keep track in my head or by other means of when the entry portal is about to expire. Either put a visual count down on the skill itself or put a boon icon showing the count down (without mousing over). This is the only skill in the game I can think of that gives you no visual queues in the GUI while using it except cooldown.
On a personal level I’d love to see the functionality changed so that they removed the range and the 10sec timer when you place the exit portal. If they feel that would be over powered then they could shorten the main timer down to 45 or 30secs/mess with cooldown timer.
Blink – Sick of being punished on this skills max range due to something with the terrain. Even if its impossible to get somewhere the target will show up green and only takes you as far as possible or if you accidentally click at 1201(when speced for) the skill doesn’t work at all. I would like to see it changed so that regardless if the ground target is red it will take u as close as possible in the direction your clicking. No other class I’ve played gets punished this way when using a skill to close gaps/avoid damage/general movement around the map. Yes you could argue “click more skillfully” but when my engi uses rocket boots I don’t have any issues with going exactly where I want to go. You either click on your target or you point your character in the direction you want to go and you make it there 99% (baring bugs)
Deceptive Evasion – Move this trait somewhere in the illusion trait line be it Adept or Master. It fits more IMO for someone trying to generate clones for a shatter mesmer. Now that this trait has been moved replace it with the following under dueling:
25% Passive Run Speed Trait – Mesmer is literally the only class that doesn’t have a speed boost outside of a specific weapon skill/runes. I am so sick and tired of being pigeonholed into using a weapon/runes I don’t want to use just to keep up with my team mates in PvE/WvW(the game modes 95% of mesmers play the most….). Arenanet may not be worried about it because they only balance around sPVP but this one single problem makes me not want to play my mesmer outside of solo PvE. I love my mesmer but when I’m forced to kitten my spec just to keep up with my friends its depressing, especially when I play 4 other classes that don’t have to put up with this nonsense.